Anna Dressed in Blood

by Kendare Blake

Hardcover, 2011



Call number





Tor Teen (2011), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 320 pages


For three years, seventeen-year-old Cas Lowood has carried on his father's work of dispatching the murderous dead, traveling with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat, but everything changes when he meets Anna, a girl unlike any ghost he has faced before.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Spymer
i do believe i had enough reading books about blood and splattered guts and flesh
but i LOVED this story , but boy was this scary!

i definitely don't recommend reading this book at night if you are easily scared ( like me)
i enjoyed this so much that i kept reading it all day , and night ( big
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mistake) , that at some point i had to stop and keep it for when morning comes , because i just couldn't handle it anymore, my hearts was beating and all i kept thinking is

" what was that" "i think i saw someone"

so , the scenes where scary things happened were good, amazing!

but , i had a bit of a hard time getting into the story , the beginning was slow and not that interesting , it wasn't until Anna ( the ghost) showed her powers and made a mess with human flesh that i started focusing on the story.

The characters , i though they were good , not that intriguing but still nice to read about
Anna was my favorite , she is the queen of hell at first , then we get to see the real her , that sweet little girl who wouldn't hurt a fly . which was also good about her is that we got to look at her past and what made her who she is now , which created some depth into her character that i connected with and made me always curious about her next move.

Cas, even if we got to know a lot about him , i didn't like him very much , i didn't hate him either , but seeing things from his perspective and hearing his thoughts isn't what you call delightful .

however , i did love his relationship wish Anna , a ghost and a ghost killer.
they are both presented with this chance of happiness , yet they know it's too impossible

“You make me want things I can't have.”

The ending wasn't happy , but i felt like it was great , perfect for this story and i enjoyed it even if it broke my heart a little.

The writing was also good, i finished this book in two sittings , maybe even faster if i had enough courage to read it at night , but oh well...

i would recommend this book to you if you're looking for a scary story , something to get your heart racing , yet with interesting elements ( i loved the stories of the ghosts and their pasts)
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: Hauntingly beautiful love story filled with lots of creepy moments, sweet romance, fun characters and a very unique story.

Opening Sentence: The grease-slicked hair is a dead giveaway—no pun intended.

The Review:

Cas Lowood has a pretty crazy job.
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He comes from a long line of ghost hunters. Cas inherited the job when he was 7 years old and his father was brutally murdered by a ghost. He never truly got over what happened to his father and he vowed to one day return to finish the job his father started. He is now 17 years old and travels the country with his mother, finding and disposing of the dead. He gets a new tip about a rather vicious ghost living in Thunder Bay. Cas figures it is going to be just like any other job, but what he finds is something he never expected.

Anna Kova, or locally known as Anna Dressed in Blood is unlike any ghost Cas has ever met. When she was 16 years old she had her throat slit. She still wears the beautiful white dress she was murdered in but now it is stained with her blood. Now she haunts the house she once called home and kills anyone that enters it accept for Cas. She is no normal ghost, she is filled with rage and immense power, but there is also an underlying sense of innocence to Anna. Cas will have to travel outside of his comfort zone to defeat her. He will have to ask others for help and protect the one thing he never thought a ghost could affect; his heart.

Cas is the hero in our story and the book is also told from his POV. Cas knows how to get what he wants. He is charming, easy on the eyes, and a ghost hunter. He doesn’t allow himself the pleasure of having friends. He has never really seen the point, because as soon as his current mission is complete he will be moving on to another place. Ghost hunting helps him to connect with the father he barely got to know. It is something that they had in common, and the unresolved murder of his father keeps him motivated. He knows that his father’s killer is still out there, and one day Cas plans to destroy the monster that took his father from him. Cas was an easy character to connect with. He has a strong voice and a likable personality. He is funny and witty, but also loyal and kind. I loved his character and I am excited to get back inside his head in the sequel.

Anna is a very interesting character. In a way she is the villain of the story, but she is also a victim. She was brutally murdered and now she haunts the one place she hated most in life — her home. Anna’s life story is a tragic one and now she has become a monster. She is forced to kill anyone that enters her house and she has been dead for over 50 years. Cas is the first person in all that time that she is able to resist killing, and she finds him intriguing. He brings out the human side to her and it turns out she is a very sweet and caring ghost. I loved the complexity to Anna’s personality it made her very unique and different.

This was a very creepy, enjoyable read. First off, I am going to say that this book is really scary. There are some scenes in the book that made me want to run and hide because they horrified me so much. I don’t usually like any kind of scary movies or books, but Anna Dressed in Blood won me over. With its wonderful cast of characters, action packed plot, and the unexpected romantic twists this book is a must read for any fans of YA paranormal books. The writing is engaging and the book was really hard to put down. The ending was very satisfying, but I am interested to see where the story goes in the sequel. Also the cover of this book is perfect, not only is it gorgeous, it also fits the story perfectly. I would highly recommend this to anyone that is a fan of horror or paranormal books, but beware you will get a pretty good scare from reading it.

