Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changelings, Book 1)

by Nalini Singh

Paperback, 2006



Call number




Berkley (2006), Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Thriller. HTML:THE FIRST PSY/CHANGELING NOVEL from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian... The book that Christine Feehan called "a must-read for all of my fans." In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of �rehabilitation��the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was�Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy coexistence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion�and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities�or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation�.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Islabooks
The realization occurred to me that my exposure to erotic paranormal romances was disgracefully limited and in need of some serious expansion. In order to remedy this glaring deficiency, I set out to find a handful of books that would be widely considered qualified ambassadors for this genre. Based
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on countless recommendations and glowing (to the point of gushing) reviews it appeared that Slave to Sensation would fit the bill perfectly. So, I ordered the book and waited with bated breath for my immersion into the seedy world of trashy lady reads to begin.

Once the book arrived, I exhaled and began to read. To my surprise, I didn’t find a hero who was a lusty billionaire psychic alpha shape shifting were-lion vampire hunter who also happened to be a prince and a pirate, who incidentally, had the recent misfortune of pulling a much needed muscle in his groin area and the only way for the world to be saved from certain destruction was for the virgin heroine to reluctantly help "heal" him from this wound through her uncanny ability to perform surprisingly proficient tantric massage.

It’s a shame really because what I did find was slightly less sensational and I was unfortunately left a bit underwhelmed. It wasn’t altogether a bad book; in fact, it was a fine book for the genre. It even had a few moments of gluttonous goodness but overall I just couldn’t seem connect to the characters or the world enough to care what happened.

I have decided to try and bear the burden of reading a few more racy reads before ruling out the genre entirely. I figure it’s the least that I can do.
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LibraryThing member reneebooks
Wonderful book! I loved the world building and I can't wait to go back there with the next one. StS is set in an alternate reality Earth with three species: Psy, changeling and human. The Psy are an interesting species of psychics who are all connected through the PsyNet which is sort of like an
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internet for their minds. Due to serious problems with insanity and serial killings, the Psy have instituted a program of surpressing all emotion from birth. Sascha Duncan is Psy and knows she has been different all of her life because she has emotions and is desperately trying to keep it a secret. She fears 'rehabilitation' if her ability to feel emotion is discovered which would wipe out her mind. But lately she is having a harder time keeping her emotions under control. Lucas Hunter is a changeling who is a member of the DarkRiver pack of panthers. Changelings feel emotions and are proud of it.

The sexual tension between Sascha and Lucas was incredible and the dream scenes set the pages on fire. The characters were all well drawn and the plot fast paced. My only quibble is that I was a bit confused near the end when Sascha 'surfs' the PsyNet searching for clues to help find a serial killer since it was hard to tell what was going on. Other than that I thought the book was nearly perfect and I can't stand the thought of having to wait for the next book. I'll need to keep this one around so I can re-read it before the next one comes out. (Grade: A-)
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LibraryThing member onyx95
Building up layer after layer of protective wall was second nature for Sascha Duncan, but what no one knew was just how thick her walls were. As daughter of a Councilor and a cardinal Psy (a potentially powerful psychic), it was thought that she was as cold and direct as all of her people. The flaw
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was in her mind and if she was able to keep it hidden, she would survive. Meeting with Lucas Hunter, the changeling alpha of the DarkRiver leopard pack, had given her a glimpse into the emotional relationship that the changeling and humans had. Psy’s didn’t usually notice the way the packs touched each other but this one did and that gave Lucas hope that there may be a way to use this Psy to find the psychopath responsible for the murder of so many of the changeling females. Not realizing that he was about to learn more about that race than he ever expected to while giving more of himself and his pack than he would have every thought he possibly would.

Book 1 of the Psy-Changeling series… this book was recommended to me and I have to admit that I am so glad she did. I was unclear what it would be like (since I had never read anything by Nalini Singh before) and found myself completely caught up in the characters and the story line. The inclusion of so many of the pack members (Nate, Tamsyn, Dorian, Mercy, Clay, Kit, Rina and Vaughn) as well as so many others could have bogged down the story with all the characters, but some how that did not happen. The smooth and natural addition of characters made this a truly character driven story but the murder/kidnapping scenario added the extra suspense that made me nearly unable to put down this book until I was sure everyone was alright. I am so glad I have already found the next book (Visions of Heat) in this series and am eager to start it.
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LibraryThing member Soireb
Sometimes I put off books based on the most idiotic of arguments. In this case it was the cover and the length of the series. Although the cover has an incredibly hot guy, something about it (can’t quite say what) wasn’t calling me. But thanks to Kick’n Ladies I gave this series a go and boy
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I wish I had done so a while ago.

