Little Blue and Little Yellow

by Leo Lionni

Paperback, 1995



Call number




HarperCollins (1995), Paperback, 48 pages


A little blue spot and a little yellow spot are best friends, and when they hug each other they become green.

User reviews

LibraryThing member sharmon05
The illustrations in this book are very simple, especially when compared to other Lionni books. However, the illustrations are very important to the story. They help tell the story and give movement. The illustrations are done in such a way, that a student could understand the story without having
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to read a single word. This book is a good example of fantasy, because the personification of the color dots really helps children relate to the story.
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LibraryThing member abarajas09
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Review: This is a great example of realistic fiction because it is a story that can be taken literally or with more depth and encourage talk about difference and color.
Media: Watercolor
LibraryThing member conuly
Honestly, I can't think of a way to describe this book without just typing the entire story into this review.

But it is very memorable, and I certainly loved it as a child. Leo Lionni is the classic children's author whose name you never remember but whose books you most definitely read as a kid.
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Don't pass this one by without at least checking it out.
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LibraryThing member annikasmith
The plot of this book had a conflict and had a clear message. It was based upon two dots, one blue and one yellow. One day blue went to find yellow and when they found each other they hugged and turned into green. Then their parents didn't know who they were, until they cried and became their
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original colors again. There was an introduction and all the characters were introduced, there was a conflict and then it was resolved. It was a basic plot which taught the reader what happens when yellow and blue mix. The genre of this story was fantasy. It was a fantasy book because dots of color were the characters of the book. The author personified them and had them go to school, play hide-n-seek and hug each other. It was a believable story in the context the author set up for us.
Art Media: paper and paint
Appropriate Age: Primary
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LibraryThing member lisabankey
This is Leo Lionni's first children's book. The inspiration for the story was sparked during a train ride with his grandchildren. He had torn out bits of paper from a magazine and made up stories to keep them entertain.
This book is a story of blue and yellow. They go out to play without telling
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anyone. While playing, they turn green (blue+yellow= green) and their families are sad because they could not find their children.

This is a great book since the illustrations are simple and even something children could reproduce. This book would also be great to use when teaching primary and secondary colors in art or a light unit in science.
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LibraryThing member RobertaRogers
This story is about two friends, one is blue and the other ios yellow. They do everything together. One day little blue's mom went shopping and little blue stayed home so he could play with little yellow. When little blue went to look for little yellow he could not find him. little blue looked
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everywhere for little yellow and finally he found him. Once they saw each other little blue and little yellow hugged each other so tight that they turned each other green. When little blue and little yellow went home their parents were upset that they were not the little blue and little yellow anymore. So little yellow went to little blue's house and they cried until they were not anything but tears and when they pulled themselves together they were little blue and little yellow agian. Mama blue and papa blue were so happy they hugged little blue and little yellow so tight they became green and they realized what had happened to little blue and little yellow so they went accross the street to tell mama yellow and papa yellow.

I enjoyed this book. It was a clear understanding of colors and friendship.

I would use this book in my classroom as a read aloud book. It would also go with a color unit.
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LibraryThing member eward06
This represents a Modern Fantasy because it uses setting and characters that are make-believe and would not be possible in real life. It is mostly pretend, but holds a bit of truth so that it can be understood in our own world.
LibraryThing member LanitaBostic
Little blue and little yellow are best friends. They live across the street from each other. They love to play games like, hide-and-seekand ring-a-ring-o-roses. One day mama blue went shopping, and asked little blue to stay home. He did not want to stay home, so he went looking for little yellow.
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He finally found litle yellow. They were so excited they hugged each other until they became green. The two little colors played and played. When they were tired, they went home. Their parents did not know them because they were now green. The two little colors cried yellow and blue tears because they were sad. Once they were all cried out, they realized they were themselves again. Moms and dads were very happy. They all found out that when little blue and little yellow hug each other, something special happens.
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LibraryThing member sbhoward321
This is a story about two little colors who were friends. One day they were playing together and they hugged until their were little green. Once it was time to go home, their parents didn't think they were their child. So, they had to cry until they were apart and go back to normal. Once they were
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separated again, they went home and when they explained what happened to their parents they all hugged and made green!
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LibraryThing member soccergirlbhd
We are shown Little Blue as a ragged circle of blue on the white page. Later we meet his mother and father, his many friends, but especially Little Yellow who lives across the street with Mama Yellow and Papa Yellow. Using only these simple shapes, Lionni shows the children at school and at play.
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Then, when Little Blue and Little Yellow are separated for a bit only to find each other at last, they are so joyful that they hug each other and turn green. As a single green shape, they play and then go, first to Little Blue's house and then to Little Yellow's only to be rejected and unrecognized. They cry little blue and yellow tears until they are all tears and then, punningly, they "pull themselves together and go home" as separate shapes again.
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LibraryThing member jmallen
This book is about blue and yellow. They are best friends and hang out one day when blue is suppose to be at home. They become green and when they go home the parents don't believe it is them. They cry until they become blue and yellow again. Then the parents hug them and realize they turn green so
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they believe blue and yellow now.