Notable Scene:

Anna has pulled Mike through the window and into the house. He’s screaming and bawling like a caught animal, twisting in her grip and trying to keep from looking at her face. His struggles don’t seem to bother her. Her arms are as immobile as marble.

“Let me go,” he stammers. “Let me go, man, it was just a joke! It was just a joke!”

She sets him on his feet. He’s bleeding from cuts on his face and hands. He takes one step backward. Anna bares her teeth. I hear my voice coming from somewhere else, telling her to stop or just screaming, and Mike doesn’t have any time to scream before she thrusts her hands into his chest, tearing through skin and muscle. She pushes her arms out to the sides, like she’s forcing her way through a closing door, and Mike Andover is torn in half. Both halves fall to their knees, jerking and skittering like insect parts.

FTC Advisory: Tor Teen/Macmillan provided me with a copy of Anna Dressed in Blood. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member sensitivemuse
This book has everything you want in the paranormal genre. This book was slightly different as it has a male protagonist instead of a female one (that makes up the majority of YA paranormal books) so that was a nice change. Plus, Cas is everything you want in a protagonist. He’s got the
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personality, he’s got the wit and the humor. He’s like the high school version of the Winchester brothers from Supernatural (except there’s only one of him, and two sidekicks).

The plot of this book is quite dark and has its moments of creepiness but it lightens up whenever Cas puts in a thought or two (his humor really is quite good). The description of Anna’s house and Anna herself are well done, other beings are also included and they’re just as creepy. The paranormal aspect of the novel was also well done. Anna is a ghost with personality, and as you get to know her through Cas, you start to like her as well. I really liked how she was written, despite her being a ghost, she was ‘fleshed out’ and didn’t have a cardboard personality. The other characters in the book are also fun to read, and all are likable. (Of the secondary characters, I liked Cas’ mom.)

I loved the ending of the book and it did catch me by surprise. Which is why I can’t wait to get my hands on the second one. This book was a great read, and nice to see a male protagonist lead, with a well written ghost story to accompany it. Most definitely recommended for YA readers.
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LibraryThing member poetrytoprose
I must be in the mood to get spooked because, along with Possess, this did just that!

Let me just start off by saying that I loved Cas! He was so charming and funny and, despite the fact that he has an unconventional occupation with his ghost hunting, Kendare Blake did an excellent job having him
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come across as a real teenage boy with his language, reactions, and behavior. The supporting cast was awesome as well — Carmel was especially surprising for me — because they allowed Cas’s layers to be peeled back and it was great to see him form attachments where he least expected them.

Some of the darkness in the book really took me by surprise! It’s not that it was extremely graphic or detailed, but I’m so used to a lot of YA tip-toeing around any violence. Though the summary obviously told me that Anna killed, it was shocking to see her in action. I definitely had an “Oh crap!” moment during Cas’s first visit to her house. Similarly, her story was haunting. What happened to her was awful and absolutely damaging.

As you might know by now, I love a good romantic storyline in most of my reads, but I have to say that I wasn’t quite feeling this one. I enjoyed Anna and Cas’s bond, and I loved them individually, but together? Ehhh. Sure, there were some sweet moments, but I felt that turning their relationship into a romantic one was unnecessary. Maybe it was because I had seen Anna’s violent moments, but I found the development between them to be rather “yikes!” worthy. It seemed to come up quickly and I didn’t quite understand it… Perhaps I’ll enjoy it more in the next book.

So, yes, there will be a sequel, but I thought Anna Dressed in Blood wrapped up well enough on its own while still leaving me wanting more. Definitely give this book a try — I think it will be a pleasant surprise for everyone who reads it. You might want to keep the lights on though!
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LibraryThing member annettemills
It’s been a while since I’ve read a ghost story as good as Anna Dressed in Blood. The ghosts are creepy, and the characters are interesting. There’s some witchcraft, telepathy, a little voodoo, some romance, and really, the book is about friendship.

Cass Lowood kills ghosts. He inherited this
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job, as well as his athame, from his dad, after his dad was killed by a ghost. If you are wondering, an athame is a witch’s knife. (I had to look it up.) So, Cas travels from place to place, after he finds out about a bothersome ghost that won’t stay dead and has decided to kill people. It helps that Cas’s mom is a witch, who can help keep him safe. Cas is never in one place very long, and therefore doesn’t have any friends. When he gets summoned to Thunder Bay, in Canada, he tries to lay low and doesn’t attempt to make any contacts other than finding out about the ghost, Anna.

But, this time it’s different. First of all, there’s a girl, Carmel, who is very popular and has her sights on Cas. Then, there’s Thomas who can read Cas’s thoughts – sometimes – so he figures out what Cas is up to. And Thomas’s grandfather, Morfran, who is an experienced witch, will also become a friend.

