Listen to the Wind (Hardcover)

by Greg Mortenson

Hardcover, 2009



Local notes

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Scholastic (2009), Edition: First, 24 pages


Tells the true story of a man who became lost and delirious after an unsuccessful trek to the top of K2, was saved by the locals of a remote Himalayan village, and kept his vow to return one day to build them a new school as a gesture of sincere appreciation and gratitude for what they did for him in his time of need.

Original publication date


Physical description

24 p.; 10.6 inches

Media reviews

The minimal text is splendidly paired with Susan L. Roth’s textural, earth-toned collages, which evoke the roughness of the terrain and the primitive quality of life there.

User reviews

LibraryThing member riofriotex
My book club will be reading Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea later this year, so this children's version of the story caught my eye. Even if the title hadn't (and the subtitle as it came up when I added this book was wrong, so I corrected it), the cover artwork would have.

Susan Roth has created
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stunning, colorful, three-dimensional, highly textural collages for this book's illustrations. The head scarves (made of fabric or textured papers) of the Pakistani girls and women look as though they are actually wrapped around the heads. Paper fingers are bent and look as though they are actually holding objects. Roth includes an informative artist's note at the end of the book, explaining her inspiration and how she created the collages and base papers.

The story, of Greg Mortensen's follow-though on a promise to build a school in a remote village after the people there helped him recover after a failed mountain climb in the area, is inspiring. A scrapbook with actual photographs of the villagers and the school at the end of the book shows children the story is true.

The artwork will encourage children to create their own collages, and the story will prompt them to consider ways in which one person's actions can make such a difference. I will definitely be purchasing this book for the curriculum collection of my university's library.
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LibraryThing member ml445
Listen to the Wind is the children's version of the New York Times bestseller: Three Cups of Tea. It is the story of Greg Mortenson's journey to his first building project in Pakistan. The illustrations are great. Also, I love at the end of the book there are real life pictures of Greg's journey.
LibraryThing member BookWallah
Delightful children’s picture book that tells the story of Greg Mortenson building the first school in Korphe, Pakistan. Great corsages for color illustrations for story portion (first 22pp) and also has bonus scrapbook section (6pp) with actual photos. Recommend for introducing Pennies for Peace
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and the Central Asia Institute story to young children. Adults with short attention spans might want to start with this work before the larger "Three Cups".
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LibraryThing member debnance
I read the adult version of this book, Three Cups of Tea. I loved the story, but thought the book was poorly written. Perhaps it should have been a magazine article rather than a story. Or perhaps a stronger writer should have taken it on. But the grownup version was a disappointment.Like Three
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Cups of Tea, I really wanted to like this book. The story is a powerful one. An American climber is unable to carry on and comes upon a village where the people nurse him back to health. He wants to find a way to repay the village. One of the village wise men suggests that he listen to the wind. The climber hears children’s voices, studying outdoors, with no school, no pencils or books, and only the occasional teacher. The climber commits to returning to the village and building a school for the children.Once I read the artist’s note, I came to love the fabric collages used for illustration. The children I read the story to liked the story and admired the man who came to help the children who had no schools. They had mixed feelings about the illustrations. A Sample:‘When Dr. Greg was well enough to go Home, he asked Haji Ali, our wisest man,To help him think of something specialHe could do for Korphe.Haji Ali answered Dr. Greg with a puzzle.“LISTEN TO THE WIND,” he said.’Children’s Comments:Lily, 7, said, "I liked the part when they built the bridge."Ashlyn, 6, said, "I liked the pictures."David, 6, said, "I liked it when they built the school."Trenton, 5, said, "The pictures were good where the man was climbing the mountain."Kylea, 6, said, "I liked the illustrations."Children’s Ratings: 5, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3
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LibraryThing member lporsia
Based on a true story, this tale of Dr Greg and the village of Korphe is truly touching. When an American man finds himself lost and sick in a foreign country, he is taken in and nursed back to health by the Korphe villagers. In order to show his appreciation he returns and builds a school for the
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children to learn. This story not only shows the connectedness of humanity regardless of cultural origin, but also illustrates the availability of education many of us take for granted. The illustrative collages by Susan Roth give the reader a sense of the Korphe culture while adding a whimsical element to the tale of the villager’s dream come true.
Librarians can use this book in many ways. An excellent choice for story time, the story invokes excitement for learning while educating children about less fortunate countries, their struggles to obtain schools and achieve a proper education. Originating from a true story, this book also can also be a starting off point for fundraisers, pen-pal groups or simply demonstrating how one person can make a difference. The collage illustrations could also be a good jumping off point for an arts and crafts class where the children can become interactive with the images and create their own. The inclusion of a librarian donating books to each establishment also serves as a representation of the importance of libraries within the community as a useful resource of knowledge.
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LibraryThing member nancyjensen
Listen to the Wind is the picture book adaption of the story of Greg Mortenson's journey to build a village school in Korphe, Pakistan. Greg Mortenson found his lifes' work, building schools in this region of the world (Pakistan/Afganistan border), when he got lost coming down from an attempted
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climb on K2 in the mid 1980's. Greg originally went to climb the mountain to honor the memory of his younger sister who died from a seizure back home. He got very sick on K2 himself and in his delirium walking down, he wandered off the trail and had to be carefully nursed back to health in a remote village. Out of gratitude to the villagers, Greg wants to give back. This is what motivates him.

