
by Rosemary Sutcliff

Paperback, 1995



Local notes

PB Sut




Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) (1995), 240 pages


When a Roman ship is wrecked off the coast of Britain, an infant, Beric, is the only survivor. He is rescued by a British tribe who raise him as their own until they can no longer ignore his Roman ancestry. "How Beric survived...is not only incredible but gripping, convincing fiction." --"The Horn Book"


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

240 p.; 5.15 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member SChant
Even better than I remembered it. The harrowing situation of the slave-galley and Beric's confused desparation afterwards are particularly strong stuff for a children's book.
LibraryThing member imyril
A slow burn that is harder to get to grips with than the Eagle Chronicles, but rewarding in the long run. Very low key and slightly more grown up - the trials of a Roman castaway raised as a British tribesman and banished, only to be taken to Rome as a slave. This is to do with appreciation of
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self, relationship to society and finding a place - I didn't quite believe in where he got to by the end of the novel though.
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LibraryThing member MrsLee
This is the story of Beric, a young man who did not know where he came from, he was adopted by a Celtic tribe, then cast out. The story follows his fortunes (or misfortunes) from there.
As always, Sutcliff delivers a griping tale, wrapped in historical details. Her characters and descriptions of
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places and events make the time she is writing about come alive. I was particularly pleased that Beric's tale was not pat or trite at the end. He was fleshed out as the conflicted person that such a life would lead to. The ending was satisfactory, without being completely predictable.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
An interesting story - well, of course, it's a Sutcliff. Beric gets tossed from pillar to post, over and over, with tiny bits of hope quickly trampled upon (starting with the soldier who couldn't buy him). But he manages, pretty well, to stay himself throughout all the disasters that befall him.
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The end is - well, it's a nice ending, but it requires a huge coincidence to make it happen - he came ashore just there? And then walked up to the house? Hmmm. That aside, it's still not the easy answer, and that makes it much richer than if the Commander's guess had been correct. Found family, closure from early wounds, and actually given choices at the end (we don't get to see what he chooses - but he's a young man yet). Not one of my favorite Sutcliffs, but good.
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½ (70 ratings; 3.9)
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