The Catholic Church: A Short History

by Hans Kung

Other authorsJohn Bowden (Translator)
Hardcover, 2007



Call number




Modern Library, New York


The Catholic Church has undergone many alterations during scientific, cultural, political, technological, and industrial revolutions. In this chronicle, Ku?ng follows the church through its many transformations, focusing on the major persons and actions that created and changed its organization and methods.

User reviews

LibraryThing member neurodrew
An entry in a series of short books on historical themes, the Modern Library Chronicles Series. This book is a bit polemical, since Hans Kung was a theological advisor to the Second Vatican Council, and disapproves of the central authority of the Popes. He spends much of the history discussing the
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lack of basis the Roman Pope has for infallibility, and the lack of biblical basis for such staunch strictures as celibacy for clergy and the anti-contraception stance of the church. It is part of my rediscovery of the Church, brought about by the forced church attendance once a week. I am considering Pascal's wager, and his dictum that faith will follow form. Kung has some very amusing stories about Papal misdeeds in the past, and some very rapid syntheses of major events such as the reformation and the schism with Byzantium.
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LibraryThing member StephenBarkley
I bought this book to fill some gaps in my knowledge of church history. It did the trick!

Küng’s a loyal rebel in the church, which endeared him to me immediately. He reminded me of Charles Wesley, calling for Anglican reform from within. This book is not only a compelling look at the history of
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the church, it talks about contemporary church issues as well. Küng’s call for reform in the spirit of Vatican II is visionary.

If you’ve ever wondered about doctrines like the infallibility of the Pope, or enforced celibacy for priests, this book is for you.

It was four nights of reading well spent!
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LibraryThing member anpeirseach
The Catholic Church: a Short History by Hans Kung. 2001
Hans Kung describes the history of the Roman Catholic Church from its origins in St Paul?s Rome, through the disputes of the medieval era to the modern world. He examines the historic tension in the Church between pluralism and exclusivity; how
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the role of the Pope has changed; the motivations of the great reforming pontiffs; the evolving functions of the bishops and cardinals; the church?s enthusiasm for missionary activity; the origins of the Marian cult; and how the shock waves of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation can still be felt today. The book concludes with a searching assessment of how the Catholic faith confronts the immense challenges ? from science, from the empowerment of women, from those seeking reform of the Church?s strictures against abortion and contraception ? in the new millennium.?The sweep is vast and the tale told with pace and passion? Financial Times
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Original publication date



0679640924 / 9780679640929



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