The ghost, Anna Dressed in Blood, was murdered in 1958, and has been wreaking havoc ever since. Cas’s first encounter with Anna is violent and deadly. He realizes that she is unlike any ghost he has ever dealt with, and he will need lots of help to send her away. What Cas doesn’t realize is that Anna is only the beginning. Something else is after Cas, and it’s big, and bad, and might possibly be the end for Cas.

Cas grows up during the book and realizes he doesn’t have to be such a loner. That other people can care about him and will be willing to help him. Blake’s story is creepy, violent, scary, and tense. But she also writes great characters to identify with and there’s some personal growth by the end of the story.

I’ll recommend this to teens who like a creepy ghost story and can handle a little gore, but also like a story about teens working through problems, whatever they may be.
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LibraryThing member MrsBoswellBooks
Wow. I've only read a few ghost stories, but Anna Dressed in Blood blew them all out of the water! I was initially drawn to this story by the beautiful cover and the tagline "Just your average boy-meets-girl, girl-kills-people story. . ." I thought, "This is going to be awesome" and I wasn't wrong!
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Kendare did such an amazing job telling this story.

We jump right in and meet Cas Lowood, a teenage boy with a supernatural vocation. He kills ghosts. Ok, he doesn't exactly kill them since you can't kill what is already dead. He sends them on their way, away from their earthly existence. Because of his job, Cas isn't exactly your normal teenager. He moves from state to state, following leads on wherever the next big hunt might be. He doesn't have friends, as they are something he doesn't need and doesn't have time for. Once he arrives in town to take care of Anna though, every preconceived notion he has had will be changed.

With the shock and awe of everything that occurred in this story, the one thing that bothered me was how easily Cas' friends and acquaintances believed everything he told them. It all seemed too easy and coincidental.

Other than that, the storyline was superb and the writing was fantastic. There was one scene that really stood out to me. Kendare was describing Anna coming down a flight of stairs... the way she looked and moved. That scene had me envisioning the scene in 2002's The Ring, where Samara is skittering and crawling out of the television set. It was creepy and caused goosebumps to form.

Anna is eerie, gory and wonderfully imaginative! Kendare has fashioned a story that has it all: spooky ghost stories, quirky friendships, anguish, sorrow and young love. A definite must-read for those who love a little fright!
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LibraryThing member katiedoll
Anna Dressed In Blood is officially one of my new favorite books of all time. Let's just get that established and out of the way. This review will be fairly short because I'm trying to keep the gushing to a minium. You will find that I have absolutely nothing negative to say about this brilliant
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book or its ridiculously talented author, Kendare Blake. She crafted this incredible horror story that, most importantly, scared the crap out of me, but it also made me laugh and made me swoon and, at times, nearly made me cry.

I was so weary of this book, even when I began reading it. A ghost-killer meets a pretty ghost who spares his life? Predictable. Said ghost-killer boy manages to befriend the gorgeous popular girl? Yawn. But the more I read, the more stupid my assumptions became. Anna is not predictable, not at all. It grabbed hold of me and whipped me in all sorts of directions with its daring, exciting twists and turns. There was definitely never a boring moment.

And you know a book is always a success when it can take two emotions on completely different ends of the spectrum and manage to mesh them together without fail. Anna Dressed In Blood is highly disturbing but highly entertaining at the same time. I've never had so much fun being scared and grossed out before.

I could sit here and dissect this book for you all, but I don't think I need to. Whoever said there's no such thing as perfection is a liar because Anna Dressed In Blood is the perfect horror story - scary, disturbing, romantic, intense and action-packed and so, so much more. I cannot begin to stress how much you all need to get yourself a copy of this book. A million and one stars to Anna!
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LibraryThing member skaohee
I fell in love with this book in the first page. Why? Because it references North Carolina.

Okay, aside from that I really did fall in love with this book. It starts out in a way that really gets your heart pumping and you're already on the edge of your seat. From then on out, you're on this roller
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coaster of a ride with Cas and his ghost hunting lifestyle. Cas has all the qualities of a great male protagonist - he's likeable, he's slightly cocky but funny, and underneath it all he's a sweetheart.

Anna Dressed in Blood is funny, exciting, and a fresh take on the paranormal romance sub-genre of YA. I felt myself devouring the book in less than a day because the story telling is simply amazing. It's told from Cas' perspective and I actually really like it. I don't think it would have worked as well from Anna's perspective. I also really like that it's a good 70-something pages into the book before we meet Anna. It gave me some time to really get to know to Cas before introducing Anna.

