The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

by Neil Gaiman

Hardcover, 1998



Call number




DC Comics (1998), Hardcover, 240 pages


Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. HTML: NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Neil Gaiman's transcendent series SANDMAN is often hailed as the definitive Vertigo title and one of the finest achievements in graphic storytelling. Gaiman created an unforgettable tale of the forces that existbeyond life and death by weaving ancient mythology, folklore and fairy tales with his own distinct narrative vision. In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES, an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps her younger brother Dreaminstead. After his seventy-year imprisonment and eventual escape, Dream, also known as Morpheus, goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine, and an all-powerful madman. Thisbook also includes the story "The Sound of Her Wings," which introduces us to the pragmatic and perky goth girl Death. Collects issues #1-8..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member -Eva-
In which Morpheus, the Dream King, the Sandman, is captured by an occultist aiming to capture Death, kept captive for 72 years, and upon escaping, must go on a quest to reclaim his objects of power - his helm, his ruby, and his pouch of sand - encountering on the way John Constantine, Lucifer, and
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the completely mad Doctor Destiny, son of his initial captor. This collection also includes "The Sound of Her Wings," which introduces one of Dream's older siblings, Death.

Such a great beginning to what will become a truly magnificent series. Although the art (or the original coloration - Rachel's house looks like it's been caked in mud!) isn't perfect and some of the secondary characters are too much made to fit into the DC universe, what is evident from the first frame is the huge potential - a seemingly infinite creative spirit permeates this universe from the start. Am I exaggerating? Possibly. Am I biased? Probably. The Sandman and its weaving in and out of myth and fairytale made me fall in love with it at first sight some twenty years ago. Am I wrong, though? No, I really don't think I am.

The overall storyarc is obviously what is most notable - Gaiman's commentary on stories and storytelling is after all what this is all about. His using the Dream King to illustrate the divine, the demonic, and all the rest of human experience is quite ingenious - we all have dreams and we all understand their power. As Dream himself says, "What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to DREAM of HEAVEN?" What's more important to me, though, is the apparent levity with which it's all handled. Dream's face when he sees what has happened to The Dreamtime in his decades of absence is priceless, Cain's utter glee at trying to off his brother is simply hilarious, and John Constantine's lackadaisical reaction to anything completely out of the ordinary must bring a smile even to the coldest of hearts.

This playfulness when dealing with something serious is, to me, what makes this so great. Scare the heck out of me with nightmares come to life and then throw in a few silly jokes, like Dream beginning his recollections of what led to his imprisonment with "It was a DARK and STORMY NIGHTMARE," or Doctor Destiny identifying Dream in a book called "Paginarum Fulvarum" (i.e. "Yellow Pages"), and the picture is complete.
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LibraryThing member whitewavedarling
This first volume is sexy, beautiful, and creepy as well as it sets up a world and gives you the Sandman, who is both familiar and unfamiliar, but entirely too fascinating. Absolutely addictive.
LibraryThing member GingerbreadMan
I read this volume for at least the fourth time, and with the group read so many of us are reviewing, so I’ll try to keep this a bit brief. This the first Sandman volume, dealing with Morpheus’ imprisonment, escape and quest to reclaim his lost artifacts is, with all it’s sidetracks and
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detours, still one of the straightest. The complexity in this series, which comes both from letting many storylines (and different sorts of storylines) mix and intertwine, from a format that allows also short stories separated from the main narrative, and from a multitude of references, allusions and cameos, is not yet quite there. The grasp on the big scenario is a bit heavy-handed, which makes it all come across a little more pompous and pretentious than in the later, more developed series.

Still, it’s already obvious that that sort of big scope is to be. Preludes and Nocturnes takes us to hell, to the realm of Dreaming, to WW1, to upper-class Britain and small town America, and still manages to make this feel like an organic story. Parts of it work better than others (Incorporation of JLA a tad strained. Role of Cain and Abel a tad strained), but there are some true gems in here: the gruesome small-scale horror of “24 hours” and the introduction of the lovely Death in “The sound of her wings” most notably.

The artwork leaves much to be desired, as has been pointed out, and isn’t helped by the clumsy coloring either. It’s sad really: one can’t help but ponder how cool that two-page spread of the demon gathering in Hell COULD have looked (and speaking of which: Beelzebub as a pair of bug eyes with legs? I mean come on!!!). Half the time the expressions on people’s faces are all but impossible to make out.

