Rules of Attraction

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Simon & Schuster, Paperback


Living on the University of Colorado-Boulder campus with his older brother Alex, a college student and ex-gang member, high school senior Carlos is not ready to give up his wild ways until he meets a shy classmate named Kiara and becomes unwillingly involved in a drug ring.

User reviews

LibraryThing member elnice
My thoughts...Let me start by saying I did not read the first book in the series, Perfect Chemistry. I am sure it would have given me better expectations of the second book, but it was not necessary. These novels can stand alone. Simone Elkeles knows how to write the ultimate bad boy. Carlos finds
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himself struggling to get out of gang life and out of his bad boy ways. While he is tough and packed full of attitude, readers periodically catch glimpses of his softer side, which makes him so likable. The other character we get perspectives from is Kiara, who is the total opposite of Carlos. While she is not your average girly girl, she is definitely a good daughter. The two of them have one of those against all odds relationships.

The plot of Rules of Attraction moved at a quick, enjoyable pace. This book offers something for everyone, even male readers. The chapters alternate point-of-view between Carlos and Kiara. The story takes us into a journey into the life of someone who is trying to avoid gang life. At times, I felt truly afraid for Carlos due to the danger he and his loved ones were facing. Aside from the dangerous side, this is also a love story, a sort of modern Romeo and Juliet tale. Rules of Attraction is a beautifully written tale sure to enjoyed be a variety of readers.

Lastly, I feel like I should mention that the book is for older YA readers. These characters experience some extreme situations. As a result, there is quite a bit of adult language, drug abuse, and some violence. Readers will also read several sexual situations. They are not very graphic, but I would not recommend it for younger readers.
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LibraryThing member Krissy724
Rules of Attraction is the companion novel to Perfect Chemistry. While Perfect Chemistry is about Alex and Brittany, the main characters in Rules of Attraction are Carlos (Alex’s little brother) and Kiara. You don’t have to read Perfect Chemistry to read Rules of Attraction, but I would
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recommend that you do. Both stories are amazing!! Simone Elkeles writing is addicting and she had me falling in love with all the characters.

I loved Carlos even more then I loved Alex, which I didn’t think was possible. I’m such a sucker for the bad-ass boy with a big heart. Carlos doesn’t allow anyone to see the real him, whose actually very sweet and thoughtful. He acts like an ass hole to push people away before they can leave him. Carlos is also the kind of guy that would rather look bad then ask someone for help, adding to his bad-boy image.

I also enjoyed getting to know Kiara. I first thought that she was going to be a carbon copy of Brittany, but Kiara is what Brittany was when her guard was down. Kiara was overall a great person, and I think the perfect person to make Carlos feel that he is worth something and deserves better in his life.

It seemed that Kiara and Carlos’ relationship didn’t flow as well as Alex and Brittany’s did. For me, it was BAM-they are so in love and can never be apart. It almost seemed forced because it was getting towards the end of the novel and something had to happen. Other then that, I absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait to read it, as well as Perfect Chemistry all over again!

There was also another cheesy epilogue and I loved it!

Simone Elkeles third novel in the series, Chain Reaction, is due out in May 2011 and is about Luis (Alex and Carlos’ younger brother), and of course, I can not wait to read it!
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LibraryThing member xXlovelyxladyXx
I hate myself for taking so long to read this series! Seriously! Those Fuentes brothers make me desperately want one brother of my own. Rules of Attraction is the wonderful and sexually appealing sequel to Perfect Chemistry. It features Alex's younger brother Carlos, who is fiesty, hard to control,
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and rape-worthy sexy as hell and his love interest Kiara, who is opposite of him in every way!

I can't even begin to say how much I love these characters. Carlos really bugged me at the beginning, because despite Alex and him having so much in common (seriously, it was almost scary how much the two were alike), Alex chose to be in a gang to protect his family while Carlos just feels like being in a gang and disses Alex and Brittany to no end. The lovable brotherly banter between these two was outright hilarious and yes, Carlos was mean to him but he loves his brother, who does some pretty stupid shit in this book.