Overall, I think I really enjoyed Anna Dressed in Blood because of the wonderful story-telling of Kendare Blake. If you're looking for a book that you simply can't put down and love paranormal romance, then this is definitely for you!
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LibraryThing member booktwirps
Life is anything but ordinary for Cass Lowood. Most teen boys are worried about passing their classes, playing sports and getting into a good college. Cass is too busy killing murderous ghosts to worry about any of that. Armed with a knife that possesses the power to send the dead back to their
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graves, Cass and his mother are constantly on the move, ridding various towns of the evil that haunts them. Every ghost that Cass kills gets him one step closer to taking out the ghost that murdered his father.

When Cass receives a tip about a ghost named Anna, he and his mother pack up and leave for Canada to take care of her. Anna is so named because she still wears the white dress, drenched in blood from when she was murdered. When Cass finally meets Anna, he realizes that she is a force to be reckoned with. She is stronger than any ghost he has ever come across, and much more violent. As Cass and his motley crew of new friends try to uncover the secrets behind Anna’s immense strength and what they can do to send her back to the other side, Cass finds himself strangely drawn to Anna, which, in the case of a ghost hunter, is an occupational hazard.

Anna Dressed in Blood is a great mix of horror, comedy, action and romance. Kendare Blake doesn’t waste any time, or words, in this novel. Each scene has a purpose and drives the novel forward at a satisfying pace. I loved Cass and his friends, and I was especially fond of Anna. The only thing that felt a little off in the story was the romantic connection between Cass and Anna. I couldn’t completely buy into it. Other than that, this is a thrilling read, and I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I absolutely couldn't resist a paranormal novel with such an amazing cover and title. "Anna Dressed in Blood" is the perfect title for a close to perfect novel. I'm not sure if there are any completely unique ideas left in young adult paranormal fiction yet I can say I've never read anything before
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like "Anna Dressed in Blood".

The plot revolves around Cas, a teenager who hunts and 'kills' malevolent ghosts with a special knife passed down by his deceased father. Since his father's death via ghost, Cas and his mother travel from place to place as Cas researches and tracks ghosts. Now he is in Canada searching for a ghost the locals call "Anna Dressed In Blood". But Anna proves to be unlike any spirit Cas has previously faced.

This story is fast paced and actual gave me the chills on several occassions. There is definitely some gore and violence described. Anna and Cas's other ghosts kill. And sometimes they dismember. Cas meets some supporting characters who help or hurt him as the story progresses. Thomas is a sweet and geeky sidekick and I really enjoyed him. Carmel, the popular girl, is anything but stereotypical and that was refreshing, yet I had problems with her character. Something bad happens to her (recently ex) ex-boyfriend. She never truly seems bothered by it even though she knows exactly what happened. I don't buy it. They had a relationship and it felt like she thought of him about as much as if she had read about this happening to a random stranger in the newspaper.

There were a few other minor problems, but nothing was enough to detract me from devouring this book. There is no denying the 'Supernatural' t.v. show similarities, but once past the idea that Cas and his mom travel hunting from ghosts to exercise, the story is uniquely the author's own. I read a LOT of YA fiction and I was very impressed with how well this story was thought out and executed. I highly recommend this one.
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LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
Cas Lowood comes from a long line of men who kill the dead, an inherited skill. He recently just finished up a case and now he's headed to Canada to kill the infamous Anna Dressed In Blood. Anna was killed in 1958 and ever since she's killed every person who has stumbled into her house. That is
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until she meets Cas.

This is one of the most spookiest books I've read in a long time, and I mean that in the best way. It gave me the chills, and that doesn't happen often. I love ghost stories, and this one definitely fit the bill. Anna Dressed In Blood is bloody brilliant and a must read. The story had me on the edge of my seat. Especially when the events of Anna's horrifying death are revealed. I loved the connection between Cas and Anna. Both of them have this lonely existence and even though she is dead, they just click. It was both eerie and beautiful. If you are a fan of Supernatural, you are gonna love this book.
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LibraryThing member raboyer
Bloody Brilliant

* Finished copy that I received from Tor|Forge Books for review

5 out of 5 gnomes

This book is so unexpected and full of awesomeness. I knew I had to read this book after my first glimpse of its striking cover. Also adding to the coolness factor is that the book was printed with
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crimson ink instead of the normal black.

Theseus Cassio aka Cas is not an ordinary teenager and not just because he has a weird name. He hunts ghosts and effectively kills them again. These aren't your placid Casper type of ghosts either, these are more of the stabby/lethal kind of ghosts. In choosing to hunt down ghosts he's following in the footsteps of his father who was killed by a ghost. He uses an athame/fancy knife that has been passed down through the family because it gives him a weapon to rid the world of menacing ghosts. He feels like the knife is a part of him and without it he feels pretty powerless.

I like that he's not alone in his endeavors and that his mom knows most of what's going on (he leaves out some of the gorier parts when he tells her what happens sometimes.) She believes in him but is also justifiably scared because she doesn't want to loose him too. She's also a practicing witch which does make life even more interesting. His mom also tries to make him see that normal life is nice too and that Cas really has to think about more then hunting ghosts.

