The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern

by Lilian Jackson Braun

Paperback, 1967



Call number






Jim Qwilleran is not exactly thrilled by his new assignment for the Daily Fluxion--a weekly magazine on interior design. But Qwilleran finds himself on familiar territory when a murder is committed, and he and Koko, the brilliant Siamese, take the case.

User reviews

LibraryThing member goose114
Qwilleran has been put in charge of the new interior design magazine at the newspaper. His first assignment with the magazine leads to a crime which makes the newspaper and Qwilleran look foolish. As he attempts to continue with the magazine Qwilleran is plunged into the world of decorators; he
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begins to uncover clues that point to a different scenario for the first crime than the police believe. With Koko lending clues in seemingly innocent situations Qwilleran sets out to solve the crimes that seem attached to the interior design magazine.

I found that the second installment of this series had more humor and playfulness than the first – quite possibly because of Koko’s significance in this book. The story was interesting and the crime was not easily solvable (until all the information was divulged). Overall this was an enjoyable read – light, funny, and engaging.
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LibraryThing member benuathanasia
A cute, clever series that I truly enjoy. It's very definitely dated, but still good.
LibraryThing member reading_fox
The continuing travails of Jim Qwilleran with the silly name, ex-star reporter, now feature writer for a local rag. Fpr some unexplained reason following the death of the building's owner he has managed to stay in residence for some time, but finally logic has prevailed and it is time for him and
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Koko to move. I already get the feeling that Jim's hunt for a permenant abode, and women, will be a continuing theme throughout this series.

Jim also recieves a new commission instead of Art he will now be writing a series of articles for a weekly suppliment, on interior design. Once again he gets to wander around town, meeting new faces in the competitive interior design business, designers, artists and customers. Discussing his 'discoveries' with his pals in the Press Club bar. Once of thes new aquiantances rather grandly loans him a spare appartment! And he soon meets some charming ladies as well. However when incident follows his first few reports on the designs of houses Jim begins to find it hard to get permission to write about the others, and the whole paper as well as his job is in jepordy. However a new game with Koko leads to some surprisingly clues.

Irritating in a few places this is a well constructed mystery. Particularly annoying is Koko's game as the words chosen don't seem likely to be ajoining dictionary words. The age of the books quickly shows with the behavior of his dates, but that asside it is a plesant hour or twos read. There aren't many clues given to help the reader guess the solution, but a ot of red herrings!
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LibraryThing member ccookie
First line
~Jim Qwilleran prepared his bachelor breakfast with a look of boredom and distaste, accentuated by the downcurve of his bushy moustache~

Nice second installment of this series. Quick, light read. The mystery is really secondary to getting to know Qwill, Koko and Yum Yum. I liked this one
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better than the first since it had more of Koko in it and I love cats! The characters are also becomming more developed. I'm enjoying this series and am on to Book 3.

3.5 stars
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LibraryThing member bluesalamanders
Taken off the newspaper's art beat, Qwill is now assigned to the Fluxion's new interior design magazine. What could go wrong photographing interior design? With Jim Qwilleran and Koko, his unusual Siamese cat, around, what couldn't happen? Robberies, raids, murders, the list goes on. This is the
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book in which Qwill finds Yum Yum, his second Siamese cat.

For all the murder and mayham in the Cat Who... books, they're light and fluffy (just like a cat!).
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LibraryThing member riverwillow
A fast and fairly inconsequential read. The author clearly loves Siamese cats and Koko is quite a character, but the books haven't aged well. I've got one of the other books in this series in my tbr pile but once I've read that I'm probably done with this series as its just a bit too light and
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fluffy for me.
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LibraryThing member CommunityBookstop
Again we are brought back to Qwill and Koko who have succeeded together, and have moved on from reporting art to now doing interior design where they meet various people. Qwill gets involved in two murders, jems being stolen, and a cat who’s been abused. Yum Yum who in the begining of the story
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had two different names between Yu and Freya. Qwill settles to call her Yum Yum when he saves her from her previous owners. I enjoy this series as the language is clean and the murders aren’t gruesome so to speak they are tasteful.
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LibraryThing member Krumbs
The titles of these make no sense until you've read the entire book, but then they are entirely apt. Quick mystery and quickly read.
LibraryThing member dukefan86
As usual for this series, this was an easy listen in the car. I could pay closer attention to traffic and not feel like I'd missed much in the story. It was nice to get a little bit more background for the later books in this early installment, including how Qwilleran came to get his second cat,
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LibraryThing member antiquary
Ths was the first of Braun's cats series I was interested in, simply because of the odd title.
LibraryThing member crazy4reading
Not a book that I would read again. It wasn't my type of reading material. I love cats and thought I would enjoy it. I am glad I tried it though.
LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Jim Qwilleran has a new assignment, an interior design magazine that really doesn't get off to a good start , the first house they photograph and feature is burgled and the lady of the house is found dead. On top of this he has to move and he finds himself embroiled in the murky world of Interior
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His cat Koko gets involved and it's all quite complicated.

