Heidi (Illustrated Junior Library)

by Johanna Spyri

Other authorsWilliam Shrap (Illustrator), Helen Dole (Translator)
Paperback, 1981



Call number

PB Spy

Call number

PB Spy

Local notes

PB Spy




Grosset & Dunlap (1981), 326 pages


A Swiss orphan is heartbroken when she must leave her beloved grandfather and their happy home in the mountains to go to school and to care for an invalid girl in the city.


Original language


User reviews

LibraryThing member mirrani
Heidi is a book for those who want to become lost in another world. The story is full of happy endings and finding joy in frustrations and sorrows, but it is meant to be a very feel good kind of thing. This is a world where good mountain air cures everything, including the inability to walk. This
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is also exactly the way the story should be. Heidi is a classic for a very good reason and all children should experience it at least once in their lifetime.

For me, the most memorable thing about the story, aside from all of the good that is done for others, are the pictures my mind was able to paint when reading the words. Heidi has always been a very visual experience for me, even when reading a copy that doesn't have illustrations, as my copy does. This is the kind of thing you can easily and honestly put before your mind and come up with a crisp, clear image that makes you want to stay in that place forever. I don't reread it often enough.
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