Under The Baseball Moon

by John Ritter

Hardcover, 2006





Philomel Books (2006), 224 pages


Andy and Glory, two fifteen-year-olds from Ocean Beach, California, pursue their respective dreams of becoming a famous musician and a professional softball player.


Original language


Physical description

224 p.; 8.5 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
When Andy Ramos was in grade school his parents were friends with a woman whose daughter was a little loco. Unfortunately, whenever crazy little Glory had a meltdown Andy was the one they got to calm her down, earning both of them embarassing reputations. When the mother and daughter left, Andy
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re-invented himself. Taking the trumpet lessons he took from his grandfather and melding music and talent Andy became the skateboarding trumpter "painting" the scenes around him with his own blend of musical instrumentation.

The summer that Andy and his band are ready to "break out" who comes back but Glory. However, the Glory that has returned is not the crazy little girl Andy knew, she's now a driven softball player obsessed with becoming a leading pitcher on a national team. As fate would have it Andy and Glory learn to play off each other, inspiring and driving their respective abilities to new heights. But, is this effect a mystical connection or are they being manipulated by another force?

Under the Baseball Moon has got to be one of the most unusual stories I've read in a while. The content involving a trumpet player and softball player, the music, the language and storytelling are all unusual and inspired. Although the Crossroads references are something I'm familiar with, not much else was. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and think it would be a great recommendation for kids pre-teen and up.
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LibraryThing member mtlkch
Didn't finish it - I couldn't relate to any of the characters. It's more about music than baseball or softball.
LibraryThing member indygo88
Andy, the son of two small-time local musicians, plays the trumpet in a 3-man jazz/Latin/blues/reggae band. He dreams of making it to the big time. Glory, who Andy knew as a child but didn't especially care for, moved away when she was younger, but is now back in town. She plays softball and also
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dreams of making it big. When the two cross paths again, there's not just a romantic attraction, but also a special music & sports bond.

This is a young adult novel, and I was initially attracted to it because of the title & yes, the cover art. It's currently the beginning of baseball season & I felt this was a good book to pick up to help get me in the mood. I admit, the book description & plot seem a bit unconventional -- the combination of sports & music, but the author makes it work. While this probably would be best suited for a young adult audience, I enjoyed it. It's nothing really deep, but it's unique, and a good choice if you want a feel-good book.
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