The Queen's Army (Lunar Chronicles, #1.5)

by Marissa Meyer

Book, 2012




Publication (2012), ebook


It is time. The boy must leave his family to serve in the Queen’s army. To be chosen is an honor. To decline is impossible. The boy is modified. He is trained for several years, and learns to fight to the death. He proves to the Queen -- and to himself -- that he is capable of evil. He is just the kind of soldier the Queen wants: the alpha of his pack. At the publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management software (DRM) applied.

User reviews

LibraryThing member pacey1927
This was an entertaining but very short excursion into the world of "Cinder". I wanted to make sure I read it before starting "Scarlett". I liked the story and meeting Z and Ran. I was horrified that the Queen took children as young as 12 and did what she did to them to make them her soldeirs. That
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part was difficult to read. I also gasped aloud during the last page or two so there was definitely a kicker that I didnt' see coming. This author wowed me with "Glitches" and of course, the amazing "Cinder". She is quickly becoming a must read author for me.
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LibraryThing member ahandfulofconfetti
As opposed to Glitches, which I didn't really feel was amazing and honestly didn't answer any of my questions, The Queen's Army is the complete opposite. Not only do we get some background into the Lunar Army that Kai and the other diplomats become aware of in Cinder, but I believe we might also
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have just been introduced to a character who's going to play a role in the remainder of the series.

I couldn't help but be struck by the irony of this story. Z, our main character, has been taken from his home, forced to undergo some physical transformations, and has come out of them perhaps more wolf than human. He spends all of his training years being neither the best or the worst, never wanting to fully embrace his animalistic tendencies, but also desperately wanting to avoid becoming the "mindless soldier" threatened by his pack's leader. I have to say that my heart hurt quite a bit for him and the others we see in this brief story, simply because of the circumstances they find themselves in all because of Levana's determination to conquer the Earth. It's scary to know she really has no limits to her thirst for power.

I found the last line to be the most thought-provoking, particularly since Z's actions at the end make you wonder precisely if he's avoided becoming what he feared after all. I'm curious to see what comes next!
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LibraryThing member salgalruns
Interesting online read for the story line between Cinder and Scarlet. Again, Marissa Meyer rounds out her plotlines through a side story. In this case, she focuses on the Lunar soldiers that were the ones (I'm guessing) that were referenced in Cinder.

As for the storyline itself, I'm not sure that
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I buy the connection to a wolf pack. Normally, I believe they all take care of each other, not fight to the death. However, there's a lot of anger within this pack. Add to that, Z's brother coming in seemed random and without depth.

It could be that I haven't read the 2nd full book, so I'm not sure what this foreshadows...perhaps Scarlet will clarify it?
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LibraryThing member justablondemoment
Excellent addition to one of my favorite series. Best if read before reading Scarlet as it introduces the reader to Wolf and gives background info.
LibraryThing member aoibhealfae
Written in a few years to a few month before Scarlet, "The Queen's Army" introduce one of the anti-hero character Ze'ev "Z/Wolf" Kesley who was taken from his home and was modified to become a mutant wolf and was thrust into a pack where he suffered abuse and torment from his Alpha and his
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thaumaturge, Jael.

After reading Scarlet, I was a bit disappointed with this short novella. There are some exposition with Z's background and how he endured being in the Queen's Army. Levana was less dramatic than her part in the major novels so if you are wanting more of her, you'll likely be in disappointment.

What I really want was the duration before he eventually met up with Scarlet. As with the limited narration between the characters, the story of Z have a potential to be expanded more instead of downright predictable clone to some Paranormal Romance novels with shapeshifter in it.
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LibraryThing member TheBookHammock
Um.. I screwed up and read this before Cinder. Ooops. Anyway, we have the story of Ze'ev, who's taken from his home in the middle of the night to be trained as a soldier in the queen's army.

This has definitely piqued my curiosity about the series. Now to go back and read Cinder before continuing to
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book 2.
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LibraryThing member blog_gal
This is a super short novella, but it is well worth the read. I cannot wait to read more about Z and his brother. It is nice to see the life of a Lunar. In Cinder, we almost hate all lunars that still live on the moon, but in this novella we start to sympathize with them and we understand their
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pain of being ruled by the queen.

My only complaint is that I really do not understand how the cover matches the series covers (Cinder, Scarlet, ect.).
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LibraryThing member fyrefly98
Chronologically, this story happens before the other books in the series - it's Wolf's origin story - but it should really be read after Scarlet (in much the same way that I thought "Glitches", Cinder's origin story (or a part of it, anyways), should be read after Cinder. Reading the novel, then
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reading the story explaining how certain things and characters got to be the way they are is much more powerful than the other way around; reading the story before you'd even met Wolf and Ran and everyone else would mean that a lot of its significance would get lost. (Plus: major spoilers for some of the big "reveals" in Scarlet, although I'd figured most of them out ahead of their reveal anyways. But in retrospect, the story explains a lot about Wolf, and gives a lot of new insight into some of his behavior and attitudes, and makes my heart break for what he had to go through, and what it's cost him. Good stuff.
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LibraryThing member Lita2013
Loved how in depth the author got to express the character's personality traits, moral values and manners in a way as to show that he is well endowed physically and mentally, as well as emotionally.
LibraryThing member Ahnya
Wow! I almost cried reading this. I knew Wolf had it rough, but I wasn't expecting this. I got the feeling that the more cruel stuff was being left out. So worth the read, and you will love Wolf even more.
LibraryThing member Beammey
I liked the story a lot. It kept me interested even if there was gore (but I think that was to be expected). I was glad to learn more about the characters here and I can't wait to learn more again. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Worth the quick read.
LibraryThing member Beammey
I liked the story a lot. It kept me interested even if there was gore (but I think that was to be expected). I was glad to learn more about the characters here and I can't wait to learn more again. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Worth the quick read.
LibraryThing member Arkrayder
This was an okay short story. Really only an origin story for Wolf from Scarlet.
LibraryThing member iShanella
Ah, Wolf. I absolutely loved this backstory of Ze'ev, a.k.a, Wolf Kesley. What would have made it more incredible would have been the telling of the story up to the point where Wolf met Scarlet. However, I admit, I do have a bit of a soft spot for Wolf and Carswell, the only two male leads in the
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Lunar Chronicles that I thought were fully fleshed out.

Still, The Queen's Army was a look into how Ze'ev became a part of the special Luna soldiers and Alpha, as well as (slight Winter spoiler) insight into why Levana might have wanted to keep him around. Something I didn't quite understand in Winter.
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LibraryThing member MynTop
In this little novella, we get a sneak peek into the process Queen Levana uses to create her army. We get to follow one boy's journey through the process and his perceived victory over the system. I have a feeling that we will see this particular character again in future books of the series.
LibraryThing member wanderlustlover
Hummmmna. This was glorious and gorgeous and it made me want Scarlet so bad.

I hope this is the background story of The Big Bad Wolf, especially with where Z ends up by the end.

If you're reading this series, you'll definitely want to read this small released aside as well. It's gorgeous.

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