Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher: A Magic Shop Book

by Bruce Coville

Paperback, 2007



Local notes

PB Cov




HMH Books for Young Readers (2007), Edition: Reissue, 176 pages


Small for his age but artistically talented, twelve-year-old Jeremy Thatcher unknowingly buys a dragon's egg.


Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — Children's — 1994)
Mythopoeic Awards (Finalist — Children's Literature — 1992)
Great Stone Face Book Award (Winner — 1994)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

176 p.; 5 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member StormRaven
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher is part of the Magic DShop series of books for young readers. The central chaarcetr of the story is Jeremy Thatcher, an artistically inclined sixth grader who has the misfortune of being both small for his age and apparently cute enough that Mary Lou Hutton wants to
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kiss him - a prospect he finds horrifying. Despite his artistic talent, Jeremy is convinced that his art teacher hates him.

While fleeing from the proffered kisses of Mary Lou, Jeremy winds up on a street he doesn't recognize and wanders into the magic shop. Once there, he unknowingly buys a dragon egg, and begins the magical portion of the story. After he gets home, Jeremy finds instructions on how to hatch the egg, and later, how to raise his new baby dragon. Jeremy has to research dragons (with the help of a friendly librarian), come up with food to feed his new charge, and try to keep his new companion a secret.

As with most Magic Shop books, the addition of the dragon is presumably to help Jeremy learn something, but that element of this book seems to be somewhat poorly developed. There is a parallel between Jeremy having to give up on winning a school art contest and having to give up the dragon when it grows too large to continue to keep. There is also a related parallel between learning to love the dragon and learning to accept Mary Lou as something other than a yucky girl. Even so, there seems to be little urgency to the part of the plot.

Overall, there is little urgency in any part of the book. Jeremy's art teacher makes for a weak antagonist, as do the two less than impressive bullies Jeremy has to deal with, a contrast to the scary witch villain from (for example) Jennifer Murdley's Toad. The portions of the book that deal with Jeremy raising a dragon, and his joy in producing art are very good, but the book seems somehow incomplete, like only half of the story was written.

In the end, Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher feels like it is half of a really good book. As a result, what is written is quite good, but left me frustrated and wanting the other half.
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LibraryThing member porch_reader
I loved this book, and so did both my first-grader and my fourth-grader! This is one of Bruce Coville's Magic Shop Books. The series also includes Jennifer Murdley's Toad, which both of my boys heard at school.

Jeremy Thatcher is a sixth grader, and his struggles are typical for his age. A girl in
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his class wants to kiss him. His art teacher gives him a hard time, even though art is his best subject. But when he wonders into a magic shop one day after school, he's faced with a task that is anything but typical, hatching and raising a dragon.

The plot of this book had enough depth to it to hold everyone's interest (including mine). But the best part of this book was watching the relationship develop between Jeremy and his dragon. It was the depth of this relationship that made the book's ending so poignant. This book is also very well written, which made it a pleasure to read aloud.

I'm not good at judging the appropriate age range, but I think that this book would be good for almost all elementary school kids. We highly recommend it!
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LibraryThing member range5
Jeremy loves drawing dragons but is frustrated when his art teacher denies his talent and forces him to concentrate on reality and not fantasy. But fantasy is what helps him deal with his small stature, the school bullies, and the girl who wants to kiss him. But when he stumbles across an ancient
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magic shop and purchases a small multicolored kaleidoscope ball, he is unaware that his life is about to change. He has been selected to be a dragon hatcher who will raise a small dragon until it is ready to go across the magical barrier to the home of the dragons. Jeremy starts out as a bullied boy and grows along with his secret dragon as he learns about responsibility and friendship. The Magic Shop series was original published in the early 90s. They have been rereleased with new covers to attract a new audience. The stories have a message to each reader that's not overly obvious and focuses around magical objects that come from the mysterious magic shop.
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LibraryThing member TiffanyAK
This is the book that essentially started my unending love for fantasy, and it's still magical that way. This is definitely a book for children: there's no real villains or evil or anything else that might be deemed disturbing. Rather, it focuses entirely around a boy and the dragon that has become
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his to care for, all wrapped in a beautiful story-arc about the fate of dragons and the bonds they share with those who help get them ready to go home. The magic is mostly subtle, but ever-present nonetheless, while the dragon and its abilities serve as a powerful early introduction to the wonder of fantasy reading. This is definitely one I'd still keep on hand for the children of today.
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LibraryThing member Yoshikawa
It's been very long since I've read this, but I remember it being good.
LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
Jeremy, while running away from a pair of bullies, discovers a magic shop with a dragon egg. Raising the dragon he hatches from the egg is not easy, but Jeremy finds an ally in the girl who caused his teasing to begin with. The dragon is difficult, but wonderful, and Jeremy misses her terribly when
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she goes to her own land. He even gives up the art he loves, but he discovers that he remains connected to her, and goes back to it.
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LibraryThing member Aerivore
An absolutely fantastic book that is whimsical and otherwise enjoyable from cover to cover. I picked this book up when I was in elementary school and I remembered it vividly for years following. While working at a book store (perhaps my favorite place I've worked to date), I saw it in a miniature
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hardback and snatched it, at 18 years old, read it cover to cover in a matter of hours that evening (it is rather short, and fits the age group), and even now it rests on my bookshelf. It was definitely a purchase I do not regret, and I lovingly recall it even now, at 24. If I ever have kids, it is one that will be read to them, without a doubt.
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LibraryThing member AshleyMiller
Jeremy_Thatcher_Dragon Hatcher_hceremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher is a funny, engaging, and adventurous story. It was very exciting and I could not put it down!

Jeremy is an average 6th grade boy who is actually believable. I like that the main character is relatable to children when they read this
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book. He goes to school (though he doesn’t like it much), loves to draw, and doesn’t like girls. Every boy (and girl) will love this book. It will keep them interested from the beginning!

The writing is easy to understand (character thoughts are in italics), flows well, and their are plenty of opportunities to build vocabulary for children who can read.

It is a great book to read aloud to younger children. They will not want you to stop!

I also enjoyed the illustrations, which allow for children to use their imagination while giving them a place to start.

If you (or your kids) love dragons, and an exciting and adventurous story, then you will love this book.
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LibraryThing member mutantpudding
I find the familiar format of these books to be extremely comforting, yet at the same time the different stories are unique and original. I love Jeremy and his dragon, and also his father who sounds great.




½ (205 ratings; 4)
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