Then there's Kiara. She stutters. She wears baggy clothes. She's a tomboy. And yet she and Carlos fit together better than crumbling magnet cookies ;). I loved how Simone Elkeles paced their romance a bit more than the romance in the first book and at the same time, had both characters deny their own chemistry. It made for a very swoon worthy book.

I loved Kiara's family like crazy. Brandon works diligently to break down Carlos's inner walls and does a fabulous job too. Her mom reminds me of my mom, innocent and clueless to all tension around her and her dad was hilarious. Seriously, I was not expecting military dad extraordinare!

And there were some moments that were just so priceless I nearly collapsed from laughing so hard. I mean Tuck really brought out the fury in Carlos but those to had some really great moments.

Overall, I love this book, and I'm dying to get my hands on the final book Chain Reaction featuring Luis! Although we haven't seen much of him, both brothers describe him to be cute, innocent and desperately trying to be an astronaut. I'm dying to read the book after reading the Goodreads blurb several times so thank god its only a few more months and not another year.

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
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LibraryThing member edspicer
I would definently try to convince a friend to read this book. If they liked Perfect Chemistry, they will love Rules of Attraction. It is very easy to relate to, and deals with everyday teenage life problems.
5Q, 5P; Cover Art: Awesome!
This book is best suited for highschoolers.
It was selected
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because the cover really drew attention, and it was a sequel to Perfect Chemistry.
Grade (of reviwer): 9th
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LibraryThing member RJGonzales
In the sorta sequel/ continuation of the Fuentes brothers, we meet Carlos. Alex’s brother. Simone does not disappoint in this fantastic addition that can be read as a standalone as well. Though not as near to perfection as Perfect Chemistry. I enjoyed this novel and give it 4.5 out of 5 simply
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because I did enjoy the new voices, however nothing can top the “Chemistry” between Alex and Brittany that is utterly sexy, dangerous and completely incredible!!!
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LibraryThing member ylin.0621
Rules of Attraction oh long I’ve waited for this moment. When the news of a sequel to the coveted Perfect Chemistry reached the ears of the blogging world it was sheer mayhem. Which was what?—like 2 to 3 months ago? Now I finally had a copy of this sucker in my grubby hands and it crumbled. It
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was just…so scandalous! Take the romance what you know from Perfect Chemistry and amplify that to the tenth power and add raging teenage hormones.

It’s been several months since I last skimmed Perfect Chemistry so forgive me if this was prominent in there as well as I did not warn you (but I believe it wasn’t so in-your-face). Rules of Attraction had a heavy heaping of sexual tensions, two almost sex scenes, and one actual sex scene thing. Before anyone says anything there was no mention of the P-word or the V-word or any of that sorts. Rules of Attraction is for older teens or just really mature teens, comprende? Fans of romance will rejoice, but this takes away from the actual storyline to me.

Carlos Fuentes is trying to change his life after some…incidents…occur. Kiara is just what he needs; she’s a strong minded female that won’t swoon to the likes of him (very much that is). The relationship between these two is a bundle of joy. They balance each other out and give readers plenty to laugh at. With the addition of Tuck, Kiara’s (gay) best friend, there are scenes that are laugh out loud funny. (And if you’ve read it already did you think the Ultimate Frisbee was funny?).

As for Kiara’s family, well they are in their own categories. Elkeles seems to also craft her secondary characters wonderfully just as with Paco from Perfect Chemistry. Alex and Brittany also make quite a reappearance that gives previous readers still something to smile about.

Overall: The reason why the grade is fairly average to low was because I’ve seen most of this Perfect Chemistry.
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LibraryThing member MsMoonlight
I had greatly anticipated the release of this book ever since I completely fell for 'Perfect Chemistry' last year. That book took the place of my ALL TIME favorite YA and my very favorite book of 2009 - it was that good! This book takes places a few years later and is the story of Alex's younger
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brother Carlos. A seventeen year old with a bad attitude.

Carlos pushes people away with his actions and sarcasm because he feels everyone in his life ends up leaving him sooner or later. He refuses to get close to anyone and makes it his mission to be rude and abrasive. But Carlos is out of luck because his big brother Alex, Alex's girl friend Brittany and Carlos' new school imposed 'peer guide' Kiara along with her entire family are not going to let Carlos push them away.

