The Day I Killed James

by Catherine Ryan Hyde

Hardcover, 2008



Call number




Knopf Books for Young Readers (2008), Edition: 1ST, Hardcover, 224 pages


Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:IT WASN�??T SUPPOSED to end up like this. But it did. When Theresa brings James to a party as her date, it�??s just for the night . . . and he knows that. But when everything goes horribly wrong, James drives his motorcycle off a cliff�??and Theresa knows she�??s responsible for his death. Theresa tries to run away from the pain, becoming a new young woman with a whole new life. She meets people, of course, but she never really makes connections�??she�??s too scared she�??ll hurt them, too. But what Theresa discovers is that you can try to run away from the pain�??but you can never really run away from yourself. The only way out is through. This compelling tale of love and loss is about broken hearts�??and how t… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member temppatt
Theresa invites her next door neighbor James on a one time party date to make her boyfriend jealous. While Theresa’s plan worked in making the boyfriend jealous, it backfired in hurting James in the process. Theresa becomes guilty when she finds out how bad she hurt James. She flees her old life
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by changing her name, shaving her head and moving where no one knows her. Reality soon sets in with meeting a young girl similar to herself and she realizes that she can’t runaway any longer.

The Day I Killed James is a powerful story that from cover to cover is amazing. It will take you through a world wind of emotions. Catherine Ryan Hyde is an exceptional writer, from the intense plot to the insightful journal entries, The Day I Killed James is a story once read will not soon be forgotten.
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LibraryThing member SouthernGirlReads
This is the story of Theresa, a senior in high school who lives with her father. Her mother took off long ago, so it's been just the two of them for awhile. They're relationship is a bit strained, mainly because her father is pretty much absent, emotionally and physically due to all the time he
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spends at his girlfriend's house. Theresa has a boyfriend, Randy, who she fights with, then breaks up with, then gets back together with on a somewhat regular basis, but everyone is pretty much used to the pattern. Only this time is different.

There's a party at a friend's house and Randy tells Theresa he's bringing somone else. In retaliation, Theresa invites her neighbor, James to be her date to the party. James is a few years older, good looking and is infatuated with Theresa, which does make her a little uneasy about the situation. Theresa's plan to make Randy jealous works, maybe a little too well. At the party, James walks in on the two of them 'making up' and takes off on his motorcycle. That is the last time anyone sees James.

In the months following the accident, Theresa makes decisions based on the blame she puts on herself for being responsible for what happened. First, she tries to cope through a journal she keeps at the insistence of her therapist. She chronicles her feelings and actions, although not really thinking it would do much good. Then she tries re-inventing herself and her life. Guilt does funny things to people and we all handle it very differently and she is very matter of fact at how she punishes herself for that guilt.

During her time of self-punishment she meets Cathy, an 11 year old girl who has a tragic story of her own and the two form an odd sort of bond. As much as Theresa tries to separate herself from people, she is pulled into helping this young girl. The result is that in trying to help Cathy, Theresa is able to face her own demons and deal with the fall-out of her own choices with the help of someone unexpected.

THE DAY I KILLED JAMES is an interesting read that moves quickly and makes you want to keep turning to the next page. Parts of the book are her actual journal entries which make it very real and insightful to her feelings. The writing is direct and at times a bit raw, which makes it all the more convincing. I did find it difficult to accept the circumstances surrounding Cathy, the young girl Theresa befriends. Probably because my childhood was drastically different than hers and I didn't want to believe situations like that exist. But my feelings about it didn't take away from the story at all. Although tragic, this could be a learning experience for young readers.
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LibraryThing member midnighttwilight101
James loves Theresa. Unfortunately Theresa doesn't feel the same way about him. They both know the situation, so when Theresa needs a date to a party James is more than willing to go as her date. He knows she is using him, but he wants to take her anyway, and this is where things go horribly wrong.
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Because of this one night neither of their lives will ever be the same again.
"This compelling tale of love and loss shows what it means to hold someone else's heart in your hands--and how to begin to repair your own when it's been broken in two." (Quoted from book jacket)

Once you start reading the first page of this book you will be hooked. Throughout all the sadness and struggle, no matter how hard you want to put this book down to avoid the pain you can't, it's like a magnet is pulling you into the story. The reason for this is the writing. After reading Pay it Forward i knew Catherine Ryan Hyde was a brilliant writer, but this book blew me away. The plot flawlessly twisted and took some turns that i never would have expected, but seemed prefect for this story. Anyone who hasn't read this book really needs to.
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LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
This powerful story had me hooked from the beginning, lost me a little bit in the middle, and got me again at the end. Theresa never meant to hurt James. When her boyfriend Randy broke up with her, she took James to the party as revenge. James knew that she wasn't that into him. But James never
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came home from that party and Theresa knows it's her fault. The Day I Killed James is a powerful story about a girl coming to terms with her grief and her guilt.
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LibraryThing member edspicer
Theresa's transformation is shocking and not cliche. When Theresa me and James' mom and realized it wasn't her fault that James killed himself. It wasn't cliche at all and is an emotional story. It never lets up on the gravity. AHS/MR
LibraryThing member YAaddict
The Day I Killed James is a heartfelt tale about a girl learning to come to terms with her grief. It also sends a clear message: Don't be careless with other's hearts.

James is Theresa's neighbor, and he is in love with her. He is a few years older than Theresa and he is a little weird. I couldn't
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blame Theresa for not feeling the same way for James as he did for her. That happens sometimes. But when Theresa's boyfriend decides to be a jerk and take another girl to a party, Theresa ends up taking advantage of James' feelings and lets him go to the party as her date. Theresa was up front and told James it was just for the night, but with James being so in love with her, he got his hopes up.

After the party doesn't go as planned, James kills himself. Theresa's grief turns her into a whole other person. She shaves her head and moves away from all her friends and family to start a new life. Of course, Theresa was really only trying to run away from the pain. This is where the main story begins. Theresa was so real as a character. Her emotions came off so honest and raw. No, Theresa shouldn't have taken advantage of James' feelings like that, but it is ultimately not her fault what happened to him. Of course, that is easy for an outsider looking in to see. I know if I was in Theresa's shoes, I wouldn't be able to help but feel the same way as her. The diary entries from Theresa that the author added helped the reader feel exactly what Theresa was feeling.

Hyde's writing is remarkable. Not every writer can pull off switching from first to third person so smoothly. This is my first Young Adult book I have read from her. Before this book, I always knew her as the author of Pay it Forward. Now, I will know her as the author of great Young Adult books. I can't wait to read more from her.

I want to say more about this story that I enjoyed, but I will refrain. I think the sub-plots will be best experienced going in without knowing of them first.

The story ended exactly how I always say these stories are supposed to end, not all tied up perfectly, but leaves you with beautiful and pure hope for the future. After all, what Theresa has been through is not something that just goes away. The Day I Killed James tugged on my heartstrings and had me tearing up. I really enjoyed going through Theresa's journey to overcome what happened, and start on the path of self-forgiveness. This story is one that will stick with me.
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LibraryThing member nyiper
There is just so many good solid feelings Hyde brings forth in the characters in her books. I keep wondering where her own wisdom comes from---how does she come up with such believable people or at least the main characters are people you really do wish were the ones inhabiting most of this world.
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Yes, they have problems but they also have hearts and they usually come to an understanding of themselves. Every books is different but the basic elements are the same....good people helping someone in trouble.
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Physical description

224 p.; 5.96 inches


037584158X / 9780375841583
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