The Hungry Coat: A Tale from Turkey

by Demi

Hardcover, 2004



Local notes

398.2 Dem




Margaret K. McElderry Books (2004), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 40 pages


After being forced to change to a fancy new coat to attend a party, Nasrettin Hoca tries to feed his dinner to the coat, reasoning that it was the coat that was the invited guest.

Physical description

40 p.; 11.36 x 10.3 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member jessicacl
In Turkey there lived a man named Nasrettin Hoca who wore a huge, white turban and a worn-out coat made of patches. He goes to his friend's banquet and is ignored. He realizes it is his coat. He leaves the party and returns later, wearing a brand new coat. Nasrettin is welcomed by everyone.
LibraryThing member kp119190
The Hungry Coat is a Multicultural book about this wise man named Nassrettin Hoca. He wore a white turban and a coat made with patches on patches. He loved to help people out. One day he was on they way to see a rich friend when he helped out some people. While helping the people out he got really
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dirty. He went ahead and went to his friend’s house. When he got there noticed after a while that nobody was talking to him. When he noticed that everyone had clean clothes on he had an idea and went home. There he changed clothes. He came and sat with his friends. He then started feeding his coat. When his friends noticed they asked why and he said when I was dirty I could not eat when I changed clothes I could eat so I thought you wanted the coat to eat. Everyone cheered and said he was right.

I thought this man had great insight a lot of times people look at the outside appearance and does not think about the inside person and that is what counts. Many times I have felt like that nobody really cared and thought about what is inside a person heart.

This could be used in a unit about not making judgments about outside appearances.
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LibraryThing member jdieder104
The moral of the story is don't judge a book by it's cover. "He who wears heaven in his heart is well dressed." Great book to read to children about how we preceive others and don't be so quick to judge.
LibraryThing member Meerkat4
At first, I was confused (especially when Nasrettin started feeding his clothes), then I was amazed. The lesson of this book cannot be ignored. This is such a great story for teaching children, and adults for that matter, the importance of seeing the person for who they are, not what they do or
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wear. The story sucks you in to where you litturally have to get the message. I will read this to my daughter for a long time....The art is great too!
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LibraryThing member mdonley
a wonderful tale that teaches the lesson that you can' judge someone by what they wear. It is what is on the inside that counts. Just because you have money and riches does not make you a good person. A great story that works in all cultures.
LibraryThing member Sara_Lein
Once upon a time in Turkey there lived a funny, little wise man named Nasrettin Hoca. He wore a huge, white turban and a worn-out coat made of patches upon patches. Riding about on his little gray donkey, he liked to help whomever he could. A friend to all, Nasrettin is a popular figure. But when
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he is suddenly ignored at a friend's banquet, he realizes it is his patchwork coat that is turning people away from him. He leaves the party and returns later, wearing a brand-new coat. Now Nasrettin is warmly welcomed. But instead of eating the delicious foods placed before him, he feeds them to his coat!

How Nasrettin Hoca teaches his friends a lesson about appearances is the heart of this hilarious and clever story. With good humor and luminous illustrations inspired by traditional Turkish paintings, Demi brings to life Turkey's most famous folk hero and imparts a timeless tale with a moral that will resonate with readers everywhere.
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LibraryThing member akmargie
Great tale with a good message, invite the man, not the coat. This could make a really fun storytime activity especially if you had a large coat with secret pockets.
LibraryThing member Lukesilvera
Great for a lesson about looking at a persons character not the clothes they wear or how much money they have.
LibraryThing member TBegum1
This book was not as great as I expected. It told a tale of a man named Nasrettin Hoca and his goat. It was an okay book, wouldn't read it to children.
LibraryThing member mosbor
Demi's illustrations are beautifully detailed and vibrant. The story has a good lesson. Don,t judge people by their appearance.
LibraryThing member nfigue1
The Hungry Coat focuses on main character, Nasrettin, and his experiences. Nasrettin is a popular figure in his community; when he is invited to a banquet, he is ignored because of his clothing. The Hungry Coat shows the cruel treatment some individuals endure, in an entertaining approach. I have
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always been a strong believer of equality, this story reveals the negative effects when equality is not promoted. The story allows the audience to see judging a person based solely off their appearance can be deceiving. Nasrettin was popular figure, until seen wearing a wore-out coat. The individuals ignoring Nasrettin were missing out on meeting an extraordinary person. In the words of Nasrettin, “Appearance is about the heart”. This is a magnificent moral to teach any child the importance of not judging a book by its cover.
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LibraryThing member yyoon4
Folktale from Turkey about accepting yourself
LibraryThing member Jquimbey
Special features: Author, Demi, lives in Carnation, WA, possibly making her accessible for author visits in the state. She is also listed as a notable biographer in a children's lit. textbook. This book is appropriate for secondary as it could be used in an English, World Geography or World History
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