Searching For Dragons

by Patricia C. Wrede

Paperback, 1992



Call number



Point (1992), 242 pages


With the aid of King Mandanbar, Princess Cimorene rescues the dragon Kazul and saves the Enchanted Forest from a band of wicked wizards.

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
In the second book of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Patricia Wrede switches from Cimorene to introduce a new character, King Mendenbar of the Enchanted Forest. It's pretty clear from the beginning why she creates his character — Cimorene must have someone to fall in love with! The villains are
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the same as in the first book; those dastardly wizards are now trying to steal the magic of the Enchanted Forest. This plot gets recycled over the next two books as well.

Though they share many similarities, this installment is weaker than the first. While it's nice to explore the Enchanted Forest a bit and meet new characters, Wrede's male characters are either weak, passive, inept, fussy, or villainous. Mendenbar does things, but somehow he still comes across as passive and boring even in the midst of the action. Unfortunately it's probably the feminist slant to the series that makes Mendenbar and the other male characters so pathetic. Weak male characters do feminism no service; indeed, it's hard to see why someone like Cimorene would be interested at all in the ineffective and rather passive Mendenbar — even if he does have a magic sword.

I enjoy fantasy parodies and humor, but the jokes here can't redeem the weak characterization and plot. No wonder I never revisited these books as a child after my first read.
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LibraryThing member Narilka
Continuing in the same style of a fairy tale that turns fairy tale tropes on their head, Searching for Dragons is the second book in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. This sequel does exactly what I was hoping for. It takes what we already know of the Enchanted Forest and builds
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upon it. Only this time the story is told entirely from Mendanbar's point of view.

Dead zones have started appearing in the Enchanted Forrest and Kazul, King of the Dragons, has gone missing. Mendanbar, King of the Enchanted Forest, and Cimorene are determined to figure out what's going on.

Mendanbar is a decent protagonist. He's young and feeling a tad overwhelmed with running a kingdom so jumps at the chance to start his investigation if only so he can relax a little from his other kingly duties. The journey Mendanbar and Cimorene go on is rather convoluted and they meet some interesting characters along the way. I found it funny how they pointed out common sense solutions to some typical fairy tale problems, like the giant who is fed up with "Jacks" always stealing from him on a regular schedule.

"They always do the same thing - come in, ask for a meal, hide, and then run off with a harp or a bag full of money the minute I fall asleep," Dobbilan said. "And they're always named Jack. Always. We've lived in this castle for twenty years, and every three months, regular as clockwork, one of those boys shows up, and there's never been a Tom, Dick, or Harry among 'em. Just Jacks. The English have no imagination."

Their solution to his problem is quite practical. Mendenbar and Cimorene end up working well together.

While just as charming and fun as Dealing with Dragons, I found myself missing Cimorene as the main pov character. This, of course, sets a trend. I wonder whose point of view the third book will be from.
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LibraryThing member emperatrix
A great follow-up to Dealing with Dragons. Cimorene remains an engaging and independent heroine, and Mendanbar proves to be a worthy match for her. Witty dialogue and banter, and an enchanting cast of characters make this a delight to read.

Gricel @
LibraryThing member AslinnRose
A new favorite of mine. I loved Dealing with Dragons and this one was just as fun to read. Quick and easy read with easy to follow fantasy and very imaginative. I look forward to reading the next book in the series. The romance part was undercut, but made for kids. It was like finding a new best
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friend and marrying them. If only reality was always so simple. I guess that's why we need fiction.
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LibraryThing member renrav
Continuing my reread of the series. This book did suffer a bit from not having Kazul. But I like Mendanbar and he was a good counterpart to Cimorene.
LibraryThing member Shirezu
The continuing adventures of the strong-willed Princess Cimorene but this time told from the viewpoint of a new character, the King Mendanbar of the Enchanted Forest. A simple and predictable but fun story.
LibraryThing member simchaboston
Entertaining variation on the typical fantasy tale (though not as original as its predecessor), featuring a princess who does her own share of rescuing and a king who doesn't want to settle for the pomp and circumstances of royalty (or the silly princess that usually comes with it). I also
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appreciated the funny twists Wrede gives to other fantasy tropes in passing.
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LibraryThing member Larou
I really cannot think of much to say about Searching for Dragons except that, just like the first book in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, I found it very funny, utterly charming und highly entertaining. It has a different main character, Mendanbar, the King of the Enchanted Forest who turns out to
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be every bit as resourceful and unconventional as Cimorene was in Dealing with Dragons, and it will probably not surprise any reader, even the young ones this is chiefly intended for, that it does not take him long to run into her and they end up married by the end of the novel.