Carlos has no hopes or dreams for his future. He sees himself going no where but back to the gang life, prison or dead. When Carlos is framed with drugs in his locker he wants revenge. Instead he finds a supportive family, group therapy that shows him the tools he needs to change and most surprising of all he finds him self head over heals in love with his peer guide Kiara. A girl who doesn't take his abuse and gives him back as much aggravation and frustration as he gives her.

While I enjoyed 'Rules of Attraction' it was good- but it was no "Perfect Chemistry" on any level. The romance was OK, but not burning up the pages with first love. The action was nearly none existent, which is a far, far cry from the gang violence of the first book. And there was no wonder or suspense of not knowing what was going to happen next like the first book. This one was a sweet but predicable YA romance that had lots of potential for more, but for me fell a bit flat.
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LibraryThing member ericajsc
My intention when reading this book was not to compare it to Perfect Chemistry. I know it’s kinda-sorta a sequel, so making comparisons is somewhat justified, but I was really wanting to take the story about Carlos and Kiara as its own story. But I can’t. There were a lot of aspects that I
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really liked about Perfect Chemistry: exploring Alex’s gang connections, Brittany’s strained relationship with her parents, seeing Brittany outside her comfort zone and in Alex’s world. I wasn’t sure if a sequel could live up to the way I was instantly pulled into that story. When I found out it was about Carlos, I wasn’t sure what to expect because, honestly, I could hardly remember him from the first book. And then there’s a line on the cover that says, “If you loved Alex Fuentes, wait until you meet his brother Carlos…” and I instantly thought, “Yeah, right.” So yes, I was skeptical, to say the least, going into this book. But alas, I must confess this book proved me wrong, because I just might love Carlos more than Alex.
In the beginning of the story, Carlos was a little too much for me. He pushed buttons just for the sake of pushing buttons, and oh man, does that annoy me. And he didn’t do it to be funny, he did it to get under people’s skin. I was about ready to drop-kick the boy. Yet, there were blink-and-you’ll-miss-it flashes of the fact that he’s really a nice guy who’s afraid to let people know it – because if they know it, then he’s vulnerable. I also found that Kiara was more relatable for me than Brittany. She’s quiet, but not shy, so she’s not exactly a wilting wallflower who lets Carlos get away with the crap he tries to pull on her. The way Elkeles moves them from practical strangers to wanting something more feels very natural in the story. And the fact that Kiara’s parents actually played an important role in the book, especially her dad, made the relationship between the two of them even more believable.
As before, this book is written with both characters’ perspectives. Carlos’s voice is wonderfully done, because I was right there with him thinking that Brittany was annoying (which I didn’t when she was actually the main character), so his perspective is definitely captured. Kiara’s voice allows readers to see a deeper side of her, one that would be difficult to otherwise see because she speaks so little until she really knows a person.
I do want to give a word of warning to people who have read Perfect Chemistry and are hoping for the same thing: the romance is not quite the same, so if that’s what you’re looking for, know that it’s going to be different. Alex and Brittany’s attraction was, to put it mildly, a bit steamy. Carlos and Kiara’s is a bit more subdued than that. There are definitely moments of intensity and heat, but there was a different feel to it.
A big complaint a lot of readers of Perfect Chemistry was that the epilogue was too over the top and extremely saccharine. There is, in fact, an epilogue in this book, and some might find it unnecessary. Maybe it is, but I wasn’t bothered by it. While it’s not completely devoid of a certain amount of cheesiness, it’s much more realistic. There’s nothing as far-fetched as Alex and Brittany’s future promises, but the circumstances as they are presented might leave some readers thinking it was a little too similar to a story that’s already been told.
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LibraryThing member GirlonaMission
A little slow in the beginning but I ended up liking this one. I'd heard so many good things about Perfect Chemistry so I was excited to pick this one up. When is everyone going to learn that the person who gets under your skin is most likely the love of your life? Yes, weird.

Kiara wears whatever
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she can grab first, no makeup, and can hardly be considered a "girly girl". She's the only girl who doesn't show that she's smitten by Carlos' charm and wit. In the beginning he definitely rubbed her the wrong way with his cursing and bad attitude.Though, it was hard for her to figure out why she couldn't stop thinking about him.

