The Host: A Novel

by Stephenie Meyer

Hardcover, 2008





Little, Brown and Company (2008), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 619 pages


The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. But Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves--Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love.--From publisher description.… (more)


Soaring Eagle Book Award (First runner-up — 2011)
Colorado Blue Spruce Award (Nominee — 2011)
Whitney Award (Finalist — Speculative Fiction — 2008)
Delete Key Award (finalist — 2009)


Original publication date


Physical description

619 p.; 6.38 inches

Media reviews

The worst, and paradoxically the best, that can be said about The Host is that there is nothing really terrible about it. It did not cause me to twitch and groan at twisted metaphors or bad imagery (someday we will sit down and discuss the delights of Jackie Collins, shall we?). At no point did I
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scream “Get an editor, you moron!” as I’ve been known to do while reading… well, let’s call them Stephen K. and Anne R. Lack of internal logic did not cause me to hurl the book against the wall in frustration and disappointment. But, adequately written as it was, I can’t see myself recommending it to any of my BFFs, at least not to those who’ve done me any favors.
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De buitenaardse Zielen hebben de lichamen van bijna alle mensen overgenomen. Wandelaar is een ervaren Ziel. Ze wordt in het lichaam van de rebelse Melanie geplaatst, in de hoop dat ze achter de locatie van meer mensen kan komen. Wandelaar kan Melanie echter niet helemaal overmeesteren. Ze sluiten
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vriendschap en Melanie leidt haar naar een groep mensen die nog niet 'beZield' zijn. Het verhaal wordt verteld door de ogen van Wandelaar, waardoor het een originele kijk geeft op de mensheid: gewelddadig en kortzichtig, maar ook met prachtige, overweldigende emoties en ingewikkelde relaties. Naast dit psychologische element bevat het verhaal ook veel spanning. Wandelaar, maar ook veel van de andere personages, maakt een ontwikkeling door en het is niet moeilijk om je met Wandelaar te vereenzelvigen. Korte hoofdstukken met titels die uit een woord bestaan dat vooral op de gemoedstoestand of situatie van Wandelaar slaat. De auteur is bekend van haar 'Twilight'-serie voor jongeren. Ook hier gaat het om de relatie van een mens met niet-menselijke wezens. Prachtig, meeslepend verhaal.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
After reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, I was fairly certain that I was done with her work for good. That isn't an all-out condemnation of the four Twilight books (see my reviews on them if you like), but I didn't plan to revisit. But then my sister, upon whom I am always pushing books,
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pushed The Host back at me. "It's different from Twilight," she said, and despite my reservations, I agreed to read it.

(Of course, I never stipulated when, which is very wise when doing book deals with younger sisters.)

So probably a year and a half later, my conscience finally caught up with me and I settled down to fulfill my promise. And lo and behold, my sister was right! The Host is different from the Twilight books in many ways — though I did notice some similarities too. In this story, Meyer describes a world in which the aliens (called Souls) have taken over the planet. Only, they don't just take the planet... they take over people's bodies. The story is narrated by one of the Souls, known as Wanderer for her many lives on different planets that her kind have taken. She is implanted into a recently captured human, Melanie, who refuses to fade away as most other humans do when they become hosts. Slowly, Melanie gains strength as the voice in Wanderer's head, until she — they — strike out on a desperate journey to find Melanie's younger brother.

It turns out there is a whole colony of 30+ people who have escaped becoming hosts, living secretly in a desert cave hideout. The relationships are all very complicated, as Wanderer is one of the hated Souls whom the humans see (quite naturally) as parasitic, but Melanie is still alive inside her somewhere, so they can't kill her, but she's a Soul... Jamie, Melanie's younger brother, develops a close relationship with Wanderer, but most in the group will have nothing to do with her.

At its best, the story raises questions of personality versus physicality, but at its worst... well, I hate to say it but there are definite aspects of the infamous Twilight love triangle here. Jared was Melanie's lover and is understandably quite angry and confused about what to do with her body with Wanderer inhabiting it, while Ian, another young man in the group, eventually falls in love with her. Two people in one body creates endless possibilities for awkward romantic moments and oh-I-just-HAD-to-kiss-him-type complications that are reminiscent of the conveniently imperative entanglements of Twilight.