Slave to Sensation is the first book in Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series. A Paranormal Romance novel that has both Dystopian and Sci-Fi elements. The story is set in a futuristic urban environment, making it also classifiable under the Urban Fantasy genre. The story’s present timeframe is 2079, one hundred years after the Psy race implemented Silence –an inductivism protocol design to strip away emotions from each individual. As someone who is majoring in Education, and who happens to be taking two psychology classes this term, I am very familiar with Pavlov’s system of rewards/punishment to elicit a desired reaction in another individual. The truth is that this is the first book in the PNR genre that I come across that leans so heavily in this construct in order to delineate half of its staring world building. As a result of 100 years under this indoctrination, the Psy people are the most cerebral of all the races, but they are also the most cold hearted and snobbish that you can find. After all when your entire race is known as those who rule, you are bound to believe that you are better than most. Likewise their world is all steel and glass; tall, cold, concrete buildings that can be houses, but never a home.

In contrast to the Psy we have the Changelings, which are your average shifters, people that are born with the ability to shift into a particular animal and whom are much more in tune with their natural, more primeval side. Where the Psy are cold and calculative, the Changelings are instinct and emotions, calm and detachment [the Psy] VS fire and dominance [the Changelings].

I love the way Nalini Singh explores the intertwining and the clashing of these two opposite worlds. In her story we have Sasha Duncan, a Psy Cardinal who in the outside is the poster child of the Psy forces, but who hides a terrible secret: she can feel emotions (something that is considered a defect in her world). On the other side we have Lucas Hunter, the Dark River Pack alpha who witness (and survived by cheer will power) his family’s murder when he was a child. Hunter is not only his last name, but also his title. He's not only responsible for the welfare of his pack, but also in charge of hunting and stopping those changeling who have gone rogue and have taken too much a liking to their animal half. Following these two characters as they dance around each other turned out to be extremely addictive and entertaining.

The bottom line is that Slave to Sensation opens the door to a world with major power struggles that threaten to alter the very nature of the character’s existence. It has a great love story that leaves you wanting more. Oh and did I mention that it has scorching hot sex scenes. Sasha has never experience actual physical contact, until she meets Lucas and OMG does those two know how turn things on fire. If you are not afraid of great story aided by some steamy, almost poetic, but highly graphic scenes, then I suggest you pick up this book and give Psy-Changeling a try; I know I didn’t regret it.
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LibraryThing member Darla
Wow. Why have I not heard of Nalini Singh before? The cover of Slave to Sensation assures me she's a bestselling author. Somebody's been falling down on the job.

This is a science fiction romance, which accounts for some of my excitement. There are plenty of fantasy romances, but not so many science
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fiction ones. And the premise is not uncommon in science fiction books: a race of futuristic humans have suppressed emotions in an attempt to eliminate violence, but it goes awry.

But there's more to it than that, and it's all in the way it's written.

Sascha Duncan is a Psy--one of the race with psychic abilities that control this future world. In fact, she's a Cardinal Psy, meaning she has the potential for great power, but she's living far beneath her potential because she's "broken." All Psy have been trained since birth to suppress their emotions, but Sascha's been feeling emotions, and fears that her mind is on the verge of collapse. She's desperate to hide it as long as she can, because the alternative is a "rehabilitiation" that would wipe her mind, leaving no trace of her self.

Lucas Hunter is a Changeling, and leader of the DarkRiver pack of were-leopards. He's working with Sascha on a joint Psy-Changeling construction project, but has a hidden motive: finding a serial killer, a Psy who's been preying on young Changeling women.

Their story is emotionally intense. Sascha's thoughts and reactions are very realistic, as she's feeling emotions more and more, and trying to interpret them and what they mean. Both of them have things they have to hide from each other, and Sascha in addition has to hide her newfound emotional state from the other Psy, particularly from her mother.

The mystery is well done, as are the paths Sascha and Lucas take to unravel it. In the process, they both find out things about themselves and their pasts, and the politics of their world. Which is another reason I liked this story so much: the intrigue.