This book can teach children about friendship and how when you are friends with someone, you become like them and they become like you.
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LibraryThing member sharty
Blue is supposed to stay home while mom is at the store, but he and Yellow decide to spend time together. A hug turns them green and, when they go home, their parents refuse to believe that it is them. When the cry and cry, they become Blue and Yellow Again. When their parents hug them, they turn
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green and now believe their story.
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LibraryThing member vnwender
This is a cute book where colors are characters. They were best friends and they lost each other. They looked everywhere for one another. When they found each other they hugged so tight that they turned green. This is a fun way to teach children about colors!
LibraryThing member kcicchella
This is a sweet and simple book about little blue and little yellow. They were best friends who liked to play together. One day they hugged each other for so long that they became green. The played and played, but when they went to little blue's home, "but papa and mama blue said: "you are not our
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little blue - you are green. And papa and mama yellow said: "you are not our little yellow- you are green." What happened next? They cried and cried. Did their parents ever recognize their little blue and little yellow again? Read this story and find out!
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LibraryThing member WilliamBarnes
this is a great little book about two best friends, little blue and little yellow, who one day hug and become green. they enjoy being green together until they try and go home and neither of their parents recognize them. this upsets the two little ones so they begin to cry and as they cry they
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begin to separate and become blue and yellow once again. This would be a good book to help introduce the concept of colors and how some colors are made up of mixing together other colors.
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LibraryThing member born1990
Genre: Fantasy

This book is a good example of fantasy because it is a story about two colors and how they are friends. They learn that they become another color when they combine themselves. It is completely impossible to have talking color circles become friends, and play together outdoors. It
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become believable through the author's words, even though it is completely fictional. The setting takes place in the color's homes and outdoors, playing together. I think that this setting works well for the story line, but that if the setting were some place else, for example, the beach, the same story line could be told and the same message would still be portrayed by the author.

Level: Primary
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LibraryThing member icedchai
Genre:This book is a good example of fantasy because the events in this book could not have happened. The two colored dots were given human characteristics, which would not happen in real life.

Characterization: 4stars

Age: Primary
LibraryThing member dangerlibearian
Yellow dot and blue dot are best friends, when they hug they become green dot. After getting home blue family and yellow family don't recognize their little dots. Then they cry and cry and become themselves again. Great yellow and blue make green, real simple text.
LibraryThing member djd016
Little Yellow and Little Blue are best friends. They go to school together and play many games together such as Hide and Seek, and Ring-a-Ring-O’ Roses! One day when Little Blue hugged Little Yellow they discovered that they could turn green when they combine themselves. After playing all day
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they came home still green and their parents could not recognize them so they cried and cried until they were all tears. After they pulled themselves together they then went and explained what happened to their parents and their parents were glad to have them back to normal.
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LibraryThing member kag026
Colors as characters, who run and play. They get mixed up and make new colors.
LibraryThing member mmontet
This is an amazing book for young children as it teaches many things. The two main characters, little blue and little yellow, hug so tight that they combine to green. Once they arrive home, their parents don't see that they are who they are because of their color. I got more out of this book than a
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young child probably would get out of it, and I believe that there are a few hidden meanings in the story, but it would be a good book for young children for a color unit or an art unit as it demonstrates that blue and yellow combined make green. It could also teach friendship.
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LibraryThing member elainevbernal
Leo Lionni, Little Blue and Little Yellow, (1996). NY: Alfred Knopf.

Little Blue and Little Yellow are best friends, go to school together, and play together. One day, Little Blue is home alone and decided to seek out Little Yellow. When they find each other, they hug, and they become one and turn
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green. They returned to their families, but their parents didn't recognize them and all were very upset and sad. Finally, when they let each other go and return to their original colors, their families realize what happened and the Blue and Yellow families hug each other with joy and turn green.

The use of shapes and textures effectively convey the characters and their relationships with each other - the children are represented as small textured circles and the parents are tall, elongated, and rounded to symbolize warm, safe, symbols. The book is small, sturdy, and easy to read for small children as one page is dedicate to each thought and each sentence.

Little Blue and Little Yellow is a delightful read-aloud that can be very useful in introducing children 5-8 in the concept of friendship, diversity, and respecting differences in others, and the challenges that can arise.
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LibraryThing member jlsherman
Wonderful story about friendship. Also nice books about the mixing of colors.
LibraryThing member Amber_88
This is a good example of fantasy, because inanimate objects (blobs of color) are talking and interacting, but it relates to real life and can teach children regarding color mixing. For example, children would learn that blue and yellow make green.
This book is too short to tell much about the
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plot, setting, or characters.
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LibraryThing member AmandaHempleman
Little blue and little yellow were best friends and one day they hugged so much that they became green. They went home that night and their parents said you are not my little blue and the other one said you are not my little yellow. They were sad. Then there parents were hugging and then they also
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changed to green so then they were all happy. I would use this for grades Kindergarden- 2nd grade. I would use this book in my classroom because it shows good friendship and it shows that if you mix colors you will get a new color.
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Original publication date


Physical description

48 p.; 7.72 inches


0688132855 / 9780688132859
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