At the end, there really is a problem Meyer has to solve to give her characters a happy ending. There aren't enough bodies to go around! Wanderer can't stay if Melanie is to be given her body back, as Wanderer is determined she will. Like Bella, Wanderer resolves to sacrifice herself, but gets a happy ending despite all her best-laid plans. It's not perfect, but there really isn't any other solution, I suppose.

Despite the angsty love triangle, I was really pulled into this story. Meyer is not the best writer, but her plots do compel me to keep reading. I finished this in two days and enjoyed it, for the most part. It's a different spin on the themes of alien invasion and going native, and much better than Twilight. While not destined to be a favorite of mine or a lasting piece of literature, The Host provided a few hours of entertainment and I'm not sorry my sister roped me into reading it.

Now, maybe in a couple years I'll get to the other book she lent me...
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LibraryThing member JDpirate5
Okay. So I read this on two long plane rides, and it was very, very good!

To get the Twilight comparison out of the way, I can and can't believe that the two are written by the same person. Some aspects of it are night and day (for example, the very concepts) but then, there are very similar
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There's the fact that both are fantastical, that they deal strongly (mostly) with romance, and that the main character, a female, is strong-willed and willing to sacrifice for the ones she loves.
To be honest, that character trait grew in Wanderer as the story developed, and, although it was what the story called for, I also wondered if Meyer is capable of a different type of leading lady.

The two stories are also comparable in that they both make me think.
While Twilight makes me think mostly about love, though, The Host deals a lot with trust, society, acceptance, and a variation of the age-old question: are we products or our DNA or environment?
It was very, very interesting and Meyer does a fantastic job of discussing these things (enough to satisfy the plot) but also of leaving enough room for the reader to interpret as they please.

As also liked that, one page, I was on the humans' side, and the next, I was on the aliens'. A very finely-woven net from Meyer, there.
Muy bien.

Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed.

Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves-Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love.

Also like Twilight, much, if not most, of this story is character-driven. The book starts off with Wanderer being inserted into Melanie's body and then Wanderer coming to and realizing, right off the bat, that she's not alone there. Then there's some time spent on Wanderer trying to deal with that.
Were I the writer, I would have stalled there. I remember reaching a point in the story and thinking, "Well, that's that. She'd dead-ended herself"
Of course, given that the book is six hundred-something pages, I knew while I thought it that that was wrong.
Meyer has an amazing ability to run down one track for a long time, lulling the reader, before suddenly curving down another, crazy path.
Some of these turns were a tad predictable, but it's the consequences of these twists that I always think I've got pinned down, and it turns out I only have half, if anything.
I just have to think, My God. Where does she come up with this stuff?
How is there enough room in her body for all this fantastic, original creativity?
(Because let me tell you, some of the other, alien worlds and cultures she invented are, ha ha, other-worldly).

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the book, I loved the characters, and I've been recommending it to anyone who'll listen.

Now, for some spoiler-ific discussion. Don't keep reading if you haven't started/finished the book!

I liked, and also didn't like, the ending. It was completely sappy and predictable, what with the clan not honoring Wanda's wishes to be left in peace. Right. Like they were just going to let her commit suicide. So while I was happy to see this course of action taken, I knew it was coming.

Also, suicide for the betterment of others? Where have we seen that before?
That is an example where some annoyance crept in. I didn't really even like it in Twilight, so I was a touch irritated to see it here again.

I did enjoy the last few pages, however, with Burns and Co. Yes. Indeed. A very appropriate ending. Satisfying, as well, in the sense that it summed things up well and left me wanting more.

I did not like, though, that Wanda's second body was so shy and that she was always blushing. I understand Jared's whole "nobody will suspect a face like that" reasoning, but did the personality behind the face have to be so at odds with someone who had just tried to die to save others?

Also, it took me right out of the romance when Ian (or anyone) would refer to the Souls as worms or centipedes. I know he was being super-understanding and awesome by saying, I Love You, Worm, and all that, but...yea...
Just a little too disorienting for me.

