What My Mother Doesn't Know

by Sonya Sones

Paperback, 2003



Call number




Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2003), Paperback, 259 pages


Sophie describes her relationships with a series of boys as she searches for Mr. Right.

User reviews

LibraryThing member RagenLambert
What my Mother Doesn’t Know is the story of Sophie and her life as a teenager. She is starting school and really wants to fit in. She has her two best friends who are always there for her. She is also experiences her “first love”. She is head over heels for Dylan but then the feelings start
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changing. Sophie must decide whether to stay with Dylan or try to find love other places.

This story would be good for middle age girls to read. Sophie is totally relatable and is going through the same things that girls at that age go through. She is discovering boys which that are mostly what girls at that age think about.

I loved this book! I thought since it was in poetry form that I would not enjoy it but I did. It was very easy to read and not confusing at all. I loved how the author made the characters very realistic. I actually felt like I was in school with them. The author made teen love very believable. I was sitting on the edge trying to figure out who Sophie was going to end up with. I read the book in one night and couldn’t put it down. Once I was finished, I ran out to buy the sequel. It is that good!
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LibraryThing member JasmineW
This book is about a young girl name Sophie. It speaks about her "love" and crushes she has with different boys throughout the book. The entire time she speaks about kissing and trying to learn the difference between lust and love. Everything she talks about that refers to love seem a little
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mature; however, it is an eye opener for some parents. I believe that is why it is titled What My Mother Doesn't Know.

The book has a scene about her chatting with a boy on cyberspace. My first idea is for my students to have a grand conversation after using resources, such as internet (working in the lab), dictionary, etc., to discuss the dangers of meeting with people on the net. Hopefully, this will give our students some insight on how dangerous that could have been if Sophie went out and met him. The next idea I have is for my students to do a quickwrite for 6 minutes about a time they can remember from middle school. The time could be about something dealing with their grades, a teacher, friends, peers, etc. The students will then take home their quickwrite and put it into poem form.

I enjoyed reading the book. It is so surreal as you read it. You think woah, too much information sometimes, but it opens up your eyes to what young adolescents are thinking and doing. I like that it is written in poem form. Being in poem form it is easy to read and follow along. I rate it 3 1/2 stars, and I would share the book in a middle school classroom.
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LibraryThing member mspioneer
It's about a girl who is about our age, 13. She has a lot of secrets and she told the reader about her life through poems. I liked this book because it was about things that I could relate to. -A.T
LibraryThing member ygonzalez
The setting of this book takes place between summer and winter in Sophie’s home and in Boston City’s school. All the action of this book takes place in both Sophie’s house and at her school.
The main characters of this book are Sophie, Sophie’s parents, Rachel, Grace, Dylan, Murphy, Lou,
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Zak, and Henry. In my opinion the characters are very believable because when you read the book it doesn’t feel like a story, but as a real life scene. Although Sophie was the protagonist, Rachel was the character that I could relate to, because, she’s a comprehensive friend. I admit that I have felt some times, like Sophie felt, but of course I always have cheered up in minutes.
The conflict of this book is that Sophie falls in love with Murphy, according to her friends, Murphy is the ugliest boy in school. Sophie solved her problem by breaking up with Murphy, so that her friends would never find out what was going on. She first told Murphy, that she would tell her friends that she was going out with him. Evidently, Murphy asked her, if she had told her friends, so she had to tell him the truth, which was a NO, so Murphy accepted to break up with her and stay as friends. This book is about a teenage girl named Sophie, who is boy-crazy, but doesn’t admit it. At the beginning of the story Sophie falls in love with Dylan, a boy she met in a car while one of her friends was driving her home, she felt in love with him just because he let her sit in his lap and she thought he was cute. When Dylan, finally ask Sophie out, she accept it, but in a few weeks she broke out with him, because she was way too tall for him. After, Sophie broke-up with Dylan, she decided to hang out with Murphy, a boy that she had loved since kinder-garden although he was the ugliest boy in school. While Sophie was hanging out with Murphy, she felt so sorry for him, because she thought that he would never get kissed by a girl in his life, so she was willing to kiss him because she felt sorry for Murphy. Like Sophie always told her friends everything, she told them what she felt, and of course they started laughing, because as I told you before he was the ugliest boy in the whole school. So, when winter came, school vacations came as well, so all of Sophie’s friends went out of town with their parents, Sophie was the only one who didn’t leave because her parents couldn’t afford a vacation. During the vacations she felt lonely, so she decided to pretend to be in a vacation, in her home town Boston. She first went to visit the mall, there she saw Murphy. Murphy said “hi” to her and she replied back to him, so they started to chat and then Murphy asked Sophie to go eat breakfast with him. Since there she spent all her vacations with Murphy. When Sophie’s friends called she told them all about what she was doing, and about her new boyfriend, but the only part she left out was the part about who she was going out with. Like Sophie couldn’t tell her friends who she was going out with, Murphy and her broke-up. When Sophie’s friends finally came back from their vacations they wanted to know all about the guy Sophie was dating. However, that’s a secret they never revealed. When, I finished reading this book I felt that it ending was awesome, I loved it!

