Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

by J. K. Rowling

Paperback, 2018



Local notes

PB Row (c.1)




Arthur A. Levine Books (2018), Edition: Reissue, 688 pages


Sixth-year Hogwarts student Harry Potter gains valuable insights into the boy Voldemort once was, even as his own world is transformed by maturing friendships, schoolwork assistance from an unexpected source, and devastating losses.



Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

688 p.; 5.25 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member mhazel
This summer I was delighted to become an avid Harry Potter fan. After seeing the latest movie, I went home and immediately started reading (although some may disapprove of the order I read). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth of the seven book series written by J.K. Rowling. A
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series of fictional books, J.K. Rowling writes of young wizards attending one of the best wizarding schools in the world, Hogwarts. The main character, Harry Potter, comes back for his sixth year, after having dealt with many near death situations with Lord Voldemort, his enemy and most powerful wizard of all time, to whom wants to kill him. Voldemort is getting stronger every passing day, and Harry finds himself more and more involved with dangerous situation, dragging his two faithful friends Hermione and Ron along with him, and understanding more about Voldemort with the help of Headmaster Dumbledore.
Having never read any of the Harry Potter books, it was very interesting to switch perspectives and read about magic, where as I’m usually in the mind set of modern day or historical events. One thing I picked up on that J.K. Rowling does, some might not even recognize it, but she doesn’t re-write a past discussion or situation when a character is discussing it with another. Knowing that the reader just read it, she’ll say something like, “After Harry described what happened…” This stuck out to me because I feel like most authors would try to re-write the whole situation while in the readers head their thinking, “I’ve just read this”, although it may vary for people. As I mentioned before, I read the books out of order. After seeing the movie in the theater, I came home and immediately started reading the sixth, then continued with the seventh and then jumped down to the third, fourth, and fifth (I’ve already read numbers one and two). It was extremely interesting to read about the things not put into the movies also. It’s funny because I would always hear people saying, “They missed so much from the books!” If you think the movies are good, picture the books being twice as delicious. I wouldn’t change one technique or style that she uses while writing the book, it’s perfect.
J.K. Rowling does an amazing job describing her characters and the actions or emotions to which they perform. I started to depict and imagine different people in my head from the movie, or even how the scene would unfold. It also astounded me and actually took me a long time to grasp that J.K. Rowling, all by herself, was able to create such a strong and excellent series of books. Never in my wildest dreams would I be able to write such a complex series, having to know what was going to happen in the last book while writing the first.
Although fiction books have slowly been drifting of my reading radar for quite some time now, I truly enjoyed reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was my first book of the series, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a book you can’t put down. Each page unfolds something new, something you never would have guessed. It’s a thrilling novel, and I don’t doubt myself at all when I say I’ll read them a second and third time.
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LibraryThing member magemanda
This novel is a breathless ride, from the first couple of sequences involving the Muggle Prime Minister and then Snape performing a mysterious Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy to the heartbreaking funeral of one of my favourite characters.

It seems as though Rowling has achieved once again the
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tight plotting and exciting storyline that she managed in the Prisoner of Azkaban - this sixth book in the series is by far the best since that highlight.

Here we explore a great deal of Voldemort's back story through the use of memories that Dumbledore has collected from various people who had dealings with the Dark Lord. I loved delving into the why of Voldemort and how he became the pale and snakelike creature he now is from starting out as Tom Riddle.

As well as this, Rowling introduces the idea of Horcruxes - unlike some of the other items she has introduced into previous books just to fulfil some specific use, the Horcrux is much more than this and pulls together the plotlines that have gone before (e.g. the diary of the second novel). I enjoyed how Harry had to pursue Professor Slughorn in order to gain the final memory that would reveal Voldemort's plans.

Slughorn was an interesting addition to the cast of characters - a genial and rather shallow man, weak and somewhat cowardly. His arrival allowed Snape to finally take on the role of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and pushed Harry into taking Potions and thereby discovering the textbook that was once owned by the Half-Blood Prince of the title.

I adored the fact that Hermione was deeply jealous of Harry's newfound ability in Potions. I also liked the way that Harry used the notations of the Prince in his textbook - although this lead to one rather nasty and gruesome moment.