Finally, I was kind of annoyed that there wasn't more mention, in the end, of Wanda and Melanie having a relationship now that there's two bodies between them. Yea, I get that it didn't need to be spoken, but a simple, "Even though we were a little bit sick of each other and ready for some room, we still had lunch together everyday" would have sufficed.

I dunno.
There are my pet peeves.
But we all know that I loved it anyway :)

This review is also a post on my blog.
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LibraryThing member cranmergirl
This book started with a bang and ended with a whimper, in my humble opinion. First, it was way too long. Second, the dialogue started to seem silly and pedestrian to me about half way through the book. Also I did not understand where Meyer was going with the description of Wanderer's new body at
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the end of the story. I half expected to find out that she had been inserted into the body of a cocker spaniel, since everyone around her seemed unable to resist petting her! However she was able to speak , had small hands, and was kissed on the lips by Ian, so I guess that rules out the dog scenario. Maybe she was in the body of Cousin It. In any event, the mystery was never revealed. Maybe that comes to light in a sequel. Who knows?? I doubt I'll be reading it.
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LibraryThing member willowsmom
I loved this book. Loved it unapologetically, even though I gagged on Twilight and gave it an awful review. It is beautifully written, and the characters are truly believable and very endearing. It was the kind of book that, as soon as I had finished it, I had to flip back 50 pages or so just to
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re-read the ending because I loved it so much. No joke, I cried AND finished it in two nights of reading...both of which are pretty rare for me these days.
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LibraryThing member Saieeda
Meyer actually produced a well-developed characters in this novel. Her writing style is also noticeably improving. The plot line is still simple, but it is definitely more involved that the Twilight series. I feel comfortable saying this is a good book; I would recommend it to young adults.
LibraryThing member voracious
Wanderer, or "Wanda" as she comes to be called, is a soul with a long history of lives who has been implanted in Melanie, one of the last humans who had not yet been implanted with an alien soul. Melanie is a tough human whose strong love for her boyfriend, Jared, and brother, Jamie, empowers her
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to fight back against Wanda. Wanda eventually finds her way back to the band of surviving humans and her loved ones, which causes the humans to question whether they can trust Wanda/Melanie in their midst. This story is a well-written and suspenseful novel that makes the reader question the concept of the soul, the possible existance of other aliens/souls, and the power of love that drives us to survive against the most unlikely odds. I enjoyed this book but thought it was a little long. Wanda frustrated me by tending to pick fatalistic solutions to her problems, much like Bella in New Moon. However, I enjoyed this book and it's sci-fi/romantic elements, with it's strange storyline which I felt was rather unique.
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LibraryThing member Jenners26
2 words that describe the book: Sci-fi lite

3 settings where it took place or characters you met:

* Setting: Planet Earth (mostly in and around Arizona), sometime in the future

* Wanderer is a "soul," a type of parasitic alien that insert themselves into host bodies throughout various galaxies. In
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their physical form, souls look like silvery centipedes. Wanderer is a soul who has been in a number of host bodies, but she's never quite experienced a host like the one she finds on Earth. In fact, the souls have been struggling with their attempts to take over Earth and make it into a peaceful, happy paradise. It seems that many humans are resisting the soul's invasion of their planet and fighting back by any means possible.

* Melanie Stryder is the (unwilling) host for Wanderer, and she refuses to fully vacate her body, even after Wanderer has been inserted. This inability to fully remove the previous host from a body is a new development for Wanderer, and she finds herself struggling to maintain control of her host. But Melanie has a lot to fight for--her young brother Jamie and her lover Jared, who are still fully human and alive, hiding somewhere in the desert. Melanie is bound and determined to fight Wanderer with everything she has in order to protect and find the ones she loves.

4 Things you liked and/or disliked about it:

* I liked how Meyer enabled the reader to sympathize with Wanderer by making her an eminently likable and noble character. The book is told from Wanderer's perspective, so we get the benefit of her experiences and viewpoint. In fact, Meyer makes Wanderer so appealing and likable that you often find yourselves rooting against the humans who are fighting to resist the souls' invasion of their planet.