The future world of Slave to Sensation is a complete one, with a history and complex societies. I can see several directions open to the series, so I hope it goes on a long time.

My only, very minor niggle is the cover and title. My first impression, at a glance, was that it was a BDSM erotic romance. It's not. I wouldn't have minded if it were, but I do fear that some readers will be disappointed, and some readers who'd have liked the sf-romance blend might miss it. Of course, most people probably do read the back of the book before buying, so maybe it's not a problem.

I'll definitely be looking for Nalini Singh's backlist, and watching for her future books.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Set in the near future when people are divided into three, Psy (or psychics), Were and human. Psy decided long ago that emotions were dangerous and any sign of emotion is ruthlessly suppressed and the methods of dealing with it are scary.

In this world Sascha Duncan lives in terror of being found
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out as having feelings but fears the rehabilitation, it would wipe her our.

Into her world comes Lucas Hunter, a changeling hunting a changeling killer, who is possibly a Psy. The two of them are attracted but can they do anything about it without her being destroyed.

I liked the story. I liked the characters and I really would like to read more in this world.
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LibraryThing member psychobabble4u
I really liked this book. Lately when I read "paranormal romance" I end up putting the book down before finishing for a variety of reasons: the characters are too unbelievable, the writing is bad, or the plot is too simple(boring)/too complicated(confusing) to follow. I liked the characters, and
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the story was interesting.
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LibraryThing member DebR
I don’t like the title, but I loved the book.

It’s billed as a paranormal romance, but what intrigued me most about this book wasn't the romantic part of the story (although that part is fine), it’s the way the female main character evolves from beginning to end of story.

She’s an empath
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born to a society where having feelings - any feelings! - never mind sensing the feelings of others, is grounds for “re-education” or even being lobotomized in extreme cases. Seeing her journey from a woman terrified of her “defect” to someone learning to be her real self was what made the book special for me.
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LibraryThing member librarymeg
I struggled with how to rate this one. I really enjoyed it (hence the 4 star rating), but I've read one of Singh's novellas (from Burning Up) and Slave to Sensation lacked the snap of that shorter work. I can see the promise in this first book, though, and wait breathlessly to watch as the style
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and sizzle I expect from Singh really develops.
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LibraryThing member The_Book_Queen
Though the short summary may make Slave to Sensation sound like a cheesy futuristic romance at first glance, I assure you it is anything but! Nalini writes a great story, showing a fresh new view in paranormal romance. Set in the future, her world is full of psy's and shapeshifters, changelings as
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they are called, and forbidden love, forbidden sensations, turned into true love with a hot, wild side.

I love when my romance novels have a sexy alpha male as the hero-- who doesn't, right? Well, Slave to Sensation delivers, giving us not only the hero, but also some of the other males in the Packs, who will, of course, have their own books later on. The men in the Packs are perfect combinations of wild and tender, sexy and funny. Oh, and did I mention that they are more than just a human man? Yeah, they can change into wolves and panthers and jaguars. Sounds like the perfect man, right ladies? Believe me, before the end of Slave of Sensation, you will be in love (or at least lust) with Lucas and his Pack members-- maybe even some of the Wolves, too.

The story had everything-- love, laughs, thrills, erotic moments and tender ones. And don't forget the cute little cubs. Yes, that's right, when their babies are first born, they usually start to take on the form of their animal side from the very start, and are able to switch back and forth around their first year. I fell in love with the twin cubs during the first scene that they came into, and I'm sure you will too.

Lucas is both rugged and dangerous yet tender and sweet. He's protective, he's demanding, he's Alpha of the Pack, and now Alpha of Sascha's heart. But don't go thinking that just becuase the males are so pushy that automatically makes them the alpha in the mating. No, their mates are just as strong willed, just as commanding, and they have their men wrapped around their fingers, but not in a bad way. They both give and take, command and listen, and add to that the fact that they share a special connection, a deep connection, *both in bed and out! ;-)* and you have a great relationship. Just reading their story makes you feel like you've walked in on an intimate moment between two people who are deeply in love. And in a way, you are. It's sweet and sexy, wild but sometimes tame. It's a perfect combination of everything!