In fact, this book is heavy on the nasty events. It is emphasised how much the wizarding world has changed and grown more distrustful. Some pupils are no longer allowed to attend Hogwarts; each day Hermione scans the Daily Prophet to see who has died; and there are gory moments in the plot (such as when Draco and Harry face off against each other).

There are many moments that make this book one of the best in the series. For instance, I deeply appreciated the beautiful touch of Dumbledore saying, at the start of the book, that Harry would be safe because he was with Dumbledore - and then at the end of the book, Dumbledore says that he knows he will be alright because he is with Harry. It is a very poignant moment and reveals the deep feelings of love and respect that Dumbledore has for Harry.

I enjoyed finding out why Tonks' appearance and Patronus had changed, and I rejoiced when Harry and Ginny finally came together. Another paragraph that had me close to tears was when Harry realised that Luna and Neville were the only two members of the DA who had responded to Hermione's summons - very moving and honest.

Once again, the gloom of the book is disappated somewhat by some comedy moments - these included the Apparation lessons and test, and Ron's whole relationship with Lavender (pure comedy gold at times - Won Won!)

This book is excellent - thrilling and emotional in equal measure. And I defy anyone not to feel a tremendous sense of loss when they realise that the seventh book will not include Hogwarts, by now a character in its own right. I look forward immensely to the climax of the Harry Potter series.
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LibraryThing member xicanti
This is my favourite of the Harry Potter books. There's so much going on here, though admittedly most of it is rather quiet. There are few action sequences, but the little details more than make up for it.

We get tons and tons of new information here, and a few more pieces of the puzzle click into
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place. I found the sequences dealing with Voldemort's rise to power particularly interesting. It was also really nice to see the trio growing up: learning to apparate, coming of age, hooking up with people... all that jazz.

And there's some truly heartwrenching stuff in here, too. Harry's really forced to let go of his childhood; it's a painful process, but I also feel like it really opened up the possibilities for the last book. I can't wait.

Utterly fantastic stuff. I absolutely recommend this series and urge you to try them out. Read them in order, though; they're puzzle books, and the pieces won't come together nearly as nicely out of order.
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LibraryThing member Raven
There is a part of this novel that I have never read. When Harry and Dumbledore are on the lake, and Dumbledore drinks the liquid in the cup - I mean, I have tried. But I can't do it, and have reconciled myself to always skipping three or four pages at that point, and when the film came out, I
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stuck my fingers in my ears and screwed my eyes shut and waited for someone to tell me it was safe to come out. (And then, I was just fine with the army of undead corpses that follows. Go figure.)

So, Harry's in his sixth year, and for the first time ever, he's not plotting anything. He's got a minor neurotic fixation on Malfoy, Ron and Hermione are bickering constantly, the newest Hogwarts teacher is called Horace Slughorn and he eats a lot of pineapple. Snape is finally teaching Defence Against The Dark Arts. All is, if not well, at least better than it has been for some years; consequently, Rowling takes the opportunity to do something a little more teenage. And very teenage they all are, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Lavender, Hermione and... well, you'll see. There is a truly delightful interlude involving Ron, a love potion and Harry getting punched in the nose. The previous book was lacking the same sense of teenage boarding school hijinks - they're back with a vengeance in this one, and it's a delight. Harry, also, has grown up palpably, and he's a pleasure of a narrator, likeable, sweet and ever-more competent.

There is, of course, a plot. Dumbledore is recounting to Harry, through means of a Pensieve, the story of Voldemort's early years, and this, too, is well done. The sequence of stories builds until, suddenly, things begin to tie together at the end, getting darker and darker until at last we're at that scene on the lake, and what happens after. I was shocked the first time; on the re-reading, it's not as viscerally affecting, but the impact of it remains.

So, although it's mostly a long prelude to Deathly Hallows, it's a good book. It's technically polished and engaging, and after Order of the Phoenix, it made me love Harry again.
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LibraryThing member drebbles
In this book, one of the best books in the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling begins to tie together events in the previous books, as well as building the groundwork for the final book in the series. She's a master storyteller and readers will marvel at how seemingly innocuous scenes and characters
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in the earlier books prove to be meaningful after all.

One of the best things about this series is how the characters mature through the course of the books. Harry has thankfully matured since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and is far less angry and far more thoughtful. Romance is in the air now that Harry, Ron, and Hermione are older, but romance isn't just for the young as we get glimpses of the enduring love between Arthur and Molly Weasley, the engagement of Fleur and bill, and another romance between the adults that put a smile on my face. But there are different types of love, and this book, even more than the others, shows how important the friendship and love between Harry and his friends (and teachers) is, and will, I suspect, play an even bigger part in the last book.

