Strong Poison

by Dorothy L. Sayers

Paperback, 1930



Call number




Toronto: Bantam, 1985


Fiction. Mystery. HTML: Dashing detective Lord Peter Wimsey is caught up in the murder trial of mystery writer Harriet Vane. Her fianc� has died of poisoning exactly as described in one of Harriet's novels�so naturally she is the prime suspect. As Peter looks on, he not only falls in love with the accused but eagerly helps with Harriet's defense when the first trial ends in a hung jury. Will she be convicted and executed for the crime, or can he save her life and win her hand in marriage? Strong Poison is the first of a series of Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane mysteries in which their complex romantic relationship is revealed in detail. This superb classic was originally published in 1930..

User reviews

LibraryThing member TheoClarke
Our first introduction to Harriet Vane and one of the great romances of cozy detection. I know that many people now see Peter Wimsey as a foppish caricature but this is not my perception. Here he is the romantic hero of a quest for the fair lady with the looming deadline of Harriet's retrial
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setting a clear boundary to his investigation. In practice, the murderer can be deduced early in the novel, so it becomes a whydoit and a howdunnit until the end.

Written in the late 1920s about contemporary England, the book is filled with social commentary explored from various angles by using the viewpoints of several characters. Harriet's circumstances having been shaped significantly by the changing role of women. Modernism and spiritualism are mocked trenchantly in sharp aphorisms.

Most whodunnits do not bear rereading but Sayers' sharp with and incisive observation provide continuing rewards.
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LibraryThing member richardderus
The Book Report: Lord Peter Wimsey, younger brother of the Duke of Denver, bibliophile, and dilettante in the arts and sciences of murder, meets his One True Love, the Other Half of His Soul; where else would he do this, but in court? Too bad she's the accused in a rather sensational murder trial,
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in which she is accused and about to be convicted of poisoning by arsenic her Illicit Lover, now ex- after having the *temerity* to propose honorable and legal marriage to her. He was, it turns out, having her on when he refused to countenance the idea of marriage; he was counting on his Peculiar Charms to sway his Muse and fellow novelist into revealing her true depths of devotion to him by setting this test. Having fallen (and Fallen) for it, Harriet felt (not at all unreasonably) that she'd been a right prat and, in umbrage extreme, slung the rotter out on his ear, refusing thereafter to treat his suit. Subsequent to their final meeting, unluckily, the rotter collapses and dies at his cousin's home, where he's been living for over a year since the end of the dream.
Lord Peter, attending the trial (as who would not?) with the Hon. Freddy and the Dowager Duchess of Denver (aka Mater), forms the simultaneous convictions that Harriet is innocent, and that she shall be Lady Wimsey as soon as the event can be fixed. How to forestall the hangman's deft attentions is his sole focus, needless to say, and he goes about proving the identity of the real culprit with his accustomed panache, energy, and cunning.
Ah, but stay the strain's of the Wedding March, dear readers, because Harriet...quite Once Bitten, Twice Shy re: matrimony. She offers herself as his leman, his dolly-bird, his bit o' stuff, but marriage? To a well-known aristocrat, with all the attendant hoo and pla? No, indeed. Wimsey is, well, not to fobbed off with mere sex when what he craves is glory and delight everlasting in matrimony golden, so he ankles off as soon as he sees her acquitted. The End. Only, of course, not so much. But that's another book.

My Review: A Certain Party, who shall remain nameless herein but is frequently addressed by me as "Horrible" and is known on LibraryThing as "karenmarie", has really, really put her foot in it this time. I mention, oh so casually in passing, that long, long ago I read and disliked this book. "Oh," burbles The Evil One, "I read that and found it both witty and amusing, don't you think it would be fun to re-read it?" I, ever the innocent and naive victim, forgot that the aforementioned Evil One has hooked me on ever-so many mystery series with her offhand cruelty, fell for it and re-read the book. Reader, beware! NEVER VENTURE NEAR HER! You'll end up reading long lists of (admittedly quite good) mysteries.

