Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children

by Sharon Lovejoy

Paperback, 1999



Local notes

EC Gardening (c.2)




Workman Publishing Company (1999), Edition: 1st, 176 pages


Presents twelve ideas for theme gardens that parents and their children can grow together.


Original language


Physical description

176 p.; 8.13 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member andrealea
This is a lovely book. Aside from all the excellent information and activities for gardening with children, the pages and illustrations are a pleasure to look at. There are a number of sections, each providing detailed instructions for a themed garden and a number of interesting facts and
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activities to go along with it.
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LibraryThing member Hennigar
A great introduction for kids to the world of gardening, this book provides multiple aspects of gardening that can be enjoyed by both adults and kids. Categorized so that the reader can navigate to specific areas of interest, the book discusses many of the possibilities of gardening.

Reading this
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book I often caught myself planning my own garden. I would stop to think, 'that would be perfect on the west half of my garden!' or 'my nieces would love that!'. In particular, the section of the book on sunflowers sparked my interest. I have a small garden (25' x 25') that I dedicate to my nieces and nephews each summer and this book led me to an idea for what to do this year. I am going to plant a few rows of sunflowers around the perimeter of the garden and leave a small opening on one end. As the sunflowers grow, they will encapsulate the garden and the opening can serve as a doorway. The kids can use this area as their hideout and enjoy the sunflowers at the same time! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Because gardening is a large aspect of my life, I plan on bringing my love for gardening into the classroom. A garden takes a lot of dedication and through a class garden I believe my students will learn the importance of cooperation, maintainence and hard work. This book will be within my gardening text set and I will encourage my students to pull ideas from it for our classroom garden. Collaboratively, the students will make a map of the garden they would like to develop and with permission from my principal my students will be able to put their plan into action.
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LibraryThing member AnneDenney
Great ideas for big yards. The book itself has a very attractive design and is a joy to read in the winter, too.
LibraryThing member mrindt
The author presents 12 spirited, easy-to-implement ideas for theme gardens that parents and kids can grow together. Illustrated throughout by the author's own lyrical watercolors, each garden includes a plan, the planting recipe — seeds, seedlings, and growing instructions spelled out
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step-by-step — and activities.
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