Carlos, is the misunderstood bad boy. He's not used to people helping him out of the kindness of their hearts and not wanting anything in return. He's distrustful of adults. At first I couldn't stand him, but as the book went on I began to see that he did certain things because he felt he had to protect the people around him.

It certainly takes a while for this unlikely pair to both come to their senses, but when they do, it's hard to stop it. I love that the cover is an actual scene in the book. It's exactly how I imagined it. Great romance, and pretty steamy at times. I would recommend this one for older teens since there's some pretty racy topics in this one. I was expected a bit more from it plot-wise. It sounded like a story I'd read plenty of times, but it was still delivered well.
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LibraryThing member booksandwine
If you are a good girl/boy, I'll bet you've had a crush on a bad boy/girl. What is unknown holds a certain attraction. I am down with this. Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles is of course a good girl meets bad boy story. Let's be real here, we already know how it is going to end, since these
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books all end the same way, so what really matters is how Elkeles takes us there.

Carlos Fuentes meets with some trouble in Mexico and has been sent to live in Boulder, Colorado with his brother Alex. Alex's studio apartment, however, is not suited for keeping Carlos out of trouble. Carlos is then sent to live with the Westfords.

Kiara Westford is a good girl who gets good grades. She is definitely not in the popular crowd like Brittany from Perfect Chemistry was. She stutters. She is a walking fashion disaster. However, she's got spunk. I like that she's comfortable with who she is.

Sparks of course fly between the two as they trade barbs. Kiara gets on Carlos's nerves and into his head. I found this to be irresistible. At heart, I guess I am a romantic. The adorable absolutely got to me. Also, I enjoyed how the chapters alternated between Carlos and Kiara. It's cool seeing both sides.

However, I felt the writing got to be a bit heavy handed at times, and a bit snort-worthy. However, the heavy hand is not prevalent throughout the entire book. I read Rules of Attraction in one sitting. In comparison with Perfect Chemistry, I think I enjoyed Perfect Chemistry more. But this one definitely did not disappoint. Now, I would not advise buying this in hardcover, because it's such a QUICK read, but paperback, yes absolutely.
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LibraryThing member Stephy5g
A predictable read but this book also incorporates the first book enough to satisfy any reader.
LibraryThing member allureofbooks
Carlos was a tough nut to crack, but it was all very natural and believable. The way he grew up and the preconceived notions he had built up in his head about white people made his attitude very realistic. Of course, it also made him very annoying for a large chunk of the book...but hey. Life
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lesson: a lot of people ARE really annoying. And once his true personality started peeking through, he showed that he really is a good guy. I didn't fall for him like I did Alex in Perfect Chemistry, but he is still a great character.

As much as I liked Perfect Chemistry, the first book of the series, I'm glad this one was different. Brittany was the stereotypical popular white girl, and it was a nice change to have someone a little nerdier and less confident this time around. Kiara was awesome, I really liked her. Most of her character development is all relationship-focused, which is a shame. I would have liked to see more of her - just her.

If you liked the first book, you should definitely continue the series with this one...maybe get it from the library or wait for the paperback copy to come out unless you're a huge fan.
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LibraryThing member Jasprit
This book was good, it had a lot of similarities to perfect chemistry, but I didn't think anything could top perfect chemisty, I'm not too sure now. Again I loved it how you got both Carlos' and Kiara's perspective and I'm glad Alex and Brittany were in some of it. Simone Elkeles is quickly
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becoming one of my favourite authors. I'm eagerly anticipating the third book now!
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
I absolutely love this series! (It does, however, continue to *almost* make me wish I'd taken Spanish instead of French in high school. I console myself with the fact that I'd probably remember just as much of it as I do French, so it wouldn't help much anyway.) Simone Elkeles's sequel to Perfect
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Chemistry definitely does not disappoint. It's just as strong as the first novel, and though there are a lot of similarities in the plot and story line, Carlos and Kiara's story is definitely their own. We also see some of Brittany and Alex's continuing relationship, and it's interesting to see it from an outside perspective this time. Family is once again a strong theme; it's not just a teenage romance--that's one of the things I really like about this series. I devoured this one in just a day. It's definitely for more mature YA readers, though, due to content (language, gangs and violence, sexuality). That said, I can't wait to get my hands on Luis's story--hurry up, library system!
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LibraryThing member Annesanse
I really liked both Perfect Chemistry and Rules of Attraction. Those Fuentes brothers are hot! There's just something about a guy with a rough, tough exterior and a super big heart that you can't help but love. I think I liked Carlos even more than I liked Alex, (and Kiera was pretty awesome too)
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but I think I liked the story of Perfect Chemistry slightly better. This one was just slightly less intense all around.

