The Agency 2: The Body at the Tower

by Y.S. Lee

Hardcover, 2010



Call number




Candlewick (2010), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 352 pages


Mystery. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML: Mary's second adventure as an undercover agent forces her to relive some harrowing childhood experiences as she seeks the identity of a murderer. (Ages 12 and up) Mary Quinn is back, now a trusted member of the Agency, the allfemale detective unit operating out of Miss Scrimshaw's Academy for Girls. Her new assignment sends her into the grimy underbelly of Victorian London dressed as a poor boy, evoking her own childhood memories of fear, hunger, and constant want. As she insinuates herself into the confidence of several persons of interest, she encounters others in desperate situations and struggles to make a difference without exposing �or losing �her identity. Mary's adventure, which takes place on the building site of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, offers a fictional window into a fascinating historical time and place..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member stephxsu
Orphan Mary Quinn works for the Agency, a secret spy organization run by and employing entirely woman. Her latest assignment has her disguised as a 12-year-old boy at the construction site of a clock tower near Parliament, investigating a mysterious death and the site’s overall generally bad
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reputation. Mary is skilled at her “trade,” but she finds being a boy harder than she expects when it brings back long-suppressed memories of her rough childhood.

To make matters worse—or better, in some instances—James, her old flame, has returned from India, changed in some ways, yet exactly the same in others. Will Mary be able to balance all the different parts of her life while she does her job, or will something have to fall—literally?

The first book in this series, A Spy in the House, was a solidly entertaining and well-researched historical mystery, but this second installment, THE BODY AT THE TOWER, throws me into fangirl zone. THE BODY AT THE TOWER, is off-the-charts incredible for its genre, a Victorian London mystery that is sure to please old and new fans.

All of Y. S. Lee’s writing strengths return in full force in this worthy sequel: from character development, to exquisitely immersing historical details, to a sizzling romance. All of the details about the Victorian era never feel forced or extravagant: readers will find it easy to fall into the gritty London that Mary inhabits, while learning incredible things about the Victorian era along the way.

The richness of the setting is matched well by the playful banter between Mary and James, banter that I described as Austen-worthy in my review of the first book, a sentiment that I heartily return to now. Sure, maybe it’s wish fulfillment in a number of ways—James is a self-described arrogant and persistent man—but damn if the pages didn’t nearly catch on fire while I was reading their banter. This is a strong-minded couple that doesn’t have it easy, but they certainly have chemistry.

Lee introduces new characters almost effortlessly, while simultaneously further exploring Mary’s conflicts with her heritage and childhood. Sure, minor characters help move the plot forward or give the MCs necessary information, but in THE BODY AT THE TOWER they acquire the possibility for life outside the story. And Mary is not just your average inexplicably competent female detective, but rather a young woman with demons of her own.

I’m not a big historical fiction OR mystery fan, but this series is one of my favorites, and probably my favorite historical mystery series. Well-written, eye-opening, and entertaining, you will dive in and be immersed immediately. THE BODY AT THE TOWER proves that Y. S. Lee is a rising star, and hasn’t even reached her peak yet. I am on tenterhooks awaiting the third book, and more after that from this incredible author!
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LibraryThing member molliekay
It took me a bit to get into this one, but when I did, I couldn't wait to get to the end! Another fascinating mystery that brings the London of the 1860s to life (I felt like I could actually smell it the way Lee describes). I can't wait to read the next installment.
LibraryThing member C.Ibarra
In The Body at the Tower, we meet up with the lovely Mary Quinn again. About a year has passed since we last saw her in A Spy in the House. She is offered an assignment at a local building site where a suspicious death has occurred. Mary will have to play the part of a young boy. Never one to shy
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away from a challenge, Mary accepts even though she knows this assignment will most likely stir up memories from her life before Miss Scrimshaw's Academy for Girls saved her from execution. While working incognito, James Easton comes back into her life. Worried about blowing her cover, Mary continues to behave as a young boy named Mark Quinn, while wondering if James suspects who she might really be.

