Flip this Zombie (Living with the Dead, Book 2)

by Jesse Petersen

Paperback, 2011



Call number




Orbit (2011), Edition: 1, Mass Market Paperback, 272 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML: The zombie apocalypse has been good to Sarah and David. Their marriage is better than ever. They communicate well, share responsibilities, and now, they're starting a business. ZombieBusters�for all your zombie extermination needs. There are lots of zombies and that means lots of customers . . . Except one of them doesn't want the zombies dead; he wants them alive and ready for experimentation. Mad scientists make for difficult clients, and this time Sarah and David might have bitten off more than they can chew..

User reviews

LibraryThing member MadMooseMama
Flip This Zombie is the second book in the Living With The Dead series. I haven't had the opportunity to peruse book one as yet, but it is not needed to sink your teeth into this book. With quips throughout the story to keep you on track in case you did not read the first one, author Jesse Petersen
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keeps you involved and entertained with humour, horror and humanities desire to survive, no matter what the circumstances.

David and Sarah are a husband/wife team who decides to make the best out of a life-altering situation. Zombies are on the loose, the Apocalypse is upon them and their choices are limited. Combining their combat and ingenious weapons skills the two decide to create ZombieBusters, zombie mercenaries who will eradicate your infestation for a price, well, okay so they will settle for a bag of band-aids, but that besides the point.

After taking on a client who wants fresh zombies for his experiments, Sarah and David learn along the way that there is a new strain of zombies, a faster, stronger and more intelligent version of what they are dealing with now. Through several twists and turns in the story we uncover the mysteries of the new strain of "super-zombies". Will David and Sarah have the moxy to destroy their new threat or will it destroy them both??

I love zombie books, they are one of my favourite genres to read. I love how Jesse brings current affair humour to the story...giggled over poor Mel Gibson being turned into a zombie on Day 4. I found Sarah unreasonably bull-headed during a time when caution should always be a factor, as well, I found her whiny, spoiled and dangerous to have around. I love David's quiet and forceful nature, a man who says what he means and means what he says and often left walking away shaking his head in consternation over the antics of his wife. I enjoyed the look into what life would be life if a zombie apocalypse did occur, the tent cities, everyone on edge, always looking over their shoulders and the suspicions that arise when everyone is in it for themselves. I cannot wait to read more...and my husband and oldest son both AGREE~!!

The Zombie Apocalypse has been good to Sarah and David and they are starting a business. ZombieBusters-for all your zombie extermination needs. There are lots of zombies and that means lots of customers...Except one of them doesn't want the zombies dead, he wants them alive and ready for experimentation. Mad scientists make for difficult clients and this time, Sarah and David might have bitten off more than they can chew.
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LibraryThing member littleton_pace
Not really sure about this one... I was a big fan of book one and eager to get into book two; but it really didn't do anything for me.

For starters, I get annoyed that the lead character is constantly talking to the reader (don't tell me you wouldn't find this annoying when it happens on every
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page), and this apparent marriage between the two lead characters Sarah and David is about as exciting as a washcloth. They have no chemistry, and Sarah's character has completely changed from book one to two with no explanation. I'm assuming it's due to the zombie apocalypse, but if she can still real of a modern day reference to Resident Evil or Jackie Chan, then she's clearly not as damaged as others perceive her to be.

The plot line for this story also didn't gel with me... I don't understand why the Mad Scientist would pick Sarah and David and what for... I may have skimmed over that; but that last few chapters aren't very thrilling; and the ending is predictable. Of course the confused kid is gonna turn on his insane father.

All in all; not a great read, and I'm not sure that I'll continue the series. It might be more to another persons liking; but there was really nothing exciting about it at all to me.
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LibraryThing member ShelleyJax
Rating 3.5 stars
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Junkies

Flip this Zombie by Jesse Petersen, is the second book in the Living with the Dead series featuring David and Sarah a husband/wife team who decided to make the best out of the zombie apocalypse by creating Zombiebusters Extermination, Inc. They
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now have a van, loaded with their weapons, which David calls the Mystery Machine (Scooby Do). They even have a slogan painted on the side of their van “Who Ya Gonna Call?” after the old Ghostbusters motto.

Some of their favorite weapons of choice include: Scythe, Guns, Chainsaws, Axes, Swords, Machetes, Shotguns, and a new weapon made by David called the Home Run You Through. It is a wooden bat with metal twine attached.

Three months have passed since the zombie apocalypse claimed most of the west, including Seattle where the couple lived. Sarah and David have found themselves at a survivor’s camp outside of Phoenix, Arizona. (Actually Arizona State University) They do jobs for people, killing zombies, in lieu of trading items like food, weapons, and in one case, beer for the heads of 3 zombies.

