Destined (House of Night)

by P. C. Cast

Hardcover, 2011



Call number




Atom (2011), Hardcover, 352 pages


"Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet--which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together - if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow ... But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia's handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there's the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more--or possibly less--than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there's something strangely familiar about him ... Will Neferet's true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox's humanity in time to protect him--and everyone--from his own fate? Find out what's destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series"--… (more)

Media reviews

"3 out of 5 stars, Zoey and her friends continue on fighting against Neferet and other Dark evils ... This novel I read in 2018 and before I could post my “official” review, that review got accidentally deleted (find out the whole story on my blog). Therefore, I leave you with the videos I
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created while I vlogged my reading experience of this novel (on my blog). In addition, I will say that I wish I had read this novel right after I finished “Awakened” (book 8) back in 2011 as I know I would have ..." Read more of this review and view my book review vlog here:
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User reviews

LibraryThing member MrsMich02
*SPOILER* Really, the queen of mean's new boy toy is supposedly Heath reincarnated. C'mon. How much crap do you think Zoey can really stand???
LibraryThing member t1bnotown
Everyone's ready to get things in place: we've got Thantos here, all should be well, right? This book took me a while to get into- maybe it was the gap between reading the other books and reading this one. So things are unraveling as fast as they're coming together, and I'm not happy with the twin
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split. I like Shaylin and I definitely want to see more of her. Neferet's whole "I want chaos because it's super fun!" thing was a little weird- she's always seemed to have more purpose and goals to guide her power trips.
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LibraryThing member kayla_merritt
In my personal opinon this series keeps getting worse and worse. It's very cliche and perdictable, which doesn't change at all. Other than a couple of suprises, by about the middle of the book, you can figure out what's going to happen at the end. Zoey misses some pretty obvious things that
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frustrated me. I think the thing that bothered me most about this book is the cussing. Destined is supossed to be a young adult book and it drops the F word more than a dozen times, and even the C word once. The ending of this book left off on a clifhanger, but at this time, I think I'm not going to continue to read this series in the future.
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LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
Zoe and the gang are back home at the House of Night. But what fate has planned or dangers await them, they can only guess.

The last book I read in this series was Tempted (book 6), but I easily jumped back into the story. The series is still addicting as ever. One of the reasons I stopped at book 6
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was because I wasn't a fan with the way the story was going. But the cover of Destined really caught my eye and made me want to read about this new character and to find out where the story has gone.

Good read! I don't like compare books, but I did enjoy this book way more than Tempted. The story lines and action seemed more exciting to me. There was a lot going on - but it moved at a wonderful pace. Loved the different character point of views. Destined gives you intriguing twists and leaves you wanting more of the story. The ending was satisfying and has me ready for the next installment.

Destined is narrated by Caitlin Davies. Listening to the story was quite an experience. Ms. Davies did an excellent job. Especially with Aphrodite, the Twins and Stevie Rae.
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
I really enjoyed the earlier books but I'm finding it harder and harder to want to read any more books in the House of Night series. I don't know if its because I'm a little older then when I started reading them or if I expect the characters to be a little more grown up/mature because of what they
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have been through and dealt with but I'm starting to despise the language and slang used in the books. "Bullpoopie" I mean really? Uggh I cringe when some of the characters open their mouths. I understand this is a Young adult series but this is book 9 most readers have been reading them for 4 years we have grown up a bit this is not how we talk. Speaking of book 9 and 4 years, How much more of the whole Neferet is evil doing evil things are we going to have to deal with? I think the storyline died a long time ago and its time to move on to a new evil person. Health back, but as someone else? How much more of him and Zoey will we have to go through? I thought we moved on from him in the last book when Stark brought her back. Its going to be as bad as Neferet, dragging the characters out past a reasonable point just isn't working for me. I'm sorry I just don't think I can stand to read another book with the same storyline so unless PC and Kristin finally put some of this overdrawn storyline to rest I'm done with House of Night.
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LibraryThing member psteinke1122
3.5 stars!