5/5 STARS! If you love a great paranormal romance book that has fire and passion, lust and love, laughs and thrills, then Nalini's Psy-Changelings Series is perfect for you! Definitely a must read for fans of other Paranormal Romance Queens like Christine Feehan, Emma Holly, Angela Knight, and Lora Leigh. If her other 4 books are just as sexy and wonderful as Slave to Sensation, then I am sure I'm going to devour them just as quickly and as I did this one. A fresh new voice in paranormal romance, one that you should definitely keep your eye on!
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LibraryThing member nilchance
This hits my "emotional isolated person learns sensual pleasure" button. Wereleopards and pack dynamics and a serial killer. HEA ending.
LibraryThing member TheBooknerd
This is an exceptional story, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to read it. The whole psy-concept is fantastic, especially when paired with their exact opposites, the changelings. And I love the characters -- they're exciting, complex, likable, the whole nine yards. They really come alive
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off the page, which is what I look for most in a story. Best of all, Singh has a wonderful talent for writing. This book is a clever as t is entertaining. There's a good pace from start to finish, it never got boring for even a minute, the imagery is exceptional, and there's a satisfying sense of a complete story that, nevertheless, leaves you eager for more.
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LibraryThing member SockMonkeyGirl
I did not think I would like this series when I picked it up (the titles are all a little overwrought for my taste). But Nalini Singh creates a very interesting world that is both urban and wild and peoples it with shapechangers, humans and psy of depth and intensity. I wouldn't call them
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fantastic, but they are very good paranormal romance with better developed world and more elaborate over-arching story than most others in the genre. I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed them.
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I got this book as a Labor Day present (we decided to give each other books to celebrate this holiday) from my friend Monica from The Bibliophilic Book Blog. She and I have such similar tastes and anything she sends my way I read. I have gotten enough awesome recommendations from her to trust her
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completely now so when she suggested this series I picked it up and dove in.

I am so glad I listened to her because this book was awesome! It was a totally new mythology and I ate up every word of it. I loved learning about the Psy and their cold and logical life. Their lives are so dominated by reason that they often miss out on all the fun things in life such as: happiness, love, warmth, basically all the things Changelings lives for. Which is why watching a Changeling Alpha try to win over a Psy was more than amusing. I loved the relationship between Lucas and Sascha, watching them try and work through their feelings for each other and not submit to them.

I also liked that this book introduced two completely new species to us because I had no preconceptions going in and I loved that! I know that the changelings do have some similar charterers to “were” but they are still different enough to keep me very interested. What also kept me reading on was learning about how the Psy get into the minds of others and work through different barriers to get information. It was fascinating to me and I could not read fast enough towards the end of the book because everything was coming together so quickly and it was really intriguing.

Basically, this is an awesome paranormal romance and I am so glad I have been introduced to this world. While the book may have come out a couple of years ago, I think the characters and their species are different from anything else out there right now and that is a huge plus. The only thing I don’t like is the cover, I mean really? The guy may look alright, but it definitely doesn’t set the tone of the book, well not for me at least.

Even though I am not a fan of the cover art, that has nothing to do with the author or the story. So if you have not found this series yet, you should go out and get this book, because I think you will like it just as much as I did :)
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LibraryThing member rainrunner
ok, it started out as a possible 3 star. It was too descriptive at times and I just wanted her to get to the point already. This had quite a few good reviews so I didn't want to discard it. It picked up midway and ended up very good. I had quite a few "awwww" moments. I do like when that happens.
LibraryThing member fantasydream3
I love the original and fascinating world of the Psy-Changeling! This is not the same old paranormal romance that everyone is used to. The PsyNet reminds me of a cross between the concepts about the mind in the movie Inception and the computer network in Terminator (where unfeeling and cold
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"machines" start gaining some consciousness and emotions). Very intriguing and captivating!
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LibraryThing member shelleyraec
With a title reminiscent of the worst soft porn movie i really wasn't expecting much at all from this book but here is a case in point of that old adage "don't judge a book by it's cover".Slave to Sensation is a blend of sci-fi and paranormal romance that has a solid and fairly unique premise and a
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cleverly layered plot. It established the world and characters well and as such is a great introduction to the series.I really hope that as the series progresses that there will not be the repetition of the basic character and plot(like in Kenyon's Darkhunter and Feehan's Carpathian series)as the writing is skilful and interesting
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I love urban fantasy. Its my favorite genre. Along with UF I enjoy Paranormal Romance IF it has a good, detailed concept, world, and characters. A couple of series that really stand out as favorites in the Paranormal Romance category are JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Kresley Cole's
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Immortals after Dark series. I have read and given up on several other paranormal series that was more focused on shallow characters having lots of sex. The Psy-Changeling series is going to be added to the list of paranormal romances that I will actually read and enjoy!

