The Magic Thief: Lost

by Sarah Prineas

Hardcover, 2009



Call number




HarperCollins (2009), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 400 pages


Young wizard's apprentice Connwaer travels to the city of Desh to find the source of the malevolent shadowmen who are plaguing Wellmet City.

User reviews

LibraryThing member rj_anderson
I loved this book LIKE PIE. Which is pretty much how I felt about the first book in the series as well, but it was just so delicious to read more about Conn and Nevery and Rowan and others I'd come to love from Book 1 -- plus some new characters (or newly developed ones, like Argent) who are
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interesting in their own right. The pace of the story clips along as briskly as ever (and there's plenty going on), but never too fast that there's no time to develop the characters. Conn goes through a lot in this book, emotionally as well as physically, and his internal struggle is so (typically for Conn) understated yet so well done I nearly cried. He's such an amazing character -- almost completely Withheld from the outside, with obvious faults of secrecy, arrogance and stiff-necked pride, but the first-person narration keeps you from misunderstanding his motives, and it's practically impossible not to love the kid. (Though not a kid for long -- he's growing up! But not so fast that my eight-year-old son couldn't identify with him, which is a good balance, I think.)There are still some aspects of the story's logic I'm not clear on, but I'm pretty sure those will clear up with a re-reading (particularly once I get my hands on the finished copy, which I understand has some significant changes from the ARC that I read). Anyway, I can see no reason that readers of the original MAGIC THIEF won't enjoy this one every bit as much -- or, as my son did, even more.
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LibraryThing member onyx95
The magic had been returned to Wellmet, but the wizard Nevery Flinglas discovered that it was still low. While Connawaer (gutter boy turned wizard‘s apprentice) spent his time searching for a new locus magicalicus (wizards magical stone), both the Sunrise and the Twilight side of Wellmet were
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being terrorized by the dark cloaked ‘Shadowmen’ who were turning anybody found out in the dark to stone. During Conn’s attempts to speak to the magic, he was led to believe that he should travel to Desh to find the answers to the problems of the cities magic, but would he be allowed to return to the city that has protected him all his life?

****4 Book 2 ….. So glad I read book 1 before I started this one, this is not really a stand alone story. Like book 1, this is deceptively large (almost 400 pages), odd shape and large print, but it is fun and fast to read. Told from Conn’s point of view with the exceptions of letters from Nevery and journal entries of Rowan’s, those were fun to read and a great way to include another ‘voice‘ to the story telling. These are great characters and as we get to know them better, they just keep getting better. The connections of Conn with Nevery, Rowan, Kerrn and Benet just keep getting better. This is not the end of this series, we are still left with a dilemma that needs to be resolved, and more trouble for Conn to get into. I can only hope that Book 3 is not far behind. What a fun adventure for kids age 10 and up and up and up. I got this book as part of the early reviewer program at HarperCollins kids, it is not due to be released till May 2009.
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LibraryThing member sirfurboy
Annoyingly I read this book without reading the one before it - I ordered it not realising it was different from "The Magic Thief" which I had intended to buy. When it arrived I read it anyway, and have now added the book I intended to read to my wish list!

That ought to amount to a recommendation.
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This book was good enough for me to want to fill in the gaps.

I read this straight after reading Angie Sage's Physik, and that was perhaps unfortunate, as Angie Sage's books are so good it was hard for me to put that out of my mind when reading this book - and comparisons are inevitable. This book lacks the wacky humour of Angie Sage, and the storyline is less involved. Characterisations are not as deep either.

But despite those comparisons, this is still a very good story. A fast paced adventure with plenty to endear it to its intended audience. For instance, the chapters are riddle with secret runic messages to decode, and there are some wonderfully interesting recipes at the end!

Ultimately I would say this book would appeal to a slightly younger readership than the Septimus Heap books - say 7+, although it could still be enjoyed by much older children.

(Always the problem with adding reading ages to books - it puts off the older readers who would still love it. nevertheless, children 9 or 10+ may prefer Septimus Heap).
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LibraryThing member readinggeek451
Connwaer has lost his locus magicalus and thus his ability to speak to the magic. Pyrotechnics are his only hope, but experimenting with them is forbidden. To make matters worse, magical Shadows are haunting the darkness in Wellmet, turning people into stone.

A worthy sequel.
LibraryThing member hewayzha
Lost is the sequel to Magic Thief. The first introduces us to Connwaer, a young street boy who is a thief. Stealing is how Conn survives, however, he steals something very special from a wizard. This theft starts him on a path is full of adventure and danger.