I was so excited to spend time with Mary again. She continues to struggle with the mixed heritage she is afraid to claim, but also ashamed to deny. We catch a glimpse of a more emotional side of Mary in this novel, as she reflects on the course her life has taken. I love the growth her character experiences during this installment. I was ecstatic to see James return. I think a fist pump might have occurred along with a "Yippee it’s James!”. I was convinced his leaving for India was the end for him and Mary. Things continue to be on the complicated side for these two, but I absolutely love the chemistry they create. The ending was a little disheartening, and is bound to make the wait for the next book feel like forever.

I don’t hide my love for The Agency novels, and recommend them to others every chance I get. I gave The Spy in the House 5 Stars. I loved the newest addition even more, and felt it deserved my first 5+ rating. I can’t say enough about these books. Intriguing mysteries, fascinating characters, an interesting setting, and enough romance to satisfy without overshadowing the plot. Even those who aren’t fans of historical books should check these out. Mary Quinn might just change your mind. I’m so sad this is just a trilogy, and not a series I can enjoy for years to come.
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LibraryThing member ShellyPYA
Mary Quinn disguises herself as a boy to help uncover the circumstances behind the death of a laborer who was working on building the Houses of Parliament.
LibraryThing member MagicalSibylle
I was really looking forward to reading the second installment in The Agency trilogy. In this book, Mary has to investigate the death of a worker on a construction site & she goes undercover, disguised as Mark. While it was a really enjoyable read, I wasn't as pleased with it as I'd been with A Spy
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in the House (reviewed here). First of all, I didn't find the plot as engaging as for the first book. In the first book, I'd grown quite fond of reading about the secondary characters and their development (in particular, if you remember, that of Angelica - but I fear I'm spoiling a bit here). With The Body at the Tower, I really struggled to keep up with what was going on and the detective story part of the novel failed to keep me interested. That being said, I didn't give this book 4 stars for nothing - Mary is as lovely a heroine as ever and the social commentary is as sharp as in The Spy in the House - I noticed the author focused more on issues of paternalism this time. For example, at some point, Mary remarks that offering baskets of food to poverty-stricken families gives well-off people a sense of accomplishment but once it's not a sustainable source at all, what they need is lasting change. Also, can I say yay for an awesome reference to Mary Wollstonecraft? :)

Surprisingly enough, I thought the best parts of the books were the ones related to Mary and James, not so much their romance (though the banter's always a welcome addition) but how much the author developed them this time. I felt they were more real than ever, especially James who - even though I can't forget his essentialist comments in Spy - is turning into quite the catch. I was also pleasantly surprised to see Mary and James comment on homosexual relationships in a very casual and matter-of-fact way, which made them very endearing.

Overall, I'm constantly impressed at the range this series of books offers. Y.S. Lee does something not many have done before, which is giving a pretty good picture of Victorian London seen through the eyes of not only the happy few and how the happy few sees the rest but also how the rest lives - Mary herself has to deal with this constantly. On top of it all, it's generally a series of really good adventure novels. I'll be very sorry to see the third (and last) book come out next year for I really wish this fantastic series would last but a little longer!
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LibraryThing member twonickels
Another solid entry in this series. Mary starts to actually acknowledge how distant she feels from her Chinese background and how eager she is to keep it hidden in public, which I would really like to see explored further – I thought it was the most interesting part of this book, and it was
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mostly glossed over. But the mystery was entertaining, and the romance was still quite a bit of fun.
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LibraryThing member theepicrat
After a great running start from its predecessor, The Body At The Tower definitely keeps the momentum and practically leaps into the realm of a most fascinating Victorian mystery. Y.S. Lee layers the suspense thick as London fog as we follow Mary into the grittier side of life. The story took me to
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places that I never thought about such as Mary's deplorable lodging arrangements that lacked for privacy, the sad state of affairs for orphaned families, etc. I appreciated the depth of details that Y.S. Lee provided the reader - so different from the 1st book where we still swirl around in skirts and with teacups - The Body At The Tower truly sinks its teeth into the working class life and chews it thoughtfully before spitting out a well-done mystery.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Mary Quinn is now on another job for the Agency. Posing as a 12-year-old boy labourer she has to try to find out the why and how of a bricklayer falling to his death. Between the pressures of having to pose as a boy, the echoes of her past and the return of James Eason her life is very
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Interesting, but the end left me feeling vaguely dissatisfied.
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LibraryThing member wiremonkey
Mary Lang is a twelve-year old, half-chinese, half-irish London ragamuffin about to be hanged for thieving when she is offered the chance of a new life at Miss Scrimshaw’s Academy for Girls. The Academy is an unusual institution run by two very different young ladies, Ann Treleaven, a prim,
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thirty-ish spinster and Felicity Frame. The students at the academy are trained in useful occupations and learn to be independent. However, if the life of a governess or nurse does not suit them, and if they have the aptitude for such work, the students have another option – to become a member for the Agency, an all-women spy, well, Agency.