The book opens with everyone safe and sound back in Tulsa. Rephaim and Stevie Rae are getting used to Rephaim’s new boy body at night and bird body during the day. Zoey and Stark are adjusting to life away from Skye and the discovery that Zoey’s Mom has been murdered. Everyone is back
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at the House of Night campus and Neferete is faking playing nice while creating chaos everywhere she goes…and a couple of ways she does this is by opening the campus to human workers, and bringing back the red fledglings that wouldn’t follow Stevie Ray. Thanatos, of the Council, arrives in Tulsa to be the eyes and ears of the council…which allows for some intriguing possibilities.

Reading a “House of Night” novel is kind of like coming home. Or, if you are of a certain age, it’s like turning on your favorite “stories” in the afternoon and catching up with some of your “friends”. It does move like a soap opera…only a few days passes in the course of the story…but a LOT happens, as is the case with Destined.

This installment, however, did introduce some new characters (“fresh blood” – muwhahaha)…which should allow the story to take some new and interesting directions. But just like a soap opera, there weren’t any earth-shattering surprises or mysteries. You, the reader, could see what was coming from far off. But after 8 books, it’s OK, it’s comfortable, and it’s pretty much what we’ve come to expect.

Bottom line, if you are a fan of the series, “Destined” does not disappoint.
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LibraryThing member jazzcat15
it's taken a while to get through this book, because so much has happened in the last books that it's hard to keep track of where they are, who's alive and who's good and who's evil. I was totally confused about some of the stuff with Eric in the beginning and with the new girl Shaylin. They really
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only made one or two appearances if I recall correctly. But all-in-all it was once again a great book by the Cast team. Zoey reminded me of my BFF and Stevie-Rae reminded me of myself once again, so that was something to put a smile on my face. I'm now extremely excited for the next book to come out, because I want to Neferet getting her butt kicked!
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LibraryThing member mzserena
At first, I didn't think I was going to like this book at all. It took me a while to get into it, but in the end, it's turned out to be one that I can call a favorite. It has twists, turns and things I didn't quite see coming.I am annoyed by the ending, quite annoyed by it. I feel incredibly let
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down by the way the book ended. Yes, it was a cliffhanger, but it didn't wrap anything up at all. I feel like it was a "oh hey, deadline .. done!" kind of ending.With that said, I am looking forward to the next book and the novella that comes next.
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LibraryThing member FolkeB
Destined is the ninth novel in the House of Night series. This book is about Zoey trying to find out more about what had happened to her mother when she was murdered. Rephaim has been forgiven by the Goddess and made into a human during the night. Now Stevie Rae and Rephaim will be able to be
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together along with helping Zoey find the truth about her mother. While there is a mysterious Aurox gifted to Neferet by darkness to her control but she is the only one that know it’s from darkness; everyone else simply thinks it’s a gift from their Goddess. Zoey has a strange feeling about the new creature Neferet has and isn’t sure what to think of it. Neferet is trying to cause chaos in at the House of Night School to distract them from what she is really up to.

This book has a unique style to it. It is told in the point of view from different people allowing the reader to know what is going on with more than one character; but it all ties into the same story and what is going to happen in the end of the book.

In my opinion this book was a little slower than I would have liked it to be. I felt like there was too much of the story leading up to what was going to happen in the end and I stated to get a little bored with it until the very end. There is also mystery in this story because even though the story was slow moving I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen in the end and see how it all tied together. In the end I was a little disappointed because there wasn’t a huge event that happened like there normally is in the other novels. It was kind of leading up to what was going to happen in the next book.

Grace B.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
I have been following this series since the beginning. I remember reading this book in college and really enjoying it. It entertained me and always kept me on my tip of my toes. This is book number 9 in the series. And it follows where it has left off.