In between romantic interludes, there is, of course, school lessons, but outside of Potions lessons and Harry's private lessons with Dumbledore, the book doesn't focus much on them. Even Hermione seems a bit more relaxed about schoolwork. Quidditch too, while still important to Ron and Harry, seems to be less consuming to them as it once was.

I'm puzzled as to why critics continue to refer to these as children's books as the series ceased to be just for children several books ago. Younger, children, in fact, may have a hard time dealing with certain events in this book.

This continues to be an outstanding series. Rowling answers many questions in this book, yet creates even more questions that leave the reader hungry for the next book.
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LibraryThing member SamuelW
Reading a Harry Potter book in a short length of time has become something of a badge of honour these days – announcing that you managed to read Order of the Phoenix in just one day seems to earn a person immense respect. On July 16th, 2005, therefore, I retreated to my bedroom with Half-Blood
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Prince and finished it in less than forty hours. Two days later, I could remember a few key facts about the plot, but that was it. The book had simply drained out of my short-term memory. From this experience, I learned my lesson forever about reading books too fast.

Second time around, I took my time, reading Half-Blood Prince over the course of six days – and the experience was well worth it. Having time to digest the book means that readers take in more of the wonderful world of Hogwarts, more of the complex mysteries, more of the wonderful witches and wizards and the interactions between them. Just what is it that makes a Harry Potter book so magical? Is it the depth of the story, the intrigue it provides, or is it the huge amount of direct speech between the characters we know so well and love (or hate!) so much?

Some people will criticise the Harry Potter books, saying the writing is nothing good enough to deserve the popularity it has somehow earned – but these are the people who have forgotten how to read a book for enjoyment, rather than to analyse and critique. At the end of the day, like all other Harry Potter books, Half-Blood Prince is a great book simply because it is so enjoyable.

Rowling has obviously been reading her own fan-fiction extensively – she has finally caved into the millions of readers screaming for Ron and Hermione to move towards a relationship. They are not the only pair to become romantically attached, however. Hormones are running high at Hogwarts in this latest installment, and the ever-present world of kisses and break-ups becomes almost like an extra plot-line. While some may not like it, it adds another degree of realism and intrigue, and will certainly please many readers!

Half-Blood Prince is an obvious must-read for Potter fans – but I would urge everyone who reads it to take their time with it, and allow themselves to take in all the magic of the novel. People who just ‘skim-read’ won’t enjoy themselves nearly half as much as I did.
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LibraryThing member sparrowreview
In the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series, a new year at Hogwarts begins, along with a new teacher, old pals, and (relatively) new love interests. Harry learns more of Voldemort's past, and the key to his defeat.

Before I start blabbering endlessly, I'll get this out: J.K. Rowling has
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such a talent for storytelling. She nails it nine times out of ten, and has created a perfect balance between fantasy and reality that (I'm sure) many writers would kill for. In the Half-Blood Prince, I also felt a different sense of balance. Although there was tension and sadness, there was also laughter (There were several moments I had to set the book down because I was cracking up)and sheer excitement. The story didn't falter, and I enjoyed every chapter of it.

J.K. can also write one good, long sentence. That's the best kind, in my opinion.

The only thing I wish of the Harry Potter books is that I could read them again for the first time. There's something about trying to fit all the pieces together, laughing aloud, and mourning the loss of characters you love that can't be experienced quite the same way again. I feel like I've grown up with these books, and there are so many good memories attached to them. Despite the series being finished, I will always be glad to reread a Potter book. And watch the movies too. :)
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LibraryThing member porch_reader
Wow! I've been reading the last few books in this series slowly, to make them last longer. But after finishing this 6th book in the series, I think that I'm going to go straight to #7. What an exciting ending!

As always, Rowling tells a good story. It starts out a little slowly, as we learn what's
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been happening in the battle against Lord Voldemort during Harry's summer break from Hogwarts. But once he gets back to school, the action picks up. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are now among the oldest students at school. They are clearly into their teenage years, and crushes and mood swings abound.