It soon becomes apparent that there are new kinds of zombies roaming around, and it is only a matter of time before these Bionic Zombies attack the survivors. They already have more intelligence the so called regular zombies. They even move faster than regular zombies do.

Then a very odd request is posted to their message board from a reclusive mad scientist named Kevin Barnes, who ends up being the villian as well. Barnes asks them to work for him. He doesn’t want the zombies dead however, he wants them alive and ready for experimentation. He claims to have the cure for the zombie disease and needs the zombies to prove that he is right. The only problem is that he is a monster who watched everyone around him die so that he could experiment with the zombies.

After reading this series, you have to wonder what Petersen has against Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus and Nurse Betty. Then again who wouldn’t find two out of three annoying like fingernails on a chalkboard?

Petersen uses several movies like Resident Evil and Mad Max to compare her stories to. Obviously, the comparisons can be made in that Sarah and David are driving around hunting down and killing zombies while the world is going to hell in front of them.

New characters of note: Robbie is an 11 year old boy, who we later find out, is the son of the mad scientist. He knows how to use weaspons, is a snarky little git, and is too smart for his own good. He also betrays Sarah and David and nearly gets David zombiefied. Thankfully he does the right thing when it counts.

Another couple, Josh and Drea, appear to have become friends with Sarah and David, and are also hunters of zombies. I’m not sure if they will crossover into the next book or not. Most likely not since they are headed to what is known as the Midwest Wall that supposingly divides the zombie infestation, from the non-infested parts of the country.

The Question is, was there an actual cure? Yes, since David found himself bitten by a former military office turned zombie. He is supposingly cured, but we shall see how this story plays itself out over the course of the next book.

The problem I had with this story was Sarah’s naiveté when it came to trusting the mad scientist over her own husband. I mean really? They’ve become a very good team since the time the apocalypse hit, now she is going to go against her instincts of trusting David? In the end, David was right on the money about Barnes being responsible for the Bionic Zombies.

The one thing you could count on in the first book was funny moments. Not so much in this book unless you count the number of times they cuss at each other, and Robbie. It is more darker than the previous release, including the addition of the mad scientist. I love the fact that this is not a long story, and the pacing is right on the money. That alone will keep me reading this series.

Next book in series -- Eat, Slay, Love (07.01.2011)
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LibraryThing member sithereandread
FLIP THIS ZOMBIE, by Jesse Petersen, is the second book in the Living With The Dead Series. In the last book, Sarah and David discovered that zombies were taking over the entire West Coast. Now they are working as freelance zombie hunters. They come across a scientist who wants to find a cure but
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nothing about this man is as it seems.

My favorite zombie-hunting couple is back! This time they have taken their talents and are using them to their advantage. They set up residency in a survivor camp and by day they hunt zombies for supplies. They soon run into a scientist who wants the couple to bring back live zombies for experimentation. After accepting this offer, they run into The Kid, a smart-mouthed twelve year old, and they all work together for The Cure.

Just when they thought their relationship issues were over, they are soon brought out again by Kevin, the scientist. David and Sarah both have differing ideas on what his motives are and soon they are at each others throats. I loved how The Kid added to the tension. He was adorable and at the same time, a major brat.

Petersen definitely has thought long and hard about zombie hunting. Her descriptions of fighting and capturing the zombies are extremely inventive. Once again, this book proved to be another masterpiece in this series. I found myself laughing way too hard at times and also pulling for this couple to survive. I can't wait for the next book, Eat Slay Love.
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LibraryThing member titania86
Sarah and David are back! This time their marriage is stronger than ever. They communicate effectively and easily and have overcome their past issues. Now, they share a booming zombie killing business called ZombieBusters Exterminators, Inc. For a fee, they come out and get rid of your zombie
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pests. There is no shortage of customers since the world is overrun with zombies. One odd customer is a scientist that wants them to bring zombies still animated to him to conduct experiments on. His goal is to find a cure, but David doesn’t trust him. Sarah believes in the doctor’s cause and has hope that there will eventually be a cure for the zombie virus. Coincidentally, a new type of super zombie mysteriously appears that is faster, bigger, and smarter than the average zombie. Is this scientist benevolent or just another mad scientist? Will their disagreement end their relationship?