* I liked how Meyer created a familiar world (almost everything takes place on Earth) with alien overtones to it. The story is told after the invasion of Earth by the souls, so we experience a familiar landscape that has become unfamiliar. The humans who are resisting being taken over by hosts live in a series of intricate underground caves, while the souls colonize the rest of the Earth but in a way that feels familiar but benevolently alien. (The souls have good intentions ... they've seen what a mess humans of made of things and they just want to help out.)

* I liked how Meyer takes her time telling her story (the book is 594 pages) so you get to know and feel invested in the characters and their fates. My only complaint is that characters often don't feel nuanced enough. They are either good (Jamie) or bad (Kyle), with little gray in between. However, Meyer does her best to complicate things toward the end--giving some of the more broadly drawn characters a "moment of truth" to further their emotional and moral development.

* I disliked how easily Meyer was completely able to hijack my reading time (again)! I know a lot of people criticize Meyer and scorn the Twilight books. But, having been sucked into the Twilight series against my will, I have to give the lady credit: she tells a good story. Once I started this book, I was hooked. Although Meyer might not write "great" literature for the ages, I think she is a gifted storyteller who crafts compulsively readable books. What can I say? I'm putty in her hands. (An idea! Perhaps Meyer herself is a soul who has taken over the collective minds of us host humans and compelled us to read her deliciously fun and addictive books!)

5 Stars or less for your rating?

I'm giving the book 4 stars. Meyer has written a book that I think might appeal to sci-fi fans and non-sci-fi fans alike. Venturing into sci-fi territory for the first time, Meyer creates a gripping story that is really not so much about aliens but about humans and what makes us special and unique. Ultimately, I think that is why this book has broad appeal. It would be perfect for readers who don't really read or like sci-fi as it has a strong emphasis on human characters caught up in a strange new world. At the same time, Meyer creates an alien invasion story that has all the classic elements of such a tale but infused with an emotional and romantic plot line that gives it a human heart. If you're looking for a summer read that is simultaneously an "easy" read but also delves into some deeper issues and emotions, this would be the perfect choice.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
We all know Stephanie Meyer from her Twilight series... but to my surprise, she can write a mean alien book too.

In this story, planet Earth has been overtaken by aliens called “Souls”. These Souls are parasite-type aliens who implant themselves into the human brain and take over - thus the
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human race is practically extinct.

In comes Melanie Stryder - part of the human resistance and someone who has evaded capture for several years - she is captured by the Seekers (Souls who search for renegade or “wild” humans) and is implanted with a Soul named Wanderer. Wanderer is like a celebrity within the Souls. She is very old and strong and she has lived many life cycles on different worlds. Upon implant, Wanderer is surprised when Melanie’s consciousness refuses to fade away. Melanie fights and is a voice in Wanderer’s head. Through Melanie’s memories Wanderer is able to see what being human is about - the good (love, laughter, friendships) and the bad (fear, jealousy, rage, anger). Eventually Wanderer and Melanie have to learn to live together, and they go off on a very dangerous mission.

I liked the fact that we get to hear Wandarer’s (eventually nicknamed Wanda) point-of-view. It was Invasion of the Body Snatchers - from the unique perspective of one of the Snatchers.

I will say though that the first 80 pages or so were a bit slow and difficult to get through, for me, but once I passed that I was completely hooked and devoured the remaining 500+ pages.

In conclusion, The Host is definitely a must read! You’ll stay up till the wee hours of the night reading it, I know I did. It also leaves a perfect opening for any sequels and Meyer has already mentioned that she is working on a follow-up that will be appropriately titled “The Soul”, as well as a possible third book she would like to call “The Seeker”. If The Host does spawn a series I know they will be loved just as much as the Twilight Series and I can say that I will be one to stand in line to get one of the first copies available.
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
Wanderer has lived many different lives on many different worlds. Despite the fact that she knew that humans were different from any other species they had encountered Wanderer still was not prepared for the range and depth of human senses and emotion. More importantly, she could never have
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predicted that her host would fight against her and ultimately drive her to question all she had believed in.