Conn continues his dangerous exploits as
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Nevery's apprentice in Lost. Once again Wellmet is in danger, this time by horrifying shadows that turn people into stone. Even Nevery is dumbfounded as to where the threat originates.

Since the loss of his locus magicalicus, Conn has been trying to find a way to communicate with the magic of Wellmet. Pyrotechnics seem to be the only way magic can let Conn Know what he must do. Unfortunately, Conn's experiments blows up Nevery's and Conn's newfound home and gets himself exiled from Wellmet.

As in so many stories of this kind, where a youngster has been orphaned and is trying who he/she is and where he/she belongs, Conn is faced with finding out which people he can trust and what kind of skills and talents he has that will see him through his ordeal. There are unknown obstacles and dangers that must be faced.

Prineas' characters are very interesting, neither all good or all bad. There are some gray areas that make the reader wonder about the individuals around Conn. I cannot honestly say that I like any of them really well, but because they are fascinating and you wonder what their intentions are, etc, you keep turning the pages. The action is paced well and I like that there also some strong female characters included in the story. There are no pat solutions and the reader is left wondering whether Wellmet, Nevery and Conn will prevail. I hope Sarah Prineas will share more of Conn's adventures with us.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Conn has discovered that magic can be connected to by something other than power stones and now there are shadows killing people on the streets. His experiments go awry and he is exiled. Finding himself on a mission to Desh, a desert city, occupied by shadows and run by a shadow-king he doesn't
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know who to trust.

It didn't draw me in as much as the first book and it did feel sometimes that Conn was collecting plot tokens but the end left me wondering what next.
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LibraryThing member SRaval
I loved how this book was filled with adventure and lots of suspense. I can't wait to read Found!
LibraryThing member tigerbuns
I stampeded through this in a day, and it was great fun; still I had a few complaints that made me give this 4 stars instead of five. Here's a list!

1. I felt Conn's actions were crossing the line from go-getter to selfish and thoughtless more than once (meaning he did things that were obviously
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pretty stupid and put a lot of other people in danger); there was also a bit of Harry Potter syndrome going on as Conn just KNEW better than anyone else and rushed headlong into things despite several trustworthy people cautioning him in a quite reasonable fashion.

2. Another thing that reminded me of HP was the wonky balance of power, meaning the antagonists leveled up or were presented as stronger while the protagonists didn't, but still fights etc. always worked out (think HP and friends defeating Death Eaters with the Expelliarmus spell). There was also a lot of bumbling around on the side of people who were supposed to be professional fighters and guards that wasn't really believable to me, and I couldn't quite swallow the fact that Rowan (as the heiress of the duchess) kept being in the midst of things with approximately 3 people accompanying her for safety.

3. Kerrrrn. I liked her character in the first book, but this time I thought she was being used as a portable obstacle or something. One moment there was some sort of development, a sort of grudging acceptance of Conn, and the next she was back to being mindlessly antagonistic. I found that slightly annoying. Not her, but the shifting back and forth between the two without any obvious reasons. I hope she'll be allowed to unfold in the later books.

4. Not enough Benet.

5. Needs more Nevery snark.

I still *really* liked the book, it was a good adventure, an easy read and a fun story, and I regret nothing. I'm already looking forward to the next part, and the 4th part (next year, I think?), and if things keep up, I'll be reading this until the author gets tired of it.
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LibraryThing member devafagan
A highly enjoyable continuation of the events of the first book, expanding the cast of characters, the scope of the world, and the complexity of the plot.

Some of my favorite bits:

Conn and his understated personality. He keeps so much inside, but there's just enough insight that I felt for him
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greatly, particularly at a certain point midway through when some very bad things happen, and at the end. There was one paragraph at the end that just got me in the heart, because the whole book had (at least in my mind) built up to it. I love that!

Rowan. I enjoyed getting to see more of her and (because I am a romantic sap) I am already eagerly anticipating how the relationship between she and Conn will develop in future books as she and Conn get a little older. Especially with Argent in the mix (I was very glad to see Rowan already putting Argent in his place though, heh).

The underlying mystery. I'm intrigued by the way magic seems to work in this series and particularly Conn's relationship to the magic of Wellmet and the various animals that are associated with the magics. I am looking forward to learning more about what is really going on in book 3. Also, the dragons!
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LibraryThing member ashleytylerjohn
Enjoyable, but not nearly as touching or as much fun as the first book.

(Note: 5 stars = amazing, wonderful, 4 = very good book, 3 = decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm fairly good at picking for myself so end up with a lot of 4s).

Original publication date


Physical description

400 p.; 7.2 inches


0061375896 / 9780061375897
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