Anne of Avonlea (Anne of Green Gables, Book 2)

by L. M. Montgomery

Paperback, 1984





Laurel Leaf (1984), 276 pages


In this sequel to "Anne of Green Gables," teenage Anne Shirley becomes a schoolteacher in a small village on Prince Edward Island.


Original language


Original publication date

1996 (Nouvelle édition française, Presses de la Cité)

Physical description

276 p.; 6.87 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
Anne of Avonlea is the second in the series, and sees Anne now teaching in the old Avonlea school. Because of Matthew's death, Anne has given up her dream of college in order to stay at Green Gables and help Marilla, whose eyesight is failing. As may be expected, Anne starts her teaching career
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with a great many pretty theories — several of which are proven wrong in funny ways. Anne is sixteen in this story, so the childish high jinks are left to six-year-old Davy Keith, whom Marilla adopts along with his docile twin sister Dora after their mother's death.

This is the book in which we first meet Miss Lavendar, and I'm not sure why but I never really liked her very much. Even now I can't really analyze it. I never really cared for Paul either; despite Montgomery's assurances otherwise, he always came across as something of a wimp. Charlotta the Fourth is priceless, however, and not just for her voluminous bows and funny speeches. The parts when she is in her room trying to imitate Anne are so poignant. In some ways she reminds me of a character from a very different book, Sam Gamgee of The Lord of the Rings. Both are lower-class servants who dearly love the ones they serve and have a vague, inarticulate yearning for beauty. I suppose the comparison breaks down if you take it any further, but I'm reading The Lord of the Rings at the moment and noticed that similarity.

L. M. Montgomery was a minister's wife; I wonder if she wrote the character of Mrs. Allan as herself — or perhaps who she wanted to be? I haven't delved into Montgomery's history, but from the little I do know, it seems her life was not particularly easy either. We only get hints of Mrs. Allan's worries... gossip that she dressed too prettily for a minister's wife, a "little grave" in the churchyard, another child's illness, her youth and bloom worn away, and eventually the call to Charlottetown, a bigger church with perhaps higher expectations. I wonder.

Again, Montgomery does a wonderful job with her characters — especially Anne, who remains a consistent, believable character although she is now verging on adulthood. The dialogue is excellent, the anecdotes and village gossip hilarious, and the serious parts sincere. This installment is another of my favorites in the series, and a worthy sequel.
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LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
I couldn't possibly tell you how many times I have read and reread L.M. Montgomery's eight-book "Anne" series over the years, from the classic Anne of Green Gables, in which our red-headed heroine finds a home at the eponymous Green Gables farm of Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, to the much-loved
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Rilla of Ingleside, which follows the story of Anne's youngest daughter during the first world war. Suffice it to say, it's been a fair few times, and every reading, I am happy to report, has strengthened my love for Montgomery's characters, and my appreciation of her work.

Originally published in 1909, the year after Anne of Green Gables, this second installment of the series follows Anne through her two years as Avonlea school-teacher, and although I wouldn't say I was blind to its faults (it has a few), it has always been a favorite. There is something so delightful about Anne of Avonlea - a restful quality to it that allows me to sink into the reading experience as I would into a soft feather-bed. Perhaps because its heroine is now an established member of the Avonlea community - no longer the orphaned outsider struggling to find a place to belong - but still young enough to get into scrapes, it seems to function as a transition piece, between Anne-the-child and Anne-the-young-woman, and has all the wistful appeal that such transitions always hold for me.

Yes, Davy and Dora Keith - the twin siblings that Marilla and Anne adopt - are a little annoying, and the dreamy Paul Irving can be somewhat precious, but the ups and downs of Anne's first teaching experience, the entertaining efforts of the Avonlea Village Improvement Society (A.V.I.S.) founded by Anne and her friends, the romantic tale of Miss Lavender and her long-lost beau, and Anne's own hilarious misadventures (my favorite was probably her accidental sale of Mr. Harrison's cow!), all combine to make this an immensely engaging read! I'm so happy to own a lovely vintage copy of this jewel, complete with the George Gibbs image on the cover, as Anne of Avonlea truly belongs on my "treasures" shelf!
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LibraryThing member DeltaQueen50
In Anne of Avonlea we follow Anne Shirley through the two years she spends teaching school and ends with her about to embark upon her university years. Anne’s sphere is a little wider in this book, instead of concentrating on her home, Anne is now both the teacher of Avonlea’s young, and a
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member of the community, taking part in many activities and events.