This series is based on a world where there are humans, psy and changelings. The changelings are shifters and this book features two packs. A wolf pack and a leopard pack. The psy are very different from anything I have read about before. They are a race of psychic people who have an array of special abilities. Many years ago they instituted "the Silence". The Silence conditioned each of the psy to become void of any and all emotion or feelings. They are calculating and supposedly make every decision on logic. For instance, they don't eat dessert or yummy foods when they can take in only foods (in in only the quantity) that meet their nutritional needs. There is no love or affection between people. Reproduction is handled in a scientific manner. On the opposite spectrum are the changeling. These people are basically animals in the fact that they do love and adore each other. They are loyal to each other. They would fight or even kill to keep their people safe. They show affection more than humans do.

Lucas Hunter is the alpha of the leopard pack. He harbors a lot of pain in his past from seeing his parent's murdered. He starts working with Psy Sasha Duncan on a building project for a changeling or human market. Sasha should be cool headed and devoid of feeling but Lucas notices right away that she is different from other Psy. He also finds her attractive. Sasha knows she is different from the other Psy and fears that she is broken and that the psy society will have her instituted and rehabilitated. She would never be the same. To complicate matters there have been changelings murdered and the evidence points the the killer being psy. That shouldn't be possible, Sasha believes, because no psy should have the rage or emotion to want to kill, to take pleasure in torture and murder. Together Lucas and Sasha try to figure out who the killer is.

There is the required romance and sex scenes of course. I have to say they were done well. I really liked the characters but I actually liked some of the supporting characters even more than Lucas and Sasha. I know I have to keep reading the series so I can see them get starring roles in their own books. I believed the romance between our couple here. There was tension but not a lot of dragged out inner turmoil. In fact most of the inner drama happened as Sasha worried about being broken and what would happen to her.

I am giving this book 4 stars because I did have a little trouble understanding the PsyNet. The concept is so foreign and different from anything I have read about in the past. I think it could have been explained in more detail to make it easier to understand. I hear it plays quite a part in future books as well so I hope the more I read about it then more clear it will become. Also I would have liked to have seen more scenes like the one where Sasha visited Lucas's friends and played with the baby leopards. It showed Lucas how Sasha was more than she seemed.

Overall this was a very strong paranormal romance. It was extremely well written. I will continue with this series as well as make an effort to read her other series as well.
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LibraryThing member HCross9820
Sascha Dunca is a broken Psy, but she can never let anyone know it. The Psy have been conditioned not to feel any emotions, and have varying levels of psychic powers. They see themselves as higher beings on the evolutionary chain then the Changelings (shape shifters) and the humans. If the Psy
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every discovered Sascha’s weekness they would rehabilitate her, which is a fate worse then death. Nikita Duncan is Sascha’s mother, a member of the Psy Council, and the head of the Duncan family. Nikita and Sascha are about to ink a business deal with Lucas Hunter, wereleopard and alpha of the DarkRiver Clan. Lucas has own agenda. He wants gather information on the Psy community and hunt down the Psy that has been kidnapping and murdering Changeling women. Can Sascha and Lucas see past their differences long enough to solve these murders and possibly form a friendship?

In a literary climate overwhelmed with vampires novels, Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling Series is a breath of fresh air! While I felt that the world-building in the beginning of this book felt a bit heavy, it was necessary to set up this extraordinary world. Believe me, it well worth pushing through the first couple chapters.

I love the complex and sexy character that is Lucas Hunter. At a very young age, he had to step-up into an alpha role, due to a per tragedy. He was smart enough to listen to the elders of his pack to help him do what is best for his clan. Not only is he strong physically, but he has a sensitive side. He believed in Sascha, even when she didn’t believe in herself. He helped her become who she was always meant to be.

The deeper that Sascha becomes involved with Lucas and the rest of the DarkRiver Clan, the more in-touch she becomes with her emotions and feelings. She has built up so many walls so that she can still pass as a normal Psy, that it was hard for her to see what she truly was. As a listener, it broke my heart to see Sascha spiral out of control. Even though she thinks she’s about to lose herself, she gives everything that she has left to help recover the missing Changeling.