Many of my favorite characters in this series aren’t even introduced yet. This is a good intro (this time too), but I’m already eager to move on.
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LibraryThing member nillacat
Although the weakest volume in the series, it ends with the story in which Gaiman finds his voice and the character of Morpheus the Dream-King comes sharply into focus. The rest of the series is wonderful, chilling, funny, tragic, hopeful and done just exactly right. Story telling of the best sort.
LibraryThing member EmmMIB
This is a graphic novel for all those who doubt comic books as an art form. Period.
LibraryThing member elenchus
SYNOPSIS | Morpheus patiently waits 70 years for an opportunity to escape. In that time, the Dreamlands decay and warp, and his tools of Dreaming are taken. A sleeping sickness spreads among mortals with worse in the offing. From this premise are spun two major plotlines (retribution for Morpheus's
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malefactors; and, recovery of his tools), and an episodic sideline hinting at the role Dream plays for humanity.

From the Endless: Dream | Death | cameo by Destiny
From Dreamtime / Supernatural: Lucien | Cain & Abel | Brute & Glob | Lucifer & Baalzebub | Hecateae (Three-In-One)
From DC: Constantine | Dr Destiny | Mr Miracle & Last Martian | cameo by Sandman (or someone deluded)


Gaiman and his editor acknowledge in separate introductions that the issues collected in Volume 1 are a qualified success. Gaiman's achievement here is his integration of mythopoeic ideas within contemporary settings, and his willingness to mine all manner of genre settings and storylines. There is a lot of material here and the reader's sorting rules are uncertain. Individual stories are entertaining but seem unrelated and/or confusing. Perhaps the thematic obscurity lies more with the reader than with the story: upon re-reading (and after completing the next two volumes) the various threads and themes stand out in sharper relief, but these same pieces were not so evident on first reading.

By Volume 3, the storylines converge. Gaiman is examining myriad ways that dreams serve human health, balance, and integrity, both for individuals and the community. At this point in Volume 1, the stories eclipse the themes. Perhaps that's only natural.


"Sleep of the Just"
(Morpheus snared, then freed)
Gaiman name-drops Horvendile from Cream of the Jest; for readers unfamiliar with Cabell's story this suggests the invocation of a demon or god.

"Imperfect Hosts"
(concerning Morpheus's recovery)

"Dream a Little Dream of Me"
(concerning Morpheus's sand)
Here is hinted a third major plotline, picked up in Volumes 2 & 3: the non-sanctioned efforts of some denizens of Dreaming. The creature that was once Rachel's father threatens Constantine but is cowed when realising Morpheus accompanies him.

"A Hope in Hell"
(concerning Morpheus's helm)

"24 Hours"
"Sound and Fury"

(concerning Morpheus's ruby)
1 story split over 3 issues, and another DC makeover, this time featuring Dr D and his materioptikon. Dr D relies upon Morpheus's ruby, not so much inventing a new tool as warping Morpheus's.

"Sound of Her Wings"
(concerning Morpheus's role as one of the Endless)
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LibraryThing member xicanti
In the first volume of Neil Gaiman's seminal graphic novel series, the King of Dreams embarks on a quest to regain certain items of power stolen from him seventy years before.

I've read this eight times now, and it still blows me straight out of the water. There's so much going on on so many
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different levels, and it can be read in several different ways. You want a simple quest tale? It's certainly that. Dream endures captivity, escapes, and travels through a series of stunning locations as he regains what is rightfully his. You want a horror story? Oooh boy, are you in the right place. Gaiman delivers a wide range of horror that is both shockingly graphic and deeply psychological. Or, how about a commentary on different kinds of storytelling? In his afterward, Gaiman states that he tried to make most of the stories conform to particular types. Literary buffs will enjoy evaluating the results.

And if you want something smart, disturbing, uplifting, deep, epic, personal, complex, witty and dark, you need to read this. Right now.

As good as it is, though, you'll want to make sure you have access to the remaining volumes in the series. Preludes and Nocturnes can be read as a stand-alone, but it's so much better when read as the first installment in a longer series. Gaiman uses this as a place to establish certain key things about Dream and his world. They don't stand out the first time through, but once you know what's coming you're sure to be impressed.

