Theater Shoes (The Shoe Books)

by Noel Streatfeild

Paperback, 1994



Local notes

PB Str





Yearling (1994), 272 pages


During World War II in England, three motherless children, whose father is reported missing in action, go to live with their grandmother in London and join the members of their talented theatrical family in a school for stage training.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

272 p.; 5.18 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member RoseMarion
Theater Shoes tells the story of Sorrel, Mark, and Holly Forbes. They are growing up in World War II England without their mother and father. Their mother is deceased, and their father is missing in the war. Thus, when their grandfather Forbes passes away, they are sent to live with their mother's
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mother...their grandmother.

Grandmother is unlike anyone else they have ever met. She is a very eccentric actress and tells the children that they will be attending the Childrens Academy of Dancing and Stage Training. The thought of this prospect is not too appealing at first, but as time passes, the children grow to enjoy their new theatrical lives. They also learn more about their Warren heritage, their mother's family, who are all theatrical.

Theater Shoes is a feel good and enjoyable book. It is so old-fashioned and yet so very interesting. I absolutely loved this book. It is part of the "Shoes" series by Noel Streatfeild. On a sidenote, Elizabeth Sastre, the narrator of the audio book version, is an absolute delight and truly brings every character to life. TWO THUMBS UP!!!
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LibraryThing member craftylibrarian
The "Shoes" books are one of my favorite British children's series. They're a bit quirky, but so much fun.
LibraryThing member phoebesmum
I had flu, I needed a comfort read, and there is little more comforting than Streatfeild's tales of genteel (but never too inconvenient) poverty, and plucky orphans making their way in the world of theatre, always far less cutthroat here than it is in anything like real life.
LibraryThing member JenneB
For some reason I've been rereading a lot of these Streatfeild books lately.
This one's a fairly average example--it takes place during the war, there are orphans, they learn dancing, some of them like it, some of them don't, they have a nanny who takes care of them even though no one seems to pay
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her, etc. etc. keep a stiff upper lip and for god's sake DON'T START THINKING YOU'RE ALL THAT AND GETTING A SWELLED HEAD.
I wonder if NS had some horribly stuck-up spoiled cousin when she was a child and she just never got over it.
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LibraryThing member SueinCyprus
Another classic from one of my favourite children's authors. Sorrel, Mark and Holly have been brought up in a vicarage, with a slightly eccentric grandfather who takes little notice of them. When he passes away peacefully, they are taken to London, where they learn that their considerably more
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eccentric grandmother used to be a famous actress. They are to be moved from their current private schools to a stage training school, where they have to learn dancing, singing and acting as well as other lessons... much to their dismay.

A pleasant book with good characterisation, set in the wary years and giving a good picture of life in a theatre school during rationing. Likeable people, interesting plot, and a very moving (if predictable) ending. Probably best for girls between the ages of about 7 and 14, particuarly those who enjoyed the better known 'Ballet Shoes' and would like to know what happened when the Fossil sisters grew up. (Published as 'Theater Shoes' in the US)
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LibraryThing member gnbclibrary
The lives of three siblings are turned upside down when they are sent to live in London with the grandmother they have never met.




½ (140 ratings; 4)
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