I love multicultural books and I love biographies. This biography shows what one committed person can accomplish when inspired. Greg listens to the wind after his friend has died. In the wind he hears the sound of children holding their classes outside, they have no classroom but the outdoors, no physical school buildings exist. Greg knows now what he has to do, build a school for these children.

Younger children will appreciate the fabric collage pictures and the photos at the end of the book. Older children will be able to check out Greg's website for more photos and information about school building projects currently underway.
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LibraryThing member crystalmorris
Touching story about bridging cultures to provide education for children. The real photos of Greg Mortenson's journey, the children and villagers, the land, and the school make the story more believable.
LibraryThing member kikione
This is the children's picture book version of Greg Mortenson's "Three Cups of Tea." I read the adult version and loved every minute of it. It was very exciting to see there is a picture book version for students to read. The illustrations are done in collage and are very beautiful. This is a great
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book about giving back to a community that helps you and is willing to help itself.
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LibraryThing member Jenlovely
While climbing mountains Greg Mortenson (the author) became lost and stumbled across the village of Korphe. He was weak and needed to be nursed back to health (ironic because he is a nurse). During his time of healing there, he began to get to know the people and culture of this area. He learned
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that they were self-sufficient but poor and lacked the resources to provide proper schooling for their children. They were taught by a teacher that came three days a week and they learned by scribing in the dirt. When it came time for Dr. Greg to leave, he asked the wise man of the village to tell him what he could do for them as they had done so much for him. He said to “listen to the wind” and when he did he heard the children. That began his journey of bringing materials to the people of Korphe and building with their help a school for the children of the area. It was quite a task as they had to build a bridge to transport the materials as well as build the school. They accomplished all of this and now Dr. Greg has been a part of building 131 more schools in impoverished areas bring education to nearly 58,000 children. The illustrator also talked about the collage illustrations found in the book and about how she was inspired by the people of Korphe to use mediums she otherwise wouldn’t have considered. She was used to always using the finest of paper and tools and the people of Korphe used scraps and engineered fantastic art. She adapted their ideals in the illustrations in this book.
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LibraryThing member kairstream
"Three Cups of Tea" story how Greg Mortenson worked to create schools for students in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
LibraryThing member simonl
A great read aloud. This book brings out the voices of the children. It portrays the realities of a developing country and Mortenson's mission in a way that can be shared with children.
LibraryThing member keatkin
Picturesque retelling of "Three cups of tea" for the early years set. Susan Roth's colourful, collage illustrations are a particular standout. The Korphe Scrapbook at the end includes real photos of Greg Mortenson, the children of Korphe, the mountain terrain, and the completed school in the
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Karakorum Mountain range, which will be of interest to readers. A compelling read aloud.
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LibraryThing member nadinegsmith
a young childrens version of three cups of tea
LibraryThing member allawishus
I haven't read the adult bestseller Three Cups of Tea, so I was really unaware of the story of Greg Mortenson when I started reading this. It is a really nice story, very full of compassion and the greatness of the human spirit. I liked that the story went into the extreme trouble they had in even
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accessing the site where they wanted to build the school due to the lack of a bridge. Perhaps it helps make kids aware of the lack of infrastructure in less developed countries. I also liked the last couple of pages, where we see actual photographs of some of the kids and the school, the building site, the spiritual leaders of the village, etc.

The artwork was done in a collage style with lots of depth and dimension - it's definitely visually engaging, but in some instances when the artist was trying to show details in how they built the school, I couldn't really tell what she was trying to convey. The artwork did not do a great job in "telling" the story. The photographs at the end did a much better job.

