Wiener Werkstätte, 1903-1932

by Gabriele Fahr-Becker

Paperback, 2003



Call number




Köln: Taschen, 2003


The Wiener Werkstätte ("Vienna Workshop") bears many hallmarks of a modern creative movement. Founded in 1903 by Josef Hoffmann, Koloman Moser, and Fritz Waerndorfer, this progressive alliance of artists and designers was particularly interested in challenging industrialised society with individual handcraftsmanship, and in bringing different facets of life into one unified, elegant artwork. The workshop began life in three small rooms, but soon expanded to fill a three storey building with special departments for metalwork, leatherwork, and woodwork, as well as a book binder and a paint shop. Artists experimented with various materials such as gold, precious stones, and papier mâché and applied their simple, often geometric, designs across ceramics, textiles, typography, interior design, furniture, and fashion. In architectural commissions such as the Purkersdorf Sanatorium and the Palais Stoclet in Brussels, the group was able to realize its ideal of the Gesamtkunstwerk ("total artwork"), in which every detail of an environment was designed as an integral part of a coordinated whole. Though the workshop lasted only 30 years, it enjoyed major commercial success, with outlets in Karlsbad, Marienbad, Zurich, New York, and Berlin. It also garnered designs from many of the leading artists of the epoch, including Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka,and Egon Schiele. Today, the Vienna Workshop is recognized for its comprehensive approach to artistic practice and its stylistic influence on Art Deco and Bauhaus.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member chicory
very thorough, beautifully illustrated, THE book for wiener werkstatte documentation
LibraryThing member chicory
very thorough, beautifully illustrated, THE book for wiener werkstatte documentation
LibraryThing member bjeans
I'm obsessed with this time period and style. I wish I had the funds to collect this stuff but it just so happens that Ronald Lauder is also sweet on this era too. And he is one of the richest men in the world. His collection is phenomenal, I don't stand a chance to amass as much stuff BUT he also
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has most of his hefty collection on view at his museum in New York, the Neue Gallerie. So I won't fight it, I'll just browse his accumulation...(sniff)...i want!...
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Physical description

240 p.; 25 cm


3822825522 / 9783822825525
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