Women of Hope: African-Americans Who Made a Difference

by Joyce Hansen

Hardcover, 1998



Call number

323.4 Han

Call number

323.4 Han

Local notes

323.4 Han




Scholastic (1998), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 32 pages. Purchased in 2014. $16.95.


Features photographs and biographies of thirteen African-American women, including Maya Angelou, Ruby Dee, and Alice Walker.

Physical description

32 p.; 12.32 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member atlomas
This book is such an inspirational book! If I had a daughter I would always look at it with her to remind her that you can do anything you set your mind too. There were a few women I had not heard of in this book as well so that was wonderful.
LibraryThing member akrause
What a truly inspirational and touching book! I loved reading and learning about all of these brave and strong women who have made a positive impact in history. I especially loved the quote on the back cover by Gloria Steinem that sums up why this book should be shared with children and people of
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all ages: "Women of Hope will inspire all Americans, especially our youth, who have been denied the knowledge that greatness looks like them." Not only is this book informative and a brief history lesson, but it also relates to myself as a future teacher because I need to be the one telling children they CAN make a difference in society.
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½ (4 ratings; 4.6)
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