The Burning Bridge (The Ranger's Apprentice, Book 2)

by John Flanagan

Paperback, 2007



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PB Fla




Puffin Books (2007), Edition: Reprint, 304 pages


Chasing the Skandian slave-traders who kidnapped Will and Evanlyn, Ranger Halt and warrior student Horace find themselves in the frozen northern islands, where they battle a ruthless black-clad knight as they attempt to rescue their friends.


Soaring Eagle Book Award (Nominee — 2009)
CBCA Book of the Year (Notable Book — Younger Readers — 2006)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

304 p.; 5.06 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member bell7
Will continues to study as a Ranger's Apprentice while Halt, the king, and others prepare for a coming war with Morgorath. Another Ranger, Gilan, asks that Will and a Battleschool apprentice, Horace, help make up a group of ambassadors to another country. Halt agrees, knowing that this will be a
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test of Will's skills and, perhaps, a way of increasing the boy's confidence. But he has no idea what it will take for both boys to come back alive.

I was so-so about the first book in the series, but I really enjoyed this one. It was the first book read on my new e-reader, and I thought it worked well in that format though it had a few rough patches where I had to figure out some mis-spaced words. It's an incredibly fast read, with a constantly building pace. My only real complaint this time was that I felt the ending was a bit rushed. I was, however, left with a strong desire to read the next one, and I've already put the e-book on hold.
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LibraryThing member SheReads
In the sequel to The Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan and the second book in the Ranger's Apprentice series, Will and Horace join Gilan in a mission to warn Celtica of the impending war. Things are not as they should be in Celtica and the group must split up. Gilan rides ahead to warn the
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King's army while Will and Horace follow with a girl who is not who she appears to be. Will, Horace and the girl encounter a group of wargals causing them to change their plans. With action at every turn Flanagan entices the reader to turn the page. This book will make the readers of this series want more. Readers will want to read The Ruins of Gorlan prior to The Burning Bridge. Readers will also want to make sure they have the third installment in The Ranger’s Apprentice series, The Icebound Land on hand after finishing The Burning Bridge.
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LibraryThing member Nikkles
Burning Bridge has the same great characters and action as the first book. However, the story is a little scattered. Rather then having one over arching story line for the book, there was the main story, an unrelated not really needed but fun substory, and the set up for the next book. All these
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parts were good by themselves, the book just didn't seem that unified. Once again the writing is great. The characters are interesting and learn from their mistakes. The series is clearly still going strong. A very enjoyable book.
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LibraryThing member chayden
Have you've been looking for a book to read for hours and not get bored? You found it!It's about a boy on a quest to stall the Morgoraths army.Ranger's appre ntice is a great book to keep asking yourself...are they going to get caught
LibraryThing member nm.fall07.D.wright
this book is about a small boy who was chosen to become a ranger. He is trained to kill at a young age. He has to ride to other feifs and speek to other kings to prepare for battle.
LibraryThing member litlb00k
Even more action-packed than the first and with some new, intriguing characters, this is an excellent follow up in the series. The ending left me breathessly waiting for the next title.
LibraryThing member Caspettee
A great follow up to [The Ruins of Gorlan] where young Will is sent to Celtica as a messenger envoy and gain some valuable training along the way from fellow ranger Gilan. Of course everything goes pear shaped and young Will has to stop the evil lord Morgorath for destroying the realm.

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character are developing well and in a believable way. Also their reactions to situations are in proportion to their knowledge and skills. I was glad to get to see more of Gilan in this book and Horace and Will are blossoming into wonderful characters. I really enjoyed this book and my only disappointment is I finished before getting my hands on the next book in the series!
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LibraryThing member Anduril85
This is another good book in the rangers apprentice series once again fallowing the exploits of Will and his friends, you are thrust into danger and battle right along side them in this book you really feel strong emotions for all the characters, the pages just really seemed to pull me in it leaves
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off on a really big cliffhanger which is good for suspense but bad for me, all and all a very good book.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
This sequel to The Ruins of Gorlan continues the adventures of Will and his friends and what happens when they go on a mission to talk to a neighbouring country and find instead an army intent on invasion.

It's pretty predictable but fun.
LibraryThing member TigerLMS
After settling into his role as Ranger's Apprentice and experiencing his first battle (both in the first book), Will goes on a seemingly innocuous journey with his childhood friend and battle school student Horace as well as one of the youngest rangers in the kingdom. They journey to Celtica to
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deliver a simple message, but discover the kingdom is empty... and an army is prepared to invade Araluen. Halt, the legendary ranger to whom Will is apprenticed, makes a seperate journey with a young woman Will is developing a crush on, and the two travelling parties both must fight to keep the Kingdom safe. Like the first book, part two is fast-paced and interesting, and the characters grow as the series evolves. While there is a definite end to this book, there is also a definite hook into the third. I'm highly recommending this to anyone who also likes fantasy or adventure, and I highly recommend you check out several volumes of this series at one time as you won't want to stop reading when you're finished with one!
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LibraryThing member xicanti
While on a special mission for the King, Will and his friend Horace uncover a plot that could doom the country.