The supernatural goodness really starts when the next ghost that Cas plans to get rid of is Anna Dressed in Blood. Her story seems to capture his imagination and he can't stop thinking about her. There first meeting is unexpected and shows just what Anna can do.

Anna is one heck of a great character. She's very very very creepy yes, but it's much more complicated then that. Finding out why everything is so complicated makes for a definite must read book. Let's just say if I may paraphrase a line from The Little Mermaid Disney movie, that Anna is a poor unfortunate soul.

The relationships in this book also pleasantly surprised me. At first you might think that there's going to be a love triangle but there isn't. It ends up going in a much more interesting direction. Cas grows a lot as a person in large part due to the connections he makes in this town. He might just be growing close enough to these people and actually wanting to stick around.

The twists and turns of this book are really intense. It's always nice to be surprised by what you're reading and this book really exceeded my expectations. Just when you think you know what's going on or how the story is going to go, WAM some guy goes and gets ripped in half.

There is a sense of foreboding throughout the novel and you may think that you know what twist is coming next, but my bet is that you'll be surprised. Then there's the ending, wow, I can't wait to see what happens next.
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LibraryThing member thebookwormsorg
I don’t even know if I have the words to express my feelings about Anna Dressed in Blood. Insanely awesome comes to mind first – but that just doesn’t cut it! I loved every single part of this book. Its definitely one of those reads that you are asking yourself why you love that part, because
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its just SO creepy.

The writing was phenomenal and Cas had a very sarcastic voice. Sometimes I get thrown off when reading from a boy’s perspective, but with this book, it felt easy to see everything froms Cas’s point of view. He was very serious, but his humorous and sarcastic side shines through often. I think this was a really great balance to the creepiness! Cas is one of my favorite male lead characters, by far!

I also really LOVED Anna. She was a sweet and sour case. The mystery and suspense was enough to keep me on edge the whole time I was reading. It was really different getting to know Anna and I liked that new kind of adventure.

Kendare Blake knows how to keep a reader constantly coming back for more. The suspense held out until the last chapter and kept me guessing. This story was beyond what I thought could be imaginable. I’m a happy camper after reading this one and can’t wait for book two!!!

Anna Dressed in Blood has easily made its way onto the top of my favorites list and I hope to see it does the same for many other readers. It was such a creepy read, but very interesting and the writing is flawless. I definitely recommend this book to everyone! If you don’t like imagining things in the dark, you better read it in the daylight! :P
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LibraryThing member ahappybooker
From the fabulous cover that draws the eye and the imagination, to the extraordinary plot that is both chilling and compelling, Anna Dressed in Blood is so full of "Win” that it is no surprise this is the book that everyone is talking about. Billed as Young Adult fiction, I believe this book will
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appeal to everyone, regardless of genre. Anna Dressed in Blood has all the elements of an incredible ghost story; a creepy haunted house, a violent spirit with a tragic past, and a solitary hero intent on dispatching the dead to where ever it is the dead go. If that would have been all there was to the story, it probably would have been a great book. However, Kendare Blake takes this familiar plot and twists it into something brilliant and original and definitely not just a ghost story. She adds magic, witches, voodoo myth and ritual, enough death, blood, and violence to satisfy any horror fan, and then tops it off with touch of romance. On top of this, the writing is hauntingly beautiful and keeps the reader wanting more. This is a book that can be re-read again and again, and each time the reader can find something new to love about it.

Cas is the main character, but it is Anna who really draws me into the story at the beginning. She is both terrifying and alluring, capable of unimaginable violence but has this air of mystery that makes me want to understand her, figure out what happened to her to cause this much rage. Anna’s house was almost a character in itself. Dark, spooky, and mysterious, the house seems to want to draw you closer. It seemed like the house was an extension of Anna herself, eerily compelling. I wanted to explore the house, even knowing the terrible thing that’s in there. Even knowing what she's capable of. Cas’ first encounter with Anna is the stuff of nightmares, wounded and unprepared, he finds himself in the path of a monstrous goddess like vision, black veins criss crossing her skin, eyes that are black pools, the blood soaked dress, not to mention she has been dismembering people with her bare hands for over fifty years. But for some reason she lets him live. Cas quickly learns that he is no match for Anna physically, she throws him around like a rag doll leaving him bruised and battered and even more intrigued by her. Suddenly, the job he came there to do doesn’t seem quite so easy.

Cas ends up being a lot deeper than he seems from first impression. His caustic wit, the way he refuses any offer of help, and how he admittedly uses people to gain information may make Cas look like a pretty shallow fellow. In actuality, he has deep seated reasons pushing people away, never allowing anyone close enough to form any type of friendship. All of this changes though when he arrives in Anna’s town. Suddenly he’s faced with a ghost he can’t kill, people who have the nerve to call themselves his friends, and a cat that won’t stop hissing at him. I enjoyed watching him grow as a character throughout the story. As his relationship with Anna builds, it seems that he’s also opening himself up to friendships with living people as well. The secondary characters were also fascinating and each one brought a little something unexpected to the story.