It's a light, easy series with some interesting characters, particularly the cat.
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LibraryThing member FerneMysteryReader
A fun mystery with Mr. Jim Qwilleran or just Qwill to his friends moving away from coverage of the art world and delving into the world of interior design. Absolutely hysterical as Qwill learns that one "never call draperies drapes." Then there's the star of Qwill's world, the ever-handsome,
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ever-wonderous brilliant Siamese Koko and how Koko orchestrates the arrival of a special new resident to share their living quarters.

I have read some of these mysteries "out of order" but to enjoy learning the backdrop/history of Qwill and characters adds a special delight to the reading pleasure of this series!
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LibraryThing member SeriousGrace
Jim Qwilleran is a reporter for "The Daily Fluxon." He has led a simple life until he is asked to write for "Gracious Abodes," a magazine specializing in interior decorating of lavish homes. Qwilleran is paired with David Lyke, an interior designer who leads him to all the fashionable homes he has
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put on his designer touch. Oddly enough after each cover story is published something terrible happens at the featured home. First, there is the home of George Tait. His expensive jade collection is stolen and his wife dies of an apparent heart attack. Then, house number two is raided for being a brothel after it is featured on the cover of "Gracious Abodes." At the third residence there is a murder...Qwilleran keenly watches the behavior of his Siamese Cat, Koko, to figure out the mystery.
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LibraryThing member empress8411
Fun Mystery Books. A Little dated but no more than your average cozy mystery. A must for any cat-lover!
LibraryThing member akblanchard
In this second pleasant outing in the Cat Who series, reporter Jim Qwilleran enters the world of interior design to solve a mystery involving foppish designers, jade, suspicious coincidences, and mysterious deaths. Meanwhile, his magnificent Siamese cat Koko develops a taste for a certain fabric,
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and acquires a girlfriend as well. Originally published in 1967, this quick read is dated, but still entertaining.
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LibraryThing member ffortsa
This series is my go-to for dumb reading. But this early entry was unusually interesting, and without some of the tics that accumulate in the later part of the series. Qwilleran is assigned to a home decor supplement, but the weekly assignments seem to lead to burglary and death. This is back when
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Q was still working, still living in a city, and just in the process of acquiring his cats. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
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LibraryThing member Nodosaurus
This is the second book in The Cat Who… series. At the beginning of the book, Jim Quilleran has a week to vacate his apartment. He goes to work intending to get a better assignment than the art beat, to be surprised by an assignment to do a weekly interior design supplement to the newspaper
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called Gracious Abodes.

Given a designer contact of David Lyke, he goes in search of something to write about. David refers him to George Tate, David had done his interior design. David also leads him to a friend who wants someone to sit in his apartment while he is in Europe, it is in a posh building near David. Thus Jim is thrust into a good life, and he begins by sharing his fortune Koko, feeding him fine sea foods.

Within 24 hours of the magazine being published, George Tate’s valuable collection of jade is stolen, his wife dies, and his houseboy, Paolo, disappears and becomes a prime suspect. A point that Jim vehemently disagrees with. The consequences have foreboding affects on The Fluxion! Then David Lyke turns up dead and Koko leads Jim to the clues.

The book gets funny as it delves into the world of interior design. This culture refers to colors by food names that get outrageous as the book goes on. Then sprinkle in a lot of odd characters with unusual quirks makes for a fun read.