To be fair, I ought to mention that it does have a few failings. The art is good but somewhat dated; you can instantly peg this as a late 80's/early 90's creation, at least in the original editions. (I believe Absolute Sandman has been retouched and recoloured; this might make a difference). Gaiman's attempts to incorporate the wider DC universe aren't entirely successful; some of the stories are a little awkward, though I never found them too insiderish. (I'm more of a Marvel girl; most of my DC knowledge relates to Sandman, and I never had any trouble following what was happening). It takes Gaiman most of the volume to find his voice, also; it's not until the final story, "The Sound of Her Wings", that the book really clicks.

But despite all that, it's a solid read. I highly, highly recommend it. And when you're reading, just keep in mind that most people consider this mediocre in comparison to the rest of the series.
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LibraryThing member BrittanyYoung
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes is a graphic novel by Neil Gaiman that focuses on the character, Dream. Dream had been locked away, mistaken for Death for years, until finally he escapes. He is weak and nearly powerless, so he sets of on a quest to find his three totems of power: a ruby, a bag
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of sand, and a helm. He even ventures through hell and meets Lucifer in order to find one of them. Along with this, he fights a demon and a villainous doctor, and meets with his sister, Death, until he is restored to his full power.

The general themes in this comic seemed to be that of perseverance and intrigue. I would use this book in one of my English classrooms simply because it is diverse reading. It is interesting and creepy enough to keep even the most inattentive student’s attention. Also, the two themes mentioned earlier are very good qualities to teach a classroom full of students, perseverance because the children need that trait, and intrigue, simply because it is entertaining.

I actually really liked reading this graphic novel. It was dark and interesting with characters that most of the real world are afraid of. The plot was gripping and the way that the graphics went along with the story was enjoyable. Also, the graphics were very detailed and colorful, so if one had any visual learners in a class, this would be ideal for them.
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LibraryThing member sarah_rubyred
I am quite new to the world of graphic novels, with on the Preacher series under my belt. I loved this as I did that one though, both are very dark and gross at some points and I love a bit of horror, especially when it's slightly religious.

This first book makes me want to read more, it's an
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excellent character, and does anyone else think he looks a bit like Neil Gaiman himself?
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LibraryThing member lkernagh
This is my first foray into graphic novels and quite the experience this was! On top of that, my only prior Gaiman reading experience was his book [Coraline], and I don't think that comes even close to preparing me for what I was in for when I started the Sandman series, a cult comic book series
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that swirls around the concept of the personification of dreams.

Originally published in the late 1980's in single magazine format, the eight 'episodes' contained in this volume set the stage for what is to come - or at least I think it does - and helps to display the creative story telling mind of Gaiman. Sadly, it also shows the growing pains of a project when you bring together a team that has never worked together before and task them with producing a monthly serial.

This is not so much a review, it is more a rambling of my thoughts. While some of the literary allusions and pop culture inclusions worked for me, others didn't - Thank you, Neil, but I really didn't need the song "Sweet Dreams" running through my head again. I still don't get the purpose of the inclusion of the whole Cain and Abel angle in Imperfect Hosts but I did like how the three witches - sorry Fates.... I mean witches... whatever - were presented.

Dream a Little Dream of Me is my favorite episode in this volume. I like the gritty, sarcastic 'take the world head on' John Constantine character. I also liked how we start to see behind the facade of Morpheus, the Sandman as we glimpse inside his more complex soul here. I also started to notice a somewhat cleaner presentation to the artwork.

I have mixed feelings about A Hope in Hell. I loved the story - absolutely loved it - and completely hated the artwork. This was one of the times where they either just got too experimental with the whole idea or the team wasn't working as a team. Overall effect dampened my enthusiasm for what could have been a perfect story.

Passengers was alright, but nothing to write home about. I found the whole Justice League angle somewhat cheesy and not well done, given the wealth of material they could have borrowed from. Again, back to the weird, experimental artwork that didn't work for me.

24 Hours was too much of a hard core horror for my tastes for me to really want to spend anymore time then I had to to read it. No stellar artwork to make me want to linger over it longer, either.

Sound and Fury was another example, after A Hope in Hell, that trades on a version of the classic theme, good versus evil. For the record, I seriously do not get the dude at the asylum - obviously one of the literary allusions that is lost on me.

The Sound of Her Wings is my second favorite episode in this volume. By this point, I am fascinated with Sandman and the human qualities that Gaiman has given this other than human being. The introduction of Death is well done and a good balance to the Sandman. The artwork is clean and 'uncluttered' compared to the other episodes. The story does feel like the epilogue Gaiman classifies it as and more philosophical in nature.

