Hawksbill Station

by Robert Silverberg

Paperback, 1968



Call number




New York: Avon, 1970


A "dark, restrained, and powerful" mirror of current politics from the Science Fiction Grand Master (Science Fiction Ruminations).   In the barren landscape of the late Cambrian period, a penal colony sits high above the ocean on the east coast of what would become the United States. The men--political prisoners--have been sent from the twenty-first century on a one-way ticket to a lifetime of exile. Their lonely existence has taken its toll . . .   Jim Barrett was once the physically imposing leader of an underground movement dedicated to toppling America's totalitarian government. Now he is nothing but a crippled old man, the camp's de facto ruler due to his seniority. His mind is still sharp, having yet to succumb to the psychosis that claims more and more men each day. So when a new prisoner is transported to the colony--a startlingly young and suspiciously apolitical man--Barrett's instincts go on high alert.   As Barrett reminisces about his revolutionary past, he uncovers the new prisoner's secrets--and faces a shocking revelation that thrusts him into a future he never dreamed possible . . .   "One of the finest writers ever to work in science fiction." --The Philadelphia Inquirer  … (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member SimonW11
first read this as a Teenager it did not impress me much then either. Political Prisoner's Dumped at the arse end of time try to Hang on to meaning in their lives.
LibraryThing member CurrerBell
I've just re-read Hawksbill Station after more than four decades, and I'll give it a three-and-a-half*** on re-read. I strongly recommend the book for a first reading; but, unlike, say, Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy, it doesn't really hold up that well on re-read once you know its ending.
LibraryThing member DinadansFriend
The story of a group of political dissidents who are marooned in the past, rather than executed or imprisoned in their own time. The story deals with the concept of being too ideologically wedded to one's opinions, the fairness of punishment for dissent, and how our lives can be altered by being
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overtaken by events. A good book. I think it Silverberg's best.
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LibraryThing member unclebob53703
A decent enough story, I found the flashbacks to the political past pretty dull stuff. The story is predictable once is gets going, but the flashbacks get more interesting towards the end too. Not his best by a long shot, but he still has a way with interesting characters, and I found the premise
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fascinating. I'd like to read the short story it started out as, for comparison.
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LibraryThing member N.W.Moors
The compassionate government of the future (actually set around now, but this was written many years ago) doesn't execute political prisoners any longer. Instead, they use a time machine to send them one billion years in the past to the Cambrian Era.
The men sent here are led by Jim Barrett, a
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revolutionary who's been there the longest. There isn't much of anything for resources and the men are dependent on what the government sends them for the most part. The time machine is one-way; it can only send to the past so no one can return.
Mr. Silverbert alternates between what's happening at the prison (Hawksbill Station) and what happened in Barrett's life. A new man has arrived who arouses some suspicion among the prisoners.
I admit I didn't always understand the revolutionary sects and beliefs that are discussed in Barrett's reflections on his life, but I found some parallels to what actually happened during that time period.
It's an interesting read that presages the author's future writings.
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LibraryThing member Charon07
The story of political dissidents who’ve been exiled to the remote past (the Cambrian Period, which in the novel is two billion years ago rather than 550-some million, which Silverberg makes a weak attempt to justify in the introduction of this edition).

The story has two timelines: the
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characters’ current situation in the Cambrian, and their personal past lives, which took place in the 1980s to 2000s, called Up Front by the characters. I found the sections set in the 2000s to be tedious and silly, very much mired in the 1960s U.S. sociopolitical milieu that the novel was written in. We’re told that the Up Front government is repressive, fascist, evil, but we’re never shown it, or even told much of what they do that’s so evil. (They’ve cancelled elections, sure, but I’m coming round these days to the view that democracy is overrated anyway.)

“Who could object to syndicalist rule, after all? The country was thriving. Most people were working regularly again. Taxes were low. The interrupted flow of technological wonders was no longer interrupted, and each year produced its new marvel: weather conditioning, color telephone picture transmission, tridim video, organ transplants, instafax newspapers, and more. Why gripe? Had things ever been any better under the old system? There was even talk of the restoration of the two-party system by the year 2000. Free elections had come back into vogue in 1990, though of course the Council of Syndics exercised a right of veto over the choice of candidates.”

The activists Up Front also exhibit the sexism of 60s political activists:

“And then would come a week or two of monastic solitude, which was good for his soul, but as the laundry began to pile up and the linens started to need changing he’d realize that the monastic life has its disadvantages, and some other thrilled young revolutionary in her late teens would move into his apartment and dedicate herself to his earthly needs for a while.”

It was hard to understand or care about what motivated all the revolutionary fervor that landed them in exile. I could have done without all the backstory and would have preferred a focus on their current plight exiled in time. That in itself seemed like a gimmick (why not just lock them up, or send them to Antarctica or a desert island somewhere?), all just to lead us to the dénouement, which was for me the only really interesting part of the book. I understand this was an expansion of a short story. I suspect it would have been more successful if it had stayed that way.

I also had a problem with the mechanics of time travel in this novel. It seems like once Up Front had figured out more how time travel worked, they could have adjusted the period traveled, and simply gone back and rescued all the prisoners as soon as they’d arrived at Hawksbill Station. Or, you know, gone back and prevented Evil Government from coming into power to begin with. What good is time travel if you’re stuck with one yardstick, like a car that can only ever travel exactly 500 miles on any trip? Other than being the gimmick that permits the twist ending, that is?
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Physical description

176 p.; 17.02 cm
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