With their aid, Mary transforms herself into Mary Quinn, choosing to hide her Chinese ancestry and pass as only half-irish to explain her dark, exotic looks. When the time comes for her to seek employment outside the school, uninspired with the dull like of a governess, she chooses to join the Agency.

And thus begins a series of mysterious adventures. Along the way, she meets her romantic foil, James Easton, a young engineer.

Although the mysteries are a little too predictable, the relationship between Mary and James is pitch perfect, reminiscent of the best Victorian-era romantic mysteries for adults: The Lady Julia Grey mysteries, Amelia Peabody and of course, who can forget Ms. Alexia Tarabotti in the Parasol Protectorate.

These were great fun, with a clear and intriguing view of London, from the everday workings of a middle class family, to the re-building of parliament to Queen Victoria herself. In fact, I especially enjoyed Lee’s portrayal of the latter, as a fierce leader and loving mother.

Pair this up with Pullman’s Sally Lockhart mysteries, Shane Peacock’s Young Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Springer’s Enola Holmes series.
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LibraryThing member ylin.0621
Mary has a new mission: she must solve the mystery behind the suspicious death at St. Stephen's Tower. Her disguise: a young boy of age 13 working at the construction site. But this character that Mary will play will hit home hard for before Mary joined Academy for Girls—a school to train private
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eyes—she was forced to live on the streets and pretending to be a young boy than a girl just betters her chances of not getting rape. There is no time to relax for Mary must keep her guard up amongst all these men as well as rooming with one. But James is back from India and there to push her buttons.

If you really liked the first installment to this series you will love this sequel. The Body at the Tower is well paced with enough scheming characters that it’s hard to pin-point the exact culprit. There is also more Mary and James love! (Fun, fun read.) Y.S. Lee writes like a true mystery writer with details that cover all 5 senses and descriptive words that the reader is right there where the action is.

The Body at the Tower delivered as an emotional read as well as we learn more about Mary. From childhood struggles to an ethnicity that she is forced to hide, Lee writes a stunning novel. Yet I will say this again and again, my reading taste differs from others so while I thought The Body at the Tower was good, it was not superb. I lack that connection that other readers managed to find and frankly I think it’s all me and not the novel’s fault.
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LibraryThing member readinggeek451
At the unfinished new Parliament building, a man falls to his death from the clock tower. Mary Quinn goes undercover as a builders' apprentice to investigate. But this unusual role stirs up old, unpleasant memories, as well as the danger of the work.

A worthy follow up.
LibraryThing member WickedWoWestwood
I enjoyed this second book in the series. It was a fast read and the action kept you interested. This time Mary Quinn dressed as a boy and worked on a building site to help solve a murder.
LibraryThing member JenJ.
Eh, the mystery doesn't really hold any water, but the historical details, characters and concepts are pretty interesting. I'll go ahead and listen to the third one partly because the narrator is great.
LibraryThing member kayceel
While not as delightful as the first Agency book, I love Mary's spirit and cleverness. This time, she goes undercover at the building sight of the Houses of Parliament to investigate a possible murder. Disguised as a boy (which I considered a bit of a stretch, as she's nearing twenty, yet
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'convincingly' poses as a poor 12-year-old apprentice. While I suppose it's possible, it's quite convenient...