For the age group, it's a nice introduction to the story and will hopefully spark their interest in learning more about how to help kids in other nations and will hopefully spark their own generous natures!
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LibraryThing member heby
I absolutely love this book! It was the perfect intro to a unit I began on heroes with a class of fifth graders. They were in awe of what Greg had done for this small remote community. I really like how this autobiography is told like a story. The students weren't as crazy about the "natural"
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illustrations (but I love them). I think they like brighter more graphic pictures.
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LibraryThing member misstribb
Nice children's book about a man who happens a upon a needy village in Pakistan. This is an uplifting book of the goodness of people. This book is a good read, but it is not for every child. I would reccomend this for an older more mature reader.
LibraryThing member Nhritzuk
Susan Roth did a spectacular job illustrating this book using a scrapbooking style. This captured the rawness and ruggedness of the people of Korphe. Accompanying this simple account of Greg Mortenson's journey are actual photographs. This book is inspirational.
LibraryThing member WSRobitaille
Based on the New York Times bestseller for Adults "Three Cups of Tea" this picture book tells the story from the perspective of the children of Korphe, Pakistan. When Greg Mortenson, a nurse from the US, loses his way in the mountains, the villagers nurse him back to health, and he vows to return
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and help them build school. When he arrives with the supplies however, there is no way to get them to the village without first building a bridge before they can complete the school. It also includes a Korphe scrapbook with pictures of the real people and places this story was based on, and an interesting 2 page artist’s note.

The picture book has very original collage illustrations by award winning artist Susan Roth which adds an interesting texture and 3-D quality to the illustrations. The story itself is quite simplistic and to the point, but manages to convey a sense of the culture and life of the children of Korphe.

It was nominated for the Flicker Tale Children's Book Award for non –fiction 2010, and the Black Eyed Susan book award for 2010. It won the ALA Notable Children's Books - Younger Readers Category: 2010.
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LibraryThing member lovingkelsea
This book is the children's version of Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea. I believe this book is very inspirational, but I believe this book is a bit too complicated for children. There are numerous words on each page, and many children's attention aren't that long. I believe they may become
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disinterested just based on the lenght of the book. That is why I reviewed this book at 3 stars.
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LibraryThing member justine.marxer
age app: primary to intermediate

genre: informational

review: this is an excellent example of informational literature for students. The beautiful illustrations help tell the story of Greg Mortenson's journey of being helped by the people of pakistan and in turn aiding in the building of a school for
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them. There are real photos and explanations in the back of the book as well.
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LibraryThing member MaryAnnBurton
I really enjoyed how this was created. The artwork was very unique. I did not know that there were such great non-fiction picture books available for little kids. It is important to have characters in a story who are admirable and who do extraorinary things, and when it is a true story (not like
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prince charming), it makes it all that more attainable.
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LibraryThing member f_bennett
A nurse came to a village to help out, and promised to come back and help build the children a school.

Personal Reaction:
I enjoyed that this book was a true story; it had great illustrations, and taught a good lesson.

Classroom extension ideas:
1. After reading the book each child can tell
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about a good deed that they have done.
2. Children could draw a picture of how they would want their school to look like if they got to build their own school.
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LibraryThing member kelseypeterson
I absolutely loved this book. This book recieved five stars because the illustrations are very creative and the wording is written clear enough for young children to understand. This book would be great to use in elementary grades to teach about different cultures and the way that people live. The
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illustrations remind me of the look that my grandmother's homemade quilts had.
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LibraryThing member ms150691
Summary: The art work in this book really stands out. Susan Roth created collages for the pictures of this book. This book is about a village Korphe in Pakistan. The poeple of this village grow and gather their own food. The women make the clothes that the people wear. The villagers make thier own
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games and toys. One day a stranger comes stumbling into their village. He was cold, hungry and sick. The village did all they could to help this stranger. As the stranger got better, he introduced himself as Dr.Greg. When Dr. Greg got better, he tried to help the children with lessons, because their teacher only can come 3 times a week. Dr. Greg wanted to do something for the village that had helped him. Dr. Greg goes to the wisest man of the village and he told the doctor to listen to the wind. Dr. Greg did listen to the wind and decided that the children of the village needed a school. He promised to come back and help build a school for the village. A year later Dr. Greg came back with supplies but had no way to get them to the village. The villagers and the doctor work togther to build a bridge. Once the bridge was built the villager got the supplies to their village. The whole village including the children help build the school. The village celebrate and bless their school, where they can do their studies everyday.

Personal Reaction: I really like the collages in this book. They really stand out. This book is a good book to show students that other countries are different in culture and and other ways. This book is a good multicultural book for younger children.

Classroom extensions: 1. Have children write about differences and similarities among the students in this book and the class themselves. 2. I can use this book to introduce my students to different cultures.
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LibraryThing member bnlmoore
This is a book about the Korphe village in Pakistan. The people in the village make their own clothes and farm and gather their own food. This book is very traditional in the way that woman are the nurturing type who make the food and gather clothes while the men hunt the food. A man comes into the
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village and is very hungry and sick and the people of the village try to help the man. As he gets better throughout the story he is able to introduce himself as Dr. Greg. Dr. Greg goes to the wiseman of the village and he is told to listen to nature and the wind. The wind tells Dr. Greg that they need a school in the village and by the end of the story they build a school. The illustrations in this book are collages that are beautiful. This book is great for cultural diversity.
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