A Faith Like Mine

by Laura Buller

Hardcover, 2005



Local notes

200.83 Bul




DK CHILDREN (2005), Hardcover, 80 pages


Children of different religious backgrounds tell about their faith and what it means to them; includes background information on each religious tradition.

Physical description

80 p.; 12.2 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member tamilarson
A fabulous resource for information on the major religions of the world. A non-biased take from the point of view of children and how they celebrate their religion.
LibraryThing member NancyStorm
Excellent book identifying what is faith and some traditional beliefs including a map of religions around the world. A good platform from which to introduce young children to a variety of beliefs and expose them to the commonalities and differences of cultures.
LibraryThing member julie_savage
This beautiful book teaches children about each others religions. It is written from the perspective of children and is easy to understand. It has beautiful pictures and really gets the main points across from each major religion.
LibraryThing member Lake_Oswego_UCC
Explore the lives of real children from around the world who worship in a variety of places and ways.
LibraryThing member Lake_Oswego_UCC
See how real children live their religion and what's involved in each faith tradition.
LibraryThing member hmischke
It is very important for students to be exposed to different cultures, including religions. Often children are only exposed to the religion of their family and maybe a close friend's family but it is important to be comfortable with others as well, it leads to more tolerance and a wider view of the
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LibraryThing member schenk2
I discovered a lovely book on various religions, but through the perspective of the youth in that culture. The detalied photographs and impresively extensive overview of the practices and holidays of that religion made the book a fairly decent reference piece and not just a kids book. The photos of
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the children from all over the world a part of all sorts of religions was an apreciated feature that brought a lot of assumed differences aside to show how alike we all are and at the same time wonderfully unique.
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