Threads from the previous books in the series come together as Dumbledore and Harry attempt to unravel Dumbledore's secrets. The book ends with a sad, shocking event (no spoilers) that seems to age Harry and strengthen his resolve. But there is no sense of resolution. That's why I'm glad that I have book 7 waiting for me on the shelf!
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LibraryThing member JinxyJo
If you loved the first five books, then you will love this. Things start to take a darker turn at Hogwarts with the return of the Dark Lord. In this tale, not everything is as it seems as Dumbledore sets Harry up to defeat Voldemort. A lot of questions are left unanswered at the end of this book
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and leaves fans minds reeling with possibilities. Who can be trusted?
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LibraryThing member MidnightTears
I have to admit that I did not like the first three books to this series. They were too immature for me. However, after book three, Rowling gradually matured the story to mirror Harry's age, which has added to the story in such a subtle and postive way.

In this book, Harry stumbles upon a potions
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book littered with notes from the previous owner, who until the end is kept a mystery. Hermonie, of course, thinks Harry should turn it in, while Ron believes it's the best discovery ever. The notes help Harry quickly attain the top spot in class, which is also helped by the fact they now have a new potion teacher.

The book, however, also contatins spells that the previous owner created while in school. Unfortunatley, there are no notes on just exactly what the spells do. Harry quickly finds out that, although funny, the spells are quite nice.With the exception of one, that Draco recieves, to the horror of Harry.

Not all centers around the book. Albus has now decided he needs to take a more proactive stance in Harry education, and sets aside specific time each week to instruct Harry. With the hopes, of course, that this will help Harry defeat Voldemort at some point in the future.

All in all, due to the size of the book, I feel I can't do great justice with a review. This book is by far the most well written. The development of the story line just lovely, and I can't wait to see where the story ends in the next one.
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LibraryThing member lycomayflower
A re-read in preparation for the release of movie six this summer. Goblet of Fire and this one rival each other for my favorite of the HP books--Half-Blood Prince has just the right combination of fun Hogwarts-antics, revelation of backstory, and action. I'm also a big fan of the way Rowling starts
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this one, with two "prologue-y" chapters before we get to Harry. The first, about the "other minister," I think is pretty genius. I also like the way Rowling shows us that the characters are growing up (she does a much better job here than in Order of the Phoenix of depicting teenager-ness) and (and I know many people would disagree with me on this point), I find the developing romances between Ron and Hermione and (especially) between Harry and Ginny to be quite touching.
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LibraryThing member savita360
The war against Voldemort is not going well; even Muggle governments are noticing. Hermione scans the obituary pages of the Daily Prophet, looking for familiar names. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time, and the Order of the Phoenix has already suffered losses.
And yet...
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As in all wars, life goes on. Sixth-year students learn to Apparate -- and lose a few eyebrows in the process. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fight and fall in love. Classes are never straightforward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince.
So it's the home front that takes center stage in the multilayered sixth installment of the story of Harry Potter. Here at Hogwarts, Harry will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort -- and thereby find what may be his only vulnerability.
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LibraryThing member beckykolacki
In some ways, HBP can be considered a prequel to the ultimate ending of the series in Deathly Hallows. That’s not to say that it isn’t a great book in its own right, though. DH was my favorite, but this is a close second. It really sets the stage for what’s going to happen later on. Learning
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the back story of Voldemort is fascinating, and so many puzzle pieces are laid out for the next book, which makes it great when they all finally come together.
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LibraryThing member AnnaOok
The weakest of the series so far. There is a good bit, but it started around page 500.

Also, dear author, if you really want to go with the whole "power of love" thing (despite having clearly noticed that it is hackneyed and tacky), do not then proceed to use the intense desire for bloody revenge as
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a demonstration that (a) love is indeed powerful and (b) the doubting person possesses it. Bloody revenge =/= Love.

Rowling's sense of language, as demonstrated by spell names, hasn't improved from the previous books. I find it really painful. (This might have to do with having Modern Latin[1] as a native language, and knowing a fair amount of Ancient Latin.)

