Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank

Paperback, 1993



Local notes

PB Fra




Bantam (1993), Edition: Reissue, 283 pages


Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank's remarkable diary has since become a world classic -- a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit. In 1942, with Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, they and another family lived cloistered in the "Secret Annex" of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. In her diary Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. By turns thoughtful, moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.… (more)


Original language


Physical description

304 p.; 4.2 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member -AlyssaE-
i thought that this was a great book. its amazing. its not as powerful as getting to hear a holocaust survivor speak but its powerful. hearing a holocaust survivor speak is so powerful. everything you hear or read about the holocaust is shocking and almost unbelieveable
LibraryThing member ariebonn
One of the most touching books, the diary of Anne Frank gives you a closer look of the suffering that the Jews went through during World War II. When Anne started writing in her diary she didn't think anyone would be interested in reading it years later, but wow that certainly was not the case as
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this books lives on for years after her death and will continue to do so.

As Anne and her family go into hiding in a secret annexe in a warehouse, their life changes tremendously and they all have to learn to live together in the confined spaces of the annexe. As a thirteen year old, when so many changes are taking place, this was not easy for Anne but she never lost hope and kept dreaming that one day she will be a journalist and a writer. Her diary was her friend, the only way she could express her feelings and frustrations during these hard times. As everyone knows Anne Frank died in a concentration camp after they were discovered, and even though you know how it ends her writing keeps you hoping that they make it through. She had visions of the kind of woman she wanted to grow up to be and it is so sad to know that all those hopes and dreams were lost, and for what? The afterword must have been the most powerful part of this book, when it finally dawns what an unfortunate fate this talented girl had.

Everyone should read this book at some point in their lives, even if you're not into WWII writings, everyone should know about the suffering that these crazy times brought for the people irrelevant of the race, religion or nationality.
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LibraryThing member Goldengrove
I recently re-read this, as I'd done a display about Anne and her family in the school Library. Designing the display made me very sad, so I went back to Anne's own words.
As an adult reading the diary, it's amazing how self-aware Anne is; you can see her growing up as she writes, and more than
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that, you can see her noticing her own development. Anne's appeal is perhaps because she was both an ordinary teenager, and at the same time a very unusually clear-eyed individual.
It is, of course, impossible to read the diary without the constant shadow of Anne's future in mind. Although this is tragic, it also highlights the beauty and creativity of her brief life. I am encouraged that so many of the girls at school read the diary, and feel that they know this courageous, curious and exuberant young woman. She certainly achieved her ambition to become a writer, at the same time utterly defeating the Nazi's attempts to silence her.
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LibraryThing member multifaceted
To be brutally honest, I did not like “Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl” that much. Sorry. There are so many books about the Holocaust (yes, the event is a capitalized word—the lowercase word is something different) out there, and this was not the first I read. As a result, perhaps, I
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think there are a lot of books that can, and do, do better than this one to make the events “hit home”.

It found it somewhat uneventful; but of course, my life would be uneventful, too, if I lived in an annex and could barely ever make contact with the world! I can’t blame her for that, of course. Some of the events that did take place involved fights or Anne getting mad at her mother or sister, which I found to be kind of trivial.

Maybe part of the “blahness” is due to editing in order to make the book more acceptable? I notice there is a “newly” translated “definitive” edition out there, which could be different than the version I read.

I also found it extremely girly—I can’t deny that Anne Frank was example of a normal girl in a rather unique situation, so most women can more easily identify, I suppose. And I can’t deny that she was very insightful and smart. I, however, was never really into the whole pouring-my-heart-out-into-a-diary kind of thing, nor much “inspirational” writing. As I mentioned, I had read similar insightful stories about the Holocaust before (and shortly after) this one, so her maturity didn’t jump out at me and seem so profound. I’m sure this also contributes to why I couldn’t identify with/ didn’t like this book so much.