This is my first audiobook narrated by Angela Dawe, and I was amazed by what I heard. Her ability to capture every character, from the cold Psy to the emotion-filled Changelings, was incredible! Her pacing and voice techniques were terrific.

I was completely captivated by Nalini Singh’s Psy-Chagelings world. She built layers upon layers of amazing primary and secondary characters. I cannot wait to see how they develop throughout the rest of this series. For those readers who also haven’t had a chance to check out her Guild Hunter Series, take this opportunity to dive into another well thought out paranormal-romance series.
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LibraryThing member SandraBuxton
When I first picked up this book it was on a recommendation. Not something I would have gotten to on my own. The cover was hideous and the it started with too little explanation ( I admit I was a bit lost in the beginning wishing for a little more backdrop). Thank Heavens for the recommendation and
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that I stuck with it. Remember this is the first novel. It is stage setting and world building for the future books, and as such, it doesn't flow as smooth as the others in the series. However, the characters are vivid and engaging. Even the side characters are rich. The story is fun and fresh. ( I am re-reading the series in anticipation of the next release in June of 2013. I am not much for re-reading as there are so many good books out there to be read, that I hate to spend time rehashing old reads. That really speaks to how wonderful this series is.)
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LibraryThing member spazp
I can't believe it took me so long to finally get started on this series!!!! I thoroughly loved the hero and heroine. I just finished another paranormal romance series that I enjoyed, but it left me thoroughly annoyed with every heroine in the series of books, but NOT THIS SERIES!I loved the
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character progression of Sascha, finally a series that doesn't make me want to throttle the female character. And the pack Alpha, Lucas? HOT. Awesome. Just overall likeable in every way.I totally digged this story and the characters, couldn't put it down, and am sold on the series after reading this first one. Can't wait to start #2!
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LibraryThing member booklovre6
Excellent beginning to the series. Looking forward to reading more!
LibraryThing member crazybatcow
My first peeve with this book is that the "romance" was consummated in a series of dreams long before it was "real" in real life. I didn't appreciate this dream approach and thought it was a cop-out to add some sex scenes without having to write the characters so they'd have tension and a build-up
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to their sex scenes.

The romance part was okay - the "beast" inside Lucas was sexist and dominant, but that's what beasts are supposed to be, right? The sex scenes themselves were okay (they're not J.R. Ward's, but they're okay, a bit on the flowery side).

The world building was... slow to get going - most of the explanations of the psy world were tacked onto the end of the book, and the middle part of the book was spent trying to build some tension and move the romance forward. Even the "mystery" wasn't much of one - I don't really try to figure things out in advance but it was clear from near the beginning who the killer was.

Overall... it was an okay romance but a weak urban fantasy. I will try the next in the series, but don't have much hope for it.
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LibraryThing member Kaetrin
It's been ages since I read StoS and frankly, I'd forgotten how much I loved it. Angela Dawe does a great job of the narration and it was a very entertaining listen. I do think that Dawe has only one "male" voice so while I'm looking forward to listening to others in the series, I don't think I'll
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be doing back to back listens (not that all the books are out yet anyway) because otherwise I think I'll notice too much that all the male characters/heroes sound the same. Vaughn, the next hero is quite different to Lucas, so it will be interesting to see what Dawe does with him.
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LibraryThing member salimbol
It's New Zealand book month, and I thought I'd try a fantasy by a New Zealand author that's been lurking around our bookshelves for some time. But - ugh. This is everything that I find annoying in paranormal romance, chock full of all the cliches of the genre: an irritating, repetitive focus on the
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leads' physical assets,
sex/romance at the expense of characterisation (whereas the best romance writing should have the two in tandem), woobification of the male lead, unreconstructed and uncomfortable gender relations ("oh, they're animals, so it's *alright* for them to behave like that" - I loathe the alpha male trope with a fiery passion!) and racial (species?) relations… I could go on.
Still - it's a reasonably interesting universe in and of itself, and I quite like stories about psychic characters who haven't yet found their niche, so that aspect was enjoyable enough. (Sorry, book, I can't like you any more than that.)
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P.E.A.R.L. (Nominee — 2006)
AAR Top 100 Romances (100 — Most Recent Rank - 2007)

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352 p.; 6.51 inches


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