Overall, Gaiman has created a very interesting character to represent the 'good guy' in this battle and a story that cast a spell over me the farther I got into it. I am not sure if it is something that I will ever consider re-reading at some point in the future, but it is an experience worth undertaking.
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LibraryThing member stipe168
The one that starts us off.. i remember I had to get used to the storytelling, pacing, artwork.. and i had to get used to being confused about numerous things. Better the second time around, but really it's the one that hooked me. Indescribable really.
LibraryThing member alcoholicferrets
I read this book because it always shows up whenever someone asks for some good graphic novels to read and also because everyone loves Neil Gaiman.
This is volume 1 of The Sandman comics, containing issues 1-8. It introduces the character of Morpheus, one of the Endless. He controls the Dream world.
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He is captured and is imprisoned for almost a century. The book was rather uneven, but the stories showed potential. My two favorites were "24 Hours" and "The Sound of Her Wings". In "24 Hours", Doctor Destiny, who has Dream's ruby, holds people hostage in a diner and uses its(the ruby's, not the diner's =]) power to mess with their minds until they all end up dead. It was an interesting concept and well-executed. "The Sound of Her Wings" is the last story in this volume and the best one, because Dream's sister Death makes her first appearance. I am partly saying this because of the irony, but it is true: Death just adds so much life into the story! Before I read that story, I thought: "I guess I'll read the next volume..." Now I am really looking forward to finding out more about The Sandman and the other characters.
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LibraryThing member Kellswitch
A mostly strong start to a fascinating series, a few of the stories held up better than others., most could be read and understood without having a strong knowledge of DC comics history and characters but a few were weakened by needing to know more of this history to get the nuances of the plot.
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The art was mostly strong, the quality and direction fluctuated a little bit here and there but mostly it really worked and was easy to follow and understand.

While there was a lot of disturbing violence in this book there was not a lot of unnecessary gore and it rarely felt cheap, there were a few cases where I felt it drifted into the territory of sadism for it's own sake, to create shock vs. truly needing to be in the story but overall I feel it was mostly tastefully handled.

Overall a solid introduction to Dream and The Endless and the roles and influences they have on the mortal world they help over see.
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LibraryThing member israfel13
This book marked my reluctant re-introduction to the world of comics, as I had been content reading novels and leaving the sometimes frustrating, always expensive world of monthly publications to the kids. I now have a 13 issue ongoing subscription to my local comic shop and graphic novels have
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started competing for space on my bookshelves. Thanks a lot Neil Gaiman...
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LibraryThing member ccookie
First lines:
~June 16, 1916. Wych Cross, England. Wake up sir, we are here~

Well, I just finished Preludes and Nocturnes and I repeat my comment after reading Death: the High Cost of Living...I don't get it. I really don't get it!

I don't know who these people are. I don't know what they are doing. It
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seems to jump all over the place with no connection between characters or stories. The illustrations are awful!

I do love the graphics on the title pages and I have to say that I did like The Sound of Her Wings which seemed like the first part of the book that actually was a story.

I will keep going though, since a lot of you make reference to the fact that it does become clearer as we go along
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LibraryThing member phredfrancis
While this series is slower to start than I remembered, it's also a lot richer and more detailed than remembered. I originally read some of this material out of order as it was being first published in comic book form, and it's easy to miss stuff when reading serialized stories of any complexity.
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The first few chapters show some strain as its creators try to find their pace, but there are some strong stories once they do. This volume contains a story that still seems to be one of the scarier tales I've ever read, as one character spends a leisurely 24 hours manipulating the minds of a small group of customers in a small-town diner. Even more that 20 years after it first came out, it still packs a punch.
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LibraryThing member Terpsichoreus
Though Gaiman had already made his mark with Black Orchid, Sandman is where he really begins to fall into his style, which sometimes becomes his downfall in its predictability.

Here, he plays for perhaps the first time at mixing mythology, spirituality, and strange real events into a story beyond
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the ken of other fairytale rewrites and new age mysticism. There is a sense here that the characters and story are still undeveloped in his mind, which provides the reader with some welcome ambiguity, as soon he will nail down the characters into something a bit too precise and not quite realistic enough.