I enjoyed this book very much. It’s just good zombie fun with new characters and a new situation. The previous book was very typical for the genre, but this one gets away from the initial outbreak of the zombie apocalypse. Sarah and David’s zombie killing business takes these characters to a different level. They have a much better grasp of using weapons and kill zombies in much more efficient ways. Because of their greater exposure to the horror of zombie and the realities of surviving, both Sarah and David are much more jaded and cynical. Their character development makes sense even though Sarah clings on to some naïveté and hope. I like that they are real people with their own sets of flaws and irrationalities. The new characters are a great addition to their world. The Kid that they encounter by chance is a welcome counter to the couple and is just funny. The new handsome doctor that seeks their help is very ambiguous and I constantly doubted my decision about if he was good or evil. I also liked that each chapter heading was the title of a business book with a zombie twist.

I did have a few issues with the novel. When I found out about the possible zombie cure, I could plot out exactly what was going to happen. Only one fairly minor thing was surprising to me. I shouldn’t be able to predict most of the events to follow. The same problem that bothered me in the first book has continued to this book. Zombies feel fear and pain that causes them to become distracted and make mistakes. It’s ridiculous and, as a very avid zombie fan, it brings me out of the story and annoys me. It wouldn’t bother me so much if it didn’t lead to major victories for the characters that really shouldn’t be happening.

Flip This Zombie is a quick, fun zombie-filled read. For the most part, it was a joy to read. Hardcore zombie fans might be annoyed with it, but the improved plot and characters make those problems easier to forget. I will be reading the third novel, Eat Slay Love, because it seems like this series gets better as it goes along.
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LibraryThing member BookishBrunette
Ahhhhh! Perfection... of course!

At the end of of Married With Zombies, David and Sarh had decided they were such kick ass zombie slayers that they would go into post Zombie Apocalypse business!

Flip This Zombie picks up right where MWZ left off- so ZombieBusters Extermination Inc. at your service!
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For all your zombie needs!

However, this time around they are dealing with an entirely different bread of zombies. Faster... smarter... "Bionic Zombies" to quote Sarah.

When they get their next 'job' via a note at a survivor camp (What? You think cell phones survived the Zombie Apocalypse?) the last thing they were expecting was a Luke Wilson look alike- mad-scientist type guy, CLAIMING to have found a cure for the zombie epidemic. Oh... and he was pointing a "shit-load of guns" controlled by a little remote straight at them.

DR. Kevin Barnes needs them to CATCH a zombie (Suuuuure- no big deal Doc!) in order to 'test' his cure on the infected. Well, Dave was uuuum- less than enthusiastic about that idea. But, Sarah was more easily swayed by a shower and an arsenal of awesome weaponry!

"We'd even gotten one of those handhelp multi-shot cannons I'd coveted. I have to admit, I creamed my shorts a little everytime I looked at it all awesome and deadly and stuff in the back of the van." -Sarah

Sarah is SO my kinda chick! I freaking love her.

They DO catch a zombie and 'The Kid' (Robbie-NOT a zombie) ... but the good doctor needs more zombies. (You know for research and all.) Needless to say, they go on their next 'Catch a Zombie Mission' and everything is going fairly smoothly- UNTIL the zombie gets loose INSIDE their van while in transit back to the lab! *GASP*

Luckily they crash right outside the lab and the doc saves them. But David is now positive that Dr. Kevin is behind these new bionic zombies and LEAVES Sarah when she refuses to quit helping with the doc's research! *tears*

Sarah is seconds away from being eaten by zombies on her first solitary mission when David bursts in and saves the day!!!

"He was beautiful and dependable and whole and mine! And I owed him a big fucking apology. And probably a blow job or something, because I had truly screwed up." -Sarah

You will NEVER guess how this turns out dude! It's totally an OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD. moment(s). I'm still amazed... Married With Zombies is zombie awesomeness at it's best. Flip This Zombie is seriously DOUBLY awesome and I absolutely cannot wait to start Eat, Slay, Love!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in the Living with the Dead series by Petersen, the third book Eat, Slay, Love came out in July of 2011. This was another fun book in the series. The witty banter between Sarah and Dave, as well as the hilarious cultural references, made this very entertaining to read.

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and Dave have started their own zombie extermination business. Things are going great and business is definitely booming. That is until rumors of a new type of an uber powerful bionic zombie start floating around. When Sarah and Dave answer a post on the bulletin board for help they are greeted by a scientist who claims to have solved the zombie epidemic. Now he needs Sarah and Dave to hunt and trap zombies for him to verify the cure. Only problem is that trapping zombies is a lot harder than killing them; also seems like the scientist may not be on the straight and narrow about his true intentions.

If you liked the first book you will enjoy this book too. Sarah and Dave get along a bit better than the first book, but they are still very snarky with each other. They had me laughing a number of times. Add to this all the crazy cultural references and Sarah's girly, yet snarky, commentary and the book is pretty much totally hilarious.