Sometimes I dislike when the author brings previous leading characters back as secondary characters because I tend to find them boring or cheesy (or both.) This book was no exception. Alex was just boring, and Brittany seemed shallow and cheesy. Aside from those things, I really did enjoy the story and feel of the book. Also, I especially liked Kiera's dad and her little brother, Brandon. Both were great characters. Some of my favorite parts were when Carlos was interacting with Brandon.

As for the audio aspect of the book (I listened to this one), I really liked the male narrator! He was very authentic sounding. I liked the female during the parts she was reading Kiera. However, I found her voices for Carlos and also Kiera's mom pretty annoying.

I really can't wait to read Luis's story!
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
This is a companion book to Elkeles' Perfect Chemistry and I almost liked this book more. You do find out more about the characters of the first book, but we follow the story of the second Fuentes brother. Again, the characters are likable, flaws and all, and the resolution to the big climax is
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pretty good. But, just like the first book, everything ends up wrapped up far too perfectly, but that's what these books are going for and so it's pretty easy to accept the story for what it is.
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LibraryThing member skaohee
In Perfect Chemistry, we met Alex Fuentes - the oldest of the three Fuentes brothers but in Rules of Attraction, we get to meet his younger brother, Carlos. Seriously, these two could not be any different. While Alex is swoon-worthy and sweet, Carlos is definitely more rough around the edges - a
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real bad boy. We follow him when he's pulled from Mexico and brought to Colorado to live with Alex. He gets in some trouble and then goes to stay with Alex's college professor's family, where he meets the professor's teenage daughter. She is nothing like Carlos - she doesn't cut class and she makes good grades. And yet, they have this attraction that can't be denied.

Once again, Simone Elkeles blew me away with her ability to make forbidden teenage love seem so real without being overly cheesy or angsty. Carlos and Kiara have this palpable attraction and I found myself loving them even more than I loved Alex and Brittany. And I really like that Simone was able to create a new conflict for Carlos than Alex had previously endured, because it would have been easy to just re-write Perfect Chemistry with Carlos as the main character.

On a side note - I LOVE the audiobook for this one!

If you loved, Perfect Chemistry, or if you love love stories, this one is a great pick!
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LibraryThing member NotoriousBIGeek
Carlos is a little troublemaker, but boy is he a great story teller! Carlos moves with his older brother Alex and meets this girl... Geez! I can't spoil it! It's a great story that takes place in Colorado!
LibraryThing member TigerLMS
Carlos Fuentes got involved with a gang in Mexico, and to try and save his future (and his life), she ships high school-age Carlos to Colorado to live with his collegiate brother Alex. Carlos quickly finds himself in trouble again when he is caught with drugs, although he-- and the reader-- know it
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was a frame-job by a local drug lord who possibly has ties to the Mexican gang Carlos ran away from. To stay out of jail, Carlos agrees to move in with the director of an after-school at-risk program, Professor Westford, and his family. There, Carlos is inexplicably drawn to the professor's daughter, the classic-car restoring granola brainiac Kiera. The budding romance and the suspense of Carlos trying to insulate the Westfords while being pressured by the drug lord make this a page-turning read. Carlos is a particularly memorable character as he battles his outward machismo and inner nice guy that breaks away from the typical stereotypes. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member momgamerwriter
Originally Reviewed at:Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating: 5 out of 5 Controllers
Review Source: Purchased

Simone Elkeles does it again with the Rules of Attraction. Set two years after her hit Perfect Chemistry, Rules of Attraction tells the story of Carlos Fuentes and Kiara Westford.