This story was a truly fabulous take on the Invasion of the Body Snatchers premise, coming at it from the point of view of the invaders instead of humanity. Focusing mostly on a more personal level as opposed to all action and no plot, the theme seemed to be acceptance in the face of disparity. That does not mean that there is not any action in the story, but it certainly wasn't just blowing stuff up and saving the world.

I know I've read lots of derogatory commentary on the author's writing style (*cough* Stephen King *cough*) however, I really enjoy Meyers’ style. She gives you a story you can understand and get swept away by, not something you have to sit and laboriously try to figure out. Although this was billed as her "adult" novel, there is certainly nothing here that I would find objectionable for any teenager to read and I would highly recommend this story for both teens and adults.
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LibraryThing member livebug
Unlike Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, this is being billed as adult fare. But it's completely YA-appropriate, which is good, because they are all going to read it, just as every adult woman in America read Twilight.

Humanity has been take over by a parasitic (but gentle and peaceful) race known
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on this planet as "souls." One such soul is implanted into a human, but the human's consciousness does not go gently, which results in a kind of one-body-two-minds situation. Adventure and romance ensue.

This was a great, fun read, but what rescues it from being complete beach trash, to me, is the horror these peaceful parasites feel at humanity's casual and constant violence towards enemies and friends alike. They chose this planet to occupy specifically because they saw it being destroyed by human greed and hatred, and saw our wonderfully evolved human bodies (so many senses! so much emotion!) going to such waste. There are a few very funny scenes dealing with this -- one where a human tells a "soul" that the humans knew they were here when all the criminals and junkies started showing up at police stations and emergency rooms to turn themselves in and all the news shows just covered uplifting human-interest stories. Another great scene is where two humans in hiding are watching a basketball game, where two competitors stand next to the ball saying, "Take it, I'm the one that knocked it out of bounds." Ha HA!
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LibraryThing member bookescapest
I started this book and got through the first chapeter before deciding it wasn't for me. That is until a friend of mine convinced me to keep reading and that it got better as it went along. It certainly did and I was completely hooked. Its a thick book but I still read it quickly. I had to know
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what was going to happen. I heard that they are going to make a movie out of it, which should be interesting considering the main character is basically two people in one body. But if you like me who put it down without finishing...pick it back up. I promise it gets completely interesting!
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LibraryThing member imperfectionist
Humans' worst fear have come true: aliens have won the invasion against Earth. These aren't just aliens; they are parasitical aliens also known as "souls". These souls need to invade humans and take over their minds in order to survive. When Melanie's mind is taken over by a soul named Wanderer,
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Melanie refuses to vanish. Instead, she still lives within her mind, while Wanderer is occupying it at the same time. Through browsing Melanie's memories, Wanderer learns of two humans who have yet to succumb to the souls; in other words, these two humans have yet to be invaded. One of these humans is Jared, the love of Melanie's life. Because Wanderer is in Melanie's mind, she falls in love with Jared as well. Melanie and Wanderer then set out to find Jared as well as Melanie's brother, Jamie.

When I first read the summary for this book, the first thing I thought about was Animorphs. Growing up, I love to read Animorphs, a series about a group of kids fighting mind-invading aliens called Yeerks. The idea of aliens taking over human minds is not a unique one. It has been done many times before in various science fiction stories. What I like about The Host is how Stephenie Meyer presented it – from the alien's point of view rather than the human's.

One thing I noticed about The Host is its similarity to Twilight – some of the characters' personalities are so alike, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same. Wanderer, without a doubt, reminded me of Bella. They're passive, altruistic, and don't fit in with their own kind - to sum it up, just dull weak characters. On encountering Jamie, the first Twilight character I thought of was Jacob Black – nice and easygoing. Jared definitely reminded me of Edward with his fierceness, strength, and handsomeness. Doc's Twilight twin would be Carlisle, of course. As if the parallel characters weren't enough, even the storyline was almost alike – two guys fighting over one girl with a slight twist.