This is definitely not high literature, or even all that creative, but it is highly entertaining. So if you like zombie books with a lot of humor in them; this is the book for you. I should warn though that the book is not for the squeamish; the zombies and fights are described in all their glorious goriness...so those with weak stomachs should beware.

Sarah and David are wonderful characters who are very human in some of the decisions that they make; still they piss each other off a lot and try not to let that get in the way of the fact that they really do love each other.

This is a quick read, the dialogue always sounds natural, and the book is well written. The story ends in an excellent place and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for Sarah and David.

Overall a fun and entertaining read. If you liked the first book in this series, Married with Zombies, you will enjoy this one as well. Tons of humor in here that had me constantly laughing, lots of gore (beware those with weak stomachs), and of course lots of zombies...even bionic ones! Anyone who enjoys books about zombies, with a good dose of humor, and a little heartwarming reflection here and there (just a little) will love this book. Can't wait to read Eat, Slay, Love.
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LibraryThing member joannasephine
Silly, cheesy, cheerfully low-brow and a good chuckle. Plenty of cliches (as someone married to a real scientist, the Mad Scientist thing makes me wince), and not exactly much character development, but then it isn't aiming to be high literature. (Although Mary Shelley would probably be
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disappointed to hear it.) Schlock-horror, and fairly breezy. An interesting enough addition to the genre, and I'll certainly be happy enough to read any others of the series without feeling the need to go looking for them. Think a lite version of Buffy crossed with Home Improvement, and that's roughly the vibe. Not bad.
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LibraryThing member sublunarie
I just love these books so much, I can't even contain myself. They are full of everything that is fun and awesome about zombie apocalypses without all of that pesky hidden meaning stuff. Pure, unadulterated, bloody, gooey, ass-kicking fun.

In this second book, Sarah and David meet up with a kid
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named Robbie and then start capturing zombies for a Dr. Barnes who is trying to find a a cure for the zombie infection. Robbie is super annoying, and often drags down the story and the fun banter between Sarah and David, but it's worth it all in the end.
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LibraryThing member AaronHarun
An fun quick read between headier books.
LibraryThing member kayceel
Entertaining - kind of like zombies for those who love "Chick Lit." It's got a Stephanie Plum fights zombies feel to it - funny but gory!
LibraryThing member Akaria
It was ok. Very predictable. A little too cutesy. Sarah's humor kind of wore me down after a while. I think I prefer my zombie books to be more dark and gory.
LibraryThing member mcelhra
This review may contain spoilers for the first book in the series, Married With Zombies. Surviving the zombie apocalypse by fighting zombies together has made David and Sarah’s marriage stronger than ever. They are so good at kicking zombie butt that they have started a business called
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ZombieBusters – a zombie extermination service. Things are going well until they land a customer that wants them to capture zombies and bring them to him still alive. Or still undead? Anyway, he doesn’t want them killed. What in the world does he want with live zombies? That’s what Dave and Sarah want to find out.

Flip This Zombie had a lot of surprise twists and was just as campy and fun as Married with Zombies. I’m going to continue reading this series.
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LibraryThing member Maydacat
If you liked the first book in this series, then you’ll love this one. There’s nothing like a zombie apocalypse to bring a warring couple together in matrimonial bliss. David and Sarah had some rough spots in this story, both with the zombies and with each other. But all’s well that ends
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well, except it never really ends, because there are always many more zombies, right around the corner. In spite of what should be a serious subject of kill or be killed, there is a generous sprinkling of humor as our favorite zombie-killing couple go on their way to save humanity. If you’re looking for a fun treatment of a zombie apocalypse, then this series is one you don’t want to miss.
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LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
This was fun! I love zombie books and enjoyed the first book in this series so I decided to jump right into the second book. This book picks up shortly after the events of the first book so I would encourage others to read this series in order if at all possible. In this installment, David and
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Sarah have decided to go into business together, working to exterminate zombies for others.

There really weren’t any big surprises in the story but I had fun watching Sarah and David navigate a world full of zombies. Not to mention the evil scientist and the kid they end up partnered with. I thought that the humor in the story was well done and loved seeing just how much David and Sarah care about each other. There were a few surprises before that really had me worrying if Sarah and David were going to make it.

I listened to the audiobook and thought that Cassandra Campbell did a fantastic job with this story. I love the voices she uses for the characters and thought that she made the story feel even more exciting. She does a great job of delivering the humor of the story as well. I hope to start reading the next book in the series very soon.
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Physical description

272 p.; 4.25 inches


0316102954 / 9780316102957
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