Despite a somewhat slower start, this was every bit as good as the first volume. The characters continue to grow as they face new challenges and learn new things about themselves.
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Flanagan's pacing is excellent. Something's always going on; it's easy to lose yourself in the story. The reader feels the need to go just one chapter further... then maybe one more after that... and oh, it couldn't hurt to read just one more, surely? Once I'd passed the first hundred pages or so, I read it in a single sitting. It was engaging, readable, and a whole lot of fun.

On the downside: there was one subplot that didn't add much to the story, though it did contribute to the character development. The style is still very much that of children's lit, too, so some adults may feel that this series just isn't for them. These are very minor complaints, though. The book is great. I highly recommend it, but urge you to read The Ruins of Gorlan first. Make sure you have The Icebound Land on hand, too; this one ends on a cliffhanger, and you'll want to charge straight into the next volume.
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LibraryThing member knielsen83
Another great adventure with some new characters and a cliffhanger ending.
LibraryThing member cranbrook
Now apprentice ranger Will and his friend Horace, a Battleschool apprentice, plunge into a desperate situation. While traveling on the frontier as their kingdom prepares for war, they discover a nearly completed bridge that will make possible a devastating sneak attack by the enemy. With the help
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of a young woman in disguise, they attempt to thwart the enemy's plans.
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LibraryThing member ewyatt
I wanted to find out what happened to Will, Horace, and Halt next. Wouldn't you know this one has a cliff hanger ending, and left me waiting for the third book to come out.
As the kindgom prepares for war, Will and Horace are sent along with Gilan on a mission to the next kingdom. When there they
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find villages abandoned and discover Morgarath's secret plans for attacking the kingdom. Gilan rides ahead to share news of the attacks, while Will and Horace along with Evanlyn try to thwart the efforts of the two-pronged sneak attack. There's lots of action in this read and the battle scenes kept me turning the pages.
But now I'm wondering what will happen next?
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LibraryThing member ctmsrywi
The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan is an interesting book that has twists and turns. The Burning Bridge is the second book in the Rangers Apprentice series. It is a very good and leaves you wanting to read the next book.
Will and Halt were on patrol and came across Morgrath’s battle plans. These
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plans would help King Duncan in the war dramatically, but Will and Horace meet Evalyn and make a discovery that changes the battle completely.
The Rangers Apprentice is a great series. I enjoyed the way this book had little turns that have a big affect. Anyone looking for a series should give it a try.

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LibraryThing member emhromp2
Extremely addictive and just as good as part one.
LibraryThing member axeloskog
I think this book is very exiting and I like the characters in the book. :)
LibraryThing member pbamy
With new characters and new antagonists in this story readers will continue to be captivated and even motivated to pick up book 3. Flanagan includes lots of detail which helps transport the reader to a different place and a different time. Recommended.
LibraryThing member TylerF.
This is the new book in the series "The Ranger's Apprentice." This is the second book in that series. This novel is about Will's part in the oncoming war. On his way to the rendevous point, Will, Horace, and King Duncan's daughter discover a bridge built by the Wargal army. They then attempt to
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burn it down, but are then captured by Skandians.
I like this boo mainly because of the action that goes on in this book. I really liked how Will, Horace, and King Duncan's daughter burned down the bridge. This book is much better than the first one, and is only the second in this long series.
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LibraryThing member 00Williamhatto
The Ranger's Apprentice, Book 2: The Burning Bridge is the second book in the Ranger's Apperentice series. Gilan, Will and Horace go on a quest to Celtica, one of Fifty fiefs in the Kingdom. A man by the name of Morgarath was threatining the kingdom and Celtica had not sent troops to help fight
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him. Halt is left in Redmount as his temper gets even worse, he insulted the lord of Redmount publicly and he threw a man in a moat. The leader of Redmount sent him on a mission to excort a corrior. Will and the others find out that Celtica has been under attack by Morgarath. Gilan went to tell Redmount, leaving Will, Horace and a girl named Evanlyn that they found. Following an army with prisoners, they found a bridge being constructed over "unpassable" cliffs. Will and Evanlyn burned the bridge down, but could not pass it in time and were captured. Horace rode to Redmount and helped in an attack against Morgarath. He personaly killed Morgarath. Halt searched and found Will and Evanlyn, but the rescue failed.
Like the one before it, this was a good book and a good re-read. This book had all of the good things about the first book and it had a little drama. I don't think that there was anything bad about this book. This book suprises you like the first one. Every once and a while, things take an unexpected turn. This book doesn't get dull very often if at all. This book depends on the first one. If you have not read the Ruins of Gloran, you may not know who people are or what they have to do with anything. If you want to read this book you need to read the first one or get a good summary.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in The Ranger's Apprentice series by Flanagan, there are twelve books planned for this series with a spin-off series planned after that. Book 9, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja just came out in April. This book was a good addition to the series; there is a lot more adventure than in
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the first book.