Wimsey is certainly not for every taste. His erudition, not notably fine for that era, is huge by modern standards, and so his references to poets, writers, and cultural furniture quite ordinary in the 1930s, will come across as condescending to thos of this less well-versed (!) time and place. His general attitude of privilege might cause some sensitive souls in the era of Political Correctness to flinch. And Sayers' lovely, steady, and quite dry prose will go down like a martini at a Salvation Army bash with the modern reader accustomed to gutter talk, explosions, gunshots, and generally seamy turpitude that passes for most modern mysteries.

And thank GOD for that. It's a breath of chamomile-scented mountain meadow air to me to re-find these books in a state and at a time when I can appreciate them. No one tell The Evil One, blast her eyes, that I am thoroughly glad to have read this book at 51 that I understood and so little of at 25. Loose lips sink ships!
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LibraryThing member Crowyhead
This may be one of my favorite Lord Peter mysteries. Not only is it rather delightful to see Lord Peter made vulnerable by love, the murder itself is fiendishly clever. I was completely stumped as to the method, and when it was finally revealed I shouted in delight and had to run and tell Dave (my
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partner) all about how it was done. I'm afraid he was probably not as fascinated as I was...

I think I read a review somewhere that mentioned that Harriet Vane is something of a Mary Sue, which may be true -- it's hard not to wonder when the object of Lord Peter's affection is an unconventionally attractive, witty writer of mysteries. I've always felt that Sayers had a bit of a crush on Lord Peter, after all. But then, can you blame her? We don't get to know Miss Vane very well in this mystery, because she spends most of the time in jail falsely accused, but I found that Lord Peter's admiration rubbed off on me, and I was personally rather delighted with her blunt refusal of Lord Peter's repeated proposals of marriage.
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LibraryThing member foggidawn
Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers is one of my favorite books in this series. A woman is on trial for poisoning her lover. The evidence points, overwhelmingly, to her guilt -- but Lord Peter is convinced that she is innocent. In fact, he takes a rather personal interest in this particular case. . .
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This book introduces a character who plays a significant role in future books, and also advances certain through-running plot lines. The dialogue is excellent, even better than in the earlier books, and a few lines had me nearly rolling with laughter (there's a conversation between Lord Peter and his sister concerning pajamas that is particularly noteworthy). I reread this book more recently than most of the others, so had some vague memories about the solution to the crime, but this is one of those rare detective novels that bears rereading even without that element of surprise.
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LibraryThing member clong
This was a fast, fun, literate, entertaining read. The premise is simple: mystery novelist Harriet Vane is on trial for the murder of her ex-significant other, and Peter Wimsey is determined to prove that she didn't do it, and then marry her. Wimsey and his supporting cast are eminently likable,
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and the mystery is puzzler, with Sayers nicely managing the pace of dropping clues. I can see why Harriet Vane is a popular character, although in this book she is more of an ideal than a real person. And the glimpses of intra-war England are worth the price of admission alone.

The biggest weaknesses are the string of coincidences that ultimately allow Peter to solve the crime and unveil the true murderer. The final piece of the "how he did it" puzzle felt a bit trite, but it may well be that is because so many other authors and screenwriters have copied an idea of Sayers' that was quite original back in 1930. And I must admit that I had a hard time buying Peter's "love at first sight" infatuation with Vane. The romance would have been more believable if it had evolved as he had gotten to know her at least a little bit. All in all, though, highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member AdonisGuilfoyle
Superb mystery with lively characters and witty dialogue, Agatha Christie meets P.G. Wodehouse
LibraryThing member DeltaQueen50
Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers is a milestone in her Lord Peter Wimsey series as in this volume he meets Harriet Vane and declares her to be his future wife. The fact that she is currently on trial for murder holds no sway with Lord Peter as he is 100 percent convinced of her innocence. In
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fact, when the jury is unable to come to a verdict, he steps in and offers to aid her defense team so that she can be cleared of all charges.

Knowing Lord Peter from the previous books, the reader enters the story already knowing the outcome so the fun of this book is learning who the guilty party is, and how the deed was done. Enlisting the help of familiar characters like Bunter, Miss Climson and D.C. Parker, Lord Peter is able to put the pieces of this mystery together, and although the solution proved to be rather straight-forward, this story was still great fun and seeing Lord Peter struck with cupids’ arrow only added to my enjoyment of the book.

