Ring of Lightning (Dance of the Rings)

by Jane S. Fancher

Paperback, 1995



Call number




DAW (1995), Mass Market Paperback, 576 pages


Breaching the sanctity of his world's ruling priesthood, whose practices provide power to all life, Darius Rhomandi discovers another source of power and founds a democratic city that falls into unrest three hundred years later. Original.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kokipy
This is the first book in Fancher's second trilogy, Dance of the Rings. These books are fantasy, and are just the kind of book I like. They are well-written, which is of fundamental importantce. They are character-driven, focusing on the relationships among three brothers - all well-conceived,
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distinct individuals with strengths and weaknesses. They are tightly plotted, and well paced. Throw in a society powered by ley lines and people trying to discover electricity in competition with the ruling class, and you have enough conflict and dramatic tension for any purpose. These books are out of print and thus available only from used book sellers, sometimes at very high prices. Fancher is, however, in the process of making them available as ebooks at very reasonable prices through Closed Circle Publications, an internet site she runs with C.J. Cherryh and Lynn Abby to reintroduce their back list into the market.
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LibraryThing member reading_fox
Interesting concepts that possibly could do with more explanation, wrapped around some very skilled interpersonal relations.

The basic concept is a world wrapped in 'magical' streams called Leys. Where these intersect nodes form. Humans have managed to tap or cap these nodes to harness their power
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for our own uses - heating light etc. Meanwhile natives of these streams (sometimes worshipped as gods) live their own lives, only occasionally contesting the nodes. Our story follows three (human) brothers, only in their late teens to early 20s, heirs apparent to their Aunt who is Ringmaster for a 'nation' of linked city nodes. Their aged Aunt has total authority, and uses the Rings' power over the Ley to enforce her will. Unfortunetly even this is insufficient to prevent her aging, but her efforts to convince the brothers, through divide and rule tactics, of her benevelent aims, falter and in disgust the eldest is exiled.

Jane's particular skill, seen throught the Netwalker books, and prominently featured again here, is the ability to convey how different people intepret the same event differently, and the confusion, blame, guilt and issues of trust this causes. Perhaps if I'm being picky, some of the scenes with Kristin are little less well developed than the brothers' - she does seem to swoon for Deymio rather easily, but other than that the humans are complex and superb. The essance of a family bond is well captured, even if it's a little overdone sometimes.

Even the switching between viewpoints is well handled, without the jarring transition that is sometimes created. This worked especially well in the occasional instance when it deliberately wasn't clear whose viewpoint we had. I was less impressed with the interludes into the magical beings - these indicated they have fairly substantial powers, and yet none of the humans, especially the Aunt seemed to realise this. The opening scenes of Mother indicating that Dancer should become Ringmaster don't seem to have been followed through, unless they reappear in later books, but no indication is given that this is so.

There is a noteworthy and interesting Afterword by Jane describing how she writes adn hoe she approaches the problem of describing fiction when she's been brought up from a science background.

Enjoyable and engaging, well worth seeking out the sequels.
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LibraryThing member Davidmullen
This is the first book of a series set in a world with a different technology. The story is about 3 brothers who are heirs to leadership of a city. The eldest has rebelled, the middle brother has taken up his responsibility and the yougest has just reached his majority as the story opens. In this a
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nd the next 2 books they are matched there is a hatch and some dispatches. I thoroughly enjoyed this partially to my own surprise and really wish the author could continue the series. My copy is ebook from the author's website.
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Physical description

576 p.; 6.8 inches


0886776538 / 9780886776534
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