Beezus and Ramona

by Beverly Cleary

Paperback, 2000



Call number

PB Cle

Call number

PB Cle

Local notes

PB Cle




Scholastic (2000), Edition: First edition., Paperback, 159 pages


Beezus' biggest problem is her 4-year-old sister Ramona. Even though Beezus knows sisters are supposed to love each other, with a sister like Ramona, it seems impossible.


Original publication date


Physical description

159 p.; 7.4 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member lindsaygits1
This is a great story about a little sister with too much imagination, and a very annoying attitude. Reading these stories being you into the world of the Quimby's entertaining world through the eyes of this young child. This is a window into your youth if you are rereading them as an adult. Simple
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problems that these young children face, and the pestering of Romona is worth the laughs.
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LibraryThing member alaina.loescher
The best way I can describe my thoughts about this book is that it is simply okay. I really like the depth of the characters and how they grow throughout the book, especially Ramona and Beezus. I also love the dialogue throughout the book, I think that it is believable and sounds genuine. While
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this story is fun, a lot of the discipline tactics of the parents seem very antiquated. Often in the book, Ramona is told to do things because that is just the way it is A repeated theme throughout the book is that Ramona will grow out of her "exasperating" behavior as the mother and Aunt Beatrice did. However, I do not think that losing one's childlike fascination with the world and the questioning, curiosity and creativity that comes with it is something that should be glorified to kids. I think that encouraging Ramona to keep her eclectic creativity should be included in the book, not the attitude of tolerating it until it is outgrown.
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LibraryThing member kwillis
A great book about the differences and misunderstandings of siblings. The characters are believable, hilarious and endearing. Both Beezus and Ramona are classic characters, haven't met a kid yet who didn't love this series.
LibraryThing member nieva21
I like how Beezus learns to accept Ramona, for her age even if she knows she wasn't like her when she was four. I also appreciate the difference in lessons that both we as the reader and Beezus learn in terms of reflecting on what's really important with having a younger sibling and what's not.
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This book is really funny and incredibly truthful. You can't help but love Ramona for herself. The reader experiences the whole process of Beezus accepting and loving her as well.
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LibraryThing member ababe92
This is about a girl named Ramona and how she is has a very creative imagination. Her older sister Beezus gets annoyed with her sometimes but they love each other. I recommend teachers to read this book to their students because it will help their students learn about how to act with teachers,
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parents, and siblings.
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LibraryThing member MeganAngela
As a kid, I used to devour Beverly Cleary books and the Ramona series was no exception! I recently found a copy of Beezus and Ramona at the local used bookstore, and I picked it up to relive a bit of my childhood. As a child, I was drawn to the zest for life that Ramona brought to the page.
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However, on this go around, I found myself identifying with sweet, lovable Beezus. Her intelligent and quiet demeanor is such a contrast to that of Ramona's. I now have a younger sister and she is a lot like Ramona, so I can definitely see why Beezus gets so exasperated with her so often. This is a timeless story about the differences between sisters and the love that they share even when they don't like each other. This book, while heavily featuring Ramona, is more about Beezus and is told from her point of view. I'd recommend this book to young girls who have sisters that they feel like they just can't stand. It's relatable and timeless. Even though this book is over 50 years old (can you believe it!), it stands up to the test of time and is a standout volume of children's literature.
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LibraryThing member NoraLS
Nora is completely addicted to "Beezus and Ramona." We started with the audiobook read by Stockard Channing and now read two or three of the chapter books with some regularity. Obviously Nora identifies with Ramona, but it's a bit puzzling why she seems to relate so well to the adventures of older
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LibraryThing member mlsullivan
This is such a fun series book. The friendship is eluded from each page. There is also a variety of books listed from the author, Beverly Cleary, in the front of the book.
LibraryThing member KellyBryan
I have always loved the Ramona books. They were the first chapter books I read as a child and I could not put them down. I specifically remember this book because I am an older sister and my little sis always bothered me. This is a great book for someone with a little sister to relate to. This book
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is also very humorous and I don't know a single girl that would not love it!