The path towards that end (during which we follow Mendanbar’s and Cimorene’s adventures to find the King of Dragons, meeting some familiar faces as well as several new ones along the way) seems somewhat straighter than in the previous novel, less twisted and less beset by distractions, but also slightly less quirky and whimsical (the latter quite possibly an unavoidable consequence of the former, “straightforward” being the natural enemy of “whimsy”). This is just a minor shift in the kind of enjoyment to be derived from this novel, though, not a decrease in its amount – Searching for Dragons is once again irresistibly charming, a huge pleasure to read and pretty much guaranteed to put even the most grumpy person into a good mood or elicit some giggles from even the most melancholy reader.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
Something is burning holes in the Enchanted Forest and the King of Dragons has gone missing. A malfunctioning magic carpet, an enchanted sword, a magic-wielding king and a princess who's current official title is the Chief Cook and Librarian (for the King of Dragons). Oh, and there are wizards...
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and soapy lemon water - must'nt forget that!

Wrede's follow-up to Dealing with Dragons is just as much fun as it was the first time around.
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LibraryThing member Radaghast
Reading this book as a child made me fall in love with reading. Is this spectacular, Tolkien-esque fantasy? No. Wrede's series is for young readers or readers not familiar with the fantasy genre. It is more tonque-in-cheek at times, and certainly not "epic." But this is no knock. The books were
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quick reads even when I was in middle school, and deliver on that level without reservations.
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LibraryThing member Suso711
Our family is reading this series alloud. We love it - there are dragons for Elizabeth, knights and princes for Daniel, princesses for Rebecca, and fantasy for Cesar. It's a hit!
LibraryThing member incognito
Fun, anachronistic fantasy. Second in a series, and while I'm still getting a kick out of all the fantasy conventions and cliches being turned on their head, I found the romantic aspect here a bit unnecessary, kind of tacked on. The characters read like they just found a new best friend, not
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someone they want to marry or jump the bones of, if you know what I mean. That's the only place I felt the story was rushed.
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LibraryThing member Wombat
The second book in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. This one is told from the perspective of Mendenbar, King of the Enchanted Forest. My favorite rebel princess, Cimorene, co-stars as the two of them set off in search of the missing King of the Dragons...

The story is fun and light, but I found
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Mendenbar a less interesting character than Cimorene.
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LibraryThing member thc_luver6
This book was so good! Has everything you'd want in a book!
LibraryThing member sara_k
Searching For Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede is second (of four) in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. The books can be read separately and even out of order because they have clear plots and nicely developed characters in each book; linking the books as a series just makes a more complete and fun
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In all four books stereotypes are broken by showing that not all (fill in the blank) are like (fill in stereotype) therefore the generalization is false.

What made a huge burned hole in the Enchanted Forest and what did the Dragons have to do with it? King Mendanbar sets out to solve the mystery which is complicated by the advice and information the head Wizard gives him.

Lots of fun!