I am looking forward to continuing on with the series as I suspect the intelligent and independent Harriet Vane is going to be a great addition to the series and make an excellent foil for Lord Peter.
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LibraryThing member AlanWPowers
This, first in the trilogy of the Oxford classics major’s semi-autobiographical mysteries, ending in Gaudy Night (made a PBS Mystery series). Here’s a brilliant, multifold ironic tale, the best of the three Sayers I’ve re-read in the last month. Only drawback, a long early discourse, too
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dense in an old judge’s voice; it holds ten pages of legal summation, the trial of Harriet Vane mystery writer, who knows too much about arsenic. In her defense, the handsome Sir Impey Biggs notes Vane was researching her new novel, about such poisoning. The victim was her former lover, whom she drove off when he proposed marriage. As I said, multi-ironic.

Sayers lades her tale with rich characters, like the best burglar-lockpicker in London, Blindfold Bill [Rumm], who holds packed religious meetings in his impoverished E end dwelling—only poor since his religion has cancelled his burgling. Mrs. Rumm offers Lord Peter dinner, “trotters,” pigsfeet. Bill undertakes to train a secretary in his skill, with the result that “Miss Murchison had acquired a considerable facility with the more usual types of lock and a greatly enhanced respect for burglary as a profession”(133).

Lord Peter Wimsey, unlike so many detectives—say, Beaton’s Hamish MacBeth— stands 5’ 7” or so, his force deriving from his mental agility and knowledge, sometimes research of similar cases, as here. His brother, the Duke of Denver, stands horrified their sister, Mary, might marry a policeman (Scotland Yard). When Lord Peter defends Mary’s choice of Chief Inspector Parker, Scotland Yard, the Duke asks, “I hope YOU’RE not going to marry a policewoman?” Lord Peter responds, “No…I hope to marry the Prisoner— IF she’ll have me.” (The prisoner is Harriet Vane, detective novelist, a fictionalization of Sayers herself.)

An American reader must translate a good deal, say “hob” for the top surface of a stove (English “cooker”), or “tester” for canopy over a bed. But also, here’s a great education in fine things common to the great houses of England, but encountered in the U.S. among wealthy families: “buhl tables [inlaid with ivory and shells], mahogany chiffoniers [high chests, often with mirrors], Chinese vases [say, a Ming dynasty, worth tens of thousands], Sheraton bureaux.
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LibraryThing member Citizenjoyce
Love is in the air for the Lord Peter Wimsey clan. That might be the strong poison as far as his noble line is concerned; or it could just be greed as usual. Harriet Vane is introduced, mystery writer, free love advocate, accused murderer, and with her come the Lord Peter Wimsey Cattery, a clan of
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women sleuths disguised as "other" women -- older, spinster, neglected invisible women. This is the best LPW yet. I hope the rest of the Harriet Vanes live up to it.
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LibraryThing member themulhern
The novel in which Harriet Vane is introduced and Miss Climpson is bowed out. It was a difficult book to write since it, unlike previous books, strayed into the territory of the romance novel. Lord Peter has to be made sexy somehow and is, in unfortunate paragraph, described as imperious. At least
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no bodices were ripped.

Miss Climpson, who was introduced in Unnatural Death, has most of the best dialogue. Unfortunately, while her campaign to discover the will is ingeniously conducted, it is difficult to believe in the extraordinary spiritualist beliefs of the nurse whom she deceives.

Norman Urqhart's improbably lengthy description of the career of Cremorna Gardens' various relative over the breakfast table suggests that Sayer's just didn't want to be bothered to write dialogue.

Sayers is occasionally quite poetic, as when she describes Lord Peter's realization that he is growing older and less carefree.

Her satire of Bohemian London _is_ funny, but so broad that it is not as funny as some of her other efforts.
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LibraryThing member Figgles
This is the transitional book, the book where Lord Peter Wimsey falls in love, where the characters become more rounded and the novel is almost more important than the puzzle. There is also the delightful set piece of spiritualist charlatanism in the cause of good that would stand on its own as a
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short story starring Miss Climpson. A favourite well worth revisiting.
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LibraryThing member JaneSteen
Where I got the book: my bookshelf.