I'm not sure that this would be a good book to bring into the classroom as it is geared more towards girls. I really do not think that boys would enjoy this. You could however relate this to some sort of family activity. Students could put together their family tree at home with pictures and paragraphs describing each family member. It is a great way to remember your family and a good way to share!
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LibraryThing member hnebeker
I love Beverly Cleary and after reading all of the books in the Ramona series I decided to revisit this one because I couldn't remember it as well as the others. In reading it again I realized that this is the only one in the series that is written from the point of view of Beatrice "Beezus",
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Ramona's sister and, having been a little sister, that could be why I didn't remember this one as well. I loved reading about the relationship between these two sisters and think that Cleary completely captures the feeling of an older sibling (i was also a big sister). The combination of embarrassment and loving protectiveness is very true to the human heart of a child and I really enjoyed the little moments between the sisters both the difficult and the few tender ones. Great book for sisters of any age!
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LibraryThing member esterlin
Ages 8 to 11

4-year-old spunky Ramona drives her older sister crazy with silly antics such as playing Gretel by putting her baby doll's head in the oven while Beezus's birthday cake is cooking, inviting kids over for a birthday party without letting her mom know, and "writing" her name in
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every page of a library book because she wanted to own it. First of the Ramona books.

"Beezus felt that the biggest trouble with four-year-old Ramona was that she was just plain exasperating. If Ramona drank lemonade through a straw, she blew into the straw as hard as she could to see what would happen. If she played with her finger paints in the front yard, she wiped her hands on the neighbors' cat. That was the exasperating sort of thing Ramona did. And then there was the way she behaved about her favorite book."
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LibraryThing member LisaMcG
"I feel so mixed up, thought Beezus. Sometimes I don't like Ramona at all, and I'm supposed to like her because she's my sister, and . . . Oh, dear, even if she's little, can't she ever be more like other people's sisters?" p33

This is not a radical change book.
LibraryThing member MsLangdon
Part D Popular

Cleary, B. (1955). Beezus and Ramona. New York: Harper Festival.

Of course she has to love her sister, but sometimes Beezus doesn’t. No one else seems to have a little sister like Ramona, a sister that always ruins everything and always gets her way. When Ramona insists on keeping a
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library book, she writes her name on every single page. Since she has ruined it, Beezus has to pay for the damage. Seeing her mom and her Aunt Beatrice have such a great sisterly relationship, Beezus worries that she is not very nice since there are times that she doesn’t like her sister. She finally learns that even her mom and aunt sometimes didn’t like each other when they were growing up.
Readers are sure to laugh and sympathize with Beezus as her sister Ramona stirs up situation after situation. Beezus tries to be patient and understanding, but sometimes life with a pesky little sister is not always easy. The illustrations throughout the book add to the humorous, yet realistic, ways of life with a sister like Ramona. Ages 7-10.
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LibraryThing member ChristineRobinson
In this fine example of an eBook, Beezus experiences a range of annoying behaviours from her little sister Ramona, as per usual. From a ruined library book to an incident resulting in a ton of apple sauce to an unexpected party and two spoiled birthday cakes, one involving a hilariously melted
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rubber doll, Beezus just isn’t all that sure she likes her sister very much. This early chapter book by renowned American author Beverly Cleary is a very good example of sibling rivalry and provides a great lesson about how even though we might not always love our siblings, there’s always the chance that we’ll grow up to be the best of friends. The eBook format was easy to read and allowed the detail of the illustrations to enhance the story. I especially liked using Adobe Digital Editions software to read the eBook and will continue to use this program until such time as I see fit to invest in another digital reader (Kindle possibly?).
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LibraryThing member nzfj
Library Thing Part D # 4 Realistic Fiction Popular
Cleary, Beverly, and Tracy Dockray. Beezus and Ramona. New York, NY: HarperFestival, 2010. Print.