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losing his job at the local sugar mill, Carlos family decides to send him to Boulder, Colorado to live with his older brother Alex. Upon arriving, Carlos makes it known that he is not happy about living in Boulder and intends to do anything he chooses. Upon starting at the local high school, Carlos meets Kiara. After only a week at school, Carlos is falsely accused and nearly suspended from school. As a result, he is sent to live with Alex’s former teacher Mr.Westford and his family. Though Carlos intends not to become close to anyone, he soon finds that Kiara isn’t someone who can scare away.

Kiara is not the type of girl Carlos is used to. Instead of shopping for the latest fashion, she prefers working on her 1973 Monte Carlo, hiking the Colorado Mountains, and spending time with her parents’ younger brother Brandon and best friend Tucker. After her boyfriend Michael breaks up with her via text message, she is determined to make herself know for something other than her lack of style and stuttering. After working with a speech therapist all summer, Kiara is ready to start the school year fresh. When Carlos moves in with Kiara’s family, the pair begins a relationship that neither can explain.

Simone, once again, does a great job expressing teenage relationships and the reality of gang life. She tells the story of the newest Fuentes brother and his developing relationship with a few old favorites. If you enjoyed Perfect Chemistry, you’ll love Rules of Attraction.
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LibraryThing member elie26reads
This book as AMAZING!! I loved Carlos & Kiara's story. The story makes you laugh, cry and want to shake some sense into the characters. I didnt put the book til I finished it!
LibraryThing member margaraawr
I love this more than I loved the first book :)
LibraryThing member Annejhoyce
Okay, I was really excited starting this book as soon as I was done with Perfect Chemistry and I loved that book so I had high hopes for this one and the other one of the series. I admit, It wasn't easy to get into Carlos' situation since he felt different when I last read from him in PC. I really
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really thought the facade was stupid as hell but what can I say, bad boys got their secrets to protect.

At first, I don't understand it. As I said, It was different, somewhat, from Alex's struggles, yet kind of the same. He was almost like Brittany, without a perfect acrylic nail set of course. It got on my nerves but I eventually softened up once Carlos did. Oh man, oh man... If I get a penny for every time I read about people playing with fire and making deals about "friendship plus a little bit more", I'd probably have 20 bucks.

I'll still take that 20 though!

Cliches or not, I wasn't expecting a big amazing story but I was expecting a smooth-buttery-velvety-rocky-bouldery (Don't care about you think with that word) transition from Simone Elkeles just as she managed beautifully in PC. She sure did gave justice and more. As much as the story is focused on the two protagonists, the other characters were just made to be easy to love. I also liked hearing about Brittany and Alex once in a while plus other familiar-but-not-so-familiar characters like Luis and the Fuentes brother's mom.
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LibraryThing member katie1802
Before I read the book

Anyone else agree that after this she should write a third book about the youngest Fuentes, Luis?


Yay, she is writing another book about Luis!


Review Time (I like to give
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pointers on how I like my reviews to be read in brackets, feel free to ignore my suggestions)

Aaahhh, my Fuentes boys, could you be anymore perfect? (Yes, I am referencing Chandler). Perhaps it is a little bit formulaic, but, its a very nice formula, isn't it? (channelling Salad fingers here, aaahhh, rusty spoons). As you can see above, I am really looking forward to Chain Reaction (awesome name), and, this time it will be Louis reforming a bad girl!, nice huh?

I really loved how Alex and Brittany were in this, best couple ever, but I also thought the relationship between the brothers was amazing. Unlike Alex, Carlos wants to be a tough gang member, just like Alex was, but misses the point that Alex did it to protect him and Louis, he gets to discover what he really wants though, and it is very, very sweet (emphasis on the very's please, too lazy for italics). Epilogue is, well, EPIC!, less cheesy than the first book. My only problem is that this one isn't quite as funny as the first, ah well, can't have it every way.
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LibraryThing member MichealaBeth
I absolutely LOVED it!


Gateway Readers Award (Nominee — 2nd Place — 2013)
RITA Award (Finalist — Young Adult Romance — 2011)

Original publication date


Physical description

5.16 inches


0857070436 / 9780857070432

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