Untitled (Everneath, #3)

by Brodi Ashton

Book, 2014



Call number




Publisher Unknown (2014), Hardcover


"Nikki and Jack take on the underworld to free themselves of the Everneath's power"--

User reviews

LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Wonderful conclusion to a very unique and fun series. Evertrue was full of action, adventure, and romance. Fans of the series will be very satisfied and I would highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a fast paced YA read.

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Sentence: Jack rubbed his eyes and sat up in my bed.

The Review:

Nikki survived the feed, escaped the dreaded tunnels, and saved the love of her life. Now she is back home and all she wants is to graduate high school and live a normal life. But Cole tricked her into starting the process of becoming an Everliving and if Nikki can’t find a way to reverse it she will have to feed of a forfeit or she will die. Together Jack and Nikki try to do the impossible: destroy the Everneath for good. With unlikely allies and more at stake then ever, can Nikki finally get her happy-ever-after?

I really liked Nikki a lot in this book. In the first two books she had a lot of self pity moments, but in this one she just had tons of determination which made it easier to respect her. She was going to destroy the Everneath or she was going to die trying. She is a smart girl and at times she was ruthless to get what she wanted, but she is also full of compassion. Even though she was in a crazy situation it still felt like she was a normal girl going through normal things and that made her easy to relate to. I admired her strength and she was a very easy character to connect with.

I have to admit that I was totally Team Jack in the first book, but at some point in the second book Cole snuck into my heart. Even after everything that happened, I still found that I totally loved him and that feeling continued to grow in the final book. You learn so much more about him and his past, which made me understand him so much better. He is just one of those boys that you can’t help but want to fix, and even though he shows it in really strange ways, he truly loves Nikki. He tries to push her to be her best, but he was also very protective of her. Their relationship was full of surprises and tender moments. I thought that the ending to his story was perfectly done and I totally adored his character.

Jack is as charming as ever. With his killer good looks and protective personality, he really is a dream guy. The love he shares with Nikki knows no bounds and in so many ways it is perfect. I loved that Nikki and Jack were best friends before they started to date, that is the foundation of all lasting relationships. In the first two books they were all about sacrificing themselves to save the other, but in this installment they work together so they can have a future. I loved seeing them support each other through the tough times, they both grew a lot throughout the book. Jack was an amazing character and a great hero.

Evertrue was a fantastic ending to a wonderful series. There was never a dull moment and I found that this book was pretty impossible to put down. It was action-packed, romantic, fun, and interesting. I loved how Ashton tied in the whole Persephone myth, it made the story more engaging and unique. The plot was intriguing and there were a few twists that I wasn’t expecting. Most of all, I love Ashton’s writing style, the way she incorporated the past and the present made it so the book never dragged or got boring. It also helped you to connect better to the characters once you got more of their backgrounds. Overall, this was a really amazing series and I would highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for a great YA read.

Notable Scene:

Everything around us seemed to go blurry. A few weeks? I’d thought I had ninety-nine years. He had to be wrong.

I narrowed my eyes, bringing my vision into focus again. “Who, exactly, is the mother bird?”

He clapped his hands together and rubbed the. “That’s the best part. The mother bird is the Everliving who holds your heart.”

The Everliving who holds my heart. Cole stole my heart from my bedroom two weeks ago. He’d said there were special perks for the Everliving who held it. Cole was the mother bird? I closed my eyes.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I am your only source of survival.” His face broke out into a wide grin. “I wish Gavin were here. I’d have him give me a drum roll.”

“Stop playing games. Tell me.”

He raised an eyebrow, gave me a devilish wink, then grabbed me and kissed me.

FTC Advisory: Balzer + Bray/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Evertrue. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member lauraodom
Okay, I’ll admit it, I was drawn to these books by their covers and premise. Each book was an easy read. The first two were okay. I felt the characters were a little weak, but in the last book, I thought the character’s lack-of-character got even worse. They appeared much more shallow,
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especially Jack, who I actually liked in the other books. The storyline was good enough to carry me through wanting read the whole series, but it didn’t have that “oh-this-book-is-so-awesome” vibe that would render it a 5-star read for me. I also thought the third book left something to be desired. Without going into details that would spoil anything, I felt like some of the book was a cop-out.

Would I recommend this to my BFF: Not really.
Would I recommend this to my daughter: No. She might like the mythology references, but overall, I don’t think she’d enjoy them very much. There was also some cursing, in the last book especially, which I find unnecessary.
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LibraryThing member Summer_Missfictional
Out of the entire series, Evertrue is probably the cheesiest of them all. I shit you not. As if the series couldn't get any more idiotic.