Lord Peter Wimsey's latest case has high stakes. He's fallen in love with the accused, novelist Harriet Vane, and has one month to save her from hanging for the death of her former lover, Philip Boyes. Boyes was poisoned with arsenic, the method Harriet used in
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her latest novel; and who else would want to kill a young man of dubious talent and no wealth?

As my bookfriends have reminded me, Sayers used this novel to work out some of her own relationship issues with an ex-boyfriend, the writer John Cournos. He had pressured her to sleep with him and she'd refused; after their breakup, she had a rebound affair that resulted in a secret illegitimate child, thus proving her point. In Strong Poison Sayers has Harriet live "in sin" with Boyes and then break up with him when he proposes marriage, on the principle that he made a fool of her by propounding free love and then going all traditional after she'd given in. Wimsey, of course, is not in the least bit perturbed by Harriet's past (having sown his own wild oats fairly liberally) and proposes at their first meeting. I remember reading that Sayers intended to end the book with Harriet and Peter falling into each other's arms, and then realized that this would be completely wrong for the character she'd written. It takes another two books and five years of the characters' lives to get to yes.

As far as the mystery goes, this is fairly standard stuff, based almost entirely on motive (thus, I believe, breaking Wimsey's own rule that when you know how, you know who--the how only gets worked out at the last minute). The charm of this book lies in seeing the characters break out into so much human fallibility. Love is in the air all over the place, and Charles Parker and Freddy Arbuthnot also get in on the romance act.

The charm of Sayers' books is their sheer readagainability, if I may put it that way. I notice that nearly all the reviewers have read the book before. It's literary comfort food, still fresh and satisfying despite its age, and even though I'd read it several times before I had a hard time putting it down. Hence the five stars despite my realization that there is an enormous, clanging inconsistency in the story, and it is this. Miss Climpson, brought in once again to go into the female world where Wimsey cannot easily achieve a sufficient degree of inconspicuousness, behaves as if she knows nothing about the case she is investigating. And yet this is the very same Miss Climpson who was on the jury at the Vane trial and thus knows every detail. Yes, the very same Miss Climpson, despite her name changing from Alexandra (in Unnatural Death) to Katherine (amusingly, one time, Katherine Alexandra as if Sayers knew she'd got something wrong but couldn't be bothered to check). I'm trying to remember if Miss C appears at all in subsequent books - I have the feeling that she fades away after this one, leaving Wimsey all the investigative glory.
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LibraryThing member seoulful
As with all of Dorothy Sayers mysteries, this has been a book of enduring interest and popularity. It is the characters, of course, that turn her books into classics of the genre. The sensitive, intelligent and reflective Lord Peter Wimsey who was so badly damaged by the war. His man, Bunter, who
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served him in the war as a Sgt. and now serves him in peace competently and loyally. His love interest, Harriet Vane, for whom he labors diligently to acquit of murder charges. And his mother, the Dowager Duchess, who with her feisty cat, Ahaseurus, adds humor and warmth to all the books. Although a little off-putting with "By-joves," and "Right-hos", this book and others in the series will no doubt be of interest for years to come.
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LibraryThing member jopearson56
What fun! Fast-paced detective novel, loved the rolls of the women! Especially notable: The Cattery, what a cool place. I enjoyed the women, and I enjoyed Lord Wimsey because HE enjoyed the women. Interesting portrayal of life in Great Britian among the upper class in the early 20th century, too.
LibraryThing member Kasthu
Strong Poison is the first Lord Peter Wimsey mystery that features Harriet Vane. When Harriet Vane, a mystery writer, goes on trial for the murder of her lover, who is also an author, Lord Peter sets out to exonerate her—falling in love with her as he does so.

Harriet is less developed as a
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character, of course, than Lord Peter is—but you can see a lot of promise with her and her relationship with Lord Peter. She’s headstrong, feisty and unconventional, and her conversations with Wimsey are some of the better parts of the book. You can tell that she’s quite a mental match for him; and the comparisons between Harriet and Sayers are very clear. Previously, we’ve seen Wimsey as stoic and a bit arrogant, and it’s nice to see some romance come into his life, and see him brought down a notch.