That said, the book is an easy read, like the previous ones, and I will at some point read the last book too -- despite having being warned that most of it takes place in a tent :)

[1] a.k.a. Italian.
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LibraryThing member TigerLMS
I predict this series is going to be a big hit.
LibraryThing member Waiter22
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth book in J.K. Rowling’s series. Most students have returned to Hogwarts but some parents refused to send their children back because of the rise of the dark Lord. Everything seems to be going horribly when Harry returns back to school: some of
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his friends’ parents blame him for Voldemort’s return, Dumbledore seems to be avoiding him, and he desperately misses his Godfather. Harry’s Potions class is the only thing looking up for him this year. Harry found an old Potions book, previously owned by The Half-Blood Prince, which is giving him notes on how to make the best potions in the class. He also has found several spells. Harry knows something is going on with Draco this year and believes he has become a death eater and is working for the dark Lord. The only problem is he has to prove it to because no one believes him. When he tries one out on Draco Malfloy, Harry realizes the Half-Blood Prince may be using dark magic.
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LibraryThing member wartywillinicky
In this book, Professor Slughorn comes to Hogwarts, and Harry starts taking private lessons with Dumbledore. Harry gets invited into the "Slug Club", an exclusive club of the elite, at least in Slughorn's eyes. At the end of the book, Harry and Dumbledore retrieve a Horcrux, something that has part
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of someone's soul inside it, and Dumbledore dies.

Another dark story. But probably the best one yet. This book definitely leaves you wanting more. Not the most detailed book, but if they added all the details, it would be much longer than it already is.
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LibraryThing member pgreenley
This is perhaps my favorite in the HP series. It's distinctly more adult and complex, and also full of humor despite the fact that Harry learns the disturbing truth of his and Voldemort's future. The growing relationship between Harry and Dumbledore, the development of romance among Harry and his
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friends, and the mystery of the Half Blood Prince make this book captivating and rewarding.
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LibraryThing member Liviania
The Boy Who Lived returns to Hogwarts for the sixth year. Voldemort's return is public knowledge, but he gathered power while the Ministry of Magic denied Dumbledore and Harry's claims. The book opens with Severus Snape making a cryptic promise to Narcissa Malfoy, in a scene that sets the novel's
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dark tone.

Rowling has magic in her pen. Her prose may not always flow and some plot twists might be obvious, but few books are as fun to read as the Harry Potter series. Her Hogwarts imposes itself on the reader's imagination - children across the world hope for an invitation on their eleventh birthdays. I devoured this and her other six books because she catches your attention and holds it.

Despite this, I feel Rowling became less descriptive in this entry. Some parts seem rushed and it damages her fantastic world-building. It also ensures that Harry seems blander. Most fans hate OoTP Harry. I, on the other hand, think it is his best incarnation. He's temperamental, impulsive, hormonal, and often quite stupid. Rarely does an author write a teenager that perfectly. With this less emotional Harry, more emotional remove exist between the reader and his grief and crushes.

But while I feel remove from his crush, Rowling develops one relationship I hoped for in many of the previous books. She also, FINALLY, grants Draco Malfoy some character development. Long a fan favorite and a key figure in many of the best fanfictions, the Malfoy of the books left something to be desired. Namely, a third-dimension. DH does not focus on Malfoy, but it does continue this development with some wonderfully done scenes involving the entire family.

In the end, the flaws of HBP don't matter. It's the sixth book of the most popular series ever. The Harry Potter books may not be perfect, but they are something special.
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LibraryThing member laurab_53
Sad and wonderful.
LibraryThing member yearningtoread
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling (book 6)
Pages: 652
Release Date: January 1st, 2005
Date Read: 2011, November 29th - December 6th
Received: Own
Rating: 5/5 stars
Recommended to: 15+

This summary contains spoilers to the previous books! If you have not read Harry Potter books 1-4 I
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suggest you do not read the Summary. The actual review holds no spoilers.

Harry Potter is very unsure of what to expect from his 6th year at Hogwarts. There is a new Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, and after what happened at the Ministry of Magic, Harry's story of Voldemort's return is finally looked upon as true. He's even being called "The Chosen One". Plus, there's a new Professor to take over Umbridge's job, Defense of the Dark Arts. But even with all this, he can't help but wonder what's wrong with Draco Malfoy, who has been acting extra suspicious, even for Draco. With the help of his friends Ron and Hermione, private lessons with Professor Dumbledore himself, and the amazing Potions notes he found in his used Advanced Potions book, Harry must discover the truth behind Malfoy's behavior before the worst comes to pass.