What I most liked about this book were all the details they put in it. I wouldn’t change anything about this book, because it is perfect as it is. I learned that what ever you do, don’t listen to the people around you, but listen to your heart. I think this is one of the best books and everybody, should read it.

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LibraryThing member pmunoz
The setting of the book is at Sophie’s home, and school in Boston city.
All the action takes place at school. The time of the year in this book is in the present. It was in summer and winter time of the year.
The main characters of my book were: Sophie, Sophie’s mother, Sophie’s dad, Rachel,
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Grace, Dylan, Robin (Murphy), Lou, Zak, and Henry. The characters are believable in my opinion, because she is a teenager like me, and I am sure most of us girls can be described as Sophie, by the way she acts. The character I like the most was Sophie, because she speaks tender, honest and with the truth, the poetry of an innocent kiss and the passion of a teenager’s heart. I can relate to Sophie, because some of us teenagers have passed through some of her problems. I have done some of the things that happened in the story, and also I have felt the same way as the characters did.
The conflict or problem in the story was that Sophie falls in love with her “ugly” friend Murphy, who results her passionate boyfriend. The resolution of the story was that Sophie never told her friends about her boyfriend “Murphy” so, she broke up with “Murphy”, so her friends wouldn’t know about what happened. The problem was solved because, Sophie first told “Murphy” that she was going to tell her friends about her relationship with “Murphy”, evidently “Murphy” asked her if she told her friends about them, but she told him that she wasn’t going out with him, and preferred to stay as friends. This story is about a teenage girl named Sophie, the book tells about Sophie’s life, for example; her first love, and having a hard time on figuring out the difference between love and lust. Sophie has two best friends who are Rachel and Grace, having confidence in them telling them all Sophie’s secrets, and boyfriends she had had. Until, real love can to her life which was “Murphy” and ugly guy which no one ever specked to him, and didn’t tell her friends about her little secret, even through he loved her. They preferred to stay both friends. I sort of liked the ending, because I thought Sophie and “Murphy” were going to stay together in their relationship.
What I liked about this book was that Sophie told the reader everything about her secrets and relationships she had. What I would change about this book is the ending, by having Rachel and Grace accept Murphy in Sophie’s relationship. What I learned about this book was that friends are not always going to be with you whenever you need them. I think all youth should read this book, especially us the teenagers because we can get inside her “world” by comparing her life with our life.

I couldn’t put it down, it was so good!
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LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
This novel in verse gives a great depiction of adolescent romance. It starts out with Sophie's first love, the smokin' Dylan, and then continues as she chats with her cyber soulmate Chaz and develops an unlikely crush on the geeky Murphy. It's sweet and really rings true. I'm so looking forward to
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checking out the rest of Sonya Sones's books!
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LibraryThing member mspioneer
It was about a girl and how poems make her life story. She lives a horrible teenage life and tries to make it turn into a more positive experience. -NW
LibraryThing member mspioneer
Sophie liked a whole lot of different guys but she was going out with a boy named Dylan and she kissed a guy named Murphy while she was still in a relationship. She felt bad afterwards and we hear her feelings about love in a teenagers life. -SS
LibraryThing member Mtnpersei
Sophie is just your average teenager - not the kind of girl to fall for a completely unacceptable boy. But she has, and she just knows her friends will never tolerate this, so now what?
LibraryThing member DF1A_NataschaM
This story tells about Sophie's life and it is narrated by her. She reports about finding true love, friendship and her way to become an adult.

When the story starts Sophie is fifteen years old and until now she had a totally normal life in Boston. Her parents don’t understand each other very
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well, her first love is withering away and unfortunately she will have to spend her winter holiday at home. All these things are looming ominously over her.

Therefore Sophie decides to make her own enjoyable and relaxing vacation in Boston. She creates a sightseeing program and on her fact-finding tour through her town she meets a boy, who she knows, in fact, and begins to see him in a different light..

