American Girl Kit #1: Meet Kit - An American Girl 1934

by American Girls Collection (Series)

Other authorsValerie Tripp (Author)
Paperback, 2000



Call number

PB Ame

Call number

PB Ame

Local notes

PB Ame




American Girl (2000), Paperback, 70 pages


When her father's business closes because of the Great Depression forcing Kit to make changes in her life, the nine-year-old responds with resourcefulness.

Original publication date


Physical description

70 p.; 8.49 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
Kit is just a normal girl facing the Great Depression, writing newspaper headlines about everything that happens to her, when her father’s car dealership finally closes down. She has to move to the attic so her family can take boarders, but she discovers that it isn’t entirely a bad change: she
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finally has a place she’s created.
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LibraryThing member the1butterfly
This is a double of a book in my classroom library. Kit is just a normal girl facing the Great Depression, writing newspaper headlines about everything that happens to her, when her father’s car dealership finally closes down. She has to move to the attic so her family can take boarders, but she
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discovers that it isn’t entirely a bad change: she finally has a place she’s created.
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LibraryThing member TatumNobis
This Story is about a 9 yr old girl whose name is Kit Kittridge. she loves news, but Kit does not like all the bad news so Kit decides to make up her own stories. Kit writes about anything. She loves something that exciting happens, but when her dad loses his job her mom comes up with a great new
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my personal reaction to this story is that i love American Girl. ive read it since i was young and it seems that everyone who reads it can rteally get into the story.

In the classroom i could use this when talking about historical fiction but besides that this is just a book that every young girl would love to read.
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LibraryThing member hockey101
This book is about Kit Kitterage s young girl who grew up in the 1930's or during the time of the great depression.
In this story the writer explains about what could or would happen in the Great Depression.
Most importantly, Kit's family gets borders to keep their house when Kit's Dad looses his
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job. He moves to Chicago to find a job.
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LibraryThing member marisa_9087
This story is about a nine year old girl named Kit. Kit loves news, but she really dislikes bad news so she makes up her own stories to replace the bad news. Kit will write about anything, she also loves when something exciting happens. Her dad loses his job and her mom is the one who comes up with
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a good idea this time.

I have always read American Girl, it use to be a favorite of mine. These stories seem to be very easy to get into and keep the children's intrest.

In the classroom I would have the children make a news paper and see what kind of ideas and news each one of the children can come up with.
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LibraryThing member elenaazad
It's 1934 and although the Great Depression is taking its toll on the country, not much has changed for Kit Kittredge and her family. Kit wants to be a reporter and practices by writing news stories for her dad. But Mother's garden club friend Mrs. Howard and sickly son Stirling need a place to
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stay while Mr. Howard looks for work in Chicago, and so they come to live at the Kittredge home. Then Dad has to close his car dealership and the family must find a way to make ends meet.

This story has greater potency now than it probably did when it was published in 2000, with with the recession and many children will be able to identify with Kit and her family. It deals with the issue of family financial troubles very honest yet delicate manner. Sometimes bad things happen but it's not anyone's fault, and you just have to use your courage and creativity to make the best of it.

Although the American Girl books and collection are arguably very girly (dolls and dresses), Kit is "not a flouncy girl." On the contrary, she's a very strong, creative female character. And this makes her easy to relate and thus makes history a lot more interesting to readers. Despite a lead who is more of a tomboy than some of the other American Girls, it is unlikely that many boys will be drawn to these books. Elementary school girls are the target audience, specifically those ages 8 to 11 or 12.
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LibraryThing member hobbitprincess
I know, I know. Why is someone who's 50 reading this book? You'll never guess. It's because I got Kit, the American Girl doll who goes with the story, for my birthday. Maybe it's because I had boys instead of girls - who knows? I have 2 of these dolls, and I love the stories that go with them. They
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are good on so many levels for young girls. I especially like the historical information in the back of the book. I'm sure I'll get the rest of the Kit books at some time, just like I have all of the Molly books. Maybe I'll never grow up!
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LibraryThing member ShelbyStancil
This book is the first in a series about Kit Kittridge. She is a young girl living in America during the Great Depression. She loves news and wants to become a reporter. Her family opens up their house as a boarding house after Kits father must close his car dealership. The family
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struggles to make ends meet but they pull through.

Personal Reaction:
These books are a great window into what life was like during the Great Depression. It is often overlooked but the Kit books put a spot light on it. She is a spunky girl who I see a lot of myself in. Like with Kirsten it is about overcoming obstacles and hard times. The few pictures it has in it are great too. The are bright and useful to show what is going on in the story.

Classroom Extension Ideas:
1. Dress up yet again in the period clothes to show what it was really like.
2. Have kids research how times really were.
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LibraryThing member chelseannorman
Kit is a little girl that grows up during the Great Depression. During this hardship she sees many things that as a kid I couldn't imagine growing up in. She watches her dad lose his job, her parents moved her up in the attic so that they could have room for boarders to live with them. Kit
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from a very young age would write her dad a newspaper ever day. Until one day she finds out her dad has to leave because he can't find a job. Instead of sulking and pitying herself like many kids would do, myself included, she decides to make the best of a bad situation. She helps her mom around the house, continues to write her dad newspapers, goes to school, and helps the boarders around the house as well. In the end everything works out the depression is over and her dad can finally move home.

Personal Reaction:
Being a daddy's girl forever and ever I can't imagine losing my dad. I really respect this book because it show that you have to be strong even when you want to give up. I love the American Girl books because I feel like they all have morals.

Classroom Extension:
1. I would have the kids write and draw pictures of their own newspapers to their dads for fathers day and send home notes to explain that they go along with the story.

2. I would have the kids write a paper about what they could do to help around the house and to help their parents during this day and time.
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LibraryThing member dms02
This book was far better then my expectations. I usually tend to steer clear of the book toy combo, but have been delighted by the American Girl Doll empire - despite its price tag and seemingly cult like following.

Kit is a girl growing up and living through the Great Depression. I thought that
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the book gave a fair depiction of the time that was also age appropriate. It presented the truth without being overly depressing or too complicated for a young reader/listener.

Kit has great spunk and the moral lessons are there - but not too much so that you feel beaten over the head by them. I especially liked the last section of the book which gave more of a historical depiction of the time complete with real photographs. We will continue to read more from this series.
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LibraryThing member hfetty1
I found this book to be good! The story''s themes are meaningful and allow readers to develop an understanding of the events that occurred during this historical time. The overarching message that I drew from this book was to be thankful of what you have. - For, in a split second, things can easily
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be taken from you. For example, something as little as Kit's family having to cut down on their visits to get ice cream after dinner, is one situation where the theme jumped out at me. The characters act realistically and the language that they use is appropriate to the time period. The full-page color illustrations that appear throughout, also help to set the setting of the story. Overall, I liked this book, for it is a good way to get young readers touch upon such a heavy topic.
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½ (98 ratings; 3.9)
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