Anne is growing up and showing signs of the mature, thoughtful woman she is to become, but, there are flashes of the old Anne where her impulsiveness and her fiery temper lead her into some terrific scrapes. Anne and Marilla open Green Gables to a pair of orphaned twins, she meets some new “kindred” spirits to spend time with along with her much loved best friend Diana and other friends. Gilbert and Anne are enjoying their new found friendship and are growing closer as time passes.

This is a delightful read encompassing the passing seasons of this peaceful rural community and although I freely admit to being biased, I highly recommend the Anne books as great comfort reads.
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LibraryThing member feistylibrary
A great read. Sequels can be difficult, especially if the first book is so good. This sequel doesn't disappoint. It continues the story of Anne, Marilla, and Gilbert while introducing the twins Davy and Dora. If you liked the Anne movies, be prepared because this book is very different in some
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respects. This is where the books and movies really begin to split apart.
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LibraryThing member rainbowdarling
Anne of Avonlea is a delightful continuation of the story of Anne Shirley, who many readers can claim captured them in Anne of Green Gables. The Anne depicted in Anne of Avonlea seems to have a kind of disconnect from the one depicted in the first novel, making this second a difficult one to get
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into at first, but the scenes and adventures that once-orphan Anne Shirley finds herself in once again make up for the difference in her character. This is a classic novel and one that I would recommend to everyone regardless of age.
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LibraryThing member Mialro
Kind of a charming story, and Anne isn't too bad, but the main reason I read these is for the lovely imagery and descriptions, idealized setting, and romantic imagination of the author.
LibraryThing member ScribbleKey
I loved every minute of this book. It is a great follow-up to the classic first book.
LibraryThing member ThorneStaff
Anne has graduated from Queen's Academy and taken the Avonlea school, while Gilbert works at the White Sands school a few miles away. Here she meets a cast of new characters, some of them younger siblings of her school friends, some (like Paul Irving, an instant kindred spirit) newcomers to the
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At home in Green Gables, some changes have occurred. Matthew is gone, but Mrs. Rachel Lynde has moved in after her husband passed quietly away. Moreover, Marilla has taken on two more orphans, Dora and Davy, children of a distant cousin.

Anne and Marilla soon realize that Anne's mishaps and adventures were tame compared to the scrapes Davy gets himself into on a daily basis, but through it all, they can't help but love his impish ways.

Other adventures color this sequel, including the "young people's" village improvement society, some matchmaking and merrymaking, and old friendships continued and deepened.

Those who might have been slightly put off my Anne's chatter in "Anne of Green Gables" may better relate to Anne now. She has matured some, and although her imagination is active as ever, she is not quite so talkative. Overall, another great book, one I tend to read every year or so.
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LibraryThing member amybear
Wonderful sequel to Anne of Green Gables, but the new child character Davy is intolerable. I've made peace with him by viewing him as a sociopath and a statement on the patriarchy.
LibraryThing member KimMR

I came to this second installment in the Anne of Green Gables series with no clear memory of having read it as a child, although I'm fairly sure that I did. This means that I lack the strong emotional attachment to the book and to the series as a whole which I know is felt by many readers.

When I
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recently listened to the audiobook of Anne of Green Gables for the first time since my childhood, I felt engaged by the characters and by the setting. I especially responded to Marilla as she came to recognise her love for Anne and developed her ability to express that love. However, I felt less engaged by the characters in this book. In my view, there's not enough of Marilla and the teenage Anne of this book is less interesting a character than the child Anne of the first book. She still has a wonderful imagination, a poetic attachment to the landscape in which she lives and she still gets into scrapes, but Anne appears to undergo very little development until the last paragraphs of the novel. In addition, the other main child characters are not particularly satisfying: Paul seems too good to be true, Davy is irritating and Dora is rather overlooked and neglected.