The plot is a bit predictable, and you can tell who the real murderer is from a mile away. It’s similar to Unnatural Death in that various characters stand to gain a lot of money by the death of the victim, but that the recipient of the money would have gained it anyways, murder or not; and Peter and his confederates spend the bulk of the book trying to prove otherwise. The “whodunit” isn’t quite as important as the “whydunit.” However, I’d say that in this book the mystery takes a back seat to the budding relationship between Harriet and Peter. In addition, Miss Climpson is a recurring character that I enjoy seeing over and over again—here, she’s got her own agency of superfluous women who perform various investigative services for Lord Peter.
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LibraryThing member neurodrew
Dorothy Sayers writes a good mystery, with entertaining characters and wit. Lord Peter Wimsey, watching the trial of Harriet Vane, becomes convinced that he will marry her, despite her being accused of poisoning a lover with arsenic. He has a month to find the real murderer, and the means. The
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background is England in the late 1920's, and the witty interplay and remarks on the bohemian culture of the time are exquisite. The villain is too predictable, howeve
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LibraryThing member justchris
Next on my list is Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers. This was another super-cheap booksale impulse buy. I had seen reviews on LT of her works and decided it was worth trying one. This is a Lord Peter Wimsey murder mystery, somewhere in the middle of the series. I believe this is set in the late
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The book opens with Harriet Vane on trial for poisoning her ex-lover with arsenic, just before the jury is sequestered for a verdict, with the judge summing up the case. Harriet Vane is a moderately successful murder mystery author who recently researched arsenic poisoning for her latest novel. Lord Peter Wimsey apparently attended the trial and fell in love with the defendant and has decided to find the real murderer. He already has a reputation as a highly successful amateur sleuth with connections to Scotland Yard, not to mention great personal wealth and family connections as the brother of a duke.

The actual murderer was not difficult to figure out early on. The plot was not particularly complicated or subtle. This is very much a character-driven series. I must say that Peter's dialogue is quite odd, eccentric, idiosyncratic, full of literary allusions and period slang. It is worth reading the books, perhaps, just to hear him speak. Particularly amusing was his reference to Jeeves (as in P. G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster) when admonishing his valet, Bunker.

The other interesting item was the treatment of women. While Sayers's protagonist is male, many of the pivotal clues are discovered by his female allies/employees. In effect, he has created a detective agency employing strictly women (fondly called "The Cattery"), which allows him to inveigle someone into suspicious households and businesses in the guise of domestic servants, clerical employees, and so on to gather the important clues and evidence. This works because women are so often invisible, downtrodden, and otherwise suffer under the oppressive society that provides them so few opportunities to exist outside of marriage and well-to-do families. Many of the women employed by the agency would be destitute without this rare and discreet job opportunity. Hence they are certainly loyal to Lord Peter and very dedicated in their work. Regardless of its effectiveness as a plot device, it provides an interesting perspective on the society of the day. None of the characters is particularly deep, but they are individuals.

So I may try other books from the library, but I'm not interested enough to add this series to my own collections. I'll be giving this copy away. It was enjoyable enough, worth the read, but not a keeper for me.
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LibraryThing member KimMR
I have long loved the novels of Dorothy L Sayers, in particular those featuring Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane. I haven't re-read them for a while, though. So discovering them on audiobook has been very exciting. I have just finished listening to the audiobook of Strong Poison, which was wonderful,
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and will be starting on Have His Carcase soon. I had forgotten how much humour there is in Strong Poison, and it's not just Lord Peter's wit. Ms Climpson's and Ms Murchison's investigations are a hoot!
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LibraryThing member MrsLee
The first in the trilogy of the love of Lord Peter Wimsey. A very good book with an excellent mystery. I adore the debate Miss Climpson has with herself on whether or not to fake Spiritualism to get the evidence she needs in the case. Also watching Wimsey as he falls in love. The resolution of the
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case is also very satisfactory.
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LibraryThing member SeriousGrace
Sayers, Dorothy L. Strong Poison. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1995.