What My Mother Doesn’t Know is a consecutive narration in short poems. The poetry is never pretentious or difficult; on the contrary, the very short, sometimes rhythmic lines make each page fly and the book to a very enjoyable and special read.
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LibraryThing member aimtroyer
This is a wonderful book of poetry that can read like a story. It's great because not only is it written prose style, but it's creative, warm, and authentic to real life. So many children would be able to relate to this book and the ideas within. Sophie is the main character and each poem is about
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a part of her life, often about boys.
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LibraryThing member Gisselle96
This was book was really good, because it shows a teenager struggles through, & its about how she thinks she loves this guy but than she stops loving him and then go out with another guy.
LibraryThing member jfoster_sf
This is the first and only book I've read that was written entirely in poetry, and I absolutely loved it. The only thing I do not like about this book is that the cover looks nothing like the main character (this is even more apparent in the sequel!) A great read.
LibraryThing member readingrat
Told in a series of short poems, this book conveys a wonderful message to young teens about the importance of looking beyond the surface image of the people you know and finding out who that person really is.
LibraryThing member LDGardner
This is actually a collection of poems written from the point of view of Sophie, a boy-crazy teen who tells her various tales of 'love' through a series of poems. The poems are free verse and mostly chronological, and although each seems rather insignificant, you soon realize that you have really
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gotten inside her head. The poems each tell about something that may seem insignificant to an adult reader, but which is clearly THE most important thing in the life of a teen (it hasn't been too long since I was a teen, so I can relate!) Sophie writes about things like lusting for the hot, popular guy, having secret feelings for the dorky boy, fighting with her best friends, finding out that her parents have dirty books...things that happened to many of us in our teen years and had a big impact at the time.
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LibraryThing member mcivalleri
This is a modern, fun, book from a young girl's point of view. Written almost like journal entries or poems, she gets right to the point. Students will be able to relate to the "boy problems", and other problems she goes through. I think it's good to have these realistic-type books, as a touchstone
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to other things.
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LibraryThing member DF1AKaitlanM
I didn't really have so much of an interest in this book as much as i did in the beginning. I felt as if the point of view of the main character was from a 7th grader, not so much a fourteen-year-old. Nor did i find myself fond of the format of the text either, since it was set up in a poetic form
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i grew tired of it farly quickly. I also got pretty confused with all the male characters that wove their way through the pages and how poorly they were described compared to Sophie's "first love".
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LibraryThing member VanessaKi1
This book is about a girl named Sophie that deals with issues growing up, things that she would have a hard time telling her mother. LIke dealing with boys and things like that. A very moving piece of literature.
LibraryThing member MickTheChick
The plot and love story in this book were quite cute, and the guy was pleasantly atypical. However, the writing style was atypical, too. It was written in a poetic kind of way, which I give kudos to the author for trying to employ, but I honestly think the story would have been a lot better if the
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author had just written in in normal format. Either way, an interesting cute little read.
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LibraryThing member lbrignac
What My Mother Doesn’t Know features a teenage protagonist, Sophie, who is a typical teenage girl dreaming of finding her one true love. After three failed relationships, she begins to secretly develop a crush on the school geek, Murphy. During the summer, Sophie decides to take an imaginary
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vacation by herself around the town where she encounters her "friend" Murphy on the trip. Will Murphy be her one true love she's been searching for or will the label of school geek turn her away from him?

This story is a real page turner and will definitely keep you wondering until the end. It is written in free verse, which, I feel, helps the reader to connect with what the protagonist is feeling. The author precisely portrays an adolescent female’s emotions and feelings of love and growing up. Because the protagonist sometimes descriptively expresses her feelings, I would suggest grade levels below ninth grade not read this book.
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LibraryThing member Karla26
This book shows the reader the love life of a teeange girl named Sophie and, her mother has left her and her sister with their dad. She tells her story of going through boys and realizing how they're not all the same. It shows of the temptations that a teenage girl can go through. Also, it shows
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how she feels secluded of not adventuring just as her friends do when on break. But, at the end she turns out alright, realizing that maybe the ending you never thought of was the one that was always meant for you.
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LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
This was just lovely, I ached along with Sophie at each stage of her relationships, agonised with her over her choices, and rejoiced in her success. This story captured the intoxicating mix of drama, crushes, and questions that make up a term of life in high school. Sophie is surrounded by good
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friends, distant parents, and a series of love-interests that capture her hormones and her heart.
There are plenty of amusing situations, but it is the moments of crystal clarity, Sophie's total openness with her feelings about the new adult body she is starting to inhabit, and the adult world she is entering, that make this much more than a teen romance story.
I'd give this to teenaged girls interested in relationships, realistic fiction, and possibly art.
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LibraryThing member Iqurosh
If you like to read romantic fiction and a little hint of comedy, then you might like What My Mother Doesn’t Know. The setting of the story is in modern days. It's about a girl who likes this boy who isn’t exactly “cute.”

The narrator of the story is Sophie, who is also the main character.
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Sophie is a girly girl who is boy crazy and does things her mother doesn’t know of. She finds out how boys are different and similar.

The conflict of the story is that Sophie is in love with a guy named Robin who in school is renamed to Murphy. Everyone makes fun of him and calls him ugly. Do you thing Sophie will tell her friends about Murphy? To find out how Sophie takes her relationships, read What My Mother Doesn’t Know.

I would defiantly recommend this book especially for young adults, mostly girls because it entertained me and it might entertain other people with the same interest.
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LibraryThing member hsreader
This book was about a girl name Sophie and she loves boys and she had a boyfriend in the summer. When she comes to a party and gets another boy named Dylan. Then this kid name Robin that is a loser that her boyfriend forever she says. I would recommend this book because she teaches you what to do
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with boys and want not to do with them.
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LibraryThing member EleanorR
This Book was really good. It is about a 15 or 16 year old girl. It is written like poetry. This girl starts out as a selfish girl who is only into guys who are good looking but over spring break all of her friends are gone and she becomes really close to the geek in her grade.

Physical description

259 p.; 7 inches


0689855532 / 9780689855535

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