If I read this novel about, oh, a year and a half ago, I would've loved it. I read the first before I became a blogger, and I’m pretty sure I gave that one four
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stars. I read the second, and abhorred it. Less embarrassment for me.

At about 10% in, I encountered this sentence…
”I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.”

…And knew that this book and I were not going to be on good terms.

If you ever wanted all the young adult fiction stereotypes out there packed into one book, here it is given to you on a silver platter. You have the love triangle, amnesia, the macho guy who punches instead of speaks, the weak protagonist always in need of saving, and a Mary Sue.

My main problem here is Nikki, the insufferable selfish brat who does not know how to use her brain. When I say she is a Mary Sue, I do not mean she is perfect. Far from it, actually. I mean that she is viewed as perfection incarnate by the males around her, for no reason whatsoever. Everything revolves around her. Nikki this, Nikki that. By golly, why don't we destroy the world! Just for the perfect, flawless, beautiful Nikki!

Give me a break.

Jack is her savior; he will always be there at her side whenever she is suffering. He is her loyal friend. No, scratch that, he is like a loyal puppy, with no aim in life other than to please his owner. Where’s his personality, you ask? HAHAHAHAHA
I went limp in his arms. He didn't even break stride.

He is a one-dimensional, flat character, solely present to get jealous and beat up people. I mean, he throws a fit when Nikki has to get energy from Cole by kissing him, and he knows that if she doesn’t she will die, but he still gets jealous!

Literally every single damn scene goes something like this, with Jack being depicted as the hero of the day:
”Jack punched him in the face. […] The man went past him, and Jack kicked him in his back as he went. He threw punched again and again until finally the man fell backward.
Jack rushed to my side.
“Becks. Are you hurt?”

One major qualm I have is how Nikki and Jack were positive of their future together, acting as if they are “soul mates”. First of all, no normal teenager thinks like this. If anything, teens think of this in a hypothetical way, not in a set in stone way in which they know for a fact they want to stay with this person for the rest of their life. Nikki and Jack, embodying the latter, are the most unrealistic couple since Romeo and Juliet. Moreover, I did not feel connected to their relationship in any way whatsoever. They simply seemed to be missing that “spark”.

Of all the young adult books I've read, this series takes the prize for having the most gushiest, mushiest romance ever, complete with declarations of love galore, one-liners that rival those of Taylor Swift, and teddy bears. Kidding about the last one, but would you be surprised if they actually gave each other Build-a-Bears while fighting in the Everneath?
”This heart is yours. It belongs to you. It beats only for you. And somewhere out there is a heart without a home, and it beats for me; and we’re not giving up until we find it.”

Please stop it. Please.

The humor, and dialogue in general, was lame and forced. The interactions between the characters was annoying at best and rage-inducing at worst.
”Um, we never discussed the shoulders,” I said, my voice ridiculously breathless.
“Sorry,” he said. “I get carried away talking about elbows and things.”
My head tilted so his lips could get better access to the base of my neck. “Just wait until I tell you about my kneecaps.”

Um wut? That seemed like a 10-year-old was attempting to write a romantic scene.

On to the only interesting character in the entire series, Cole. I won’t hesitate to admit that he was a major douche in the first novel, but in the second, he began to grow on me. I’m kind of thinking that he was the only reason I continued with this series…

No spoilers here, but Cole was very cruelly treated by the author. He was used, manipulated, etc, etc. His amnesia was WAY too convenient, and that was probably the WORST aspect of the entire novel. Cole fans, get ready to be disappointed.

That cheap excuse for an ending was probably one of the worst parts. I think the author was trying to show how experienced of a novelist she is by writing that ending, but I am not impressed in the least. Not that I had very high expectations to begin with, but really, couldn't you have put more effort into adding originality to the finale?

Aside from all this, the writing is average to below average, the character development leaves a lot to be desired, and the world-building is an embarrassing attempt. This seems to be common throughout the series, and there is no sign of improvement as it goes on.

I would recommend this to those who want an unoriginal plot with unremarkable characters and a laughable romance. I can only see lovers of this series enjoying this, but if you weren't amused by the first two books, just skip this one.
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
I wanted to read Evertrue because I enjoyed the first two, and I want to see more of the story between Jack and Nikki, if Cole is really as bad as he seemed from last book, if everlivings will continue to exist when Nikki is done with it all, and get answers and closure for this series.

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started out fast paced and right where Everbound left off, and we get to see the romance, tenderness and concern for each other in the relationship with Nikki and Jack. And while I am not sure how parents in real life would handle teens who disappear and then reappear after months and days away, I think that it was handled pretty well. I think that they would try to instill their values and let them know how much they care for their kids, but that they wouldn't push them too far because they don't want to lose Jack and Nikki again. Hence Jack spending his nights with Nikki without much consequence.