I do appreciate several things about this story: Mary's female bosses trust her to live in a boardinghouse as said boy, and trust her skills and intelligence during a time-period that certainly didn't consider, let alone allow, such a thing. I also like that she is confident and brave, despite significant fears. She also is a rare minority character, having an Irish mother and Chinese father. Unfortunately, there was a bit of discomfort on Mary's love interest's part about her assignment, but even he couldn't deny her capability.

Recommended for those who appreciate strong female characters in historical fiction.
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LibraryThing member TheMadHatters
Mary Quinn is a daring, plucky heroine in this suspenseful mystery. I was completely unable to put the book down for work, dinner, or sleep. I had to find the next book in the series as soon as I was finished.
LibraryThing member MickyFine
Mary Quinn is nearing the end of her year-long training with the Agency and is given an irregular assignment: disguise herself as a young boy and observe the goings on at the construction site for St. Stephen's Tower to determine who might be responsible for the death of a bricklayer. The disguise
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is the easy part for Mary but navigating the alien world of construction workers and memories of her own childhood that the case brings up is far more difficult. Things get even dicier when someone for her past suddenly returns bringing the threat of discovery of her real identity into a harsh reality.

The second novel in The Agency trilogy, this book was just as enjoyable as the first and I devoured it in nearly a single sitting. Mary is continues to be a fascinating character to explore and her sleuthing is good fun to follow. The Victorian era continues to be well-drawn and Lee provides excellent detail in describing the construction of St. Stephen's Tower (now Elizabeth Tower, home to dear old Big Ben) and the area around it. A continuation of the series that will thoroughly satisfy fans of the first book.
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LibraryThing member RubyScarlett
I was really looking forward to reading the second installment in The Agency trilogy. In this book, Mary has to investigate the death of a worker on a construction site & she goes undercover, disguised as Mark. While it was a really enjoyable read, I wasn't as pleased with it as I'd been with A Spy
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in the House (reviewed here). First of all, I didn't find the plot as engaging as for the first book. In the first book, I'd grown quite fond of reading about the secondary characters and their development (in particular, if you remember, that of Angelica - but I fear I'm spoiling a bit here). With The Body at the Tower, I really struggled to keep up with what was going on and the detective story part of the novel failed to keep me interested. That being said, I didn't give this book 4 stars for nothing - Mary is as lovely a heroine as ever and the social commentary is as sharp as in The Spy in the House - I noticed the author focused more on issues of paternalism this time. For example, at some point, Mary remarks that offering baskets of food to poverty-stricken families gives well-off people a sense of accomplishment but once it's not a sustainable source at all, what they need is lasting change. Also, can I say yay for an awesome reference to Mary Wollstonecraft? :)

Surprisingly enough, I thought the best parts of the books were the ones related to Mary and James, not so much their romance (though the banter's always a welcome addition) but how much the author developed them this time. I felt they were more real than ever, especially James who - even though I can't forget his essentialist comments in Spy - is turning into quite the catch. I was also pleasantly surprised to see Mary and James comment on homosexual relationships in a very casual and matter-of-fact way, which made them very endearing.

Overall, I'm constantly impressed at the range this series of books offers. Y.S. Lee does something not many have done before, which is giving a pretty good picture of Victorian London seen through the eyes of not only the happy few and how the happy few sees the rest but also how the rest lives - Mary herself has to deal with this constantly. On top of it all, it's generally a series of really good adventure novels. I'll be very sorry to see the third (and last) book come out next year for I really wish this fantastic series would last but a little longer!
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LibraryThing member cyderry
In the second installment of the Agency Mary Quinn is disguised as a young boy and working at the construction site of Big Ben. Bricklayer Wick has been found at the base of the clock tower and investigation by the police has not turned up any indication of what happened, so the Agency has been
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hired to find out.