Ok, so, I knew about that big thing at the end (sucks, huh?) and also who did it (extra lame, I know), but GEEZ! I was still soooo engrossed. And sad. So, so sad. :(

I have no different thoughts/feelings/emotions toward toward this book than the last one - they're just heightened and about to freaking burst inside of me! I mean, how is this so amazing?! My mind is befuddled by this amazing accomplishment that is Harry Potter - and I am full of love for this extraordinary cast and - how am I going to survive?!

Ok, I'm done being dramatic. Moving on.

Fred Weasley, I am madly in love with you and forever will be. I would like to be your wife. Please say you'll marry me and take me away to your joke shop, where we will have many red-headed pranking children and live happily ever after forever and always.

Besides my undying passion for a particular Weasley twin (and yes I know about him already...), I must add a few new observations. You know how in my review for the previous book I mentioned how Harry is always a bit more revealed in each book? Well this time around I noticed how respectful he is. To friends, to teachers - to Dumbledore. The way he treats everyone as he would treat himself...how he talks to Dumbledore and how he's "Dumbledore's man through and through" - that almost brought tears to my eyes. I really really love Harry.

Ron and Hermione continue to grow as well, and still stay geniusly consistent. I love the development of mutual feelings between them!!

However, I can't forget Ginny, the new part of my Top 3 Favorite Harry Potter Characters since book 5. WOW, that girl - she's amazing. Tough, but sweet. Totally kind, but will stand up for herself. Dang. She blows me away.

The story progresses very intensely in book 6. So much that you get that feeling of "It's going to end...really soon."

This book is quite a bit spookier than the others - the inferi totally had me gaping with their intense creepiness. The climax was, as usually, quite incredible, with amazing reveals (totally was not expecting the Half-Blood Prince to be that person!) and a bittersweet ending that'll leave you dying for book 7.

I really loved the way Malfoy's character shift affected the story. That, too, was something I had not expected and it exposed Malfoy in a very interesting way.

The relationship between Harry and Dumbledore really affected the story in the greatest of ways. I love how they bonded - even when Harry didn't know a lot about Dumbledore.

So - now I'm dying to know the rest of this fantastic story and how it all plays out! To say I'm hooked would be the biggest understatement of the history of the world!! Glued, stuck, plastered, never-to-be-parted-from - those don't even say enough! I'm in love!

What an excellent 6th book!! (I think I say that with every book... It's true, though!) Deathly Hallows - come to Mama! ;)

Lots of kissing (aka snogging) and spooky dark magic. 15+
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LibraryThing member edspicer
It's not the most substantial, moving installment in the series, but it bridged the gap between Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows beautifully. Ths character growth was so believable. Although I knew Dumbledore was going to die (thanks to the internet) it came as such a shock when Snape did
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it. It becomes even more shocking when you find out his intentions in Deathly Hallows (the next book in the series.)
4Q, 5P; Cover Art: Awesome!
This book is best suited for middleschoolers on up.
It was selected due to an interest in the series.
Grade (of reviewer): 9th
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LibraryThing member 391
Book 6 really expands Rowling's world - her writing here is more crafty, more intriguing and a little more mysterious and truely, truely heartbreaking at the end. We have moved past the angst of book five and into the adult world, filled with difficult choices and trying paths. I think this is one
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of Rowling's most masterful.
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LibraryThing member jessilouwho22
Even though I already knew what was going to happen, no thanks to a friend who spoiled it for me, that didn't stop the tears from flowing as I read the end of this book. J.K. Rowling continued to take the series down a deeper and much darker road with this book. This particular book seems to focus
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quite a bit on emotions--fear, love, hatred, grief. As a reader, this book was the most gripping out of all of them. Within the first chapter or two, I was already ready to start throwing punches left and right. And that amount of emotion was there throughout the entire book--especially the ending. Now, I know that these are works of fiction, but for Harry Potter fanatics, the death of someone who has become very real to us and who is a favorite character of many, the ending was as painful as can be. I definitely have to give props to Rowling for her control over her readers' emotions in this book. We've reached very frightening times in Harry's world...I can only imagine what the next book is going to bring...
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LibraryThing member truncoxx
The series is brought to a new, more serious and adult-like level. As new deaths, horrors and facts are discovered. I was shocked by the ending but that is precisely what I love about the series. Once again, a must read! Rowling shows how she can top herself with each consecutive book. Simply
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