Another weakness of the novel is that whereas Anne of Green Gables had Anne's character and her development as its narrative focus, this novel seems to be much more a series of episodes strung together without a real theme. That said, one element that emerges is that of communication in relationships between women and men and the danger to happiness caused by unresolved misunderstandings. This, of course, is also a theme of the first novel, with Anne's long-standing refusal to forgive Gilbert Blythe and Marilla's tale of having rejected Gilbert's father.

A particular disappointment for me was the narration by Laurel Merlington. Her reading is very clear, but her voice lacks warmth and softness. My unhappiness with Merlington's narration was probably increased because of my very positive reaction to Kate Burton's reading of Anne of Green Gables. As I listened, I kept feeling that I would be enjoying the book more if I were reading it. I usually count the voice of the narrator as a positive feature of the audiobook format, but not this time.

Overall, I can appreciate how much more I would have liked the book had it been a childhood favourite. It would have had all the familiarity and comfort of visiting old and much-loved friends. This felt a bit like visiting acquaintances after a very long interval and not being totally sure the visit was a good idea.

I don't want to give the impression that my less than totally favourable reaction to this book means that I don't want to read the the rest of the series. I've become attached enough to Avonlea and its inhabitants to want to know what happens next. If I choose an audiobook next time, I'll make sure it's narrated by a kindred spirit with a warm and pleasant voice.

For me, this was a 3-1/2 star read.
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LibraryThing member 1morechapter
What a wonderful book! I enjoyed Anne of Green Gables, but I absolutely adored Anne of Avonlea. Now a schoolteacher, Anne is much admired by her students. I loved the sweet descriptions of Anne’s pupils. I enjoyed meeting the new cast of characters as well: Mr. Harrison and his parrot, Miss
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Lavender and her lovely stone house, the twins Davy and Dora, and the motherless Paul Irving. I anxiously await Anne of the Island.

I listened to the CD read by Barbara Caruso. What an excellent narrator. I wouldn’t hesitate at all to listen to one of her audiobooks again.

Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps. . . perhaps. . .love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.

Then the veil dropped again; but the Anne who walked up the dark lane was not quite the same Anne who had driven gaily down it the evening before. The page of girlhood had been turned, as by an unseen finger, and the page of womanhood was before her with all its charm and mystery, its pain and gladness.
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LibraryThing member thatotter
Uggh, Davy and Dora suck. Especially Davy.
LibraryThing member 8H.blueknight
In the second book of the series, the character Anne was no longer a young girl, instead she has become a young woman in her sixteen’s. Anne started a career as a teacher for Avonlea, her town. She also founded the Avonlea Village Improvement Society (A.V.I.S). Marilla’s eyes were getting
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worse, so she had to quit college and help adopt the twins, Davy and Dora Keith.

I think Davy Keith was mischievous in the beginning of the story. On page 108, Davy told a falsehood to Anne and Marilla that Dora fell into the bottom of the well. After she found out that he trapped Dora inside Mr. Harrison’s barn with Ginger, the parrot who swears, Davy was punished by being sent to bed without supper. This shows that Davy is like the typical little brother.

In many stories and in reality, the typical little brother is most likely to be naughty, mischievous and always up to something bad. The story of Peter Pan is one example. In Peter Pan, the Wonder Boys were quite mischievous; they acted very playful and laughed at Wendy, the girl from London. Later in the story, (Anne of Avonlea) Anne brought up Davy, with the help of some imagination. His character changed from bad to good; he was no longer mischievous or guilty of breaking the plates. He has become a good-natured eight-year old boy.