The plot is fast paced and exciting. Not a moment went by that I wasn’t completely engaged in the story. Anna Dressed in Blood is a book that will grab you and refuse to let go, forcing you to continue reading even when you want to put the book down and cover your eyes. The author has this way of building the suspense so that I could almost feel myself tense as I waited to see what was going to happen. Throughout the book, I gasped, I laughed out loud, I teared up once or twice, I was thoroughly chilled, thrilled, and entertained. The twists and turns in the plot were amazing. The second half of the book read almost like a completely separate story, but equally as fascinating. I loved the elements of voodoo, I would have enjoyed learning more about that. There was a lot of different things going on but I never once felt like it was too much, each new plot thread just added to the richness of the story.

Ultimately, I think Anna Dressed in Blood is probably the best Young Adult novel this year and will certainly be on my list of all time favorite reads. I don’t know what Kendare Blake is going to come up with to top this phenomenal debut, but I have no doubt that she will. Did you happen to see the interview she did at Down the Rabbit Hole where she answered every question with quotes from the book? How awesome is that? I predict that we’ll see some amazing things from this author, remember I said so. If you haven’t already gotten yourself a copy of this book, you should definitely do so. This isn’t one that you want to miss out on. I would recommend this to everyone.
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LibraryThing member omnia_mutantur
Crazy engaging, and not the normal comfortable dreck that comes from the paranormal young adult romance novel. (wrong me not, I love me some young adult paranormal romance.)

Half Supernatural, half high school trials and tribulations. Possibly a little shaky in some of the magic, but convincingly
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LibraryThing member kreagsheehan
SOOOOOO GOOD! I loved this book so much! It was one of my most anticipated reads this year, and I must say, it definitely met expectations! The story is genius, and it really makes you feel involved, and by the end, you won't want to leave the world of Anna Dressed in Blood. The character's are one
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of the strongest points of the book. I felt like they were real people, and even the characters you don't start of liking, you can't help but love. Even Anna, the murderous ghost is lovable! All in all, go and get this book! I am eagerly awaiting the sequel!
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LibraryThing member Booklovingmommy
I loved this one! I am a huge fan of the T.V. show "Supernatural" and this book totally reminded me of the early shows. Ghosts killing people, ghost hunter goes to kill ghost and yet finds some underlying issue.

Cas is following in his father's footsteps. He hunts ghosts that hurt other people and
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sends them "on". Where he sends them he doesn't know but he knows it is for the best. Until he meets Anna Dressed in Blood. Anna died in 1958 but no one is exactly sure who killed her. Anyone that enters Anna's house end up dead. Until Cas shows up. Cas is not only able to enter Anna's house but her can talk to her. Along with some new found friends, they find out what really happened to Anna. And they find out who killed Cas' father. Now, can they stop it?

Cas was just cool. He was a little standoffish but that is because he doesn't want to get close to anyone since he moves so much. Plus, how do you really explain what you do? He is smart and cares for others, especially his mom. He was super funny and snarky too. I really enjoyed him.

Anna was described vividly! There was no gently easing you into what she looked like or what she did. Yet I found that I really liked her. She was troubled but it was totally understandable. Especially once you find out what really happened to her. I like how she and Cas have a chemistry between them too. It's not too romantic though so that is refreshing.

This book was spooky, gruesome and funny! It is a great book for the upcoming Fall season and best of all, Halloween! Do yourself a favor and grab a copy! You won't regret it
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LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
This is one of the few books that deserves all the hype it has been given and more. I absolutely loved it.

The description above does a great job, so I'm not going to go into the plot too much. I will say that it moves at the perfect base and doesn't end up going quite where you thought. I found
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Anna Dressed in Blood to be very different, awesome and kick-ass.

There are some gory descriptions and scenes in this novel, but that really wasn't the main point. I know that the title has "blood" in it, but don't let that turn you off. I don't like violent, bloody books at all and I loved this book. Anna Dressed in Blood book has a bit of everything in it; romance, action, suspense and mystery.

When I like a book this much, I kind of become speechless. Just read it. Do it!
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LibraryThing member taleofnight
I went into this book expecting this boy to accidentally bump into this ghostly girl who likes to kill whoever steps into her house, but she magically doesn't kill him, and they fall in love. I was also expecting it to be through Anna's perspective.

I was so very wrong.

The story is told by Cas (a
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male narrator!) who kills ghosts who threaten the living. He gets a tip from someone about Anna, a ghost who was murdered while on her way to a school dance over 50 years ago. But Anna is one of the strongest ghost Cas has ever faced, and he needs help.

This is a story you don't want to read late at night. Especially don't watch Ghost Adventurer's and then read this book. Needless to say, I was a little freaked out.

