Basics of biblical Greek grammar

by William D Mounce

Paper Book, 2003



Call number




Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, [2003]


Clear. Understandable. Carefully organized. Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar by William D. Mounce is the standard textbook for colleges and seminaries. Since its initial publication in 1993 its integrated approach has helped more than 250,000 students learn New Testament Greek. The fourth edition of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar has been updated throughout based on continuing feedback from professors, students, self-learners, and homeschoolers, making it even more effective for today's students. As well, improvements have been made based on recent developments in scholarship. The key to the effectiveness of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar in helping students learn is in how it introduces them to the language. Students learn about the features of the Greek language in a logical order, with each lesson building upon the one before it. Unnecessary obstacles that discourage students and hinder progress are removed, such as rote memorization of endless verbal paradigms. Instead students receive encouragement along the way to assure them they are making the necessary progress. As well, detailed discussions are included at key junctures to help students grasp important concepts. By the time students have worked their way through Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar they will have learned: The Greek Alphabet. Vocabulary for words occurring 50 times or more in the Greek New Testament. The Greek noun system. The Greek verbal system, including indicative and nonindicative verbs, and participles. A robust suite of learning aids is available for purchase to be used alongside the textbook to help students excel in their studies. These include a workbook, video lectures for each chapter featuring the author, flashcards keyed to vocabulary in each chapter, a laminated quick study sheet with key concepts, and audio of the vocabulary for each chapter to aid in acquisition.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member parkersbooks
I just got this for Christmas. I've taken a couple of semesters of classical greek and I'm hoping that this book will help me make the switch to koine. I've just finished the first two chapters and I think that the focus of the book is great, it is set up for those hoping to use greek in
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understanding the bible and teaching it.
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LibraryThing member wackyvorlon
An excellent book, a classic. This book, along with the accompanying CD make the study of koine greek downright easy.
LibraryThing member kwmcdonald
Good basic approach to learning Biblical Greek.
LibraryThing member Jim-Per
Fantastic, also ordered the set of flash cards for vocabulary.
Am staring chapter 18, comes wih a disk which I use the FLASHWORKS a couple times a day.
LibraryThing member hemlockclock
My class on Biblical Greek used this book as out main text. The book was fine as far as a text but the class never elaborated so I didn't get much out of it. I'll make a second attempt on trying it on my own when i have more time. I reccomend using the workbook with it and taking your time, going
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back to the basics when you need to.
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LibraryThing member matthauck
Excellent book. It almost takes the difficulty out of learning the language, while simultaneously reminding you of the purpose for learning Greek, and keeping it fun too. I heartily recommend this to anyone desiring to learn Greek.
LibraryThing member ronjawdi
I have read this book at least three times, constantly reviewing my Koine Greek. In terms of pedagogy, this book can be used to self-teach oneself. I have no other first year Greek grammars to compare it to (other than a Classical Greek Grammar) so this review maybe slightly biased. But his
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approach definitely makes learning Greek easier. I have done another three semesters of Classical Greek and I felt sorry for the students who had to memorize every single paradigm. Mounce's approach (note that the forms in Koine do not vary much from Classical) is much easier than the previous, since he gives many rules that make learning the paradigms much easier.

As I moved on and reflected back, I do give a word of caution. Unlike a year of Classical Greek, Mounce's approach is slightly lighter and the first year student (at least after Mounce's book) is not adequately prepared to tackle the Greek text. Everything is limited after the first year, so once one is done with this book, please, I urge you, continue. Remember the goal is to learn to read God's word!!!
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LibraryThing member waltzmn
Please. If you want to teach Greek, teach Greek, not your theology. As a teaching tool, this may be highly regarded... but it just grates to be hit over the head with the author's ideas. If I'm learning to read the Bible, it's because I want to develop my understanding of my theology, not William
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D. Mounce's. And if I'm learning koine to read something else (e.g. Josephus, Philo, LXX), then I have even less use for something that insists αυτος means "He," not he/she/it.

Yes, I'm still grumpy about the introduction. And the whole approach. Be sure you can stomach before you buy.
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LibraryThing member justagirlwithabook
This book is part of my collection that really focuses in on Biblical Commentary more than anything else (including some well known authors in the theological world). All of these books haven't been read cover to cover, but I've spent a lot of time with them and they've been helpful in guiding me
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through difficult passages (or if I desire to dig deeper).
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LibraryThing member Alex_Szabo
i have the pdf version of both the textbook and workbook of the series. it does not correspond to the hardcopy pages numbers and was very difficult to leverage the material in class. When I confronted the author through email, the representative offered no remedy to the problem.

Original publication date

1993 (first edition)
1999 (corrected edition with CD-ROM)

Physical description

xxiv, 448 p.; 24 cm




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