It’s good if you want something “inspirational”, and want to learn a bit about life in the Holocaust without reading about too many of the death facts, politics, whatever (naturally, being a kid in an annex, she was sheltered from much of it). Personally, I like something that has more of a mix of the two ends.
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LibraryThing member Hhaddad1
I absolutely love this book. It allows the readers to see how Anne Frank was feeling throughout her whole journey of going through World War II and The Holocaust. This would be good for fourth grade up until sixth graders. This book would not only teach students about Anne Frank and her family, but
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it also teaches about Word War II AND The Holocaust which is so important for students to learn. It covers multiple subjects.
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LibraryThing member Tahlil77
This is the unabridged version of one of the most famous diaries in human history. Coming with its own slipcase, it's bound in cloth and the book is constructed to look exactly like the original diary that is on display in the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. It's loaded with rare fotos, and has an
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introduction by Elie Wiesel.
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LibraryThing member dariazeoli
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by this girl. One teenager affected by an unspeakable event, denied even today by some. Forced to hide from the eventual reality of concentration camps and death. And she wrote. She wanted to be a writer, and dammit, she was a writer. I cannot
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begin to fathom how it must have felt for Otto Frank to survive the Holocaust and to find that the rest of his family did not. All he had left were the writings of his youngest daughter. And he shared them with us. He could have curled up into a ball and let tragedy consume him, but he didn’t. He let his daughter live past her life.

When I was younger, I found Anne Frank very relateable. She worried about boys, about her relationship with her mother, complained about the adults she was forced to share close quarters with. For two years, having to worry that she, and those hiding with her, would be found and shot. And still, she had photographs of celebrities pasted on her walls; a bit of normalcy in a very unnormal world.

I remember in high school, being asked in one class or another about heroes. I said that Anne Frank was mine. A classmate of mine scoffed, and ridiculed me for picking a teenaged girl as a role model. The teacher defended me as I tried to justify my choice.

I am older (and maybe wiser) than I was then, but I wouldn’t ever disavow that choice. A young girl put into a horrible position and choosing not to let it silence her is someone to admire. A story about how our words live on long after we do? I can’t see anything wrong with respecting that.

It’s because of the story of Anne Frank, that I, as well as many others I’m sure, became aware of the horror of what happened during World War II. If relating to a young Jewish girl, seeing a piece of yourself in her, isn’t at least part of the point, what is? We all have a common thread. Hate and fear and killing others because of that hate and fear? There’s no excuse.

I still read about the Holocaust to this day. I watch movies. It is beyond my comprehension that it happened, that it was allowed to happen. That humanity can treat itself that way. I have a horrible fascination with the topic, as if someday, logic will be found in its existence.

I know that day will never come. But I am glad that the stories of those who suffered through it survive.
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LibraryThing member meggyweg
The thing that gets me about Anne's diary is how ordinary she is. Anne Frank was a perfectly normal teenage girl, with your standard sibling rivalry issues, boy issues, parent issues, sex issues, discovering-self issues, etc. I don't see that she was a very special person; nor do I find in her
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diary any evidence of great intelligence or literary talent.

Anne Frank wanted to become a famous writer when she grew up. And now she has become a famous writer. She has fame beyond most people's wildest dreams. She is a household word around the world. She and her diary are frequently studied in school. But only because of the manner of her death. Anne was an ordinary teenager and the only noteworthy thing that ever happened to her is that she got caught up in the Holocaust and murdered.

