The Book of Snobs

by William Makepeace Thackeray

Hardcover, 1999



Call number



Köln: Könemann, c1999


Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML: Satirical genius William Makepeace Thackeray may be best remembered for novels like Vanity Fair, but he first made his name as a writer as a contributor to magazines like Punch. In these pieces, Thackeray often mercilessly skewered the pretensions of the British upper classes. The collection Book of Snobs brings together some of Thackeray's finest work in this vein, and it's a must-read for fans of witty humor writing..

User reviews

LibraryThing member IsotropicJoseph
Simultaneously dated and spot on. Which of us, nearing 30 (or knocking it, like I have), hasn't suddenly discovered the flattering joy of a lower watt light bulb in public spaces?
LibraryThing member mbmackay
This is a delightful find. A collection of essays from Punch in which Thackeray pokes fun at much of his world. The final chapter/instalment explicitly sets out the author's view - that it is an affront that people gain automatic status based on their birth - either to a title or to a fortune.
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Thomas Piketty would applaud!
Aside from the philosophy, there is a lot of fun in these pages. Some of the fun is that intended by Thackeray, and some other fun comes about as the book provides for the modern reader a perspective on a lost world of Victorian England.
Read June 2015.
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Physical description

229 p.; 18 cm


3829031025 / 9783829031028

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