Callahan's Lady

by Spider Robinson

Paperback, 1989



Call number




New York: Ace, 1990


A HOUSE OF HEALTHY REPUTE... Welcome to Lady Sally's, the House that is a home -- the internationally (hell, interplanetarily) notorious bordello. At Lady Sally's House, the customer doesn't necessarily come first: even the staff are genuinely enjoying themselves. Wife of time traveling bartender Mike Callahan, and employer of some of the most unusual and talented performing artists ever to work in the field of hedonic interface, Her Ladyship has designed her House to be an equal opportunity enjoyer, discreetly, tastefully and joyfully catering to all erotic tastes and fantasies, however unusual. Like her famous husband, Lady Sally doesn't even insist that her customers be human, long as they have good manners. Small wonder, then, that she and her staff encounter beings as unique and memorable as the superhuman Colt, whose banner never, ever flags...Diana, the deadly dominatrix who cannot be disobeyed...Tony Donuts, the moronic man-monster even the Mafia doesn't want to mess with...or Charles, the werewolf with a distinct difference..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member ABVR
The first book in a two-book offshoot of Robinson's justifiably famous "Callahan's Place" series, this one takes place in and around a brothel, rather than a bar. The "come on in, you're welcome" atmosphere remains in place, though, as does a large cast of (mostly new) eccentric characters and
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Robinson's trademark blend of humanism, sacred-cow tipping, and groan-worthy puns.

Recommended for fans of the Callahan's series, of whom there are many and of whom I'm one.
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LibraryThing member syrinx_77
Found this one to be terribly amusing, and there were point that I actually couldn't help but laugh out loud. borrowed from Bec, Jan. 2007
LibraryThing member Moby46
Spider detoured a bit from stories of Callahan's with a couple of novels about Mike's wife, Lady Sally McGee, who runs a 'house of good repute.' This one is told from the point of view of Maureen, rescued from the streets and not allowed to practice as an 'artist' until she's of age. And as long as
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a customer has good manners, Lady Sally doesn't care if he or she isn't human.
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LibraryThing member Lyndatrue
This one was fun, but less fun than the others (and I apparently missed Callahan's secret completely). I set them aside, and move on to other things. Life is finite.
LibraryThing member dbsovereign
Spider Robinson’s book is a lusty, fun-filled romp that is only marginally science fiction since really only the beginning and end have any resemblance thereof. But the book is full of people who are proud to have “carped us some diem.” First-person narrative is one of Robinson’s strengths
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and his characters jump off the page. I can’t recommend this book enough!
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LibraryThing member gypsysmom
Another fun collection of stories from Spider. There's never been a house of ill repute like Lady Sally's House.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

237 p.; 18 inches


0441090729 / 9780441090723

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