Lord Peter Wimsey is at it again. Only this time in addition to solving the mystery he's looking to fill his personal void. He wants a wife. While his methods are a bit strange (he proposes to a virtual stranger, someone he is
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trying to prove isn't a murderer) you can't help but love his enthusiasm. Harriet Vane is a mystery writer who just happens to know a thing or two about poison so when her estranged fiancee shows up dead...poisoned...guess who gets the blame? For all appearances this is an open and shut case. She had the motive and the means but Lord Wimsey thinks differently. Her first trial is thrown out due to a deadlocked jury so Wimsey has time to rebuild Harriet's defense...and propose with the promise "I've been told I make love rather nicely" (p 46).
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LibraryThing member IAmChrysanthemum
I've heard stellar things about the Lord Peter and Harriet Vane mysteries, so I was excited to pick up Strong Poison, the novel where their romance begins as Peter seeks to clear Harriet's name in a murder trial. Unfortunately, I was disappointed, but I may continue with the Peter/Harriet stories
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since this book merely served as a stage-setter.

Strong Poison sort of resembles a reverse Oreo cookie of the literary variety. According to my entirely not subjective wisdom, an Oreo's white creamy middle is by far the only part worth eating. The dark wafers sandwiching the cream inside are auxiliary; all they have to do is provide a surface upon which the delicious middle can rest. But with Strong Poison the Oreo philosophy is reversed. Instead of a scrumptious middle crammed between a merely decent exposition and denouement, we get a superb beginning and end accompanied by snoozy middle stuffing. I started the book going "yeah yeah yeah!" and ended with "yes yes yes!" but in the middle, I felt, "please, something, anything, happen!"

So what I'm saying is Sayers needed to take some counsel from Nabisco and amp up the bulk of her book in the middle. Although I didn’t enjoy much of this reading experience, I might continue with Harriet and Peter since the reviews for their later escapades are so positive.
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LibraryThing member antiquary
This of course is the Wimsey novel in which he meets his future wife Harriet Vane by seeing her on trial for the murder of her former lover. There is some quite good dialog between them, but the story is not my favorite since the victim was poisoned by arsenic and Sayers (like Vane, and unlike some
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mystery writers of the period) knew enough about arsenic poisoning to make clear it is very unpleasant (though not as nasty as the poison in The Documents in the Case).
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LibraryThing member JeremyPreacher
Good fun as usual. The love story subplot was mildly entertaining, but fairly minor. The primary mystery was interesting and wrapped up nicely - and the Spiritualist/medium interlude was hilarious and brillant.
LibraryThing member veracite
By now you will have surmised that I got a load of Sayers books in 2006 and had at them. True.

This one is the first one with Sayers' authorial insertion character, Harriet Vane, which works out a lot better than you might expect. Sayers is quite realistic about herself, it's Wimsey she puts on a
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ludicrous pedestal.

Reread in August 2011.
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LibraryThing member MlleEhreen
This was the first Peter Wimsey mystery that I didn't find totally satisfying. I had really high hopes; I couldn't wait to find out how Peter and Harriet met, and why Peter fell in love with her.

It starts off promisingly enough - the judge is summarizing the case against Harriet for the jury, who
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are about to start their deliberations. It's a pretty strong case; Harriet's former lover died of arsenic poisoning, and Harriet had been buying arsenic for research purposes.

Now, first of all, it was really easy to figure out who the real murderer was. Normally Sayers keeps me guessing much longer than she did here.

Second of all, Peter does almost nothing from beginning to end. Miss Climpson and her staff do all the actual detecting - Peter mostly flops around feeling a little useless because love for Harriet has impaired his judgement.

Third of all, Peter is already in love with Harriet as the book begins. Not only do we not see him actually falling in love, the first thing he ever says to her is to ask her to marry him. This is romantic and all, but what makes Peter and Harriet's relationship so magical to me, at least, is their repartee - they're so well matched in wit, sensibility, and principle. I thought something more mature than love at first sight would bring them together.

There's a little bit of a twist - but I guessed it around the same time as I guessed the murderer, which is to say pretty early on.

I still enjoyed Strong Poison, quite a bit, but Sayers has done better.
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Original language


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Physical description

xi, 212 p.; 18 cm


0553065033 / 9780553065039

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