I'll just get to the point. I loved this book. It was something that I have never read before. It takes you deep into the world of ghosts and witches and spells and voodoo. I love ghost stories, which is why I promptly bought it the day it was released, so this is the kind of book I have been looking for that will scare me, but also keep me interested in the details behind everything.

I loved Cas. He's smart. He knows what he is doing when it comes to ghost. He's one of those characters that actually run out the open door instead of up the stairs like in every horror movie. But the thing about Cas is that he doesn't have to run. He stands his ground and does what he believes he was destined to do, just like his father and his ancestors before him.

I didn't expect to love Anna, but I did. And I'll leave it at that.

Overall, I really loved this book and would recommend it to anyone looking to get a little freaked out and who wants to read a little twist on a ghost story.
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LibraryThing member renkellym
Anna Dressed in Blood is a thrilling, action-packed story that is completely and totally awesome. Kendare Blake’s unputdownable debut novel is gory without going over the top, lightly humorous, and ultimately a perfect blend of paranormal and realistic camaraderie.

The main character, Cas, has
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this dry humor about him that makes him impossible to dislike. Plus, he can kick the butt of any lingering spirit he chances upon. Cas’s narration is probably the most stand-out aspect of the story—you feel completely connected to him every step of the way. His one-liners help lighten the otherwise dark novel, and his vulnerabilities (and how he overcomes them) make him feel well-rounded.

Cas is not the only stand-out character in the story. Kendare Blake takes special care to make sure every single side character is fully fleshed out and lovable. Between Anna, who is fierce yet sweet, and Thomas and Carmel, Cas’s two new friends from school, Anna Dressed in Blood is heavily populated with friendly faces. The villains, on the other hand, are truly bad in the best way possible.

Anna Dressed in Blood is one of those books that will stick with you for a while. Not for its profundity, but for the sheer enjoyment it brings. The book is certainly not a happy novel, but there are little things that induce smirks, and characters that truly shine. The plot twists and turns, leaving you on the edge of your seat and the book firmly in your hand. Just try to put down Anna Dressed in Blood. It’s near impossible.
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LibraryThing member thewalkinggirl
Very engaging story overall, other than a bit of a drop-off in tension in the middle (it was like there were two story arcs - one for this book and one to set up the next). The lead character, Cas, is very charismatic and, while he approaches broody bleakness at times, he never steps full-on into
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emo territory. He may not have a lot of hope, but he's usually got a plan and he'll give it his best shot. I also enjoyed the secondary characters quite a lot, and am wondering how many of them will be in the next book.

My only real complaint is that I occasionally got thrown out of the story by some of the pop culture references. Generally I'm okay with those things, but when I'm fully engrossed in whatever scary, funny, horrible thing is going on, I don't want stop to realize that I'm reading a Buffy or Evil Dead reference. And, other than those moments, I really was engrossed in the action and atmosphere of the story, which is probably why I found them so jarring.
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LibraryThing member usagijihen
4.5/5 stars!

Oh man, that ending. Sign me up for book 2. “Anna Dressed In Blood” reminds me a lot of “Supernatural” – except with a younger (only child) protagonist and a kick-ass antagonist and an ending that definitely won’t leave you alone. If you’re not cool with gore or scary
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stuff, this may not be the book for you as Blake holds nothing back in her excellent abilities in the sensory language and imagery department. However, I loved this one, and it’s definitely on my list for best of 2012 so far.

What the most wonderful thing about this book is the fact that Blake has no fear whatsoever in torturing her darlings in order to get what she wants from them – and nowhere is this more obvious than the case of poor Anna. However, even though she does torture her darlings (and frequently), she also gives them tools with the power to fight back – which is one thing that also makes this book so unique. It seemed no matter what Blake did to make the situation worse, her characters were able to deal with it in a credible (even with the fantastic and phantasmagoria as subject matter) way. Her world is very stably and tightly built, and I found no areas where I found things weak or insufficient – Blake is also really great at worldbuilding, as well as her character construction and arcs. While I did want a little more on Will (especially when it comes to the last third of the book), but over all I’m very satisfied with what I got.

As I said before, Blake’s use of sensory language and imagery was so impressive that there were points where I had to put the book down, walk away and digest (no pun intended) what was going on. I’m a fan of gore in my books, especially in YA, and Blake definitely didn’t hold back there – so I hope more YA authors also get the courage to put a bit more gore in their horror novels. But it wasn’t just the gore that was finely done – I could feel Anna’s hair, hear the drip of the blood from her dress, feel the smoky ghosts and taste the incense and oil from Cas’s mom. I love it when I can fully immerse myself in a world with no distractions and Blake definitely writes one great world from the sensory angle – definitely one of the best YA debuts in the sensory department of the last two years.

Blake also brings in the classic gothic genre angle to this concerning how she structured Anna’s story and Thunder Bay, which was also wonderful as it’s rare to find a good modern gothic genre novel. The supernatural angles are richly diverse with some I’ve never even heard of before (the cousin of Voodoo, for example) which made for an even better reading experience.