I like to talk about the changes in the series
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that I for one, like in this book. One change is Eric. I always had a book crush on Eric Knight and it was good see him back in the book. The reader gets a good insight on what Eric has been doing lately. He is now a marker for the school and meets a new gal. And you know what? I like her. She is sweet, funny, and sarcastic. Another change is the twins. Erin and Shaunee. I was surprised to see these two finally separate. Yes, it really did happen!

There is no surprised that Zoey is still dealing with the bad chic (Neferet) and the bad guy still (Kalona). Zoey now has new responsibility and to me it seems like it is going to her head.

Again, this series is the same as the others. Same drama, more boys, more fights and more trouble within the circle.
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LibraryThing member aoibhealfae
Reading this series requires an unusual degree of commitment. After a gorgeous cover of a hot native american with raven-coloured wings on his back and indescribable open-mouthed endings of Awakened (particularly involved with a kid and a woman who got their throat slit and a very POV-creepy sex..
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yeah, its YA.. no kidding), I was definitely looking forward for this book.

At some point, I was reading through the book amidst unexpected offline guests and trying to satisfy three toddlers' obsessions over Boboiboy and Angry Birds parody, I was reading this book on-off until the end.

It was satisfying, gruesome and expected... but sadly got me thinking, 2 books publication per year is too slow for the series and me. How on earth I was able to stay this long baffled me. But I persisted.

Somehow after 9 1 books, I was able to admit to myself. I am a very loyal bookworm. I'm glad the book amuses me with references of Game of Thrones and Shaunee's finally able to breakthrough her half-self with Erin (coincidently she is the persistent comic humor character of the last 8 books) and I breath a sigh of relief. Rephraim and Kalona was likeable as ever. Zoey is slowly dying on me. Cute cute cute... when will the good stuff start? Oh... right... it ended like that... figures.... You shouldn't have put that scene in the previous book btw.

I'd expected someone to die like what CW's "The Vampire Diaries" writers had done to every of its main character (Elena, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler, Alaric etc), but sadly, I am familiar with the age group. Stunts like that would make everyone go turn-offed. So help me, Missus Casts, please end this series and make a side series already. Where's the final battle, I want the final battle. Dont prolong the pain and disappoints us all again and again and again.

4 years is too long. I had my degree in this 4 years. Its still weirdly comforting that I could last this long to a book series. But all book things need to end. I'm begging you. Don't prolong this agony.

GIMME THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT. Neferet is annoying me for years now.
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LibraryThing member pandalovesyou
I never noticed before the difference in the two styles of writing between P.C. And Kristen, but since I read a review where a book blogger brought up how she could tell the difference and now it is so glaringly obvious! You would think they would iron that out in editing a little more.

1. Stevie
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Rae's accent dissappears almost completely sometimes. Other times it is ridiculous! (Sayin', takin', seein', 'preciate, 'specially, purrin', y'all, etc.) I don't think continuity is too much to ask of a book.
2. The overuse of the word seriously is annoying.
3. How many times can BFF be used in one book?
4. This book also overused the word super (super important, super purple, super creepy, super anxious, super crazy and it goes on and on and on)
5. I really don't appreciate how they use the word "stuff".
6. Nisroc talks like Yoda.
7. They actually use the word pussy in this book, that is all I got to say about that.
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LibraryThing member emmyson

