Princess Sylvie

by Elsa Beskow

Hardcover, 2016



Local notes

E Bes




Floris Books (2016), 28 pages


Princess Sylvie and her father, the king, go for a walk in the woods one day. Who will they meet there? Then Sylvie's dog Oskar runs off after a long-eared hare, and Sylvie's adventure begins.

Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

28 p.; 9.56 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
Originally published in 1934 as Sessalätts äventyr, and just translated into English for the first time this year (2011), this original fairy-tale from beloved Swedish author/artist Elsa Beskow - whose work has been so influential, in her home country, that the top prize for children's
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illustration in Sweden is named in her honor - follows the tale of Princess Sylvie, who convinces her father the king to go for a walk with her in the woods. Quickly become parted from one another, when Sylvie's dog Oskar takes off in pursuit of a long-eared hare, and she chases after him (while the king remains transfixed by the song of a thrush), they are reunited after the little princess's meeting with a lonely bear, who convinces her to play with him.

Although I wouldn't say that this was one of the stronger Elsa Beskow titles I have encountered - definitely not up to the standards of books like Children of the Forest or The Sun Egg - it is still a sweet little story, one with plenty of fairy-tale elements (the royal family, the walk in the woods, the riding of the bear) and appeal. I liked the "message" implicit in the bear's response to Sylvie's invitation to live with her in the palace, as it emphasizes that wild creatures belong in the wild. Recommended to young fairy-tale lovers, and to fans of Elsa Beskow's artwork, which is, as always, just lovely here!
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