Of course, this merely becomes his frame around which he tells stories from any place or era which more than make up for the lack of conflict in other parts. The final story in this collection is an exploration of the depths of human desire and control, which recalls to us the depravity of The Lord Of The Flies. It should be unsurprising to us that Sandman became a classic by shocking and questioning its readers, and it must sadden us that no more comics have won the World Fantasy Award since.
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LibraryThing member QueenAlyss
Just as the title suggests, this novel introduces the circumstances of what is going on, who is Dream, and what he can do.

Dream is the lord of his Dreamworld. Although one would think that he would be cruel and merciless, he is actually logical and kind in his own way.

A circle of men had attempted
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to ensnare Death so as to stop people from dying but had instead captured Dream, who waited for seventy years to escape his prison.

When he escapes, he sees what his absence has done to the people of Earth. He sets off to find his tools of his trade... the items that contain his energy, his spirit. The first is on Earth and we meet some of the J.L.A. and Constantine. The next is in Hell, where Lucifer reigns with two other lords. The final is on Earth as well, but is in the hands of a sadistic lunatic. The final tool proves to be the most difficult to retrieve but is rewarding to Dream in ways than he could not have thought.
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LibraryThing member clfisha
A truly descriptive title, a preface for one of greatest comic series out there. It is a dark taste for what is to come, an ensemble for the darkest of nights where we meet Dream a mysterious helmeted figure (and brother to Death) who though escapes an earthly magicians clutches must regain his
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power and for that he needs his tools. And so a quest that to takes him to fight the most insane, to find the most lost and to face Hell itself.

"All Bette's stories have happy endings. That's because she knows where to stop. She's realised the real problem with stories - if keep them going long enough, they always end in death"

Gaiman is playing here and finding his style, trying out different ones, and introducing us to the world and some of the characters. It's a good and enjoyable read it with a promise of much to come. Gaiman is still interlocked with the DC universe and I find that it doesn't really work (I am not very familiar or interested). It's still a fun read and contains one of my favourite ever horror shorts "24 Hours" plus the touching, iconic "The Sound of Her Wings", a soft epilogue to the dramatic and scarier stories before.

To be honest, though, this is the spring board to the rest and you must start here. The Sandman collection is an epic tale that interweaves so many memorable characters lives, visits so many worlds, contains so many cool ideas, explores a myriad of myths and religions and looks at what its like to be human. It is one of my favourite things out there period and still feels fresh in a repeated reread. But if my gushing doesn't intrigue you, then know that is hard to state how much influence, how iconic and important this comic is and how much you miss if you haven't tried it.

So yes start here, see the promising beginnings and maybe, just maybe, try another. For this is a prelude to a truly great experience and deserves all of my praise.
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LibraryThing member The_Hibernator
In this classic graphic novel, Dream (The Sandman) is captured by a sinister magician and remains trapped for decades. While he is gone, his kingdom falls apart and dreams on Earth are disrupted. I'm not very experienced with graphic novels, having only read Satrapi's Persepolis before this, so
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reading Preludes and Nocturnes took some getting used to. But I'm glad I decided to climb out of my comfort-zone for a while - I was REALLY enjoying the book by the time it ended. Neil Gaiman's mind never ceases to amaze me. He's so darkly creative. There are a few issues I had with this book, though. I thought the tie-in to DC superheroes was a bit cheesy - though I recognize that this cheese was do to the development of the graphic novel as a genre. I hear these elements disappear later in the series to leave only the good stuff. Also, I found one incident at the end of the book darkly depressing. It made me very sad to see the dark insides of humanity (as Gaiman and his illustrators see them)...but I guess my emotional reaction is exactly what Gaiman was going for. So, points to him. Overall, this was a promising beginning, and now that I am more used to the graphic novel style, I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the series much more - after all, it's only supposed to get better from here!
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LibraryThing member TiffGabler
Great take on a old story like the Sandman. Gaiman THINKS about his stories and everything is so well constructed, especially his characters. It seems like a uber-Goth creation but in reality is clever, funny, sexy and tragic in a lot of ways. If you ever pick it up, never fail to read the Artist
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bios at the back; they are worth the perusal.
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LibraryThing member MistyStarlight
A solid start to what is an amazing series. A comicbook for even the non-comicbook fan.
LibraryThing member marquisdepolis
Absolutely brilliant
LibraryThing member lifeafterjane
Some time last year I realized, much to my dismay, that I hadn’t read a Neil Gaiman book in months. Right on top of that thought came the NEXT one which was this:

There are MANY Neil Gaiman books that I haven’t read AT ALL, not even once.