A special safety inspector has been hired to determine what needs to be done to get the site back on track, and Mary may be compromised because the inspector is none other than an old acquaintance James Easton. Will he see through her disguise? If so, will he give her away?

The action in the book is pleasantly spread along with the personal dilemma for Mary. This series seems to be perfectly designed for young adults with hidden agendas of moral quandaries.
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LibraryThing member LoftyIslanders
I enjoyed this one, I didn't realize it was the second book until I got about a quarter of the way into it, so I will be back tracking and reading the first one! Loved the inner struggle she had with herself and the whole plot kept me guessing right up until well, no spoilers here, but I loved the
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characters and the story.
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LibraryThing member majkia
Genre: Period Mystery

Rating: Very Good

Mary Quinn works for an all woman agency who hires out for detective and spy work in Victorian London.

Mary is a girl from the streets who was trained by the agency. She uses her street smarts to good effect. In this outing, Mary is undercover as a boy
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hired as a gofer at a building site in London, trying to understand how one of the workers fell to his death from the bell tower where Big Ben is being installed.

Intriguing character development and likable main characters. London, and its poor are their own characters in the series.
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LibraryThing member fred_mouse
This is a great murder mystery aimed at late primary aged kids (or possibly older) set in Victorian London. Lee really knows her stuff with the feel and pacing of the story, although I found that there were sections that dragged a little.

Mary Quinn is a mixed race (Chinese, and presumably English)
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young woman who has gone from being a thief to working for what is effectively a women's detective agency. Here, she is asked to go undercover on a building site as a boy, and this throws up some issues for her, rooted in her past.

What worked for me in the story was the characterisation, the exploration of Mary and her complex relationship with her family history, the stark but somewhat obfuscated reality of the poverty of the time. Lee brings a richness of historical details to the story, including aspects of a time when so much relied on cheap labour rather than automation.

What didn't work for me was the mystery itself, which never quite gelled, and the relationship between Mary and the character who is variously love interest and collaborator. I found that there was just a bit too much melodrama for my liking, and aspects of the 'romance' were just a bit more adult than the rest of the book. I don't normally mind a romance sub-plot, but this one felt forced.

Overall a romping good read, with lots of the tropes of mystery fiction liberally supplied.
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LibraryThing member kmajort
Cute series, nice to have a female at that time in history; plus I enjoy architecture & building, so the work on the tower was up my alley.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Mary is sent on another case for The Agency. This time she must dress as a boy and work on a building site to help determine whether the death of one of the workmen was an accident or whether something more sinister is afoot. While on the job Mary once again connects with James Easton and finds
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that there is a lot more going on at the building site then meets the eye.

I enjoyed the mystery and did not figure out everything right away which is always a big plus to me. The historical details were very interesting and the character development really drew me in. I felt sorry for Mary and how she felt like her mixed heritage was such a drawback. Her relationship with James is still as contemptuous as ever and I hope they eventually get themselves together regardless of what others think.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Mary is sent on another case for The Agency. This time she must dress as a boy and work on a building site to help determine whether the death of one of the workmen was an accident or whether something more sinister is afoot. While on the job Mary once again connects with James Easton and finds
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that there is a lot more going on at the building site then meets the eye.

I enjoyed the mystery and did not figure out everything right away which is always a big plus to me. The historical details were very interesting and the character development really drew me in. I felt sorry for Mary and how she felt like her mixed heritage was such a drawback. Her relationship with James is still as contemptuous as ever and I hope they eventually get themselves together regardless of what others think.
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LibraryThing member KEFeeney
Neat little YA series for young adults and adults who enjoy historical fiction. Secret agent Mary Quinn is a conflicted former thief given a second chance to use her intelligence and cleverness for solving crimes. Add to the action a host of memorable characters and the often gritty, sometimes
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lovely, setting of Victorian London and it's a not to miss read. Glad to have happened on this series at the library!
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Original publication date


Physical description

352 p.; 6 inches


0763649686 / 9780763649685
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