I wonder if she would have thought her fame was worth that price.
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LibraryThing member Polo.Pony
Everybody should read "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Yong Girl." Anne is Jewish during the time of the holocaust. Her family has to go into hiding and she writes about her experiences and thoughts in her diary that she received for her birthday. One of the things that makes this such an amazing story
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is that it is true and really was written by Anne.
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LibraryThing member sooziebeaker
Whether you're young or old this is a must read. A bittersweet tale of a family struggling to live in the 20th Century's darkest hour.
LibraryThing member Nurture_Your_BOOKS
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
By Anne Frank

Anne's diary, nicknamed "kitty", was so very essential to her during the time that they were in hiding from the Nazi's during the war. She confided in it and told it many of her youthful and hope-filled dreams & secrets.
Anne was a strong-willed and
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opinionated girl and was constantly at odds with her mother. Her father Otto was her favourite and she always ran to him when something went wrong because of her somewhat fiery nature and unique ways of saying and doing things.
The diary is so moving that there are many times when your heart almost breaks for the little girl that never lived past her young teen years.

I recommend this book!!
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LibraryThing member jcuttitta
I liked this book because it shed a realistic light on the holocaust. Most people know about the holocaust, but having it told from the perspective of a teenage girl makes the events more relatable to someone who did not go through this. Reading about how she liked Peter made the book relatable and
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showed how she was just an average teenager. I also liked this book because it was a first person telling of what actually happened during the Holocaust. So many Americans have no idea what it could have possibly been like and this story shows the reader from the perspective of Anne Frank which I throughly enjoyed. The big idea of this story was perseverance.
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LibraryThing member EdselC.B1
I think that anne frank is a really good book i though it had a story and im surpried that just i little girl can make the best book. I think people should read it beacuse it talks about a girl when she is hidding from the germans.She talks about what happens every day for example she talks about
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her house getting robed becuse germany is getting poor.Or when she needs to be cilent in the day time. Also this book is great this book people need to read it beacuse it is amazoning its alsome. She also talks about her sister and her mom and dad anne franks is inteligent she nows how to rite. Also anne tells use when it was the day of her birthday that she got chocloate for her birthday from her dad.These are some things that i like about anne frank.