I knew immediately that this simply would not do. I’m
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sure you are all aware, as am I, that reading Neil Gaiman’s books will greatly increase your chances of success in the afterlife. This is a fact, children, and you can tell your mums and whatnot that Laura said so.

I can’t remember the last time I read a graphic novel (which is really just a hoity-toity name for a fancy comic book- I don’t care WHAT you say). I know there was one I use to read, back in the day, when I was a wee tot but I’m pretty sure it was brightly colored and involved good guys killing bad guys. When I pledged myself (and the safety of my eternal soul) to reading all of Neil’s books, I unwittingly committed to reading his graphic novels, The Sandman series- which are NOT brightly colored but DO involve lots of different kinds of people, killing lots of different kinds of people.

I procured a copy of The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes, which contains issues 1-8. I didn’t know what to expect from the series, or from a graphic novel in general so I was more than pleasantly surprised when I discovered that I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. Don’t you just love that feeling when you’re reading something so good that it would take a VERY strong person prying it out of your hand while you’re repeatedly beating them over the head with their own leg, to take it away from you? You know you do.

The story is about the king of dreams who is accidentally summoned by an evil wizard who was REALLY trying to summon Death (dumbass). Scared stupid, the wizard imprisons Dream for many years and loots his stuff. When Dream finally gets free, he sets off to retrieve the tools of his trade that have since been scattered hither and thither throughout the world(s). These first 8 issues follow him into the dream world, the human world and hell as he reclaims the items that hold his power.

The artwork is absolutely amazing in parts and in others absolutely grotesque- like whenever they did a close up of Stimpy’s boogers. The images and imagery are incredibly dark, powerful and disturbing. 24 Hours (issue #6) was almost more than I could handle. It wasn’t until the last issue in the volume that I really got a Neil feel because it took him a little while to warm up. This being the first volume of the series and largely rumored to be the weakest, I can forgive him his stage fright.

But I’m in, I’m hooked, I’m committed and Vol 2, The Doll’s House, should be here any day now.
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LibraryThing member ltjennysbooks
Preludes and Nocturnes is not Neil Gaiman’s best work, but it is still pretty good. I was thinking while I was reading it – damn, Neil Gaiman is good at coming up with incantations. The spell they say to summon Death, while ineffective, is an excellent spell

I give you a coin I made from a
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stone. I give you a song I stole from the dirt. I give you a knife from under the hills, and a stick that I stuck through a dead man’s eye. I give you a claw I ripped from a rat. I give you a name, and the name is lost. I give you blood from out of my vein, and a feather I pulled from an angel’s wing. I call you with names of my lord, of my lord. I summon with poison and summon with pain. I open the way and I open the gates.

How good’s that? It’s evocative, and it scans.

At this point in the comic’s life, it was still mostly horror. Particularly “24 Hours”. Generally when I am reading Preludes and Nocturnes, I start reading “24 Hours”, and I get to the part where the waitress is considering her philosophy of storytelling. She says that every story ends in death if you keep going long enough; and the trick is to know when to stop. I usually consider this to be Neil Gaiman’s way of telling me that he doesn’t mind if I skip “24 Hours”, so I do. This time, I was in a completist mood, and I read it. It is well unsettling. Feel free to skip it. I will tell you what happens: Everybody dies in nasty ways, and at the end Dream shows up in a bad mood.

However, “The Sound of Her Wings” – I say unoriginally – makes up for any flaws in the foregoing seven issues. Death is a delightful character, of whom we just never see enough. I like it when she throws bread at him and talks about Mary Poppins. Thanks to my wonderful sister Anna, I have this in a single issue, which I fetched down from my bookshelf and read. I love having single issues of the Sandman. Looking at the ones I have flashes me back to this little used comics & books shop on Portobello Market Road, which I visited almost every day of July 2005. I was living in Notting Hill that month, so it was close by. (On Pembridge Gardens, a street that was very easy to get to from the Notting Hill Tube Station, but it took me an hour and a half with two suitcases, because I made a wrong turn and every street within a ten-mile radius was called Pembridge something, and Londoners are crap at giving directions. All except for this one street-cleaner, and at the time I couldn’t understand anything he was saying, though in retrospect I realize that he was giving me perfect directions.) I wanted to buy all the issues because of the extreme beauty of Dave McKean’s covers. I spent so much money at that shop.
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Original publication date


Physical description

240 p.; 10.53 inches


1563892278 / 9781563892271

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