The souls are not inherently wicked creatures. In fact, they are making the Earth a better place to inhabit. They were able invade because the invasion was gradual, and the souls outnumbered the humans. Wanderer's character really irritated me; I preferred Melanie over Wanderer. Wanderer's character is really too predictable – she always, always does what's right for others. She has no sense of survival instinct, even when others are trying to kill and hurt her; all she does is whimper and cry. I had trouble grasping the fact that a member of an Earth-invading species has trouble defending herself.

A lot of reviews I read about this novel complained about how dull the middle is. I didn't mind that so much, though I thought some parts were really unnecessary. Melanie's initial reaction to Wanderer's and Jared's kiss was really melodramatic for me. I do think the last chapter and the epilogue should have been taken out entirely. The happy ending was too overdone – corny, to be blunt.

I'm not sure why this is considered an adult novel, since it's tamer than Breaking Dawn (from what I've read so far). I actually like The Host better than the Twilight series though. When I looked past its flaws, it really was an excellent story to pass the time. It was interesting enough to keep my attention even through the melodramatic and slightly boring parts. I especially love how the aliens seem more humane than the actual humans at some parts.
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LibraryThing member bermudaonion
When The Host by Stephanie Meyer arrived and I discovered that it is science fiction and over 600 pages long, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. I quickly found out there was no need to be worried. Even though this book is science fiction, it’s not technical, filled with unfamiliar words
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or “way out” there. For me, it was a great story about relationships and accepting others for who they are on the inside rather than for what they look like on the outside. I found this book to be engaging and thought provoking. This is my first experience with Stephanie Meyer’s work and if her other books are like this, I can see why they sell so well – she’s a great storyteller. You really get your money’s worth with this book! An excerpt of The Host is available on Stephanie Meyer’s website.
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LibraryThing member onyx95
The Seekers wanted to use the newest Host (Melanie Stryder) to insert an experienced Sole (Wanderer) so that they could get information on the humans that were remaining. The transition for host and sole did not go as usual, Melanie put up memory blocks that Wanderer was not use to. Finally finding
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the secrets that Melanie tried hard to keep, Wanderer began to understand her resistance. They worked together to find Melanie’s family, then again to try and convince everyone to believe them.

I had enjoyed the Twilight Saga, this one had mixed reviews, I needed to read it for myself. This is labeled as an adult science fiction, it was mild, not much action, gore, shock, romance, or mystery. The storyline was slow to start and predictable, there is a lot of characters and it is all simply written. All that is not negative in this case. The mild representation of the ‘body snatchers’ left this chick-lit version open to be about the wonderfully created characters and their emotional battles. It drew me into the characters so much, anger at Jared or Melanie, crying for Ian or Wanda. I could not put it down, and a bonus for me, I grew up in Tucson, I know the area and the visualization for me was so intense I could feel the heat on my skin, it was like going home.
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LibraryThing member xicanti
An alien invader finds that her body's former occupant refuses to fade away.

I enjoyed the first two Twilight books, but ECLIPSE convinced me to stop buying her books in hardcover. I borrowed this one from the library, and I am bloody glad I did.

When it comes to storytelling, there are three things
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I value above all else: character, setting and style. This book scores 0/3. There is almost no character development. Even though Meyer uses the first person, Wanderer's voice is so bland that I found it impossible to get to know her. I might have come to empathize with her had Meyer included a few telling details and scenes that illuminated her place in this strange world, but I never got a good feel for where she stood. She didn't come across as someone who had lived a long and varied life on many planets. She didn't come across as anything, really, and her love story was pitiful. Meyer doesn't show us how Wanderer feels, she tells us. And it bombs.

The setting was just... well, just earth, really, with shuttles instead of planes. Wow, exciting! I couldn't get a feel for the places Wanderer inhabited. The cities were bland; like Wanderer herself, they had no character. The cave systems were a bit better, but they didn't exactly leap off the page. Huh.

And the style? Bland as blancmange. No frills, no delight in the language, no sense of voice. It seems as though Meyer has a slight interest in replicating peoples' speech patterns, but it never quite develops into anything. Like most of the book, the style falls flat.