Can't force myself any longer. I started out liking this series, but that was well before it became 'the series that never ends'. I can't force myself to care anymore. What started out as a love relationship with these books has descended into a definite don't care relationship.
LibraryThing member JacobsBeloved
I was pleasantly surprised in the improvement of characters in this book, as my expectations of this series have dimmed over the course of the series. This book was better. Both Dragon and Lenobia's character are shown more insight as their back stories are revealed, which I'm sure is further
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explored in the books, Dragon's Oath and Lenobia's Vow. Also, one of the "twins" shows some backbone and stands alone in her beliefs - about time, I might add. Those two drove me nuts every time their dialogue appeared on the page.
Rephaim also continues to battle with his origins and his new lease on life, thanks to Nyx's forgiveness. Though Rephaim himself does little to progress the plot, his presence serves as a major catalyst for both sides and drives Kalona to make some interesting choices.
There is also the addition of a new fledgling to the mix, whose addition answers one question about the red fledglings, but brings up many new questions as she has a new gift of True Sight. From the descriptions, she can see auras, though the word is never used for whatever reason, which I also found annoying. One other addition is another adult to the Tulsa House of Night, a major supporter of Zoey and company, who brings a good dose of sanity and maturity that it so desperately needs. I have renewed hopes in the continuation of this series.
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LibraryThing member AngelaRenea
The ending of this book is what saved it. I think that I've reached the point in this series that I just want it to be over now. I'm sick of the 'bull poopie'. I was never a kid who swore, but I think if I had read these books, I would have been just so that I never sounded like Zoey. I was
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frustrated that Cast doesn't seem to be able to write anything about relationships unless there is some kind of love triangle going on. I also am fed up with the poor characterization. Her characters go from bad to good to bad faster than I don't know what. We have Aphrodite who was the villain of the first book is now one of the gang. Stark flip flops from dog lover to rapist to guardian and then abusive(ish) boyfriend to perfect. Kalona was a warrior, then a rapist, then the villain, now trying to be good guy daddy of the year? Nope. It would be OK if the characters of these people were not being slung all over the place. How about the twins? They seem like completely different people in this book. And Damien has morphed from someone with his own personality into Jack 2.0 or something. We had a super feminine gay and he died. You can't just morph the other gay into a super feminine gay now too. Finally I've had it up to here with the spoilers. I get that everyone knows about Lord of the Rings, it's one of those things. But as someone who has not finished True Blood, I'm sick of these books ruining things. I know it's just small stuff, but come one? Why would you ruin stuff? Write your own story! Enough with the pop culture references. You don't need to shove your opinions down the reader's throat. OK you like Sookie Stackhouse better than which ever vampire series you talked about in the last book. You do NOT need to call the author stupid. I'm quite fed up with these books.
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LibraryThing member Mommy.Reads.What
It had been so long since I read the series I didn't remember if I had read this one yet. but I realized I had but i'm glad I reread because I had forgotten some things.
LibraryThing member Mommy.Reads.What
It had been so long since I read the series I didn't remember if I had read this one yet. but I realized I had but i'm glad I reread because I had forgotten some things.
LibraryThing member slsmitty25
I'm really enjoying this series. I do wonder though why every book closes almost immediately after a big battle; it's just not necessary. I also feel like Zoey is getting more immature rather then mature. After 3 years of battling darkness I would think that she would at least be resigned to the
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fact that she's going to be leading the battle against darkness.
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LibraryThing member bell96
I loved Destined, the newest House of Night book. The series had been dropping off for me, and Destined brought it back together. The characters are finally coming into their own. The strength of Stevie Rae, for example. While she retains her outspoken slang conversation, she has become a real
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leader in this book. Zooey is stronger as well, as if all the experiences have begun to shape her into the woman or Queen that she will become. The supporting circle and protectors are also maturing, and the one major death is one of honor and beauty. I am ready for the next in the series - this one was wonderful reading.
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LibraryThing member taranator
Destined was okay. Too many references to current pop culture (were they paid to mention True Blood/Charlaine Harris a million times?) and, in my opinion, the writing was not as strong as in previous books.

I did enjoy the Rephaim/Kalona story line, I also enjoyed getting to know Shaunee better,
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and Aurox was interesting. That said, the writing was all over the place and felt kind of scattered/thrown together quickly. There were too many POVs going on and the ending was a let down since it didn't feel complete.

Though the writing/story wasn't as strong as I've come to expect from the Casts, it was definitely better than many YA 'vampire' novels I've read. I enjoyed reading Destined and hope that questions will be answered in the next installment.
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Original publication date


Physical description

352 p.; 5.63 inches


1905654871 / 9781905654871
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