Animal Ark #15: Bunnies in the Bathroom

by Ben M. Baglio

Paperback, 2000



Local notes

PB Bag




Scholastic, Inc (2000), Edition: 0, Paperback, 144 pages


Mandy's new friend John is crazy about rabbits. He's got his heart set on buying two baby rabbits in the local pet shop. But before he has a chance, Barney and Button are gone Mandy and James decide to find the new owner - but that's when their problems begin.

Original publication date


Physical description

144 p.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Heather19
*spoiler warning*

This book was very different from most of the Animal Ark books I've read. This one had no "animal crisis", at least not a medical/safety one, like most of them do. Instead it focused on Mandy's new friend John and his project studying wild rabbits. The "main" plot of the book, the
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baby bunnies, were not really a part of the plot until more then halfway through. It was a nice change to have some family drama in the series, to have a kid struggling to adjust to new situations at home instead of everything always being about the animals, but it was a bit of a letdown that there wasn't the usual urgency of "will the animal live" or whatever. I liked the ending, how John finally had a way to keep the baby rabbits but at the same time take care of the problem of what to do with them while he is a way at school, and for once the bratty little Imogen was actually fairly nice.
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