It wasn't exactly a bad book, but it wasn't a good one either. I read the first two hundred and fifty pages, only to find that I didn't care enough to wade through another three hundred and seventy. I think Meyer needed a more stringent editor to keep her on track and make sure both her characters and her story were moving forward in such a way that the reader was always involved and absorbed. Maybe it gets really good in those last three hundred and seventy pages, but I can't say as I'm willing to take the time to find out.
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LibraryThing member e.books
I have to say, at first I was hesitant to pick up this book, telling myself I was not a "science fiction" fan. I had also heard from many people that the first 100 or so pages were very difficult to get into. However, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the book from the first chapter, and
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found the plot and characters engaging and intriguing. I definitely liked this book as much as I did the entire Twilight Saga.
A must read for anyone who wants a book that will make you think!
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LibraryThing member ccavaleri
A pretty entertaining book.
LibraryThing member choco12kitty
Though at first the book was a little boring and I almost stopped reading it, I'm glad I finished. This book is one of the most interesting stories I've ever read! I love all of the romance, danger, and funny actions in "The Host".
LibraryThing member nycbookgirl
So what am I going to say that hasn't already been said on a ton of reviews? I think Stephenie Meyer did improve a bit in her writing skills but she still isn't the greatest writer in the world. However, she does have a way with characters and I did love the idea for the story.

The idea is that the
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planet has been invaded by aliens. But in all appearances, the world is the same as it always was. Aliens are implanted into the heads of the humans and take over their lives. They still work, go to school, have children, and sometimes even keep their host body's name. They have come to take over because they think we are not doing a good job with our lives and the planet. And they are all things good and peaceful. They call themselves souls.

So the story is told through the eyes of one of these souls named Wanderer (since she's been to so many different planets and lived in hosts). She's been inserted into the body of Melanie Stryder - up until that point one of the last people on earth still resisting the invasion. But Melanie doesn't entirely disapear. Wanderer can still hear her thoughts and frustrations. And Wanderer and Melanie can talk to each other. Melanie is still trying to protect her brother and her love interest, Jared, from getting into the hands of the aliens. And through Melanie's thoughts and memories, Wanderer becomes more sympathetic to the human's plight.

I did like this story. Like other Stephenie Meyer novel, though, I do think that with good writing and editing, the story could have been cut in half from it's large over 600 page size. But I do love that the reader really sympathizes and loves the alien host. That's a great twist. I still think it could be classified as a teen novel. But whatever it is, it's can be a great introduction to the sci-fi genre for people who don't normally read it.
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LibraryThing member M0vingon
I read this book on a suggestion from a colleague. The first thing I'd have to say is that it's about 200 pages too long. I would edit it down to the core components and then it would be a better book. I don't love Meyer's writing style as a rule. I find it immature and simplistic. This book is no
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different, but the plot line itself kept me reading. (I was anxiously awaiting the return of the seeker)

I found myself bored in some parts and skimmed through a few chapters very quickly. I take issue with the "everybody comes together and is happy" nature of the story, but that may have been an attempt at making a philosophical comment on humanity.

Overall, it's an OK read. It's not the best book I've ever read, but it's enjoyable for the most part. If there is a follow-up (knowing Myer, there will be)I might read it, but on loan, not to buy.
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LibraryThing member rmond45
For me this novel was very enjoyable, a nice break from Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. One doesn’t need to be a fan of sci-fi novels to enjoy this story as its main focus is on relationships, both alien-to-human and human-to-human. The basic story line is about a parasitic alien race using
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humans hosts for their own “bodies”. The human mental presence gets suppressed and the alien soul inherits the host memory. The aliens feel that in a way they’re saving humanity from itself – violence, hatred, etc. The alien “souls” consider themselves above the flawed weaknesses and emotions of humankind, as they evolve a human society where violence, lying, and even illness don’t exist.

There’s an irony in that the aliens believe they are “saving” humanity by eradicating violence and disease, and seem concerned with the common good. This is their justification for their action of invading other planets, taking over the species of these planets. Thus muddying good versus evil for they believe their good intentions justifies their means.

What I truly enjoyed was watching Wanderer (Wanda) become “human” which is the essence of the novel. Her humanity evolves as she realizes that humanity’s weaknesses and shortcomings are also its strengths – as illustrated in the story lines that I show, below. It’s interesting that the reader is seeing an alien perspective of our humanity. A third party that discovers what WE take for granted. It helped me ponder on our own humanity especially the emotions and feelings toward all others.