I would recommend this book to the following people I know: a 12 year old girl, a 9 year old girl, an 8 year old girl, a 3rd grade boy who loved Boots and the Seven Leaguers by Jane Yolen, and two teeachers of classes of 1-3rd graders.
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LibraryThing member collsers
Just as enjoyable as its predecessor, "Searching for Dragons" continues the story of Princess Cimorene. Here, she joins the King of the Enchanted Forest on a quest to rescue the dragon Kazul. Full of excitement, magic, humor, and happy endings, this book is perfect for young adults and not-so-young
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LibraryThing member Kernst
I gave this book 5 stars because it was the first Fantasy book I read and introduced me to the wonderful genre.
LibraryThing member platsdevil
I liked the book alright, but I felt that it not being in Cimorene's perspective and there being very little of Kazul was a bit of a let down. I just wanted to see more of them. Overall it was well written and the plot moved along fine, but just not as great as the first.
LibraryThing member sageness
Cimorene was much more mary-sue-ish here than in the first book, but it was still enjoyable fairytale fluff. Overall, not as good as the last book, but it still comes through on warm fuzzies.

On the recording: again, very much aimed at 8-year-olds, which is fine except for how incredibly annoying
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the guy playing the Magician was. (Cross Barney Fife with Shaggy from Scooby Doo and cringe.)
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LibraryThing member sushicat
In the second installment of the story of Princess Cimorene and the Dragons, her Dragon - who is now King of the Dragons - has disappeared and the King of the Enchanted Forest suspects the Dragons are somehow involved in the destruction of part of his realm. And what nefarious plans have the pesky
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wizards thought up now? After some initial suspicion - after all the King thinks all princesses are silly and wants nothing to do with them, and Cimorene has similar views about princes - the two team up for the search and restoration of the Enchanted Forest.

This sequel is as much fun as the first part and introduces some other fairy tale protagonists from a new perspective.
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LibraryThing member mutantpudding
I could have sworn I reread the first book in this series earlier this year but if I did I guess I never recorded it. Oh well.

Fun and self aware fantasy book.
LibraryThing member Chelsea_K
I loved this book and did not want to put it down! It is a fantastic book filled with magic and a bit of romance thrown in. This book has a bunch of really interesting and fun characters that create humor and cause this book to be a really fun and enjoyable read.
LibraryThing member dandelionroots
Told from the perspective of the King of the Enchanted Forest, we follow Princess Cimorene's storyline as they complete a quest. Still cute.

Also, even in a fantasy realm, cats don't abide by the local laws of physics.

"The spell keeps itself up, we can't get in or out, and we don't have any way of
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getting rid of it."

"Then how did the cat get in?"

"The cat's method of moving through the barrier is, in all probability, useless to anyone else."
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LibraryThing member livingtech
I liked this well enough, simplistic though it was. Less witty dialogue in this one than the last, I felt. The magic was pretty interesting though.
LibraryThing member JalenV
I already have and have enjoyed books one (Dealing With Dragons) and three (Calling on Dragons), so of course I wanted to check out book two, Searching For Dragons. Our heroine from the first book, Princess Cimorene [Sim-more-reen] of Lindenwall, is a secondary character in this book. Our main
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character this time is a hero, Mendanbar, King of the Enchanted Forest for the last three years. (Sorry, can't give you any help with his name's pronunciation. I've heard only the first book in audio.) King Mendanbar doesn't care about all that fol-de-rol with being a king, much to the distress of his steward, an elf named Willin. Willin wants all those protocol-filled parties they had during Mendanbar's stuffy father's reign. He also wants his master to get married, an opinion shared by the rude gargoyle in the king's study. Mendanbar decides the only way he's going to escape the nagging is to take a walk.

The King of the Enchanted Forest always knows where he is in his kingdom. He can also pull the threads of its magic for his use. That's why discovering a dead spot is a shock. It's not a spooky place such as the blasted heath in H. P. Lovecraft's 'The Colour Out of Space,' but it's very disquieting. Imagine finding a big sore on your body you hadn't noticed before and you can't think how you got it. Worse, the new wasteland is near one of his favorite spots, the Green Glass Pool. Still worse, there's an annoying princess at the pool. No, it's not Cimorene. Her manner of speaking is enough to deserve the 'gag me' gesture.
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Young Hoosier Book Award (Nominee — Middle Grade — 1994)
Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — Young Adult — 1994)
Best Fiction for Young Adults (Selection — 1993)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

242 p.; 4.25 inches


0590457217 / 9780590457217


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