This Tree Counts! (These Things Count!)

by Alison Formento

Hardcover, 2010



Local notes

E For




Albert Whitman & Company (2010), 32 pages


Before they begin planting new trees, Mr. Tate tells his students to listen closely as the lone tree behind their school counts out ten ways it serves the needs of different animals.


Grand Canyon Reader Award (Nominee — Nonfiction — 2013)

Original language


Physical description

32 p.; 11.25 x 0.5 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member steuba01
A class goes outside to look at trees. Mr. Tate’s class decided to plan some trees. Before they planted their trees, Mr. Tate said all the trees have a story to tell. All the students stopped to listen with their ears against the tree. They then began to count one through ten about the different
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animals around and on the tree. One is an owl, two spiders, three squirrels, four robins, and five caterpillars. Along with six ants marching, seven crickets, eight flies buzzing, nine ladybugs, and ten earthworms.
Mr. Tate asks what the students heard and Jake responds that the tree counts. They talk about what else is great about trees. Trees make good shade and clean the air. The students learn that trees have names and that trees make different things like houses, pencils, and picnic tables. The students then plant their trees.
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LibraryThing member mtimmzimmerman
This Tree Counts! is a delightful story to incorporate into an elementary classroom. It explains to children the importance of trees and need to protect them. The setting of the story, which is at an elementary school allows students to relate to the characters and the story its self. There are
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great illustrations to accompany the beautiful words of the story. Another great thing about this book is that it can open the opportunity to plant a tree as a class.
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LibraryThing member dangerlibearian
Great book about the importance of trees, maybe a little long. Should read first. Trees talk and tell stories about all the animals and activities that take place in the tree. Also all the great things trees/wood is good for. Trees count because it is a counting book and trees count because they
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are important.
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LibraryThing member CarolyneBegin
This book is about a large oak tree and a class that plants some smaller trees to keep it company. Along the way the class learns about animals that use the tree, the way we use them, and their importance in the environment. The children learn to "listen" to the tree and realize its value.
I think
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this book had some great lessons and a good story but tried to fit too much into one book. The lesson would have been more effective as a counting book OR an environmental book. The counting part shows some fun animals and how they use the tree which is great for small kids but gets confusing when combined with the environmental aspect and poetry. The second part show the importance of trees for the environment (cleaning the air for example) and for us by showing some of the ways that we use them (building materials). It also describes very briefly some different kids of trees that are familiar to children (palm trees, Christmas trees, etc). At the end the class plant some new trees to keep the bigger and older tree company and learn a valuable lesson.
I liked the collage style artwork and the dominance of the color green. I think the images would appeal to children.
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LibraryThing member sweetiegherkin
An elementary school class decides to make friends for the lonely oak tree behind their school by planting more trees. Before they do so, their teacher encourages them to talk and learn about different kinds of trees, what functions trees serve in nature, and what can be made from the wood that
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comes from a cut tree.

This Tree Counts is a title with a double meaning because the students learn about why the tree matters (aka counts) but they also "listen" to the tree and hear a litany of the animals and insects that benefit from the tree in numerical order (one owl, two spiders, etc.). In this way, the book functions as a helpful teaching tool for both science and math curricula. But it also means that the book may have bit off a more than it could chew, and it suffers a little from not having a core base and linear trajectory. Still, it's a fine enough book for young readers, and it kept my 3-year-old nephew engrossed when I read it to him.

The collage-based illustrations appropriately convey the story through their bright and bold colors. They also clearly portray a diverse group of students, which is a plus for parents or teachers looking for books with multiracial characters.
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LibraryThing member gallenor
An enjoyable and educational number book that discusses the importance of trees and conseration. I really enjoyed the artwork of this picture book and liked the lesson taught to children about listening and respecting nature.
LibraryThing member klecoq
The book's title has a double meaning. The tree counts the different living species that call the tree home but it also has an environmental message as well. This book is a perfect book to teach children about the different ways our environment is important to not only humans but other living
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species. It's important to teach our children at a young age that humans are not the only things living on this Earth. This Tree Counts is a perfect way to get children thinking about the Earth and the other creatures living and calling Earth home.
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LibraryThing member e.a.leonard
A very important book, not only do these trees "count" but they count, they are incredibly important! Good example of conservation and helping the environment for young kids, great message
LibraryThing member Lib4282012
This book is so clever right from the very title! I love how the author incorporates the importance of trees with learning to count. What a brilliant idea! The illustrations are really bright and colorful, which also help engage the reader. An excellent book to help children learn how to count.
LibraryThing member ChelseaLawler
This book is so cute. It is a great way to get children to learn to count. Anything that involve animals and nature is usually a sure fire way to get children to pay attention. The illustrations are sweet and they are accurate. I like that they can put their finger on the page and count the items.
LibraryThing member kkrat2
Summary: In this book a tree tells students what it sees. The teacher uses this time to explore why trees are important.
Review: When the student says, "This tree counts" it has two meanings. Along with a focus on counting, this book highlights the importance and wonder of nature. I would read this
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book to a class before going outdoors; then have them create their own 1 to 10 lists of what they find. The pictures in this book reflect what you see outdoors; they reminded me of a pleasurable day outside.
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LibraryThing member azlanshae
This is a great counting book. Their is a school class planting trees with their teacher. Their teacher encourages them to listen to the giant tree's story. The giant tree shares what animals live in his branches. The story starts with one owl and ends with ten earthworms. After listening to the
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tree's counting the class talks about different trees and their uses and then what products they own made from wood.
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LibraryThing member mhilary
This is a great book about counting. It uses all of the creatures of the ecosystem of an oak tree as the things to count. In addtion to counting this book could lead into a much larger discussion about the lives tree sustain.
LibraryThing member ThisIsNotSophie
This clever book uses an ecosystem to teach counting and a sense of environmental stewardship.




½ (13 ratings; 3.8)
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