Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust

by Milton Meltzer

Paperback, 1991



Local notes

940.53 Mel




HarperCollins (1991), Edition: Edition Unstated, 176 pages


A recounting drawn from historic source material of the many individual acts of heroism performed by righteous gentiles who sought to thwart the extermination of the Jews during the Holocaust.


Sydney Taylor Book Award (Winner — 1988)
Utah Beehive Book Award (Nominee — Informational Books — 1992)
Jane Addams Children's Book Award (Honor Book — 1989)


Original language


Physical description

176 p.; 6 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member STBA
Detailing an often neglected side of the Holocaust, this study examines the courage and human decency of ordinary people who risked their lives to rescue Jews from Nazi extermination.
LibraryThing member ccoakley
Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust is an interesting look at how some Gentiles went against the reign of Hitler and saved the lives of thousands of Jews during the Nazi takeover of Europe during World War II. This book is broken into chapters which detail the stories of
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different Gentiles and how they made an impact in saving Jewish lives; the book includes stories of individuals who made a difference, communities, and even entire countries that took a stance against Hitler's extremist and anti-Semitic practices. I found this book interesting, but felt that it jumped around a bit from topic to topic; within certain chapters the author would introduce people, and then not always finish their story or why they were important. However, I do think this book provides a good look at how some individuals did try to make a difference in the horiffic events that were occurring throughout Europe at the time. This book would be a good addition for students to read who are particularly interested in the Holocaust, or if students are studying the relationships between Jews and Gentiles. I would recommend this book to student in 6-12 grade.
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