Cockfighter: A Novel

by Charles Ray Willeford

Paperback, 1962



Call number






The sport is cockfighting, and Frank Mansfield is the Cockfighter--a silent and fiercely contrary man whose obsession with winning will cost him almost everything. In this haunting, ribald, and percussively violent work, the author of the Hoke Mosely detective novels yields a floodlit vision of the cockpits and criminal underbelly of the rural South.

User reviews

LibraryThing member datrappert
Certainly one of the finest cockfighting novels I have ever read. OK - so it's the only cockfighting novel I have ever read, and I'm not likely to read another, but it still grabs you. This has more of a conventional plot than a lot of Willeford's other novels. In this case, the protagonist (there
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are no heroes in Willeford, even Hoke Moseley doesn't fit that mold) forsakes everything else in his life (e.g., the woman he has been engaged to for 10 years) to try one more time for the coveted Cocker of the Year Award. He starts out with almost nothing - he has lost his car, his trailer, and his 16-year old live-in sleeping partner in a cockfight and has to start from scratch. This involves a few expediencies, such as throwing his brother and wife out of the family home (love the ironic twist later in the novel about what happens to the brother) and teaming up with an ex-Madison Avenue adman who gave up a lucrative career to be a cockfighter. Willeford describes, in great detail, the process of preparing the gamecocks for the fights (and its associated coldblooded cruelty) and the fights themselves, with lots of the first-person narrator's asides about the nobility and purity of the sport (he says a cockfight can't be fixed) and so on. Either Willeford was a great researcher or he had a lot of firsthand experience with cockfighting. In any case, the sheer momentum of the book and urge to see what finally happens make it hard to put down. Definitely one of the more engrossing experiences of any "sports" book I have ever read.
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LibraryThing member richardderus
I have absolutely no idea how this book and its movie came back to the surface of my mind. I watched the film in 1975, I think, and I'm sure it was with Paul the film student. (He was also a drunk, and to date the only lover I've ever had that I allowed to hit me.)

Come to think on it, he's also the
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source of one of my most enduring pleasures, that of watching films whose books I've read or plan to read, and of making fantasy films of the books I read that haven't got films. Thanks, Paul, for growing me a spine and for giving me that deeply satisfying fantasy life. (He died in 1986, so this is more in the nature of valediction than praise.)

Anyway...I recommend the book to men because it's about us at our most male and least woman-centered. It's brutal and tough and awful. It's a clarion call to the smarter ones of us to look at what's actually going on in our heads and fucking stop it already. Not because women don't like us for what they've done to us, but because hurting ourselves is just damned stupid. The cult of macho is a male reaction to rejection and judgment, as Willeford presents it; this being what I've observed, it had me nodding along as I read the book.

Where the film falls down, I think, is in the nature of the storytelling medium. On its surface, this film's about how a man decides not to live with a woman but to sell every-damn-thing he owns and double down on the world of cockfighting. Ultimately this works out, in the sense that his cock wins the championship.

Not one single human female would watch this movie and think, "oh that was fun." The image of women in it is as emasculating damaging emotional black holes. Yeah, great date-night flick, eh what? And men come off as damnfool eedjits without a lick of sense. That both these things are true doesn't make them any easier to swallow. And on film, there are lost nuances because actors speaking lines aren't readers absorbing language use on multiple levels. So it's no wonder to me that this film tanked.

But it's a misunderstood work of art, Cockfighter is. Its darkest moments and grimmest interpretations are all true and accurate. That's intentional on Willeford's part, based on the entirety of his ouevre. (Go here to read a really, really interesting academic take on Willeford as writer and man manqué.) The levels and ideas that this brutal, cruel, emotionally stopped body of work contains are rewarding to unpick and enjoyable to contemplate.

For Y chromosome bearers.
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LibraryThing member donaldmorgan
After figuring out that Monte Hellman's Cockfighter was based on this book I checked it out from the library but was disappointed by the unconvincing "moral heroics" of the main character. "He's a low life cockfighter, but wait a sec, this rugged individual is also a man of solid principle with a
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strong moral compass! Goodness! " I suppose Willeford wanted to surprise and impress the reader with the essential goodeness and high principles of a seemingly seedy "sportsman" from the lower echelons of the social ladder but it just came off as being unnecessary and annoying. Sure, the main character does a couple questionable things but overall he's a redeemable character. Which was saccharine and boring. But the detailed descriptions of the culture and practice of cockfighting was totally engaging, like getting a glimpse into an different world. In this sense it's similar to Willeford's excellent memoir, Something About a Soldier, which details his early experience in the army during the great depression.
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LibraryThing member clfisha
A compelling, fascinating and repellent Odyssey

“..the only sport that can’t be fixed, perhaps the only fair contest in left in America”

Frank Mansfield has an obsession to become Cocker of the Year. Years ago he swore a vow of silence until he wins that elusive Prize and now that he has lost
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everything he is more determined than ever that this is the year it’s going to be his.

Loosley based on Homer odyssey Willieford paints a picture of a "sport" and lifestyle you probably know nothing about, one fascinating and repellent in equal measure. A bit like the narrator, a obsessed figure whose entire being revolves around this chosen career. He compares everyone to his work ethic and chosen field, he doesn't grow or change, his quest consumes him. He is a horrible person but you can't hate him (much) nor you can't stop reading. His drive is utterly compelling. His inner monologue pins you down and forces you to turn the page.

"The man who is unable to talk back is at the mercy of these people. He is like an inexperienced priest who listens tolerantly to the first simple confessions of impure thoughts, and then listens with increasing horror as the sins mount, one outdoing the other until he is shocked into dumbness"

It's a deceptively simple book and writing style. We may see the world through Franks "frank" world view (yes intentionally named) but others’ reactions can be telling. The author’s moral compass could be anywhere but his fascination and research burns into the story and carries you with him. Yes it is graphic, the point later in the book when he trains chickens .. is really.. um.. horrific but it’s not just us who thinks so, Frank’s partner think so too. You don't need to lend your empathy just witness, take the devils bargain you will be rewarded.

Of course it helps that the writing is smooth and straight and engaging. It helps that the pace keeps up even when you are getting instruction. Anyone writing a 1st person should look to this as a lesson, how to comment on your commentator.

"There is no such thing as a passive interest in cockfighting. Beginning as a casual onlooker, a man soon finds the action of two game cocks battling to the death a fascinating spectacle. He either likes it or he doesn't.

Highly recommended if you can overcome your distaste. A unique book that shouldn't be missed. I can't say I am ever going to watch the film though.
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LibraryThing member ucla70
This is a great read and not just because I was raised around cockfighting. I've loaned the novel to several friends and they've ordered copies to keep. The plot is fast, interesting, the characters unique but believable, and the tension is ever present: Will Frank Mansfield achieve his goal of
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Cockfighter of the Year award at the Milledgeville Tournament? The novel is a classic example of the noir fiction genre with a tough but principled protagonist, dames that always play a minor role (yes, with plenty of misogynistic asides by Frank). The writing is tight and assured. I ordered the movie starring Warren Oates. It's not moviemaking at its finest, but Willeford plays the Ed Middleton character and does it well. The cockfights are authentic, too.
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Physical description

247 p.; 22 cm
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