The story starts when she has to mave to amsterdam beacuse the germans dont like the jews even thought anne frank is a german citicens they still hated the jews. When they moved anne mad lots of friends but one day the germans took over of poland and the frank family had to hid. So anne dad otto had a great plane he had a factory that had a back part to it and the only way to get their is to pass a book self.So anne frank and her family and some friends stayed their for over two years.but one day the germans found out were they were hiding .An that is how the story ends beacuse anne never came back to rite on her diary beacuse she died and this is how the story ends.
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LibraryThing member Patrick-Shea14
Anne Frank was a jewish kid living in Amsterdam, Holland during Nazi reign in Europe. Her and her family went into hiding in a local businesses attic. While living in the attic for almost two years, Anne Frank wrote a dairy sharing her experiences during Nazi occupied Europe and shares her wisdom
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in life though she is rather young but always humble in a way where her readers have a really strong connection to. This dairy is a another must read that not only kids, teenagers, but for everyone to understand what life of a Jewish immigrant in Europe had to go through.
This is a historic Realism
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LibraryThing member abrozi1
One of the most memorable books I have ever read is The Diary of Anne Frank. This book was about a young Jewish girl coming of age during WWII, Germany. Her diary is an iconic piece of history that will forever be known. I cannot specify one part that is better than the other. I truly believe that
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every person should read this book. It describes the horrors of war intertwined with the everyday issues of a teenage girl.
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LibraryThing member jordyngingeryan
This is the Diary that Anne Frank wrote while she was hiding from German Soldiers. It's important that students read a first hand experience of what someone was going through and feeling in this time. It will help them to better understand what it was like, especially reading it from someone who
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was around their own age. Learning about the Holocaust can be very sad and confusing so I would have my older students read this book and learn the subject.
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LibraryThing member mlcraft
Very litte illustrations beside the actual real pictures that depict Frank. This an excellent story of her diary that portrays incidents and struggles in her life.
LibraryThing member ajohns75
I absolutely love this book. It allows the readers to see how Anne Frank was feeling throughout her whole journey of going through World War II and The Holocaust. This would be good for fourth grade up until sixth graders, but any readers of a younger age should be approved by an adult to read this
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text. This book not only teaches students about Anne Frank and her family, but it also teaches about Word War II and The Holocaust, an extremely tragic time in history that should be taught to students for generations to come in order to avoid history repeating itself. One of my favorite aspects of this diary were the photos included in parts of the text, allowing readers to visualize the annex and significant points in Anne's life.
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LibraryThing member trinibaby9
This is eye opening and a heart wrenching experience. It is an excellent description of what the persecuted went through outside of the concentration camps. I think people forget the horrible situations of those who were not yet found or put into the camps. It is unbelieveable not only to think of
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an individual living in circumstances such as these yet alone two families.
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LibraryThing member ShakelaWilliams
I remember reading Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl as a young adult, and I was moved by her story. I enjoy this book for many reasons. First, this book tackles The Holocaust in an age-appropriate way, without sugarcoating the topic. The reader sees the true effects of the Holocaust through the
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eyes of a young girl that is around the same age as them. Not only does it expose the reader to the true events of the Holocaust, but also it forces them to see a different perspective of life for someone their age in a different time period. When Frank states, “I can’t tell you how oppressive it is never to be able to go outdoors, also I’m very afraid that we shall be discovered and be shot.” The constant state of fear Anne Frank describes is really poignant and comes through transparently in the text. Also, the use of dates also helps the reader understand the time period and the relation to major events. The reader has the ability to see the date and compare it to major occurrences during the Holocaust. This helps them to develop a clearer understanding of historical events, while analyzing how traumatic this experience was for the Jews. The main purpose for this autobiography is to really get the reader to understand Anne Frank’s perspective of The Holocaust, and how the Jews really felt during this time period.
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LibraryThing member corzel1
In middle school I read this book and saw the film. I found Anne’s story to be beautiful, informative and touching. Any reader would be instantly immersed in Anne Frank’s story. The author places the reader in Anne’s shoes almost immediately. Reading this story you feel and experience
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everything that Anne does. Reading Anne Frank’s journey through the Holocaust and WWII allow me to not only learn about history, but also feel as if I got a little touch of what some people experienced. This story would be good for a reader in fourth grade or above. Although, this text does touch on hard topics so either a parent or teacher should approve it. The author used very descriptive language throughout the entire book. Many times, I felt as if I was hiding in the room with Anne and the others. The author portrays the idea of being in hiding in a very realistic way because Anne lived through it all. The reader may recognize the hardships that fell upon individuals that followed the Jewish religion during the Holocaust and WWII. This book not only teaches students about Anne Frank and her family, but it also provides information on Word War II and the Holocaust. This historical story could also strike any readers interest and make them want to read more biographical stories about the Holocaust or WWII. My favorite parts about this story are the pictures. I feel that’s what makes the reader connect with the story and Anne Frank. What I really found interesting were the photos placed strategically throughout the story. These photos allowed the reader to get a visual of what Anne experienced.
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LibraryThing member rpanek
This is the personal diary of Anne Frank during her and her family’s hiding during the Nazi occupation in the Netherlands. This diary is written during a two year period. This book covers the themes of World War II, hunger, isolation, fear, inhumanity, family, distrust, and
courage. Students will
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find this book captivating.
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LibraryThing member sealford
As a person of Jewish/German descent, I have heard the stories of the Holocaust from people that experience it first hand. Though I will agree with anyone that says that this story is very heartbreaking, I am thankful that it was able to be published and become as popular as it has. Hopefully, this
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sort of thing will never happen again, but I always keep in mind that history does repeat itself. This is right along the lines of "1984," as far as fearing a tyrannical government goes.
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LibraryThing member SusGob711
As a fan of memoirs this was certainly one of my favorite reads. Frank truly portrays a realistic view of life in hiding. I will definately keep this book around to enjoy in the future.
LibraryThing member harleyqgrayson02
I read this book when I was a teenager in middle school. I didn't really understand it but now since I am grown and I know the story. I love the book it was good.




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