Even though Beezus and Ramona was published in 1955 about fifty-five years ago, it is still a simple relaxing and entertaining read. The reader,
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somewhat like the invisible Ralph, is being pulled by Ramona and watching everything she and her sister see, think, and experience. We understand Beezus inadequate feelings about her art work. She lacks imagination and here her little sister has an overwhelming abundance of imagination. The reader sits on a stool and mixes colors with Ramona and can even taste that lollipop she expertly confiscates for a quick few licks and battled Wayne in a one two three encounter. But all the commotion and anger has left Beezus with an ingenious threat for Ramona, if she doesn’t leave the art room and play in the sand box…Beezus would tickle her. Once Ramona is out the door, Beezus begins her imaginative drawing with renewed confidence. The characters are very believable and the sibling rivalry unfolds here and there but all the time both sisters do enjoy each other’s company and Beezus is protective and proud of being an older sister. I think the only scene that would date this story would be the embroidery project Beezus is sewing. It would be nice if that art could make a comeback with today’s girls. Curriculum connection is language arts elementary grades.
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LibraryThing member bplma
Nine year old Beezus has a four year old sister named Ramona who drives her crazy. Beezus cannot enjoy anything on her own because Ramona wants to tag along and always ruins everything. She throws temper tantrums, doesn't listen or do what she is told and-- worst of all-- is cute and clever and
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full of imagination. It seems to Beezus that in the end, Ramona always gets her way. It is so unfair! AAAAh-- an older but goodie--the original was written in 1955 and some details are a little dated-- the theme sounds like something from shakespeare! Cleary is the master once again with this classic tale of sibling rivalry and the subtlety of family relations. This is the only Huggins/Quimby story told from big sister Beezus' point of view and as a big sister myself, i can sympathize. The littler ones are always cuter and there's no glory in keeping an eye on your little sister. (of course, Ramona thinks her sister gets to do everything!) This is a quiet tale the unwraps slowley-- Beezus takes her sister to the library where Ramona insists that the book she borrowed is hers. Ramona writes her name on every page to prove it is hers and Ramona has to pay for it. The sisters are very different-- Beezus the thoughtful and responsible older sister while Ramona is the carefree one full of bad behavior and imagination-- personality traits that are mirrored in the mother and aunt---something the reader does not fully realize until the birthday party at the end. A classic, gentle tale from a master storyteller.
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LibraryThing member mcelhra
Four year old Ramona is always messing stuff up and driving her nine year old big sister Beezus crazy. This book was published in 1955 and has stood the test of time. I remember reading Ramona books when I was little and loving them so I was thrilled when Cash wanted to read this book. He loved it.
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He can relate to Beezus because he has a four year old little brother who can be pretty ornery just like Ramona. I can relate to Ramona’s mother feeling exasperated and not knowing what to do with her at times! This was a really fun book to read together – Cash was literally laughing out loud. In addition to being entertaining, this book has a very nice message about how it’s okay to not always feel loving toward your younger sibling when they are driving you crazy and offers hope for the older sibling that things will get better as the younger sibling gets older. I highly recommend this book.
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LibraryThing member DarlenesBookNook
I read this book aloud to my daughters.

Cleary was one of my favourite authors as a child, and I loved the Ramona Quimby series. It was a pleasure to re-read this one with my girls. Ramona is hilarious, and we all laughed out loud at her antics. My girls are nearly the same age as Ramona and Beezus
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in this book, so it was especially fun for them to read how other sisters their own age relate to each other...and maybe they see that they don't have it so bad :)

We will be reading the rest of the series together.
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LibraryThing member caitlinsnead
Beezus Quimby thinks that her little sister, Ramona, is a big nuisance. Whether she's riding a tricycle through the living room, blowing bubbles in her lemonade or finger painting on the family cat, Ramona finds a way to exasperate her sister. Nine-year-old Beezus decides to stop embroidering a
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potholder for her Aunt Beatrice so she can read to Ramona, hoping to quiet her down.

The plan backfires when Ramona chooses a book about a steam shovel and insists on making noisy sound effects as Beezus reads. Finally Beezus offers to walk with Ramona to the library so she can choose a different book. Ramona embarrasses her sister by wearing a pair of paper bunny ears and showing a neighbor the scabs on her knees. Instead of accepting the books Beezus suggests, Ramona chooses another book about a steam shovel, annoying her sister once again.
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LibraryThing member capiam1234
Kids enjoyed this a lot, especially when they can see a little of themselves in Ramona and Beazus.
LibraryThing member broach
Very cute story about Ramona and her younger sister Beezus. Beezus is constantly annoyer her sister and doing things that she shouldn't be doing. Ramona gets very irritated and short with her. But at the end of the day they are family and will always love one another.
LibraryThing member Sara_Killough

Children never seem to tire of reading this book! Most children and adults can relate to both Beezus and Ramona at certain times in their lives, and the near-universal common ground shared with the characters is one of the factors that makes this book a timeless classic.
LibraryThing member Hayley.Tuttle
This was one of my favorite books to read as a child because I could relate with Ramona. I am the little sister who probably was not the best to watch. This book is about family and making the best of of your situation and learning to find the positives in your family.
LibraryThing member Eglawren
Cute book in series about two sisters
LibraryThing member carolcavedon
This book is about Beezus, Ramona's older sister, who dislike having to change her life because of Ramona (during her birthday, at home, in the library, talking with neighbors). At the end, Beezus learn to love Ramona, but it was a hard task for her.
This is a very nice book to teach about family
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and friendship. Students will learn about getting to know and respect each other by what they really are.
Reading Journal: count as 1 Early Chapter Book
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