Jim picks up a romantic interest in Alacoque Wright, aka Cokey. She has several cat-like characteristics such as scratching at a table when the two met. Except for an occasional salad, she always eats foods a cat would eat, mostly seafood. And she knits (plays with yarn) her own sweaters, so she’s covered in fur.

The author sprinkles lots of words describing furniture and upholstery that I had to look up. It added to the color.

In the end, the mystery was good and resolved well. Although the guilty is revealed early, the why and how are held close until late in the book.
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LibraryThing member BookConcierge
Book on CD performed by George Guidall

Book two in the “Cat Who” cozy mystery series, starring journalist James Qwilleran and his Siamese Koko. Much to his chagrin, Qwill has been assigned to write pieces for a new interior design magazine insert for the Fluxion. There’s a tight deadline so he
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asks a couple of leading interior designers for a lead and goes to the home of a wealthy jade collector and his invalid wife. The home itself is interesting, but the jade collection is spectacular. Unfortunately, right after the story is published there is a burglary at the featured abode, and the wife dies of an apparent heart attack. Qwilleran doesn’t believe the article – or a stranger – was to blame and he begins to look into things.

I like this series, set in an unnamed northern-midwest city (possibly in Michigan, which is where the author lived). I like the way Qwill ferrets out information, and how he’s beginning to notice that his cat is quite astute. Love the dictionary game they play! The plot is full of twists and turns, as well as a colorful assortment of characters, good and bad. Photographer Odd Bunsen is an able sidekick.

I also like that Braun doesn’t anthropomorphize Koko. He’s a cat and behaves like a cat, though he has an uncanny ability to provide clues – like coughing up a bit of fabric, or insisting that Qwill retrieve his toy mouse from under a piece of furniture, where the journalist happens to also find a single gold earring.

I also like that the time frame is before internet or cell phones and old-fashioned detecting is required to solve the case. Qwill’s journalism background provides a great framework.

George Guidall does a reasonably good job of performing the audio. There’s something about his delivery though … perhaps he sounds jaded or bored? … that initially put me off, but once I let myself focus on the plot I didn’t notice this so much.
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LibraryThing member AMKitty
Cute mystery featuring a reporter with a cat who helps him solve murders and other crimes. In this case, valuable jades are stolen after the reporter’s newspaper features the collection in an article. Later, an interior designer who helped select the household with jades for the reporter turns up
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Easy read. Light. It has a crime-solving cat.
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LibraryThing member EmScape
Journalist Jim Qwilleran is pulled from the art beat and given the assignment of a new feature magazine with the theme of interior decorating. Of course, a couple of people in the decorating world are murdered and a valuable jade collection goes missing the day after being featured in the magazine.
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Even though he's repeatedly told to stay out of it, Qwill is on the case with the assistance of his stunningly intelligent, and possibly prescient Siamese cat, Koko.

I'm enjoying the development of Qwilleran's character and his relationship with Koko. Qwill's appreciation for and accommodation of his new companion is adorable.The mystery seemed little predictable, but it's also possible that I read this book when I was a kid and therefore halfway remember it (I kinda don't think so, though). Anyways, these are pretty quick reads, so I'll keep going through the series.
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LibraryThing member Fantasma
Here we go following Qwill and Koko and their adventures, and they solve another mistery :)
As in the 1st book, there's no bloody details or forensic stuff, and it's nice to just have a book where you learn a lot about Siamese cats (specially if you love cats...) while the 2 main caracters try to
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solve a crime.
I felt, as in the 1st book, that the plot is a little thin/weak, but we aren't suposed to be expecting a great work of literature, just a cozy reading!

I'm anxious for the 3rd book where we're going to know more about Yum Yum!
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LibraryThing member Jean_Sexton
I needed something to read that was a classic cozy mystery, so what better than The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern, published in 1967? There is a simplicity to the novel's era that defies words. The books tended to be more episodic; you could read the second book in a series without having to remember
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everything that happened in the first book. The part that wasn't simple was the solution to the mystery. While the author played fair, I didn't put all the clues together before Qwill.

This mystery involved jade, one of my favorite stones. Our intrepid reporter is assigned to cover the world of interior decorating in the local area. Of course, murder happens, and it is up to Qwill to solve it. I was fascinated by the storyline while being amused at the various names of colors used for decorating.

If you enjoy mysteries, this is a fun one.
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Physical description

192 p.; 21 cm
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