The beginning didn't look too hot for ol' Cole either. Some of his actions I just wonder how he could have real feelings for Nikki or how could he do some of the things and say some of them and then stick around to watch Nikki's pain and struggle. When his amnesia kicked in, it was interesting how much things changed, but I think that we ended up getting a more clear and less jaded version of the man he used to be with out all the backstabbing and manipulation that he probably completely justified.

The ending suited the series, and I am pleased and satisfied. This has been a great series, and I have always been cheering for Nikki and Jack, so the ones who weren't then they are probably not feeling the same things.

Bottom Line: Satisfying conclusion.
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LibraryThing member lauraodom
Okay, I’ll admit it, I was drawn to these books by their covers and premise. Each book was an easy read. The first two were okay. I felt the characters were a little weak, but in the last book, I thought the character’s lack-of-character got even worse. They appeared much more shallow,
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especially Jack, who I actually liked in the other books. The storyline was good enough to carry me through wanting read the whole series, but it didn’t have that “oh-this-book-is-so-awesome” vibe that would render it a 5-star read for me. I also thought the third book left something to be desired. Without going into details that would spoil anything, I felt like some of the book was a cop-out.

Would I recommend this to my BFF: Not really.
Would I recommend this to my daughter: No. She might like the mythology references, but overall, I don’t think she’d enjoy them very much. There was also some cursing, in the last book especially, which I find unnecessary.
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LibraryThing member lkmuir
Inspired by the Persephone myth, this stunning conclusion to the Everneath trilogy, whose captivating first book earned a VOYA Perfect Ten of 2011 and a Whitney award, explores the resiliency of the human spirit and the indomitable power of true love. Perfect for fans of Fallen and Beautiful
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Now that Nikki has rescued Jack, all she wants is to be with him and graduate high school. But after being tricked by Cole, she's begun the process of turning into an Everliving herself . . . which means she must feed on a Forfeit soon—or die. Nikki and Jack begin a desperate attempt to reverse the process, using everything they can think of. Even Cole, who they expected to fight them at every turn, has become an unlikely ally—but for how long? Nikki needs to feed on Cole to survive, Cole needs Nikki to gain the throne in the Everneath, Jack needs Nikki because she is everything to him—and, together, they must travel back to the underworld to undo Nikki's fate and make her mortal once more.

Will Nikki be forced to spend eternity in the underworld—or does she have what it takes to bring down the Everneath once and for all?
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LibraryThing member roses7184
And so, we come to the end of the Everneath trilogy. It pains me to say it, but Evertrue took everything I had come to love about this trilogy and threw it all away. All the gorgeous mythology, all the deep character creation, all of it was gone. I felt cheated, but I had to follow this through to
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the end, and so I read on.

First off, the intense amount of focus on Nikki's love triangle was a slap in the face to me. There's always been a love triangle in this trilogy. Jack and Cole. The boys who are night and day. Poor Nikki caught in between. The difference between the first two books and this one was that it was always understated. Things would happen, we'd be reminded, and it'd go away. Evertrue is one huge love triangle fest. I used to like Jack. I thought his love for Nikki was adorable. While reading this though? I wanted to smack him from here to the Everneath. Seriously. Jealous much sir?

Then there was the fact that my favorite character, the person who kept me reading this series, was all but dismantled in this book. I don't mind Nikki. She's not a generally whiny protagonist, so I have no problem following her. However Cole has always been my favorite. He's sarcastic, highly intelligent, and just the right amount of a bad boy. That's why I couldn't do anything but gape as I saw what my favorite character had become. No spoilers, but it's a massive change. While it did allow for some cute, funny, scenes, I was still heartbroken.

Finally, it was the pacing of Evertrue that really got to me. The first third or so of this book moves so very slowly. I understood why it was written that way, as I had to be reintroduced to the characters I thought I once knew. The big issue is that this slow moving portion takes away a lot from the end. The ending was so rushed, so unsatisfying, that by the time I turned the last page I was devastated. The big showdown I had been waiting for? Never happened.

As a final book in a trilogy, Evertrue just didn't deliver. Poor Cole, Nikki and Jack. They deserved so much more, in my opinion.
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LibraryThing member TheYodamom
I was disappointed.The build up of this world and these characters deserved a more complete ending. There was so much build up, such a long history and it all dispersed into dust with barely a thought. The ending felt extremely rushed and not well thought out. At the end I hated the new
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left alive, hated them for their callowness and cold behavior.
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Original publication date

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