The Pepins and Their Problems

by Polly Horvath

Paperback, 2008



Local notes

PB Hor




Square Fish (2008), Edition: Reprint, 208 pages


The reader is invited to help solve the Pepin family's unusual problems, which include having a cow who creates lemonade rather than milk and having to cope with a competitive neighbor.


Kentucky Bluegrass Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2007)
Children's Favorites Awards (Selection — 2005)

Original language


Physical description

208 p.; 14.22 x 5.26 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member scootemily
k-3 students will love the pepins and the problems they can't seem to get rid of!
LibraryThing member bunnyjadwiga
Oh, this is a wonderful update to the idea of the Peterkin Papers, though the Pepins have no "lady from Philadelphia"-- their neighbor is just as batty as they are. Nice, if a little light. Some people may be annoyed by the device of discussing/arguing with readers supposed telepathic suggestions
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to the author, but others will enjoy it. Still, for fans of Pippi Longstocking and the like, very worth it.
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LibraryThing member mafecastrowu
This book is very funny. Especially for the part of the cow, Nelly making lemonade. jajaj I really like it. You should do a sequel.
LibraryThing member LiLLY.afou5564
This book is about a family (the Pepins) who get lots of problems everyday that have to be solved. This isn't any odarnary family either because they have a cow that makes lemonade and a talking dog & cat( that traveled around the world in a little airplane).I like this book because it's a funny
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and interesting book to read. The family has to come up with ideas together so they can solve the problem. There problems do actually gat solved. Thank's to the Pepins!
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LibraryThing member dms02
ugh truly bad...I couldn't get past chapter two. Just nonsense and not in the good way that I tend to like nonsense. I finally closed the book and declared the characters little idiots...too painful to read further.
LibraryThing member Salsabrarian
Hilarious! Meet Mr. and Mrs. Pepin, their children Petunia and Irving, their dog Roy, their cat Miranda, their cow Nelly and their "very fine neighbor" Mr. Bradshaw, an inventive snack-food maker who helps solve their various problems, like how to get down off the roof or what to do with the dapper
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man who arrives unannounced on their doorstep. The author claims to have psychic antennae with which she can receive the thoughts of her readers who send out suggestions for solving the various problems. ("A reader from Grow, Texas, thinks the Pepins should build an identical house...") Knock-out twists of phrases and the author's chatty repartee with her readers make for a funny read that works for kids and adults.
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