I also loved the fact that I saw nothing about this book (except for maybe the romance element – I had the feeling it might happen, and it did) coming. The twists and turns truly surprised me, and in a good way. I love it when the author can do that as very little in YA feels that surprising or original anymore, and for a debut this was really well done. I love it when the author can hit me over the head with their plot twists and make me love them even more for doing so, and Blake does this all in spades. And when I was done? I wanted to reread it again. That’s an uncommon feeling for me, and it was one I was glad to experience by the end of the book. I definitely want more of this world, stat.

Final verdict? This is a must read. It’s dark, it’s romantic, it’s gory and it definitely has something for everyone of all ages and both genders. “Anna Dressed in Blood” is out now from Tor/Macmillan in North America, and the sequel, “Girl of Nightmares” will be out in August. I know I can’t wait. This is one debut you just can’t miss!

(posted to goodreads, shelfari, librarything, and
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LibraryThing member TaliaAngeni
Seventeen year old Cas has taken over his fathers job as a dispatcher of murderous ghosts. His mother happens to be a witch who brews concoctions in her kitchen with their spirit sniffing cat always near. Everything changes for him when he lands in Thunder Bay, Canada to dispatch a very powerful
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spirit named Anna, Anna Dressed In Blood. Cas gains friends, something he tried so very hard to avoid, and enemies, something that comes with the job.

Review: I don't read the first person present tense very well. It gets under my skin for some reason. That's one of the reasons my rating is low. The relationship between Anna and Cas was so weird. I could see how she would empathize with him when the boys pull the 'prank' on him in her house but their 'relationship', or feelings?, don't really show until the last few pages. It felt like the author just rushed it. I loved Cas and his moms relationship. That part was really written well. Carmel was written well too. I had hoped she and Thomas ended up together. Carmel reminds me of Eve from the Morganville Vampires, just in attitude though.
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LibraryThing member yabotd
I loved everything about this book. Seriously. Everything. The cover is perfect. The title so catchy and well suited to the story. Even the inside of the book is aweworthy. The text isn't black, but a very deep red (blood red, shall we say?).

And that's not even saying anything about the writing
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As an aspiring writer, I read agents and editors say they are looking for something different. Something that takes the usual storyline or plot and turns it on its head. Anna Dressed in Blood is the definition of this concept. It's not your typical romance or even your typical ghost story. The plot is so different and unique, I had to keep turning the page to find out what would happen. I couldn't guess.

Then there's the voice. I love stories told in an authentic boy's POV because it's not as common in YA. Kendare Blake does a great job with this. It's snarky, it's strong, and it has what I would consider to be some typical boy thoughts (though, I'm not a boy, so what do I know?). More than that, it's a headspace that I want to share for an entire novel...and more. Although the ending was enough of a conclusion for the story, I really hope Blake continues this story with future books.

If you like strong writing, an original story, and some fantasy/paranormal elements (we are talking about ghosts here), this book is for you. The only hesitation I have in recommending to everyone is that it is a little creepy. Personally, I loved the creepiness, but not everyone likes that. If you're very sensitive to creepiness, you might want to think twice about picking up this book. It contains some creepy content, but I wouldn't consider it gory. Most of the more gruesome things brought up is left up to your imagination to fill in the details.

Ghosts, witches, creepiness, death, and blood...makes for the perfect Halloween read.

Final thoughts: Buy it now!
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LibraryThing member thehidingspot
I'm the biggest wuss ever, so I rarely ever pick up horror novels, but it was absolutely impossible for me to ignore a book with a cover this gorgeous. Plus I kept seeing tweets and reviews gushing over the greatness of ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD. All this goes to show that, for better or worse, both
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cover art and bloggers can have a pretty big impact on a reader!

I honestly wasn't expecting this book to be as gruesome as it was. It isn't the jumping out and whatnot that makes me skip horror under normal circumstances, it's the gore. My imagination is just a bit too vivid... But, though there were a couple spots where I set the book aside for a moment or two The gory scenes weren't overly long or extravagant, which made them easier for me to stomach. One should note, however, that my idea of gory is actually quite tame... I have a sneaking suspicion most readers wouldn't bat an eye at these scenes that had me taking a moment to collect myself.

The only part of ANNA that I wasn't completely sold on was the romantic plot line. At first I wondered how Blake pull off a romance between a bloodthirsty spirit and a teenaged ghost killer, but she actually made it seem surprisingly possible. Still, I didn't buy it... the love story just didn't fit for me. I think, that in my mind, romance and horror are too distant to mesh convincingly.

Overall, this was a fantastically creepy debut and I'll definitely be reading Kendare's next novel.
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Original publication date


Physical description

320 p.; 8.3 inches


0765328658 / 9780765328656

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