Will is sent on a mission with Galen and Horace to go talk to the Celts but when they get there something is terrible wrong. Towns are abandoned and people are missing. The local nobles are not cooperating and Halt is sent to deal with them. The possible war with Mogarath is drawing near.

There is a lot more adventure and excitement in this book than was in the previous book, The Ruins of Gorlan. Will and Horace are forced to show resourcefulness and take on more and more responsibility in hopes of preventing or at least delaying a war with Mogarath. A new and interesting character joins the plot, Evanlyn. Evanlyn is a noblewoman in disguise and is just as smart and resourceful as the boys she ends up traveling with.

I love that despite the serious scenarios in this book, there is a lot of humor laced throughout. Halt is just as dry as ever, with a very sarcastic sense of humor. Evanlyn also has a biting sense of humor. This makes the book more fun to read and probably depicts human nature in an more accurate way...I love that the story doesn't take itself too seriously.

The plot is well done, but again this book feels like only part of a larger book. The book ends on a horrible cliffhanger; that left me kind of irritated. I hate it when authors feel the need to drag the reader into the next book rather than just write a good story so that the reader picks up the next book in the series willingly. So be prepared, if you read this book you will immediately want to read the third.

The worldbuilding is fantastic. Flanagan has created a detailed world that is interesting to read about and very realistic. It is not the most creative world, most readers have probably read about worlds like this before...but it is still well done.

Overall this is a very solid fantasy series. I really enjoy the characters and the sense of humor throughout the book. This book had more adventure than the first, which was nice. I did not enjoy the horrible cliffhanger this book ends with. If you enjoy this series I would also recommend The Last Apprentice by Joseph Delaney and Fablehaven by Brandon Mull.
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LibraryThing member ctmsthmo
This book and this series is probably one of my favorite and best books/serious I have ever read. In addition, these books are so amazing that they make reading fun for me to just read and not have a care in the world. This serious is so amazing I wish it never end.
The Ranger's Apprentice is an
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amazing fantasy book and is action pack and medieval times to what makes it more interesting I see because it is cooler and more action pack moments. A perfect part that shows it at the end I do not want to give anything away but it is amazing for action pack and war theme too.
The author John Flanagan is a amazing righter. Everything is clear he keeps you wanting more and has great details of almost everything happen in the story. He also wrights what is happen clearly or what happen or someone’s background well and its just the best thing know the characters if you ask me. He also does a great job continuing the story.
This book is a great book and I surges you should read this book if you like fantasy, medieval theme, and if you like adventure.
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LibraryThing member Justin.jhar5268
Will is at it again, this time he discovers the armies of morgarath is building a bridge across a chasm to plot a surprise attack. Will, Horace, and Alyss plan to burn it down. Will camps out in the woods with his friends and watch the wargals. Will makes the preparations and goes to burn it down.
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Things don't go as planned and they get trapped on the wrong side of the chasm. The wargals catch them and they give them to the skandians. the Skandians take them to skandia where they have to survive extreme cold.

I think it's a great book and that John Flannagan is a great writer. When i was done with this book i wanted to read the whole series all at once to find out what happens.I think John Flannagan is the best writer i've seen. He uses great character description and good dialogue.
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LibraryThing member terrence.mckimmie
The famous duo Will and Halt reterns. Will is still Halt's apprentice but he is now doing a suicide misson. After facing a dangorus enemy that can freeze you in fear and stop your heart in seconds, they go on the offensive and attack the leader. At the start of the book, the duo gets attacked on
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the road. Succesfully picking off the ambushers, Will and Halt finds out who is really behind the attacks, Morgarath. Later, the duo finds the plans for the next attack. Now its a race to see if Will and Halt can get to the king before the invasion does.....

When I saw this cover I was blown away. The first book was epic. The series is really nice. I have all of the 10 books and read the first 3. The only people I would recomend this to are readers that have alot of time.This is a very high action series. I love the series.
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LibraryThing member ctmsnocr
The book " The Burning Bridge " by John Flanagan is about Will preparing for a final clash with the evil warlord Morgarath. The Rangers gather the kingdom’s allies, with his friend Horace.

However the mission takes has a problem. The Celticans disappeared, and their town was found abandoned. Will
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who fast fast thinking found a way to bring his army over the impassible eastern mountains and is planning to ambush the king’s army.

I thought this was a great book with full of adventure and suspence. I highly recondmend this serries for any reader looking for good books.
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