I recommend this book to people who have finished reading Anne of Green Gables, because they could understand the story more clearly. I rate this book 4/5 stars, it is not as excellent as the first one, but it is still interesting to read.
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LibraryThing member heffalump1234
Ahh Anne! Anne of Avonlea is one of my favorites of all time. And yes, I can honestly say that I like it even better than Green Gables. By the time you get to the second novel, Anne is growing out of her bratty stage and growing up. And there's Gilbert! The early relationship between Anne and
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Gilbert is wonderfully typical of the boy and girl next door, with all of the teasing and tension! I love it! I seriously think Gilbert was one of my first crushes!!!
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LibraryThing member savageknight
Reading this book was like meeting up with an old friend to share what's been happening since you last saw each other.

Anne spends 2 years teaching school and we get to see how she grows and changes (along with all the changes around her) without ever truly losing her innocence or positive aspect.
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Love, Romance, and the sense of wonder continues to spin about her as she sets her sights on the future which leads into the third volume.

A relaxing and enjoyable visit to Avonlea.
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LibraryThing member libraian
This is the second book in the 'Anne' series, and takes our heroine, at half-past sixteen, from the end of the first book through about a year and a half of growing up, when her imagination helps her see the beautiful, and the funny, sides of life, whether things are going well, or she's getting
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into one of her scrapes (though she doesn't have quite so many of them as she used to).

This is a more gentle book, as Anne's temper mellows and her friendships deepen. The young people of Avonlea form an Improvement Society, and prevail against the amusement of older heads so well that the Society grows considerably. There is the addition of six year old twins - who struck a chord with me, although mischievous Davy is more like my one year old than my six year old. And there is more than a hint of romance in the air as Anne meets new friends who renew old courtships , and her old friends start to grow up and begin new courtships.

Montgomery's evocations are as poetical as ever, bedecking her beloved Island in misty, pastel hues. I may not be quite one of Anne's 'kindred spirits', but my imagination hasn't been fully quenched, and I do love being taken back to a place that reminds me of my childhood. Enchantingly written, as always.
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LibraryThing member loverofbooks79
Anne Shirley is back and getting older. But still the same old Anne with her stories and getting into trouble. Marilla takes in two new orphans a boy and a girl. The girl to good but for the boy he is like Anne a bit likes to get into trouble.Gilbert's feelings for Anne are growing.
LibraryThing member checkadawson
The sequel to Anne of Green Gables. A continuation of one of the classic young adult stories. Just as good as the first volume.
LibraryThing member ilovecookies
Anne is growing up but still has a knack for getting into mischief!
LibraryThing member neverlistless
I do have to say that I enjoyed this one more than Green Gables. Anne is now a school teacher in Avonlea and growing into a young lady. Her school friends are scattered across maritime Canada and are beginning to marry. Cute book.
LibraryThing member Magadri
The second in the Green Gables series. Not as good as the first, but still great. Loved it.
LibraryThing member apartmentcarpet
Nothing could ever be as good as the first book of the series - Anne of Green Gables. But still, further adventures of all the favorite characters is very comforting and familiar. Anne is too grown up now for the kind of delightful scrapes in the first book, but a host of new young characters make
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plenty of trouble, and Anne still manages to come up with a few good ones, such as getting herself stuck half-way through an outbuilding roof.
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LibraryThing member momma2keira
I read these in middle school. I loved the series, though I never finished it. Something I look forward to reading with my daughter... maybe we can get through the entire series.
LibraryThing member Othemts
I read (listened) to this Anne of Green Gables sequel for the first time. It picks up where the first book left off. Anne is still getting into scrapes but all bearing a lot of responsibility for a 16-17 year old. Not only is she teacher at the local school but she's helping Marilla raise two more
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orphan kids, Davy and Dora. Davy with his willful mischievousness kind of takes over as chief troublemaker with Anne cheerfully trying to reign him in. There's also a new neighbor Mr Harrison both curmudgeonly and scandalous and always entertaining. This book seems more episodic than the previous one, but I'm still looking forward to reading more. I'm a kindred spirit.
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LibraryThing member MrsLee
I read this many years ago. I only remember now that I loved the first three books in the series, I intend to read them again someday.

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