Diego Rivera: An Artist for the People

by Susan Goldman Rubin

Hardcover, 2013



Call number

921 RIV

Call number

921 RIV

Local notes

921 RIV




Harry N. Abrams (2013), Hardcover, 56 pages. Purchased in 2014. $21.95.


"Diego Rivera offers young readers unique insight into the life and artwork of the famous Mexican painter and muralist. The book follows Rivera's career, looking at his influences and tracing the evolution of his style. His work often called attention to the culture and struggles of the Mexican working class. Believing that art should be for the people, he created public murals in both the United States and Mexico, examples of which are included."--Amazon.com. Includes "Where to view works by Diego Rivera" and a glossary.


Physical description

56 p.; 10.2 x 10.1 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member scote23
I liked this book a lot. I thought it was a good take on a famous painter.
LibraryThing member Mad.River.Librarian
Thoughtful and interesting biography of one of Mexico's most famous artists of the 20th century (who was married to Mexico's other most famous artist, Frida Kahlo). Much was played up about his "way with the ladies" despite his frog-like appearance and nickname of the "gentle carnivore" from his
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student days in Paris: frankly, I'm just not sure how appealing young readers will take to it, though I found it fascinating and it piqued my interest to know more about him and his art.
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LibraryThing member rupsarkar
This is an informational picture book about Diego Rivera. He is considered to be one of Mexico's most famous artists, along with his wife Frida Kahlo. His artistic style was influenced by historical events and his life as well. His family upbringing also influenced his views about art. Education
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played a large role in his artistic development and he started to attend art school full-time at the age of 13. Diego Rivera had to find a way to fund a trip to Europe to broaden his artistic horizon. The onset of war changed his life. His young son died. He became famous for his murals. He returned to Mexico. After this return, his fame grew. He was commissioned to paint murals in many famous locations. Painting became an important part of his life.

This book was an enjoyable read. It is very colorful and the text supports the pictures chosen. The author has written many other biographies of famous artists. It is interesting to note how history influenced Rivera's paintings. There is a glossary in the book that tells the reader about places where they can see Rivera's works. There is also a glossary of important terms. This book is easy to read and can be used in an art class. It can be used to inspire future artists. The book can also be used in a social studies class to demonstrate the complexity and beauty of historical events. In terms of accuracy, the author tries to acknowledge her sources. The paintings and illustrations are accurate. Content is a strong point for this book as well. The writing style and illustrations place a great deal of focus on Diego Rivera's life and artistic style.
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LibraryThing member Sullywriter
A great introduction to the life and work of the Mexican artist.
LibraryThing member Dairyqueen84
This beautiful and colorful biography perfectly captures Rivera’s passion for making art, Mexico, the common people, and the ladies. Written in straightforward prose, students will be delighted by tidbits about his personal life such as the nickname his second wife Frida Kahlo used,
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Frog-face, and the fact that he was over six feet tall and rarely bathed. The text is interspersed with plentiful reproductions of his full murals and details of them, photos of him and Frida, and charcoal cartoon renditions of his murals drawn to scale. It follows his career from his school days in Mexico to his travels to Paris, Spain and other European countries where he soaked up all he could from the art scene and various teachers. When he returned to Mexico he decided he “wanted to teach the people of Mexico through pictures” and dedicated his art to painting murals in which the “common people” and peasants were often the subjects. It contains controversies as well as the story of his career and frescoes, including the destruction of his fresco in the RCA building made for Nelson Rockefeller. This book is better read from beginning to end making it inconvenient to use for a report for students because there are no headings or subheadings. It includes a glossary of terms and people, source notes, an index, and a list of places to view Rivera’s work.
Positive reviews SLJ and Kirkus
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½ (6 ratings; 3.9)
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