Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King - Book #5)

by Jenny Nimmo

Hardcover, 2006



Local notes

Fic Nim




Orchard Books (2006), 441 pages. $9.95.


When an ancient enchanter is released from the grounds of Bloor's Academy, threatening both of Charlie Bone's parents, the only way Charlie and his friends can defeat him is by finding the red king himself.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

441 p.; 8.14 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Finally - Charlie is able to discover someone he dearly wants to discover (and that's all I will say about that!). How all the wicked things are reversed isn't quite clear to me - that is to say I understand what happened, but not why it worked. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention. Still,
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an enjoyable installment.
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LibraryThing member la_librarian
All the animals have vanished. The shadow in the Red King's portrait has escaped. Strange things are happening all over Bloor's and Charlie and his friends must figure it out quick or Amy (Charlie's Mom) might remarry another!

Book Five in the Children of the Red King was good, especially the last
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few chapters. Nimmo doesn't do a great job of the why's behind the characters but it's an interesting story.
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LibraryThing member buckeyeaholic
The Charlie Bone series will keep those 'when is the next Potter book coming out' jitters at bay. Sorry Ms Nimmo but they just aren't as good. They seem a little more loosly written, not quite as polished. And I can't believe someone hasn't been sued for plagerism. There is a castle that serves as
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a school, evil teachers/students, nasty aunts, talking pictures, a Pettigrew and many other similarities.
Don't get me wrong, they were entertaining. Just missing something.
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LibraryThing member buckeyeaholic
I have to say I did not enjoy this book as much as the others in the series. Was it because I read it rather than listening to the audio? Or was it because it just wasn't as good as the others? I don't know but I was actually glad when it was over. Not an excrutiating read but I just didn't enjoy
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This is the last of the series (so far?). Many things were uncovered here that I saw coming from the first book. Come on...who hadn't figured out who Charlie's father was?
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LibraryThing member TW_Spencer
Harry Potter-files this is not a rip-off. This series holds its own. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah there are similarities, but most fantasy novels have similarities - so just stop. These books have more personality then the Potter books anyway. Where many of the Potter characters are flat and vapid, the
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characters in the Bone books have vitality and are highly colorful. So get off your high horse there is plenty of room on the playing field.
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LibraryThing member drebbles
In the fifth book in Jennie Nimmo's Children of the Red King series, odd things are happening in Charlie Bone's neighborhood. First there is an odd snowstorm and then all the animals disappear. Benjamin Brown, recently returned from Hong Kong, misses his dog Runner Bean and wants Charlie to help
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get the dog back. Charlie agrees, although he's upset that Benjamin's parents are working at Bloor Academy as spies. Charlie also has other problems. His grandmother Maisie has been frozen and he and his Uncle Paton are unable to break the spell. The Flames also warn Charlie that his mother is in danger, but it's impossible for him to watch over her while he's at school. Sure enough, Amy Bone meets the mysterious Hart Noble and begins to change. Charlie begins looking harder than ever for his missing father before his mother forgets him entirely. Charlie is going to need the help of all his friends, including new friend Naren Bloor, to make things right again.

"Charlie Bone and the Hidden King" was an okay book in an okay series. There are some nice fantasy elements such as Charlie's wand still helping him even though it's a moth and Naren's ability to do "shadow writing". The disappearance and reappearance of the animals is well done. Also interesting is how Charlie's power is growing and Manfred's development of a new power. Unfortunately, Nimmo doesn't use her own imagination enough and many elements in the book come across as Harry Potter rip-offs: there are other schools with endowed children (a dinner scene with head teachers from those schools is straight out of "The Goblet of Fire"); a map; the fact that Charlie has a wand; and there is a magic mirror. The book is awkwardly written and shifts from different the viewpoints of different characters instead of just Charlie's viewpoint. Nimmo often explains things in writing instead of showing readers through the actions of the characters. Many of the characters aren't well developed and when a teacher's secret is revealed it doesn't make the impact that it should since the teacher doesn't register as a character before that. The plot line of Benjamin's parents being spies comes to an abrupt and not very plausible end. While there is a major and quite well done twist at the end involving one of the children, the whole ending of the book feels rushed. Since this was supposed to be the last book in the series (there's another on the way), Nimmo wraps up most of the plot lines, but the plot line involving his father should have been much more developed and I found the end to that particular plot line rather flat.

Children will like "Charlie Bone and the Hidden King" and the entire Children of the Red King Series, but adults will want deeper reading.
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LibraryThing member liga1996
this is a very fun book even for girls. when i was reading this i felt like i was in a mystical world trying to find out the mystery. its kind of like hair potter but i say better and shorter.
LibraryThing member msampsel
In the fifth book about Charlie, he and his friends have to find the hidden king in order to make the evil shadow return to his portrait. This is the book where Charlie finally finds his father as well.
LibraryThing member Cheryl_in_CC_NV
Is this series going anywhere? My son highly recommends it, but so far it's doing nothing for me....

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½ (279 ratings; 3.9)
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