Wild Baby Animals

by Karen Wallace

Paperback, 2000



Local notes

R Wal




DK Children (2000), 32 pages


Describes some of the differences in the ways various baby animals--including monkeys, rhinos, wolves, seals, and elephants-- behave and grow.


Original language


Physical description

32 p.; 5.87 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member vbarbe1
I liked this book for a couple of reasons. First I liked that the book did just what it is supposed to do. It was a book whose sole purpose is to provide information on baby animals. The writing of the book was done in a way that kept me engaged. When the booked talked about the amount of time that
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the babies fed from their mothers and the different ways the mother animals talked to their babies was very interesting. I found out things that I never knew and I was enlightened. The second thing I liked about the book was the illustrations. The pictures were full-colored and practically took up the whole page. With the pictures being so bold, I was able to see plenty of small details that otherwise I may have missed had the picture been smaller. The picture of the elephant feeding from its mother was so detailed that you could actually see the mouth of the baby elephant open and feeding from its mother. The message of this book is to inform readers about baby animals and their dealings with their parents.
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