For me, this story raised the question, “What makes us love one another?” I was intrigued by Ian’s character – how he could fall in love with Wanda knowing that she was an alien ‘parasite’ in another’s body. The true test of his love was when her soul was removed and put into another human host. I was fascinated when he described how he affectionately held the soul in his hands when it was removed from the host, Melanie. He showed true love transcending physical attraction. I was impressed and envious of his love for this being.

Interesting was the love triangle (or quadrangle) that developed between Wanda/Melanie, Jared, and Ian. Throughout the book, I was wondering how that was going to resolve itself. I leaned toward Ian winning this (if there would be a winner). I started relating to Ian soon after he started feeling compassion toward Wanda. Ian was her caregiver…

I finished this novel nearly in tears. I had become so attached to Wanda that I was not ready to read of her demise. I related so much with Ian that I did not want to see his devastation. He had to stop Wanda’s ultimate plan and save her. But my own fear of a sad ending was alleviated. I welcomed the ending, feeling that I was apart of it.

I look forward to reading another Stephenie Meyer novel. I love her grasp on human emotions and feelings, especially at the adult level. Rarely does a book bring out various emotions in me – she succeeded with The Host.
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LibraryThing member kmv
The concept of this book is that the earth has been taken over by a society of alien parasites who view themselves as a benevolent influence on the human's violent planet. The story follows one of these aliens named Wanderer who has never felt at home on any of the other host planets. She is placed
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in a particularly resistant host body, and the book chronicles how Wanderer interacts with her host (who has not disappeared as she was supposed to) and comes to understand the surviving humans and develop strong ties and relationships with them.

The story is a bit slow and predictable, but it is still a fun read.
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LibraryThing member kikistina
The Host is an amazing book. It's science fiction, but it's focused mostly on the love story. The characters are wonderfully developed, and the concept is interesting and original. The story is suspenseful and gripping. The book itself seemed a little too long, but a sequel to this would be
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amazing. One of my favorite books.
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LibraryThing member camarie
How to review this book...Hm. Well, for starters, it's about aliens who travel from planet to planet decimating the lifeforms by inhabiting their bodies and either killing them or subduing them into unconsciousness. These aliens are called souls. The souls come to Earth and find that sometimes the
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bodies they inhabit have owners that are conscious of the take-over. The souls feel no remorse for their actions, but one soul, Wanda, actually feels guilt when Melanie, the original owner to the body she lives in, does not become unconscious nor dead. Melanie expresses her feelings with force. Can humans take back their bodies, or will the souls continue their domination to create a "utopia"? Okay, so you know it has a happy ending, a sickly happy ending, but you have to expect that from Stephenie. It is a sizable improvement over Twilight and a good read, but it's perhaps a better read for people who are too emotional or dramatic.
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LibraryThing member jasmyn9
Now many I know did not have rave reviews for Meyer's Twilight series, and I generally gave it 3/5 overall. So why am I reading another one of her books?? To be honest, the description of the plot snagged me. I walked away a few times, but then broke down and picked it up.

It is a story of an alien
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species that call themselvs Souls, in our tongue. The souls require a host to live in to survive and have recently colonized the planet Earth and taken up residence in the humans. Wanderer's human host seems to be something special. Melanie's consciousness won't go away like most human's do once a soul as set up residence. In fact, her will is so strong that she holds complete conversations with Wanderer and talks her into trying to find her family.

I absolutely loved the relationship dynamics between Wanderer and Melanie. They way they interact was fascinating to me. The reactions of otheers to her unique circumstances seemed very fittingly varied and realistic. The plot moves nicely along most of the time. There are a few sections that I had to take a break from because they were slightly drawn out, but to be honest, I'm not sure how you could shorten them up and still make the point needed.

Stephanie Meyer's writing in this book seemed much more fluid and easy to read than her Twilight series and because of this I enjoyed the book much more.

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½ (5009 ratings; 3.9)
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