The Sleeping Life (Eferum, #2)

by Andrea K. Höst

Book, ?





Publisher Unknown, Paperback


Fallon DeVries has a sister who lives only in his mind. Paying the price of magic gone wrong, Aurienne is trapped watching a world she cannot touch, only able to communicate with her brother while he sleeps. And it's slowly killing him. Fallon and Auri's best chance of untangling their lives is to win the help of a mage of unparalleled ability. But how can they ask for help when the warped spell prevents him from speaking? Besides, Rennyn Claire - once the most powerful mage in the world - is a shadow of her former self: ill, injured and unlikely to recover unless she can hunt down the monster who once tried to make her his slave. But that Wicked Uncle is nowhere to be found, and other dangers, once slumbering dormant, are stirring...

User reviews

LibraryThing member Herenya
The Sleeping Life is the sequel to Stained Glass Monsters. Rennyn, her students and an entourage of mages and warriors travel to Kole, hunting for a mage whose existence threatens Rennyn's health and the kingdom's safety.

The Sleeping Life is an apt title - although, for the characters, the Sleeping
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Life is a problem to be overcome, or a limitation to be worked with, rather than a commentary on how uneventful their lives are. (Because uneventful, their lives are not.) Rennyn is still recovering from her injuries, and frustrated by her own limitations. Her newest student, Fallon, has a sister who has become trapped trapped in his dreams - Aurienne can only communicate with Fallon while he sleeps. The Emperor of Kole is kept immobile on his throne by an enchantment that prolongs his life.

And then Rennyn stumbles across some other sleepers who need her help...

I like Rennyn and I was curious to see how she deals with the aftermath of Stained Glass Monsters - which included revelations about her heritage becoming public knowledge, a new relationship and people wishing to learn her approach to magic.

And I was amused by the POV of Kendall, one of Rennyn's students. Kendall's honest, not easily impressed and she mentally assigns people nicknames.

The Sleeping Life isn't as intense as some of Höst's other novels, but I enjoyed it.
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